Florida Clubwoman GFWC Florida April 2015 From the President As we come to the close of the first year of my administration, many may think that their term as an officer, a chairman or a committee chairman or member is now half over…the glass is half empty; that is totally not so! We have only just begun! The groundwork has been laid, all our plans are in place, and we are now venturing full speed ahead. What an exciting adventure we are about to begin in the second year of this administration. You have participated in the GFWC six departments, the advanced departments, supported GFWC's signature project, Domestic Violence, participated in the GFWC sponsored contests and you are truly “Living the Volunteer Spirit.” You, the members, have embraced my president’s project, Canine Companions for Independence, with such enthusiasm and commitment that it is simply astonishing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Be proud of all that you’ve accomplished in just this first year and build on those accomplishments in Volume 93, Issue 4 Inside this issue: GFWC FLORIDA FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CLUBS 1895 – 2015 Exec. Board Articles 2 - 5 CSP articles 6 - 9 Director of Junior Clubs 9 District 1 News 10 - 15 District 2 News 15 - 17 District 3 News 18 - 19 Junior Club News 20 - 23 CELEBRATES 120 YEARS OF “LIVING THE VOLUNTEER SPIRIT” AT THE GFWC FLORIDA SPRING CONVENTION MAY 15 – 17, 2015 Rosen Plaza Hotel Orlando, Florida the new one. This is our year! Leaders not only have an eye on the horizon, they can see just beyond it. One of the marks of leadership is the ability to look beyond the immediate to a better, brighter tomorrow and to anticipate with great expectation what will happen next. In Federation Service, “Living the Volunteer Spirit” Carole Weaver vicar1127@aol.com From the President-Elect As many clubs wind down their club year, it’s time to think about future leadership. As you prepare to “turn over the reins” of the management of your organization, and in particular, your district, we need to take a look at the process. 3. Be a member in good standing of the woman’s club proposing her; 4. Have served as president of a per capita dues paying GFWC Florida club; 5. Submit in writing her consent to serve if elected.” Paragraph F states: “A nominee for the office of junior district director shall: 1. Be a member of a club in the district in which she is to serve; Although elections will not occur until the Annual District Meetings in November 2015, nominations for this prestigious position will begin soon. Since clubs do not hold general meetings during the summer, it’s important to consider handling the endorsement of your candidate while your club is still in session. Any club in good standing may nominate someone for district director or junior district director. Your district elections committees will be communicating with you soon regarding these specific requirements. The GFWC Florida Bylaws, Article VI Officers, Section 2, Eligibility, Paragraph E states: “A nominee for the office of district director shall: 1. Be a member of a club in the district which she is to serve; 2. Be nominated by an GFWC Florida junior club in good standing; 3. Be a member in good standing of the junior club proposing her; 4. Have served as president of a per capita dues paying GFWC Florida junior club or a member of the state junior planning committee; when the club voted to nominate the candidate as well as an explanation that indicates that the candidate meets all eligibility requirements. At the Annual District Meetings in November 2015, nominations may also be made from the floor. However, those nominees must also meet all eligibility requirements and submit all indicated letters at that time to the election committee. Serving as District Director for the 14 districts in GFWC Florida Federation is a rewarding and exciting experience. Not only do you strengthen your relationship with your own club but you get to know and learn about all the clubs and members in your district. When asked if you will serve, say “YES” and accept the challenge. We need YOU to be a leader and what 5. Submit in writing her consent to serve if elected.” All letters of nomination and letters of consent to serve if elected should be sent to the chairman of the district elections committee, postmarked no later than the designated date. It is up to the individual clubs to nominate a candidate for district director/junior district director, and the letter of nomination should include the date better place to begin than with those who already know and appreciate you. I can’t wait to meet all of our 20162018 District Directors and Junior District Directors. Way to go girls! Mary Powell GFWC Florida President-Elect pmsi1984@aol.com 2. Be nominated by an GFWC Florida club in good standing; Page 2 Volume 93, Issue 4 Report of the First Vice President the gun to make sure that the reports and confirmations, along with postmarks were done before my trip and the GFWC reporting deadline. Noun: 1 - utterance of the word “hallelujah” as an expression of worship or rejoicing! That is what was heard at my house on March 13 as the reports were placed in envelopes and prepared for “snail mail” to our GFWC Chairmen. I started sending the reports by email on the evening of March 10 with a few at a time being sent into cyber space with anticipation that the reports were being received by the GFWC Chairmen. With the deadline of March 15 looming and a business trip with my husband planned for the 14th, I was under A day of working through reports and finalizing the necessary deadlines and requirements started on a rainy Saturday at President Carole’s house with President Elect Mary and me at the dining room table with computers, papers, phones, notes and the reports from our GFWC Florida Chairmen. That continued on for another week at my dining room table, as last minute final numbers and projects were collected for submission. I have to tell you what a challenge it was to pick the best of the best! Our own chairmen had to