Thursday, February 28, 1963 PAGE TWO wil offer each have satisfied you or not. ThU of fuel and that portable town portunity to and a spray system would be to a proceeding of law— when container. we go to court we don't have to -allable there. give public notices, as we are No refining will be done »t dolnu this according to law.' the facility, which will emit "no more odor than you would enHear Z»nat counter at a service station, (Continued from MRS. ANNA VALKO Davidson asserted. There would Jacobsen said that he had pro- b? no endangering the health Jakeway, Mrs. Ed?"•"•'I K(v CARTERCT - Funeral :Sex- -^ ^ m y F g m , I y c h u r c h | sM, Edward N. K. Miss Arlene Blatz, Frank Rlpoita, s, r dJd S S S d S ; SSSS.tion-1 Alton*. Group #1023. master of cerem,,, 1 31. at the Elizabeth General; sented Miss Donovn, Hospital, after a short illness,! a r p Qne s o n T h a . history of the event , wew held on Saturday. F r t n i - ^ ^ h Q m e flnd Qn(, b r o t h e r in ft white leather i> ary 23, 8:30 A.M., at the Bra ;{^azlnnlcrz Denizlak, In Poland. bum. Mrs. A. Zlmnv Funeral Home 54 Wheeler Ave-^ 1 "" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ half of the Washlnc, nue, Carteret, n f ! MRS, MARV SINOWITZ School. faculty, made a prps. Davidson when questioned A hlsh requiem Mass was of-, C A R T E n E T _ nmA\ *crDavidson said he did not an- red roses. fered in Sacred Heart R. C. vlce for Mrs. Mary Sinowitz, 371' said the tank closest to the Coticipate any "serlou* Impact' Attendance bur fhurch, at 9:00 A.M. with Rev, Central Avenue, Sehool will be 1,025 because of the truck traffic. awarded to Mrs. ,T,,:. Andrew A O t ^ ns celebrant. formerly of Carteret who died feet from the ichool. The fuels to be atored would Ing class at the Mi: ; Interment was in St. Oertrude Fir said that no tanks were 21. at the be RrRdes of gaMllne, keroiwie Cemetery. Colonla. The H o n - ™ ™ " . the part of the l a n d - = 7 h - t ^ - ^ » me- Mrs. Seder's class m Hospital, rtl1 m m orary bearers were Mrs, « — l «after west of the tracks of the Cen-dlum Rrade light Industry fuel than Rale Bchool. . a short illness, were held New Jersey. oil, a heavy grade of fuel Oil Zlmmer's class at • Mrs. Marv Kobilak, Mrs. Maryi"1' "*"'7"''tL* * liiinh However, there will be a rack and three (trade* of Diesel fuel Inston Bchool Cap*, Mr., Mary Kopll a n d ^ •» X « K i m e . Carfor loading tank trucks In that he said. Mrs. Mary Mayorek: the active j j ^ ' p jarra, he said. Wcener questioned D«vldThe tanks will He 700 feet son's qualifications and was bearers were Michael E. valko ' ^ M Liturgy was offered in from the closest housing and told that the transportation Sr Michael Valko Jr. Edward y c h u r c h Bt (Continued from i 900 feet from the Carteret manager had been ln charge of The committee co-cti Diner on Ro^Kvelt Avenue, j the construction of several «uch Mrs. Leonard Kr»nv diak as celebrant, assisted by Valko. id H Rev. Peter Melerh. Interment Davidson said. He stated the i Installation*. Asked If he wasHerbert Samuels Rosary services were recited was in Cloverleaf Pnik Cetneleading facility would be 520familiar with accepted standon Friday, 8:30 p.m., with Rev. tery, Woodbridf?e. The honorary fret from the school, 825 feet ards /of the American Pe- The "Do«r Der>-. John Bryrr, president at St. Joseph's P.T.A. Standing: Andrew A. Okal officiating. COMMITTEE ON FEDERAL AH) TO EDUCATION — from the Carteret Housing Au- troleum Institute. Davidson re- for the month of F>> bearers were all members of the Jerome Knot, Mrs. William Cirrrlstead, Mrs, Thomas First row: Sister Marietta, prineipal St. Joseph School; thority project and from 250 toplied that he was on the rules Mrs. Arnold Young n McC'reary and Harry Helm. (Photo by Poplel Btudlo.) Father Dominic Manzo, pastor St. Joseph's Church; Mrs, ner Chairman Mr 300 feet from