gineco ro gynecology Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Maria Bari, MD, PhD, Elton Nikolla Peçi, MD, Anca Panaitescu, MD Filantropia Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bucharest, Romania Correspondence: Maria Bari e-mail: Abstract Abnormal vaginal bleeding is an important cause of morbidity in women, especially during reproductive period. In this first article of our series, will be discusses in detail possible aetiology of abnormal vaginal bleeding. We will focus on uterine bleeding as a response Introduction "COPSNBM WBHJOBM CMFFEJOH "7# is an important morbidity cause for XPNFO FTQFDJBMMZ EVSJOH UIF SFQSPEVDUJPO QFSJPE "QQSPYJNBUFMZ PG XPNFO TVGGFS GSPN NFOPSSIBHJB this being one of the fundamental QSPCMFN GPS XIJDI UIFZ DPOTVMU UIF gynecologist [1] AVB is responsible for the high number of surgical hysteroscopy procedures (endometrial ablaUJPOT BOEGPSPGIZTUFSFDUPNJFT thus consuming a lot of money from the health system [2]. *O NPTU DBTFT "7# NFBOT BCOPSNBM VUFSJOF CMFFEJOH "6# CVU JO rare cases the cause may be related to WBHJOBMDFSWJDBMPSVSFUISBMMFTJPOT *O PSEFS UP EFGJOF "6# JU TIPVME be mentioned first and foremost the characteristics of the normal menses. The normal menses takes aroVOE EBZT UIF NFOTUSVBUJPO takes 4+2 days and the lost blood is NM <>. In the menstruation GPMMJDVMBS TUBHF UIF FTUSBEJPM & produced by the dominant follicle induces the proliferation of endomeUSJBMHMBOETBOETUSPNB"GUFSPWVMBUJPO JO UIF MVUFBM TUBHF UIF ZFMMPX to sexual hormones, abnormal vaginal bleeding complicating pregnancy, abnormal vaginal bleeding of pelvic cause, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and abnormal vaginal bleeding of extra pelvic causes. Keywords: abnormal vaginal bleeding body produces increased quantities of progesterone and less estrogen. In absence of conception and chorionic HPOBEPUSPQJO UIF ZFMMPX CPEZ SFHSFTTJPOPDDVSTBOEUIFCMPPEMFWFMT PGTFYVBMTUFSPJETEFDSFBTFTESBNBUJcally. Such decrease leads to normal NFOTUSVBUJPOBTFMGMJNJUFEQFSJPEJD QSPDFTT XIJDI JOWPMWFT UIF EFTRVBmation of the entire endometrium. This type of physiologic bleeding is called bleeding caused by progesteSPOF XJUIESBXBM 5IF CFHJOOJOH PG OPSNBM NFOTUSVBUJPO JOWPMWFT UIF enzymatic degradation of the endometrial functional layer associated to CMPPEWFTTFMEFTUSVDUJPO5IFIFNPTUBTJT BGUFS UIJT FWFOU JT FOTVSFE CZ MPDBM DPBHVMBUJPO WBTPDPOTUSJDUJPO and re-epithelization. The coagulation mechanisms include formation PG QMBUFMFU UISPNCVT JOWPMWJOH UIF WPO 8JMMFSCSBOE W8' BOE QSPEVDtion of fibrin (induced by thrombin). /PSNBMMZ UIF NFOTUSVBM CMPPE IBT OPDMPUTCFDBVTFPGUIFBDUJWJUZPGFOEPNFUSJBM GJCSJOPMZUJD BDUJWJUZ XIJDI promotes clots lysis. &YDFQUGPSXJUIESBXBMVUFSJOFCMFFEJOH BU OFX CPSO CBCJFT BOZ WBHJ- nal bleeding before puberty shall be considered abnormal <>. 