Community Consultation on a Multicultural Centre

Community Consultation
on a Multicultural Centre
The growing population of Simcoe County and the City of Barrie is becoming increasingly diverse. Join community stakeholders for an evening to gauge interest and initiate dialogue on the development of a multicultural centre in our community.
Who should attend?
• Residents who would like to increase the profile of a specific culture
• Artists/Performers specializing in cultural forms from other countries
• Community stakeholders who may benefit from sharing space and costs
~ Settlement agencies
~ Employment services
~ English and French training programs
~ Language training programs
~ Child care/youth programs
~ Health awareness/prevention programs
~ Legal supports
Tuesday June 9, 2015
7-9 p.m.
Southshore Community Centre*
205 Lakeshore Dr. Barrie, ON L4M 4T5
To attend, please complete
the registration form at or by contacting the Simcoe County
Local Immigration Partnership:
or 705-722-3132 ext. 1423
*Parking is free for City of Barrie residents with a valid resident parking pass.
Non-residents are subject to $3/hour fee.