review each report, statistics, numbers and projects to make sure the clubs reported them correctly. They then had to pick 10 of the top report projects and compile a report that is sent to me to put into a spreadsheet, cover sheet and report to our GFWC Chairmen for their judging. I know that the reports we sent are award winners, and I know that President Carole and Director of Junior Clubs Catrina Florida Clubwoman better wear some tennis shoes when the winners are revealed at our State Convention in May and the GFWC International Convention in Memphis in June. They will be smiling, handing out awards, accepting awards, hugging and applauding all of the work done by GFWC Florida Clubwomen. Thank you all of the GFWC Membership for your dedication to your communities and the families and organizations that you help. It was quite overwhelming to read the reports and the projects that you all do around our great state. We are award winners. Even if your club isn’t the top winner, you have so much to celebrate as we come together to recognize all clubs, club women, districts and our own state. Thank you for sharing with me your reports. These past few months have been very humbling as I read about the difference you make in your clubs, and I have been so proud to present our reports to the GFWC Chairmen for them to judge, I know that they are winning reports and it is because of each one of you. I can tell you my AOL email account had over 500 emails for the month of February and March, and I was afraid to move or file them until that HALLELUJAH moment that the sent button, and the stamp of the postman was done. Sharon Oliphant GFWC Florida First Vice President Solip561@aol.com Page 3 Report of the Second Vice President Congratulations to the GFWC club women of Florida! Due to your efforts and enthusiasm, our state membership has grown! For the first time in several years we reported a total membership of 8,972 GFWC Florida members, which is an increase of over 100 members from the previous year. Wow! Please keep up the great work! The Starfish Recruitment plan has been very successful and will continue for the remainder of this administration. It has been simplified to just sending a list of new members, and the name of the club, district, and a mailing address of where to send the starfish pins, plus $23 per new member, to GFWC FL Headquarters. Email me a copy of the list (no dues to me) at the same time… no form needed. I will send you the pins as soon as possible. The time frame for this will be January 1, 2015 –October 1, 2015. This is a separate thing from your remittance form. Send in new members as soon as they have joined your club and paid dues, all throughout the year. You will not be charged twice for 2015 dues. Please contact me with any questions. I am very happy to say that headquarters has already received at least 150 new member dues at this point. Join the crowd and “Catch the Wave of Membership!” Dianne Foerster GFWC Florida 2nd Vice President/ Membership Chairman dlynnfoerster@gmail.com From Your Member at Large Hello, GFWC Florida Clubwomen! I was chatting with Jennie June the other day, and she mentioned how impressed she was with your annual reports that she had seen. She said she truly was amazed at the work you do in your communities, adding that Florida clubwomen really are Living the Volunteer Spirit! I explained to Jennie that GFWC Florida clubwomen have been doing so for 120 years now, only 5 years shy of when she invited clubs throughout the U.S. to meet in New York City, when 63 of them officially formed GFWC by ratifying a constitution. When she heard we will be cele- Page 4 brating these 120 years at our Annual Convention May 15-17, she was so disappointed she could not be with us in Orlando for all the festivities. GFWC Florida Executive Committee. Karen Morris GFWC Florida Member at Large cholupki@gmail.com It has been wonderful visiting with some of you at your clubs, and I just wish I could take advantage of every invitation received. However, as a reminder, I'm never more than an email away at www.gfwcflorida.org (just click on the right hand side of our Home Page, under News), or directly to my personal email, below. I am so proud to be representing you, the member, while serving on the Florida VolumeClubwoman 93, Issue 4 From your Corresponding Secretary Presidents, please remember to update your club’s information. The reason I keep asking for updates is that we recently had an incident where a prospective member was looking to join a particular club in GFWC Florida. She turned to us to find some information on the club, for which we had only a few lines in the manual, and the e-mail was wrong. The president we had listed was no longer the president. Ladies, this is why we need everyone to update their information as soon as their e-mails are changed, a new president is elected, or if a contact phone number is changed. How many prospective members do we lose if prospective members are unable to obtain the necessary contact information from us? Presidents, please update your information by going to our website, www.gfwcflorida.org. Under Resources/Downloads, go down to Club and President Update Form, download and save to your computer, fill in and send to me at Cheryl.benton1944@yahoo.com. Or print out the form, fill in by hand and mail to me. Manual updates are done once a month at the end of the month. Cheryl Benton GFWC FL Corresponding Secretary Cheryl.benton1944@yahoo.com From the Finance Officer It’s almost time for our May Convention and we are very excited to have some new & exciting vendors scheduled. We hope you will support them, as 20% of their gross sales are given to GFWC Florida. The vendors taking part in the May convention are: MEEKS SCARF SECRET ONE TOUCH ART & BEDDING Florida Clubwoman ORIGAMI OWL H&M JEWELRY SCENTSY WILDTREE ORGANIC HERBS & SPICES LECAPTIVE BOUTIQUE CREATIVE CRAFTS BY LORRAINE ACCESSORIES & MORE SILVER SUN EMBROIDERY BY - LYN INTERNATIONAL PHOTO We will have a special contest, “WAG OUR TAILS FOR SALES,” where you will have