'PSXPNFOBUSFQSPEVDUJWFBHF"7# JODMVEF BOZ DIBOHF JO GSFRVFODZ JO duration of menstruation and lost bloPEBNPVOUCVUBMTPCMFFEJOHCFUXFFO menstruations<>. 'JOECFMPXUZQFTPGBCOPSNBMVUFrine bleeding <>: Oligomenorrhea - uterine bleFEJOH PDDVSSJOH BU JOUFSWBMT PG days. Polymenorrhea - regular uteriOFCMFFEJOHPDDVSSJOHBUJOUFSWBMTPG less than 21 days. Menorrhagia - uterine bleeding PDDVSSJOH BU SFHVMBS JOUFSWBMT CVU MBTUT OP MPOHFS UIBO EBZT PS JT BTTPDJBUFEXJUIBMPTUCMPOERVBOUJUZPG NM Menometrorrhagia is a prolonHFEEBZT BOEFYDFTTJWFNM VUFSJOF CMFFEJOH PDDVSSJOH BU OPO SFHVMBSJOUFSWBMT Amenorrhea is the absence of NFOTFTGPSDPOTFDVUJWFNPOUITBU XPNFOBUUIFSFQSPEVDUJWFBHF Metrorrhagia (inter-menses ble e ding) - irregular bleeding occurSJOHCFUXFFONFOTFT 7PMr/Pr gineco ro Spotting at mid-menstruation - minimum bleeding occurring befoSFUIFPWVMBUJPO Post-menopause bleeding VUFSJOFCMFFEJOHBUNPOUITBGUFS NFOTUSVBUJPOTUPQQFEPSBOZVOQSFEJDUBCMF WBHJOBM CMFFEJOH BU XPNFO in post-menopause undergoing subTUJUVUJPO IPSNPOF UIFSBQZ GPS months. Acute excessive uterine bleeding SFTVMUJOH GSPN IZQPWPMFNJB PS shock. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - abnormal uterine bleeding in the absence of genital tract organic lesions or hormone treatment. .FOPSSIBHJB NBZ CF TVCKFDUJWFMZ EFGJOFE BT iFYDFTTJWF NFOTUSVBM CMFFEJOH EVSJOH NPSF DPOTFDVUJWF NFOTFTu [11] #VU CFUXFFO UIF TVCKFDUJWF QFSDFQUJPO BOE UIF CMPPE RVBOtity lost during menstruation there JT B XFBL DPSSFMBUJPO 0CKFDUJWFMZ me nor rhagia is defined as an uteriOF CMFFEJOH MBTUJOH GPS NPSF UIBO EBZTBOEJTBTTPDJBUFEXJUIBRVBOUJUZPGMPTUCMPPEPGNM <>. This quantity may cause disturbance in UIFXPNBOTTPDJBMQSPGFTTJPOBMBOE TFYVBMMJGFQSFPDDVQBUJPOGPSBTFSJPVT QBUIPMPHZ DBODFS BOE GFSSJQSJWF anemia <>. 5IJT DIBQUFS XJMM EFBM XJUI FYDFTTJWF"7#"7#JONJOVTPMJHPNFOPSrhea and amenorrhea) shall be dealt XJUIJOBOPUIFSDIBQUFS Uterine bleeding as a response to sexual steroids Estrogen withdrawal bleeding - The uterine bleeding occurs after UIF FTUSPHFOJD TUJNVMVT TUPQ GPS JOTUBODF BGUFS CJMBUFSBM BEOFYFDUPNZ PWBSJFT JSSBEJBUJPO PS TUPQQJOH UIF FTUSPHFOJD UIFSBQZ BU B DBTUSBUFE XPNBO4JNJMBSMZUIFCMFFEJOHPDDVSSJOH after castration may be stopped after UIF USFBUNFOU UISPVHI UIF FYPHFOPVT administration of estrogens. The bleFEJOH SFPDDVST JG UIF FYPHFOPVT BEministration of estrogens is stopped. 