the two nearest committee. Hollander and her • houses. The truck storage area Heart R. C. Church, Carteret Church School Is conducted will be 700 feet from the school He stated that there would be are now formulat liPhilip BDlnsky, Wasyl Dumanand a member of the Altar and in the Parish Hall at 8:3Q AM. and l,89fl fert from Uw «Umr, no reflnlnit or processing at the the gala Annual din: Rosary Society. She and hersky, Konstantyn Mynlo, Mlron under the direction of William but 300 feet from the two near- plant and as a mult t h e Willed Hebi husband, Michael Valko, 8r. Pelekan and Nicholas Shymanwould be no odors — "No more hood voted un»ninw'; Shuff, Jr., general superin- est houses, he said. sky. celebrated their 54th Welding than you would encounter at a tendent and the staff, sent t check for $> The transportation manager! garollne station " Anniversary on on Janaury Junaurv "10. |I P W e r s w e r.e r e c l t e d o n S u n Armtversary d a y 7:30 pJtl by t h e m e m b e r s wards their pledge, u, testified that the 21 proposed Lenten Devotions are schedCARTERET—The Star Landmunity Center Build Surviving ate her husband^ | ^ St. Dernetri,,., Sisterhood Ing Post 2314 VFW was re-uled for Wednesday at 10 A.M. tanks were considered adequate A Dark Horse d-i. Michaed Valko, ST.: four daugh- of the Blessed Virgin Mary. cently honored by the Depart- and 7:30 P.M. pastor Ross andto meet the company's normal heldMroring ttie wu Parastas services were held on growth needs until 1995. Wallace Baldwin will be the dement of New Jersey VFW at a ters: Mrs. Sue HavrlUa of Nian(Continued from Page 1) evening, which was» All construction In the facilitie. Conn., Mrs. Margaret Fa- Surtday at ::00 p.m., w th Rev. banquet held at the Stacy votional leaders. ty "will conform to the mast Won't you do your share and' Leonard Kramer sano of the Bronx, N. T. Mrs. J o h n t H u ^ l a k t . a n d R c v ' P e t e r Trent Hotel in Trenton. Other meetings for the week up-to-dat* standards Issued by'nll up the container? Your Dorothy Swiontkowskl of L i n - « h ° f f i c i a t ' n "The post received an incen- are Junior Catechetical Class, in MQ den, N. J., Mrs. Helen Hell ofi T h e d e c e a s p ( j m s the award trophy from the, »day, 6:15 P.M.; Lutheran the National Petroleum Instl-!cooperation was never needed Longmeadow, Mass.; two sons: Austria. She was a resident of past national commander Louis,Church Men, Monday, 7:30 tute and the National Board of;more thnn It is needed now — Fire'Underwriters," he said. In'today." ..„»,„< t John Valko at home, 8. Sftt. Metuchen for 7 months, residFeldman for renewing 70 perP.M.: Senior Catechetical Class tank capacity and tank spring! Containers will be collected, ftej dmmrtrited ing with her daughter and sonMichael Valko. Jr., of U. S. Air cent of last year's membership Tuesday, 8:15 P.M.: Church these standards will be exceed-iaurin, the month of May 1 ^ t u d e w,U) ^. « in M nd ^ Force, Santa Clara, Cal.; one ->f *• 5- * " " • plus 10 per cent. Commander j School Staff, Tuesday, 7:30 Cell v t ^ above address She I by a bormflde. member of the the community nr : he testified. sister: Mrs. Elizabeth ZahorH! ; \? Vfd ln Cart lor Daniel Donovan in accepting'P-M-: Jimior Choir, Wednesday cd,Each tank will have a fixed wuad. A receipt for the do-welfare. sky of Czecho-Slovakia; eleven 40 m she was a this award which has been Is-'6:30 P.M.; Girl Scouts, Troop nation will be presented to the Prosecutor Edward foam systein for fishting fires. grandchildren; three g r e a t ,_„,.