a chance to win cash and prizes by supporting our vendors. Look for our sign in the lobby and stop by our table for details. Sara Dessureau GFWC Florida Finance Officer sarad6595@gmail.com Page 5 Arts Art Is Essential to our Quality of Life Spring is here! All the beautiful flowers are out. Beauty is in the air and Art is all around us! Ladies, look around, wherever you are. If you are inside, look at the pictures on the walls, the furniture in the room, the rugs or the tiles on the floor. That’s all Art. It was designed and made by people. If you are outside, look around. You might see a car, a building, a house, a fountain. They all were designed and made by someone. That is Art!! So, Ladies, “Art IS Essential to our Quality of Life.” Your reports were a weso me! Throughout the state, your arts and crafts shows were enjoyed and showed the great talent of all our members. You visited museums, galleries, exhibits, music festivals and dramatic events. You supported artists, musical programs and children in music and dance programs in schools. You didn’t forget our service men or nursing homes, you did it all! Thank You! One Club worked with a museum board of directors and its curator in designing the tribute to the awesome “Everglades Natural Wonder.” This Everglades Diorama features the day-to -night sounds of the Glades. Ingenious animals of the Glades are highlighted along with native plants. Their mem- bers worked diligently as docents for tours of this new attraction. One club took a “Selfie” of all the members at their meeting and sent it, by email, to all the members that were absent. They told them that they missed them and hoped to see them soon. That was fun for the members attending and also fun for the members receiving the email. Now, just continue the great jobs that you are doing and remember to have FUN in the creative process. Enjoy and be a HAPPY CLUB! Jeanette Basile GFWCFL Art Chairman 386-738-2184 JeanetteBasil@bellsouth.net International Outreach I’m always amazed how life has a way of always going full circle. Who knew that as a club woman in 2006 who purchased a $20.00 ticket to support our Florida State President’s Linda Dennis’s project Heifer International, that 6 years later I would serve as our International Outreach Chair. It has been my pleasure to spread the news about Heifer International, an Page 6 organization working to end hunger and poverty around the world by providing livestock and training to struggling communities. Also Operation Smile, which provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the globe. Unicef, which is the United Nations Children's Fund, works for children’s rights, survival, development and pro- tection, and their newest project, a Shot@Life. We clubwomen belong to the greatest community service organization in the world. We give women the opportunity to learn, grow and have the opportunity to make a difference in our community, state and all over the world. Together we can achieve more than what we can do alone. PROUD TO BE A GFWC WOMAN! Respectfully submitted, Marie Ambrosino GFWCFL International Outreach Chairman maa101@aol.com Florida Clubwoman Education GFWC Florida Federation of Woman’s Clubs is a shaking and moving “Education Team” The amount of hours, members and funds that were invested in 2014 certainly attest to that. Reported Projects - 1174 Education is the most powerful weapon which Reported Project Hours 87,930 As I reviewed you can use to the 2014 Educhange cation Reports it was most the world. -difficult to make the deciNelson Mandela sions for AWARDS. Each club that submitted reports show the true Philanthropic Spirit of their members . Welaka Public Library is located in the clubhouse of GFWC Woman’s Club of Welaka. Club members volunteer time and assistance to their community. Computer Access/WIFI is available. The Dictionary Project - GFWC Mayo Woman’s Club - A dictionary is presented to every third grade student. Knowledge is power and a student’s knowledge is only as good as their vocabulary Prime Time Family Reading Program - GFWC Umatilla Woman’s Volume 93, Issue 4 Club - Members partner with the library and the Humanities Council to three North Lake County Libraries. This program is for the entire family. Parents are tutored for illiteracy and obtaining a GED. Scholarships - Most all of the clubs give scholarships to students entering college or returning to finish schooling. Also, women who need educational assistance for other forms of education, enriching their lives and the lives of their families. Book Fairy Project - Provides books for children, restaurants, Laundromats, churches and Hospitals. EDUCATION PARTNER– HOBY “HOBY” programs provide youth with unique leadership training to make a better world and a better society. Each program strives to follow the HOBY motto of teaching young leaders “how to think, not what to think” – creatively, critically. Reported Project Hours - 23,538 GFWC His tor ical B rooks ville Woman’s Club planned, organized and hosted a CLEW Workshop. From what I heard and the pictures posted it was a huge success. Ideas: Community Leadership Workshop (CLEW) – One-day program for high school freshmen State Leadership Seminar (LS) – Three or Four-day program for sophomores World Leadership Congress (WLC) Week long program, ages 15-17 Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA) – Five-day program, ages 16-18 International Tours Program – Eight or Nine-day programs – HOBY Alumni, siblings and friends are invited to participate in this program ESO Reading program – Epsilon Sigma Omricon (An honorary educaEducation is tional society open to all per capita the movement paying GFWC from Federated Club Members) Darkness Reported Project Hours – 38,986 to light. – Allan Bloom How many children do we as GFWC sisters touch and encourage and through our efforts make a difference in their lives and future? This brief article does not begin to address the work of each and every club and their wonderful projects. An overview of the GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs