“The Nuts and Bolts of Gifted Education”

Online Registration Instructions
Visit www.oaisd.org.
Go to Quick Links on the top right of the
web page menu.
Click on Workshop Registration
Choose to view conference by ALPHA.
Choose course by clicking:
The Nuts and Bolts of Gifted Education
Click on the START DATE to register for
the conference.
When you choose to register you will be
prompted for your ID and PASSWORD. If
you have not previously logged in or
registered for a workshop the last 3
years, you will need to “Create your
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WORD, please follow the instructions
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Make sure all your information is accurate
and click Submit Registration.
You will receive a confirmation online and
via email if you’ve registered correctly.
If you have questions, please contact
Karen Kooiker at 1-877-702-8600, ext. 4108 or
email to kkooiker@oaisd.org.
Directions to the ISD
The Ottawa Area Intermediate School DistrictEducational Services Building is located next to
Careerline Tech Center on Port Sheldon Street, just
east of US-31 between Holland and Grand Haven.
Our address is:
13565 Port Sheldon Street
Holland, Michigan 49424
“The Nuts and Bolts of Gifted Education”
with an emphasis on
Technology Integration
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Ottawa Area Intermediate School District
Educational Services Building
13565 Port Sheldon Street, Holland, MI 49424
2015 Spring Conference
Sponsored by Michigan Association for Gifted Children
& Ottawa Area Intermediate School District
Morning Session
Are gifted children really any different from the other kids in
the classroom or neighborhood?
What to bring with you for an effective
afternoon session -
Why do we need to address their different needs?
Collaboration Session for Educators:
Kelley E.B. Senkowski, Gifted Education Consultant
How do educators and schools do that without designated
budget, or locked budgets?
Understanding gifted students’ needs and what is “normal”
for a gifted child is imperative to being able to support them.
Come and learn the “new normal.” For academic support,
technology integration as well as other strategies which can
be included into instruction, are a means to address gifted
needs, as well as the needs of all learning levels. It doesn’t
have to be hard, or costly, one just needs to take the first
step and think about instruction a little more inclusively. Let
us show you how in the afternoon session! Leave the conference with hands-on tools and strategies to use for the
student tomorrow.
Presenter: Kelley E. B. Senkowski,
Gifted Education Consultant
Bring your latest copy of NWEA or other standardized
scores for your class (please block out student names or
code with initials for your use later.) Bring along a current or
upcoming lesson that you teach and walk away with
suggestions to tier it to meet the needs of the gifted, yet all,
learners in the classroom. Get technology integration
suggestions for lessons to help meet multiple learning
levels. Use this time to integrate gifted levels into your lessons or to include new technology ideas.
Collaboration Session for Parents:
Jane Snyder, OAISD Gifted Consultant
Bring your child’s scores, work samples and areas of
struggle, and take home an education plan to share with
your child’s teacher and school.
Afternoon Session
You asked and we heard you! You wanted hands-on tools
and strategies to use in the classroom tomorrow, or to
share with your child's teacher. Whether you are first-andforemost an educator or a parent, come to Session B for
the value of discussions and ideas that worked for others to
meet gifted needs in the classroom. Take home tiered lessons that you can use in class or take home an education
plan for your child to share with the teacher. Real help that
you can use now!
Cost: $35/person
Credit: SCECHs for educators may be available
pending state approval