„ . • rr ,-. sued to the post several years 53. Friday, 7 P.M.; Senior the company official said. He; donor for placing In any win-a member of the su•> grandchildren and one nephew,:»t the St Demetrius U 0 . Friday Evening — March 1, bage Roll Sale" for the benefit in a row wishes ! C l i F d , 7:15 P. .; Girl said that the firm would also!0"0*- A n e w container for the mlttee, voiced his o; John Zahorsky of Campbell Church, Cartrret and a member thank all of the saying that the two :: of the Sisterhood of the Blessed Ohio "have its own pumps and other!y far 1 9 6 4 >' i 1 1 b e lef t l w l t h p a '!l of exceptional BIV.: , n .. L , V , „ „ Specially membership chairman1 Saturday, 10 A.M. home. Ttiew containers will ' (Virgin Mary. She and her hus- Friday Evening Sunset Servfire-fighting equipment band, Paul Sinowitz, celebrated ice — 5:40 P.M. The tanks will be separated be collected in May, 1964 This 'credit to the party " pared MRS. ANV'A KAZMIERSKI their 46th Wedding Anniversary Late Friday Evening Service .town," Mrs. Gruhin declared.) by levies which would contain CARTERET — Funeral ser- on January 24, 1963. 8:30 P.M. _!To place your order call Edith' H e a l s 0 s t a t e d t h a t t h e P° s t any spillage, Davidson said. The vice Jbr Mrs. Anna Kazmierskl Sabbath 1 on a b o u t 2 0 are her husband, Gruhin, Harriet Wurzel, E u - ^ ^ members shy, (Continued from Page 1 » roofs of the tanks will float on (nee Deniziak* 74 years, 80iD Survlvinv . 9:00 AM. Sinowitz; one • daubhter, p nice Zareit, Esther Balme or, of b e i n « »">% renewed and by f . , the surface of the contained Street, Carteret, w who Longfellow Street. ho,, , . „ ,, ,„ . . Junior Congregation — •: t h ( > mld(U of M a r c h slwuld "•"iBernice Baum. j e " Hospital.ln;"<>ulds' P u t i n s an accumudied Sunday, February 24, a t Mrs. Joseph Ke ley of MetuchRefreshments were "served her home, were held on Thurs- en; three sons, John. Frank and lation of vapors, he said. Morning Talis and' Purim will be celebrated »*•** }!£tJC^' „ „ . , . ,..„„ the new cafeteria. day, February 28. 8:30 AM., a t [Saturday evening, March'9 and ^"^ _ 4 a W this affair from Davidson said that the fixed Tfilin — 9 A.M. , Mrs. Marcus Ixon co-chair( o a m s y s t m w < m M h g v e to b e iCarteret • ! Commander Dauthe Synowiecki Funeral Home, rlren: three great prandchil- The Bar Mitzvah with March 10. 56 Carteret Avenue, Carteret. , drpn: two sisters and one A solemn requim Mass w a s ' V o t h p r l n A u s t n a offered in Holy Family Church1 at 9:00 A.M. Interment was in St. Gertrcde Cemetery. Colonia. THE Readme from the Book of: Children will receive Purlm I c » o b a ^ ld«w?mnwm^ Rosary services were recited noisemakers, hamantash and. The post will hold its « g u l a r ( ^ y . f a r , ° ' ' "r 1 '*,.,, five minutes' would be needed Kings, Chapter 26. PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK on 'Wednesday at 8:30 P.M., !meeting on Tuesday March 6,'ml? „-3575 l ° L Volunteers „.,.._..... are ..!.for the attendant to reach ARt) OF THANKS Rabbi Morton .S. Baum will prizes. i X i r c myvhlirc a m o n g Ule lank!!with the Holy Name Society ofMrs. Ed Siderman and the;(rt-8:09'P.M.'in t>tf post rooms! S. ANNA VALKCT take* pleasure in introducing iN at the hospital and ln induct David into the ficiating. Hebrew Sisterhood Committee: to 1 0 Ih b m of flre a t t h e loadinK : The deceived was born ln NEW LOW COST SERVICE CHARCE Ireportu.on the buUding . ' f ^ZJV^tZ Sisterhood will re in charge. '_.„ .:..._ . ^pro.ram.f . . . . . information contact Mis. Ore hfi s a j d U ) a l , h(1 r a f k WOT|ld The Annual Purim Carnival will be given. After the meet3 Nielsen, director of volunteers, volume of PROGRAM d e n n e d to SAVE YO1 CARD OF THANKS iineishbors " ™ " 'for " "their ^. MONEY MRS MARY SINOWITZ: nre5SlO ns of ^mnathv. thnir A Kiddash reception will folIt All Depends CARTERET-Wf wish to ex- Tr,arT a f t« e f k ^ d r e ^ th" w r - , , u . .v » « • . pres our. sincere inarms to all "ua! tammi? 