shows the compassionate, caring and love the Women of Florida give every day. Nancy B. Garlanger GFWCFL Education Chairman 407-365-5235 nbgjjg@aol.com Page 7 Public Issues My Fall Board suggestion was to focus on Wreaths Across America. Myra Kinnie presented a brief video, passing out information and answering questions from the workshop. GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club came through. Working through emails, Facebook and their newsletter they informed club members of the Wreaths Across America event. GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club sponsored 38 wreaths for the American Legion Cemetery with their own club page utilizing the Wreaths Across America website. Club members also reposted their Wreaths Across America website on their own pages. Teaming up with the GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club were 25 to 30 members of the Tampa Chapter of Team Red White and Blue. Team Red White and Blue also attended the ceremony with GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club at the American Legion Cemetery. It is always heartwarming when a club helps out high school students, at the same time saving the school system big money. GFWC North Pinellas Woman’s Club conducted CPR and First Aid Training at local high schools. CPR and First Aid classes were taught to 48 high school students from 4 different high schools needing it for state ECPC (Early Childhood Professional Certificate) certification. A club member is a certified instructor and taught the classes for free. Club members from GFWC North Pinellas Woman’s Club assisted in the training. Each student normally pays $25 for certification in both courses. This saved the school system $1200. Students with an ECPC earn “Staff Credential” from the Florida Department of Children and Families to work in licensed child care centers. Marguerite Robinson GFWCFL Public Issues Chairman (352) 528-3522 margrobinson@embarqmail.com Home Life Home Life offers more opportunities, with more programs, with more excitement than any other CSP. We are definitely the open door to serving in our communities in such a wide variety of ways that it is hard to determine where to begin. Page 8 Inside Knowledge (women’s gynecological cancers), The Heart Truth; Easter Seals, and Canine Companions for Independence are the Partner’s for Home Life. Florida Clubwoman Home Life (cont.) Junior Home Life features March of Dimes, and on GFWC FL level, we have “Give Kids the World.” Let’s focus just on The Heart Truth, GFWC International President Babs Condon’s project. The Home Life Challenge for GFWC FL is to find the best Heart Program in our clubs. A winner of a Heart Basket for the club with the most innovative Heart Programs will be announced at the 2016 convention. Did you know that according to the Red Cross, 50,000 lives a year could be saved by people who have taken CPR and who know how to use an AED? What’s an AED? It is an Automated External Defibrillator. When someone is in cardiac arrest, seconds make the difference. Does your clubhouse have an AED? Does the building where your club meets have an AED? If it does, do any of your club members know how to use it, along with CPR? If your answer isn’t yes to all those questions, it is time to call the Red Cross and get ready to have class for your club and the community. See the Home Life Bulletin #2 for some more program ideas for Heart Health, and for ideas from our 2014 reports for innovative and interesting community service by our GFWC FL clubs at www.GFWCFlorida.org. See you in May at Convention? There won’t be a HL Workshop, but there will be wonderful presentations and exciting awards! See you at the HL Workshop at Fall Board, when we will have some guest speakers from among our own members. In Federation, Maureen Taylor GFWCFL Home Life Chairman mrntylr@aol.com From the GFWC FL Director of Junior Clubs As I have just completed the GFWC Florida Juniors' Report, I am completely amazed by the Volunteer Spirit evident in Florida! With 28 Junior Clubs, 615 members, 1533 projects, 47,228 hours, $72,245 donated, and $218,507of in kind donations in 2014, our One Voice for Children is loud and clear! With two possible new Junior clubs federating, our voice is getting louder. Use your volunteer hands to give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. High-five another clubwoman for your commitment to our Federation. Hug a dear friend as our volun- teerism brings us closer together. Most of all, open your arms to welcome new friends at our 2015 GFWC Florida Convention! Catrina Sistrunk GFWCFL Director of Junior Clubs 352-538-1293 csistrunk5@gmail.com Living the Volunteer Spirit Volume 93, Issue 4 Page 9 District 1 News DISTRICT 1 ARTS FESTIVAL 2015 On Monday, February 23, the Fort Walton Beach Woman's Club hosted the District 1 Arts Festival. Representatives from our sister Clubs attended the meeting and luncheon. These Clubs included Crestview, Escarosa, Milton, and Santa Rosa. Of these four visiting Clubs, Santa Rosa and Crestview had Arts and Craft entries for the Arts Festival itself. The Fort Walton Beach Woman's Club had 24 entries, Santa Rosa had 21 entries, and Crestview entered 5. The FWB Woman's Club earned the most Blue Ribbons with twenty 1st places, three 2nd places, and one 3rd place. With their 21 entries, the Santa Rosa Woman's Club placed twelve 1st place awards and nine 2nd places. Of the 5 entries by the Woman's Club of Crestview, there were three 1st place wins and two 2nd places. Members of the GFWC Ft. Walton Beach Woman's Club have been involved with civic and Federation activities in the past months. Development of the "Bud and Dorie Day Patriot Trail," the club's President's Project, has been partnered with the local Chamber of Commerce and the City of Ft. Walton Beach. Two members of the FWB Club won specialty awards. Those ladies are Jan Reagle for Best in Show, chosen by the judges, and Betty Boudreau with the President's Pick, an award chosen by the current District 1 Club Presidents. The Audience Favorite