5IVTUIFFTUSPHFOJDXJUIESBXBMBMPOF (in absence of progesterone) usually causes endometrial bleeding. Estrogen breakthrough bleeding $ISPOJD FYQPTVSF UP FTUSPHFOT JO BCTFODF PG QSPHFTUFSPOF TUJNV7PMr/Pr lates the continuous endometrial QSPMJGFSBUJPO UIF TBNF XJUI UIF FYtragonadal hyperestrogenemia in UIF QPMZDZTUJD PWBSJBO TZOESPNF "GUFS B DFSUBJO BNPVOU PG UJNF UIF estrogens quantity produced at the FYUSBPWBSJBO UJTTVFT CFDPNFT JOsufficient to hold the endometrial structural support. This causes unQSFEJDUBCMF EFTRVBNBUJPO FWFOUT BU the endometrial surface. The rather decreased doses of estrogens cauTF JOUFSNJUUFOU TQPUUJOH XIJDI NBZ CF QSPMPOHFE CVU NPEFSBUF 0O UIF PUIFS IBOE UIF JODSFBTFE EPTFT PG estrogens continued to be adminisUSBUFEDBVTFFYUFOEFEQFSJPEPGBNFOPSSIFB GPMMPXFE CZ BDVUF FQJTPEFT PGCMFFEJOHXIJDINBZTPNFUJNFTCF profuse. Progesterone withdrawal bleeding - Typical bleeding from progesUFSPOJD XJUIESBXBM PDDVSSJOH BGUFS PWVMBUJPO JO UIF BCTFODF PG DPODFJWJOH B CBCZ 3FNPWBM PG UIF ZFMMPX CPEZJTBOPUIFSFYBNQMFUIBUMFBETUP an endometrial desquamation. A similar result occurs at administrating and then stopping using synthesis QSPHFTUBUJWFT #MFFEJOH QVSTVBOU UP QSPHFTUFSPOFXJUIESBXBMPDDVSTPOMZ JGUIFFOEPNFUSJVNXBTGJSTUTUJNVMBUFECZFTUSPHFOTFYPHFOPVTBOEFOdogenous). If the estrogenic therapy DPOUJOVFTXIJMFUIFQSPHFTUBUJWFTUJNVMVT TUPQT CMFFEJOH PDDVST BHBJO CFDBVTFPGQSPHFTUFSPOFXJUIESBXBM 0OMZJGUIFFTUSPHFOMFWFMJTWFSZIJHI the bleeding caused by progesterone XJUIESBXBM JT EFMBZFE [14] 5IVT JU JT foreseen a bleeding caused by proHFTUFSPOF XJUIESBXBM POMZ JO UIF QSFTFODF PG B QSFWJPVT TUJNVMVT PS B current estrogen stimulus. Progestin breakthrough bleeding is a pharmacological phenomenon XIJDI PDDVST JO UIF QSFTFODF B IJHI QSPHFTUBUJWFT FTUSPHFOT SBUJPO *O the absence of a sufficient estrogen TUJNVMVT UIF DPOUJOVPVT UIFSBQZ XJUI QSPHFTUBUJWFT MFBET UP BO JOUFSNJUUFOU CMFFEJOH PG WBSJBCMF EVSBUJPO TJNJMBS UP UIF CMFFEJOH DBVTFE by estrogenic breakthrough because of administrating decreased doses of estrogens. This kind of bleeding is associated to the combined oral conUSBDFQUJWFT XIJDI DPOUBJO MPX EPTFT PGFTUSPHFOTBOEDPOUSBDFQUJWFTXJUI POMZ QSPHFTUBUJWFT XJUI QSPMPOHFE BDUJPO /PSQMBOU %FQP1SPWFSB [15]. 