5 and the beaut ?ul . _ . . . „ , Private (reading^—What's Here are a few of the advanUger Ta Ce eb rantl o u r relatives, friend., and ^ o r s I Xr^a^ L ' , , n , v •„ thev Pxt end"d A Purim Twist Contest will Chinese urn? ulp u 1. No more charges for depotlta neirhbv? fnr thCiv t'nH ™ ! • ' " " ' j ™i"« xhe Hebrew Men s Club will. Awards for cos-i Post librarian — That 'd (Continued from Pa,;o 1> neirnoDr?. ior thf.r K.nd ex- ^ u r m g o u r bereavement In th? _ . n c n . l h , - . , , . , TopniTiff1^ •< No more charges for check! ca*hed on how long he works. t u m e s w U 1b e g l v e n o u t anyone further disrupting the pressions of sympathy, their ^ t h o f ourdesrlv Gloved w i f « . : ™ ^ ^ L ' ^ h ^ 8 - 3 0 P M l 3. No more charges for check* deposited hearing would be removt-d fiom manv acts of kindness, the spir-™ t h P T . grandmother, treat.*? ^ ' ^ Jwu 5 t^i cte i C, oIn I aI t il o^n »nch will be served, 1a t Regular classes will not be the roam. Miller said that for itual bououets and the beautiful ^ndmother and derotPd sister The^ Hebrew ^ ^ ' 4. No more monthly maintenance chtrgci School students floral tributes they extended ,„,, -&mt Mrs. Anna Valko. held on Sunday, March 10. the "betterment of the Borwill be Jn charge of the Lltur-l b No more charges f^r check* paid durin? our bereavement in the W( , e5pf»e!a:iy w(sh to thank ough I think this matter should of the service, Prayers for recovery will be (Continued from Page 1) death of our dearly beloved >he Rev. Andrew A. Okal. Pas- . 6 No more "hair pulling"1 trying to recited at Sabbath Services for be aired out." participating will wife., mother, grandmother. t Among Wagner College. Refreshments, o r ; t h e a l t a r b o v s ; t h e N u n s o f ; understand charges mmother. £: thTaZCsJtheNun.of;f ^ F. Brown, Mrs. I. Schwartz, M. will be served by the Lutheran: w h c n t h e meeting rej-umed, great grendmother and devoted,the Alt*r;be ™ nftld ^ r o T O | f,n i°iMr' Roth and M. Shatinsky. 7 Statements mailed monthly d,the Dominican Order; the Alt*r; Church women. ' jJacobstn told the Board that nd M Mrrs s R own;M kB sister and aunt M Si 'fnd sister and aunt M Mrs. Mary Sino-^nd Rosary Society and the'f ' R :??55 o w n ; , M"" k B ™ ™' ne had h d to brin Services this coming Sunday °P« ' s ^Is ALL CHARGES Will be ELIMINATED o: *"»• 'Rosarlans of the Sacred Heartil 0 *', 8011 °J M r 1 J a " d M r s ' S a m at Zion Church will be c o n - ' m a t t e r Move you, according to Breslow; R o n a l d 1 16 We especially wish to thank,R c Church Carteret- Dr M l Hochman.son Regular Personal Checking Accouhts v.: ducted at 9:30 AM. and lO^! * statutes of law. We are Rev. John Hundiak. Pastor;|A, chodosh.Dr.Theodore Chen-i°f M r " a n d « « • p ^ Hochinan; AM. The Sacrament of Holy| h e r e tonight before you, you maintain a LOW MINIMUM BALANCE ' Rev. Peter Me'.ech. Assistant^ the Carteret First A W Jacqueline Belafsky, daughter Communion will be celebrated a c t l l l s as a judicial body." Pastor; Professor Dimitri Zaz- squad, the Medical Staff and °f, M r ^ a n d M r s ' J o e B e l a / l k / ; ONLY S200. in one of our new Regular r :• by the Rev. Willis Morgan Ross| "You are the court, the atthethe altarSisterhood boys; Jacko rses at Elizabeth General R i c h a r d e l d e r m a n . son of Mr. pastor. The choirs under the torney declared, "there is no • worsky; Wasiowlcz; of Nu sonai Checking Accounts. Hospital; the Cities Service Oil. a n d M r s 'E d Slderman; Ronald t direction of Mrs. Robert Peter-'necessity of giving notice, as we the Blessed Virgin Mary; Mrs. Refinery, Linden. Employees of,Gitter* M n o f M r - a n d M r s ' l- Anna Sabo and the Ladies Guild Cities Service Oil Refinery, Oil G l t t e r ! M a r k 8V^m, son ofPerth Airf Hospital «on will sing music appropriate;are not here for a variance but | of the St. pemetrius U. 0. Chemical Atomic Workers Lo- ^ a n d M r s - A - SP'egal, Helane during the WE WELCOME COMPARISONS Include: to Invocabit, the First Sunday ;tp assist