Award, chosen by those attending, was awarded to Ranae Rader, a member of the Santa Rosa Club. With these numbers, the FWB Woman's Club retains the District 1 Silver award plate for another year! The 1st place winners will go on to the State Arts Festival scheduled for the May Convention in Orlando. Congratulations and a job well done to all of our artists and craftswomen for their beautiful work. Every entry did our District proud! Good luck to those moving on to State. You will represent the your Clubs well. Thanks to all of you for sharing your work with your sister Clubwomen. Eve DeMaria, host club Arts Chair, Jan Reagle, winner of Best in Show, and Mary Jo Vinquist, District 1 Arts Chair, admire award Mary Jo Vinquist District 1 Arts Director littlesis1@mac.com hosted the District Arts Festival. As part of this festival, the "Taters Ladies" were introduced by club President, Cissy Wyninegar. Recent acquisition of their club house prompted an experts' review for both renovation needs and development of rental growth for the building. The holiday Meet Ms. Sweet Tater. She is the dream of all the The club hosted the Reporting Workclub members in the GFWC Fort Walton Beach shop for District 1, conducted by Woman’s Club. She represents all the character GFWC Florida Home Life chairman, traits we want to attain: cheerfulness, patience, Maureen Taylor. The club also helpfulness, charity, and a positive can-do attitude. Page 10 Florida Clubwoman District 1 News season was shared with children from a local Christian school who sang Christmas songs during the annual Christmas luncheon. New members are continuing to increase club rolls, and we all look forward to continuing the good works of both Federation and community. Motivation is the key. Growing and giving and sharing are the traits of leaders. Good advice from GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman’s Club President Cissy Wyninegar as she addresses her officers at a meeting. The tomato theme followed each meeting with a motivational gift and message for all who attended. GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman’s Club President, Cissy Wyninegar, introduces the proposed center of the Bud and Dorie Day Patriots’ Trail. The club partnered with the Day Family, the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce and with the City of Fort Walton Beach to generate donations. Additional funding was received from The Florida Recreation Trails Grant Program and the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Grant Program. Together they have raised over $220,000 to build and maintain the trail. Karen Legrand treated GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman’s Club members to a delicious Homemade Apple Pie Class. This fundraiser was so successful that a second class was held this time filling yummy crusts with quiche. GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman’s Club members held an art show extravaganza. The judges, Dr. Dan Robison (University of West Florida History teacher, local artist) and Helen Blair (Board of Directors for Arts and Design Society, local artist), are busy assisting Arts CSP co-chairs, Betty Kentosh and Eve DeMaria, with the difficult job of picking the club art show winners. Volume 93, Issue 4 Page 11 District 1 News The District 1 2014 Reporting Workshop was held in October at the Brooks Beal Center. Hosted by the GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman's Club, the meeting was conducted by GFWC Florida Home Life Chairman, Maureen Taylor. GFWC Milton Woman’s Club participated in the “2014 Festival of Trees” held November 22, 2014 at the historic Imogene Theatre in downtown Milton. Event sponsored by Santa Rosa Kids’ House. Our club participated, for the 5th year, with the donation of a decorated Christmas tree for Silent Auction titled “His Eye Is on The Sparrow”, a seven foot lighted tree with 200 brightly colored cloth birds accompanied with tree skirt and ten birdhouses. At the Silent Auction, our tree was purchased for $380. A total of $80,000 raised at Silent Auction benefitting Santa Rosa Kids’ House that serves the children and families of Santa Rosa County in helping to prevent child abuse and neglect. GFWC Milton Woman’s Club partnered with a local church and their youth ministry in an outreach project donating 60 teddy bears for children to The Salvation Army of Santa Rosa County for their 2014 Christmas Outreach for the Needy. The teddy bears, provided by our club, were part of the distribution of Christmas items to 25 Page 12 Youthful singers from the Cinco Bayou Christian School entertained the GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman’s Club members with Christmas carols on pajama day. Theirs – not ours – although that would be an interesting fundraiser! needy families and their 102 children at our clubhouse. The Salvation Army of Santa Rosa County has rented two of our clubhouse offices for the past 15 years and are good neighbors of our club indeed! Florida Clubwoman District 1 News GFWC Milton Woman’s Club is a member of the 25 member Board of Directors of Santa Rosa Education Foundation (SREF), a 501(c)3 established in 1987 by the Florida Legislature as a direct support organization for Santa Rosa County District Schools. SREF is a direct link between the school system and the community and a way to invest in education, a concerned public response to high priority school needs, and a way to recognize that all citizens have a stake in public school. Our club was asked to become a member of SREF in 1992 serving as the only non-profit organization on the Board of Directors. Santa Rosa District Schools are comprised of 33 schools, 1,800 teachers and 25,000 plus students. Our club is an ongoing partner with SREF with sponsoring the following three projects: GFWC Milton Woman’s Club spon- sors with SREF the “Teacher Appreciation Years of Service Pins” presented to teachers for their years of service as teachers in Santa Rosa District Schools in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 & 45-year increments. These