5IF CMFFEJOH DBVTFE CZ QSPHFTUBUJWF breakthrough is less predictable and WBSJBCMF Etiology 'PS EJEBDUJD QVSQPTFT UIF DBuses of AVB are classified in four categories:[16] 9 Pregnancy complications. 91FMWJDDBVTFTCFOJHOPSNBMJHO 9%ZTGVODUJPOBMVUFSJOFCMFFEJOH 9& YUSBQFMWJD DBVTFT DPBHVMPQBUIJFT FOEPDSJOPQBUIJFT JBUSPHFnics). AVB has different characteristics BDDPSEJOHUPUIFXPNBOTBHF5IJTJT XIZUIFZDBOCFDMBTTJGJFEBTQSFQVCFSUZ"7#"7#EVSJOHUIFSFQSPEVDUJWFBHFBOEQPTUNFOPQBVTF"7# Pre-puberty AUB causes "OZ WBHJOBM CMFFEJOH EVSJOH QSF QVCFSUZZFBSTPME TIBMMCFDPOTJEFSFE BCOPSNBM FYDFQU XJUIESBXBM CMFFEJOH XJUI OFX CPSO CBCJFT <>. The possible causes of AVB at this BHF BSF JOGFDUJPOT OFPQMBTNT USBVNBGPSFJHOCPEJFTBOETFYVBMBCVTF Vulvovaginitis is the most frequent problem in paediatric gynaecology <>. It is usually about a bacterial or fungi infection or T. Vaginalis in rare cases. It may or may not be associated to an JOUSBWBHJOBM GPSFJHO CPEZ *U TIPXT JUDIJOFTT FSZUIFNB MFVDPSSIPFB and sometimes minimum bleeding. 7VMWPWBHJOJUJT JT VTVBMMZ DBVTFE CZ BEFGJDJFOUIZHJFOFCVUPDDBTJPOBMMZ CZBOJSSJUBUJPODBVTFECZTPBQDPTmetic products or sand. Intra-vaginal foreign bodies are _ PG HZOBFDPMPHJDBM QSPCMFNT XJUI children<> "O JOUSBWBHJOBM GPSFJHO body presents a bad smell leucorrhoea BOEPS NJOJNVN PS JOUFSNJUUFOU SFE WBHJOBMCMFFEJOH Trauma in the perineum area is BOPUIFS GSFRVFOU DBVTF PG "7# XJUI little girls. Considering the fact that BUUIJTBHFWVMWBIBTOPTVCDVUBOFPVT GBU JU JT NPSF GSBHJMF 4FYVBM BCVTF NBZ DBVTF QFSJOFVN PS WBHJOB DSBDLT"OZTVTQJDJPOTIBMMCFJOWFTUJHBUFEXJUIEVFDBSFBOEEJTDSFUJPO Urethra prolapse is another cause of AVB. Usually it occurs at girls aged 6-9 and it is more frequent at XIJUFHJSMT5IFQSFEJTQPTJOHGBDUPST gineco ro gynecology BSF DPOHFOJUBM BCOPSNBMJUJFT VSFUISBM NVDPVT FYDFTT JODSFBTF PG JOUSBBCEPNJOBMQSFTTVSFBOEFYUFSOBM trauma. The urethral prolapse shall QSFTFOU CMFFEJOH QBJO BOE EZTVSJB 6SFUISB FYBNJOBUJPO TIBMM TIPX B QBJOGVM UJTTVF NBTT DPMPSFE JO EBSL SFEPVUTJEFUIFFYUFSOBMVSFUISBMNFatus. Genital neoplasmsBSFWFSZSBSFJO the pre-puberty period. #FOJHO UVNPSTJODMVEFDFSWJDBMBOE WBHJOBM QPMZQJ WBHJOBM BEFOPTJT BOE WBHJOBMPSWVMWBIFNBOHJPNBT[19]. The latter bleed a lot especially if they are injured or undergo biopsies. Malign tumors include botryoid TBSDPNB DFSWJDBM PS WBHJOBM BEFOPDBSDJOPNB FTQFDJBMMZ JO DBTFT PG FYQPTVSF JO VUFSP UP %&4 BOE PWBSJBO tumors[19]0WBSJBOUVNPSTXJUIHSBOVMBSUIFDBMDFMMTUVNPSTPGTFYVBMDPSET TUSPNB EZTHFSNJOPNBT NBZ DBVTF uterine bleeding and early incomplete JTPTFYVBMQVCFSUZCFDBVTFPGFTUSPHFO production. AVB causes during