in obtaining a permit 91 t u t * Street, Woodbridft : Church, Carteret: Dr. M. Beck- cal #337 of Cities Service, Em- Kramer, daughter of Mr. and On February\22,/a daughter in Lent. I use. It is up to you whether we 1 er the Metuchen First Aid Ployees of the Additives Division M™-L- Kramer, Fill out the coupon below for additional Inform.. to Mr. and MrsNeilnton Mis; Squad, the Medical Staff and of Esso Bftyway Refinery, Lin- The First Grade Students dom, 19 Oakwood Place. and a slunaturp card to opein your new LOW ("• » the nurses at the Perth Amboy den; den; TJ. 3. Air Air Force, llanta'wlll present Purim Songs and On February 19, a son to Mri J. 3. Force, fcanta PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK CHECK. > . General Hospital; Perth Amboy and Mrs. Oerard Bruns, IS East Clara, Cal; the St. Ellas Cath-|R«lt&tX>ns. ACCOUNT will be mailed to you immediate ; Women's City League; the ollc War ( Veterans, Carteret;! The Klddush wUl be recited Oak Street. you have any questions, call U 1-S1M. our-i* - neighbors on Charles Street friends at Leo's Inn, Carteret; by Lowell Chodosh. I Carteret and the neighbors on the neighbors on Sharot St., Harold Levitz and Phil Hoch- ON ATTACK CARRIER will welcome the opr>ortunlty to dl»cu*i the r *. Central Avenue, Metuchen; Carteret; those who donated,man will jiresent a symposium CARTERET—Emll J. SUvka, with you lr c a tw-f I *, d ";i their cars; the Carteret andlon the subject "The Growing machinist's mate first class, a R8hway lic Z,I I I? v P° «iRahway police escort; the hon-^Role of the Hebrew Men's Club USN, son jot Mr. and Mrs. th H ^ M n o r a r y bearers,; orary bearers, the active bearers'in Carteret Community Work* Michael Slivka. of 22 Leick b e a r e r 5 antl t h e BWV i« , Bizub and the Blzub Funeral Home1, Rabbi Morton S. Baum wiM Avenue, Is serving aboard the runeral Home for satisfactory for satisfactory services rend-'speak on the subject "Th| attack aircraft carrier USS Enservices rendered. WE PAY POSTAGE BOTH WAYS Meaning of Purlm." terprise, currently on deployered. Family of the late to the Mediterranean Mrs, Max Gruhin and a comFamily of the late Deposit* to your LOW COST PERTH AMBOY •' Mrs. Mary Sinowitz Mrs. Anna Volko mlttee are sponsoring a "CabTIONAL, Checking Account can be made t>> : simply by luing our new "BANK-BY-MAlt." • opes which we supply at no cost to you. We u clot* as your nearest mall box whlcif I to bank anytime of the day or night. Obituaries Endorses United Hoi I S ^ . V ^ ™ - -H—H»n. Jewish Community News Carteret State Honors Landing Post First Aid Squad Party Sel, ^- " "J; Women's Guild DISSATISFIED SERVICE CHARGES? ; Tidewater Hearing Noted Speaker % PRESCRIPTIONS t COSMETICS t FILM SUPPLIES • GREETING CARDS PUBLIX PHARMACY BANK.BY-MAIL NOW OPEN ARTERET OFFICE Thursday GET HER A CAR Of HER OWN and Friday Evenings C ontincntai ...they give you EXTRA FROM MARCH 1st ON SAVINGS PLACED UP TO MARCH 15th "O.K. Used Cars" GODENY CHEVROLET • Mr, Thomas • Mr, John t Air. Louis INSURED AND LOAN ASBOCIATION UK-080!) . ll'i!) Circi'n St. From Our Excelletit ^election of to Wooamtto Jsdin (XONKD MONDAYS lOonl O»IM) U» IUU lUHt fa MHoa TownilU» 30 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret PHONE KI 1-5123 OPEN EVENINGS (AIMCUU OJflc) (U imboj innu* imbvj kit. >l 1th »u (I Blooki Nartli (Oltrt Buton 8«Uoii) Ol 0JtHD IttHl) "Where FIRST In The Name Means You!" SALES SERVICE PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK II COOKE AVENUE CARTEJtET, N. J. Please send Information and card* on youi NVN LOW-0O6T CHBCK1NO ACWOUNTB • Joint tctount . Name ,.', Addreu C.P. CARTERET OFFICE PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK Perth Amboy and Carteret, New Kl 1-5100 Member: l^deral DepoaH Iruurtnw Corporal"'11 federal Rewrve Byitem
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