attractive “Years of Service” wearable pins designed with school house and apple are worn by teachers on their dress/shirt/lapel. Pins are donated by our club. This January 2015, club packaged pins distributed by SREF board members to 290 teachers in our 33 schools. This is the 5th year our club has sponsored project. GFWC Milton Woman’s Club partners with SREF every year in providing engraved photo frames for each of the 33 Teachers of the Year. The 2016 Santa Rosa County Teachers of the Year were recognized at annual “Golden Apple Banquet” held February 27, 2015 at New World Landing in Pensacola for 700 teachers, administrators and guests. GFWC Milton Woman’s Club has been a partner with SREF for the past seven years in sponsorship of “The Little Red Schoolhouse Teacher Supply Depot” (TLRS) located in portable building giving the 1,800 teachers in the school district the opportunity to shop for closeout merchandise donated by our four local Walmarts. Opened monthly, teachers shop and receive a free voucher to shop for items that enhance their classrooms and benefit their students. Our members unpackage and display merchandise in TLRS and serve as volunteers servicing the teachers. Over 200 teachers visited TLRS on March 31, 2015 from 3 - 5 PM leaving with bags of school supplies and Easter supplies coupled with used children’s books donated by a local library for their classrooms. Paula Lou Mapoles, President 850-384-1069 pmapoles@mchsi.com GFWC Milton Woman’s Club Founded 1913 - Federated 1916 1938 Clubhouse located in the Historic District of Downtown Milton Listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings Membership - 12 Volume 93, Issue 4 Page 13 District 1 News GFWC Santa Rosa Woman’s Club celebrated “50 years of Service” to Gulf Breeze with a reception of past and present members, area GFWC groups, Gulf Breeze organizations, business and community leaders, and prospective members. group with an official proclamation at city council meeting. The digital marquee board at the entrance to Gulf Breeze announced the 50th anniversary event and the Gulf Breeze News featured articles before and after the celebration. The event showcased GFWC-Santa Rosa’s history with a slide show highlighting the club’s areas of service. Guests entered to the sound of sixties music and viewed displays depicting the club’s fifty years since its affiliation with GFWC. Prior to the event, on behalf of the City of Gulf Breeze, Mayor Matt Deinnhesser proclaimed March 12, 2015 as GFWC Santa Rosa Woman’s Club Day and presented the The occasion also served as new member orientation, recruitment and as a philanthropy fundraiser. Professionally printed display boards featured the new GFWC icons incorporated with club photos. The displays were so popular that other clubs have already borrowed them. Yellow roses with accents of purple for domestic violence provided symbolic decorations. Each table featured a President's Scrapbook to reinforce the history theme. Attendees bid on tables of times from luxury hotel stays to original artwork. The silent auction raised $1,956 to benefit the Weekend Food Program, a local program that feeds 402 children with sack lunches on weekends during the school year. Those belonging to GFWC-Santa Rosa for more than 10 years were recognized at the event. Carolyn Pfeiffer, who has been a member of the group for 48 years, presented the official anniversary toast and President Martha Brenenstahl cut the golden anniversary cake. A busy spring also included making paper hats, halos and head bands at area arts and craft fairs, working the Sports Ability Special Olympics field day, and collecting toiletries for battered women. To commemorate 50 years, SRWC also launched a new Facebook page and printed brochures for distribution at events and at the Chamber of Commerce. Diane Skelton Publicity Chair Page 14 Florida Clubwoman District 1 News District 2 News October 2014 saw the GFWC Marianna Woman’s Club participating in the 11th Breast Cancer Awareness Symposium, held in Jackson County, with over 400 in attendance. The Marianna Woman’s Club cosponsors the Symposium each year and the members graciously contribute their time to decorate for the event. For the past three years the Club’s October Home Life Department’s program has been business and professional men of the community who feel strongly enough about breast cancer Volume 93, Issue 4 awareness that they will dress up in ridiculous costumes and parade before the club members modeling and strutting their strange appearance to put “boots” to their concern for breast cancer awareness. After strutting at the Woman’s Club noon meeting, the men mount the Marianna PINK Fire truck, IN COSTUME, and ride all over town, siren blaring, to promote breast cancer awareness throughout the community. Over the years, many other “men of the town” have participated in the Marianna Woman’s Club’s October program. Following this obviously hilarious event, twice in the recent past, the October speakers have been men who are breast cancer survivors. This very successful activity was the brainchild of Lanet James, Home Life Department Chair. Lanet experienced two benign lumps earlier in her life which she accidently found in her breasts, the first in 1977 and one again in 1985. However, in 2004 she found one in a self-examination that was Page 15 District 2 News Clockwise, beginning at 12:00: Wayne Cherry, Retired EMS Worker; Sheriff Lou Roberts; Edwin Blitch, Jackson Hospital Food Service Director; Kenny Folsom, representing Chipola Ford; Dr. VeChai Arunakul, Jackson Hospital surgeon; Steve Benton, Jackson County School Superintendent; Mark Basford representing Pinecrest Memorial Gardens; Scott Owens, representing Jackson Hospital’s Respiratory Department and William Long, Director of the Jackson County Health Department. Centered are William Long and Nikki Lovett, Marianna Fire Chief. soon diagnosed as Stage II invasive breast cancer. Surgery was performed at UAB, after a round of chemo, and radiation followed the surgery. Although suffering from