the reproductive age "7# BU XPNFO EVSJOH UIF SFQSPEVDUJWF BHF NBZ IBWF PCTUFUSJDBM PS gynecological causes. The obstetrical causes are beyond the scope of this DIBQUFSBOETIBMMCFEFBMUXJUICSJFGMZ AVB caused by pregnancy complications "XPNBOBUSFQSPEVDUJWFBHFIBWJOH "7# IBT UP BMXBZT CF TVTQFDUFE PG B pregnancy complication. The potential causes of AVB related to pregnancy include: 9BCPSUJPO NJTDBSSJBHF JODPNQMFUF BCPSUJPO BCPSUJPO JO DPVSTF QSFHOBODZ UIBU TUPQQFE EFWFMPQJOH 9FDUPQJDQSFHOBODZ 9NPMBSQSFHOBODZ 9 placenta pathology (placenta praFWJBQMBDFOUBEFUBDINFOU This group of pathologies shall not CFEFBMUXJUIJOUIJTDIBQUFS AVB related to pelvic causes *OOPSNBMGMPXTUIFCMPPERVBOUJUZ lost during menstruation is controlled CZ MPDBM WBTDVMBS UPOVT MPDBM IFNPTUBTJT BOE GJCSJOPMZUJD BDUJWJUZ<>. As NFOUJPOFE BCPWF NFOPSSIBHJB NBZ CF DBVTFE CZ B QFMWJD FYUSBQFMWJD PS JBUSPHFOJD QBUIPMPHZ )PXFWFS GPS PGIZTUFSFDUPNJFTGPSBOPCKFDUJWF NFOPSSIBHJBOPQBUIPMPHJDDBVTFIBT been identified[21]. Uterine fibroids BSF WFSZ PGUFO GPVOE XJUI XPNFO XJUI NFOPSSIBHJB *U JT FTUJNBUFE UIBU PG XPNFOBUSFQSPEVDUJWFBHFIBWFVUFSJOFGJCSPJETCVUPOMZBQBSUPGUIFN become symptomatic [22]. OccasionalMZBQFEJDVMBUFFOEPDBWJUBSZNZPNB XJUI B MPOH QFEJDFM NBZ CF FYUFSOBMJTFE UISPVHI UIF DFSWJDBM DIBOOFM 5IF VUFSJOF GJCSPJE XIJDI EFGPSNT UIFVUFSJOFDBWJUZJOUIFTVCNVDPVT or intramural area) causes menorrhagia by local inhibition of hemostasis BOEPSJODSFBTFVMDFSBUJPOPSJOKVSZ of endometrial surface [22]3FDFOUTUVEJFTIBWFTIPXOBMUFSBUJPOPGTFWFSBM increase factors in the fibromatous uterus. Because a lot of these factors BSF JOWPMWFE JO BOHJPHFOFTJT PS IBWF PUIFS FGGFDUT JO WBTDVMBS TUSVDUVSFT JU JT CFMJFWFE UIBU BOHJPHFOFTJT BMUFSBUJPO XJUI UIF GPSNBUJPO PG BCOPSNBMWFTTFMTNBZCFUIFDBVTFGPSXIJDIXPNFOXJUIVUFSJOFGJCSPJETIBWF menorrhagia. Angiogenic factors that NBZ CF JOWPMWFE JO UIJT QSPDFTT BSF UIF WBTDVMBS FOEPUIFMJBM HSPXUI GBDUPS7(&' BOEBESFOPNFEVMMJO<> Adenomiosis EFGJOFE BT UIF FDUPpic presence of endometrial glands BOE PG TUSPNB JO UIF VUFSJOF NZPNB JT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI GJCSPJET JO PG cases and it is also considered a cause of menorrhagia[24]. Endometrial polypi are more often XJUIXPNFOBHFEBOEWFSZSBSFly at teenage girls[25]5IFJSQSFWBMFODF BNPOHXPNFOBUUIFSFQSPEVDUJWFBHF JT5IFZDBOCFVOJRVFPSNVMUJQMFTFTTJMFPSQFEVODVMBUF5IFZBSF NPSFPGUFOBUUIFMFWFMPGVUFSJOFCBDL FTQFDJBMMZBUUIFIPSOTMFWFM&OEPNFtrial polyposis is a condition under XIJDINVMUJQMFQPMZQJBSFUPCFGPVOE OUIFFOEPNFUSJBMDBWJUZ&OEPNFUSJBM