March Break Visual Students Greg Hindle, Gibson Centre, Artist in Residence Dates: March 16 – 20, 2015 9:00 am – 4:00 pm daily Location: Gibson Centre Registration based on a first come first served basis Name: (Please Print) First Email: Last City/Town: Street Address: Postal Code Telephone (RES): (BUS): Grade: Age: Contact information will only be used to inform you of events sponsored by the South Simcoe Arts Council (SSAC). Copyright: the submissions of any entry gives permission to SSAC to make and use images of accepted work for publicity, documentary and archival purposes only including, the SSAC and GC website and publications. With paid application, the applicant is indicating that they have read and they understand the rules for the Workshop and give permission for photos to be released for media and SSAC purposes. (If participant is under 18 years of age) I give permission for my son/daughter to take part in Workshop. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: Applicant Signature: Must be signed or this Application will not be accepted. DONATIONS are gratefully received in support of the SSAC/ GC partnership. Name and Address of Donor: You may pay for the registration/donation by qcash, qcheque, or CREDIT CARD: qVISA qMasterCard Name on Card (PLEASE PRINT) __________________________________________ Signature_____________________________________ Card Number_________________________________ expiry _______ Make cheques payable to the South Simcoe Arts Council. Materials FEE$200.00 week or $50.00 day Donation $______ TOTAL ENCLOSED $______ DONORS- PLEASE COMPLETE THE SECTION AT LEFT. A charitable receipt will be issued for all donations of $20 and over. If paying by credit card, complete the section at left. • DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL. • DO NOT SEND CREDIT CARD INFORMATION BY EMAIL. Class Location: Gibson Centre, 63 Tupper Street West, Alliston ON L9R 1E4 Class Dates: March 16 – 20, 2015 $200.00 Full week $50.00 Day Please refer to the Brochure for daily outline. PLEASE MAIL, DELIVER OR FAX THE COMPLETED FORM TO THE SOUTH SIMCOE ARTS COUNCIL: Mailing address: Box 313, Alliston, Ontario, L9R 1V6. Street Location: Alice’s Attic, Gibson Centre, 3rd Floor, 63 Tupper St. W., Alliston, ON L9R 1E4 Telephone: (705)435-2378 Fax: (705) 435-7455 Email:
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