lymphedema, she has been cancer free for eleven years. Her Symposium story began when she encountered a lady on a cruise soon after her surgery, who told her about a very successful breast cancer awareness program they had in Enterprise, Alabama. Upon returning home she received a call late one night inviting Page 16 her to attend the Enterprise Breast Cancer program the next day. Hesitantly, she agreed, and during the program, attended by about 400 people, Lanet realized that Marianna needed this program, and she felt she was the one who was being presented with the “Birth of a Vision.” teers, which involved making lots of chicken salad in Lanet’s kitchen and Over the past 11 years the symposium has developed from its beginning when about 100 people attended a gathering put to- Lanet James, Chair and originator of the Jackson County Breast Cancer Awareness Symposium gether in five weeks with volun- Florida Clubwoman District 2 News women in a small community to hear them speak about their individual fields, and to realize that we have the same medical expertise represented locally as other hospitals much larger and far away. hard work by a few. The success of this event only spurred her and her friends to make sure there would be a second symposium the next year. Their enthusiasm was contagious when business owners graciously agreed to help fund the event, and the rest is a wonderful history. Over the years Lanet, continuing to chair the event, has been able to involve Jackson Hospital, the Jackson County Health Department, and many business owners in the county to support the events with their expertise and their contributions. She has also been able to bring outside speakers into the area who make the evenings very informative and challenging. For the past 8 years she has been fortunate enough to present speakers from UAB who bring vast knowledge and experience with them. She has also developed a friendship with Lucille Latham with the Avon Breast Cancer Foundation. Lucille is a two-time breast cancer survivor who speaks, providing information on breast selfexaminations, and brings wonderful information in her powerful presentations. In addition, purchase a “Beads of Hope” gift for everyone who attends. This unusual bead grouping Volume 93, Issue 4 Lucille Latham, representing the Avon Breast Cancer Foundation represents the different sizes and shapes of lumps an individual can have in their breasts. Louise explains the stages and treatments of those lumps represented by the beads. She is an excellent speaker! This project is now one which is anticipated by the ladies in our area, and in addition, Lanet has been able to go into prisons in the area to speak with women there. She would be very pleased to visit any club interested in such a program. Her success with this very important program has resulted in women writing her to let her know that “attending the symposium saved my life!” These types of positive comments help her to know that all her hard work is a true “Fulfillment of a Vision.” Lanet James’ contact number is (850)482-4573. One of her recent speakers was Dr. Edward Partridge, the Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB, who was the out-going president Pat Crisp of the American Cancer Society. Marianna WC Newsletter Editor Other very outstanding speakers from bpcrisp@gmail.com UAB’s cancer department have spoken, including the 2014 speaker, Dr. Jorge I. DeLaTorre. Following his presentation, Lanet brought five physicians to the stage from Jackson Hospital, who represented a team with exactly the same specialties at Jackson Hospital as that which Dr. L-R: Dr. Steven H. Stokes, Radiation Oncology; Dr. Patrick DeLaTorre has at Kelley, Plastic Surgeon; Dr. William S. Campbell, Jr., IntervenUAB. It was very tional Radiologist; Dr. Teresa Goodpaster, Surgeon; Dr. David comforting for Flick, Hematology/Oncology Page 17 District 3 News The GFWC Woman’s Club of Tallahassee in District 3 celebrated 110 years of history and erected an official historical marker in front of our clubhouse from Florida’s Department of State, Bureau of Historic Preservation. The clubhouse, soon to be 90 years old, is also listed as a famous Mediterranean Revival Style Architecture building, along with Villa Vizcaya and Coral Gables-Biltmore in south Florida. Understandably, a lot of time and effort is spent on upkeep and preservation of our pink stucco “grande dame” so it will remain available for memorable weddings and parties for many years to come! We created a quilt square for GFWC Florida’s 120th year anniversary quilt that depicts our building in an intricate machine-embroidered “photo” of the front of our clubhouse. Look for this square when the finished quilt is presented and see the detail in the shrubbery and lighting and the tile roof embroidered into a 7-inch piece of fabric. Volume 93, Issue 4 Even though our members tend to be senior citizens, we focus much of our efforts on improving the community for children and providing fun opportunities for young families. We host a Christmas party for area foster families each December that is really enjoyed by our mem- Susan McLeod, Donna Peacock, Peggy Woodham, Charlene bers, as well as our Bevis-Reese, Nancy O'Farrell--at the Pumpkin Patch young guests. The children are encouraged to write a letter to Santa, and they even get a hand-written response to their letters! We also staffed a local Pumpkin Patch in October, reading to the 85 visiting pre-K and kindergartners and painting their faces, too. Page 18 District 3 News In February, we threw a baby shower for a home for pregnant women and their families and learned from the Executive Director about their successful outreach program that strives to prevent child abuse and neglect. The diapers and toys were arranged on the tables to resemble large “cakes” to make the event festive. Enough diapers, baby wipes, and baby clothes were collected to fill a van. through Grand Circle Tours and the Woman’s Club will receive a donation from GCT for sending a group. Della Fordham and Diane Lawson deliver school supplies to Astoria Park Elementary School Throughout the year, we collect school supplies for a Title I school but we wait until January to deliver them, since we learned that is when the teachers’ supply cabinets are really empty. We partner with two magnet schools for the Performing Arts, one elementary and one middle school, and had fundraisers for each to help them buy sheet music and instruments for their students. a wonderful trip to Costa Rica in 2014 with AAA, and AAA made a very substantial donation to our club for every person who went on that trip. AAA in the meantime is a major sponsor of our spring fundraiser, “Dancing with the Stars,” a formal gala complete with red carpet and professional dance instructors to teach us to dance the night away! Susan McLeod, President mcleodks801@gmail.com In 2016, the travel club is planning a trip to see the tulips in Holland We plan on escaping the Tallahassee heat this summer by organizing some sewing projects for children, too, like the pillowcase dresses for Africa, and no-sew tie blankets for our foster children. Our club is going to try a new venture in the next year—a travel club for members and their guests. We created Page 19 Apalachee Elementary School Magnet Program String Band Florida Clubwoman Florida Juniors GFWC Junior Woman's Club of Midtown The GFWC Junior Woman's Club of Midtown has more than doubled our membership during this club year. We have an outstanding group of young women who are dedicated to making a difference in our community. In February we held our 3rd Annual Crawl for a Cause. The Crawl for a Cause is an annual bar crawl hosted in the Midtown area of Tallahassee benefiting a different charity each year. This year's event raised over $7,000 to be donated to the Florida Coalition for Children. This event was our most successful to date - it sold out days before the event!!! We received amazing feedback from the participants, as well as the contributing businesses, and look forward to continuing to making each year better than the last. Last month we voted on the new board for the upcoming club year. For the first time in club history, we had multiple ladies run for the same offices. We were able to have a true election - another club first. We are excited to have so many wonderful ladies who are dedicated to our federation. Check out our website at www.gfwcmidtownjuniors.org GFWC Tallahassee Junior Woman's Club The GFWC Tallahassee Junior Woman's Club has been busy keeping their legacy projects alive. We have spent many hours volunteering with LeMoyne Center for the Arts and the Tallahassee Museum. Recently our members got together and cooked a scrumptious dinner for the residents of the Ronald McDonald house here in Tallahassee. At the end of April, we will be hosting our 3rd Annual Bunco for Boots fundraiser. This fundraiser benefits Shoe Club. Shoe Club is a longstanding project of the Tallahassee Juniors. All proceeds are used by the Shoe Club to purchase gift cards for the Leon County School District to enable the staff to purchase shoes for children who come to school in need. We always have a fun afternoon of friendly Bunco competition and it all goes for a great cause! Check out our website at www.tallahasseejuniors.org Page 20 Florida Clubwoman Volume 93, Issue 4 Page 21 GFWC Temple Terrace Junior Woman’s Club GFWC Pasco Junior Woman’s Club The GFWC Pasco Junior Woman’s Club has partnered with March of Dimes that advocates on behalf of children everywhere. To this end we urge you all to please start sifting through your loose change and save DIMES to bring to our meetings to put into the MARCH OF DIMES baby bottle! If any GFWC members are interested in joining us, here is the information for our local March of Dimes Walk. MARCH FOR BABIES SUNCOAST 2015 Date: Saturday, April 25, 2015 Time: 8:30AM Registration Time: 7:30AM The Shops at Wiregrass 28211 Paseo Drive Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 We're getting ready to walk in March for Babies! It promises to be a fun day out with people who share our passion for improving the health of babies. Join family teams, company teams and people walking with friends for a great cause: making a difference for real families right here in our community. Sign up and raise money to help more moms have fullterm pregnancies and healthy babies. Page 22 Florida Clubwoman Volume 93, Issue 4 Page 23 Official Publication of GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs 4444 Florida National Drive Lakeland, FL 33813 863-647-2642 Email: GFWCFlorida@aol.com Website: www.gfwcflorida.org www.gfwc.org Former GFWC FL and GFWC President Jeannine Faubion wrote, "The history of the state would be incomplete without the immeasurable contributions of the thousands of club members, state officers and chairmen whose vision of a better community and state has been made into a reality by their untiring, unselfish work through the years…The gifts of service which they have freely given helped to make Florida what it is today." The GFWC Florida Federation of Women's Clubs, now in its second century of community service, traces its history to the community interest found in Florida women in the late 1890s and during 1900. Neila O’Neill - Managing Editor April Simons - Junior Editor GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs 4444 Florida National Drive Lakeland, FL 33813 GFWC Florida is celebrating 120 YEARS at our Spring Convention May 15 – 17, 2015 Mark your calendars for GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs celebration at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando for our 120th Birthday. We will also be celebrating our LEADS and Volunteer of the Year candidates on Friday and Saturday nights. Our guest speaker Saturday night will be GF International President Babs Condon and the guest speaker at our membership/leadership workshop will be GFWC Chief Operating Officer, Rosemary M. Thomas, Ed.D. Hope to see you all there, dancing to “Celebration!” Volume 93, Issue 4 Page 24
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