QPMZQJBSFGPVOEBUNPSFUIBO PGXPNFOVOEFSHPJOHUBNPYJGFOUSFBUNFOU &OEPNFUSJBM QPMZQJ IBWF B DFStain risk of malign transformation (2 times)[26]'PSUVOBUFMZJUJTBCPVUGPSNT of decreased malignity. Their etiology is not clear yet. The rather frequent association to enEPNFUSJBM IZQFSQMBTJB BOE XJUI UIF FOEPNFUSJBM DBODFS NBZ JOWPMWF UIF unbalanced estrogenic stimulation. In most cases they are asymptoma- UJDCVUTPNFUJNFTUIFZBSFBTTPDJBUFE UP"7#XIJDINBZMPPLMJLFNFOPSSIBHJB TQPUUJOH PS QSFNFOTUSVBM VUFSJOFCMFFEJOH0DDBTJPOBMMZBOFOEPNFUSJBM QPMZQVT XJUI B MPOH QFEJDFM NBZ CF FYUFSOBMJ[FE UISPVHI UIF DFSWJDBM channel. Endometrial hyperplasia may also CFBDBVTFPG"7#*UJTWFSZPGUFOBTTPDJBUFE XJUI DISPOJD BOPWVMBUJPO PWBrian tumors secreting estrogens and non-balanced estrogenic therapy. Endmoetrial cancer is the most frequent genital neoplasm. In geneSBM JU BGGFDUT XPNFO BU QFSJNFOPQBVTF BOE QPTUNFOPQBVTF BWFSBHF BHF ZFBSTPME <>. Only 5% of patients XJUIFOEPNFUSJBMDBODFSBSFZFBST old<>.PTUPGUIFDBTFTEFWFMPQPOBO endometrial hyperplasia and are the result of a continuous estrogenic stiNVMBUJPOFYPHFOPVTFOEPHFOPVT PO B TFOTJUJWF IPSNPOBM FOEPNFUSJVN "QBSUGSPNDISPOJDBOPWVMBUJPOGVODUJPOBM PWBSJBO UVNPST BOE OPOCBMBODFE FTUSPHFOJD UIFSBQZ PUIFS SJTL factors are obesity (by transforming the androstenedione in estrone at UIF MFWFM PG BEJQPTF UJTTVF B IJTUPSZ PG JOGFSUJMJUZ OVMMJQBSJUZ PME BHF UBNPYJGFO UIFSBQZ FBSMZ NFOBSDIF BOE tardy menopause<>. AVB is the most frequent symptom in cases of endoNFUSJBMDBODFSPGUIFQBUJFOUT *U NBZCFNJOJNVNTQPUUJOH PSFYDFTTJWF Infectious causesJODMVEFDFSWJDJUJT OPOQVFSQFSBMFOEPNFUSJUJTBOEQFMWJD inflammatory disease. They are mostly FODPVOUFSFEXJUIZPVOHXPNFO 9 Cervicitis in most cases is asympUPNBUJD *O TZNQUPNBUJD DBTFT CFTJEFT MFVDPSSIPFB EZTQBSFVOJB UIF QBUJFOU NBZ FYQFSJFODF TQPOUBOFPVT PS post-coital AVB<>. The most frequent cases are caused by C. Trachomatis. 0UIFS JOWPMWFE NJDSPPSHBOJTNT BSF / (POPSSIPFBF WJSVTFT )47 1BSWPWJSVTFT $ BMCJDBOT .ZDPQMBTNB 5 Vaginalis etc. 9 Pelvic inflammatory disease ocDVSTJOPG"7#DBTFTCVUUIJTTZN ptom does not dominate the clinical chart<> .JDSPPSHBOJTNT XIJDI BSF NPTUPGUFOJOWPMWFEBSF 9 Endometritis.*UIBTCFFOTIPXO recently that non-puerperal endomeUSJUJTNBZPDDVSBMPOFOPUBTTPDJBUFE UPTBMQJOHJUJT/POQVFSQFSBMFOEPNF7PMr/Pr Reclamă G17(3)0203 tritis may sometimes be accompanied by AVB (menorrhaHJBNFUSPSSIBHJB <>. Arteriovenous uterine malformations are a rare cauTF PG "7# 5IFTF DPNQMFY NBMGPSNBUJPOT BSF VTVBMMZ DPOHFOJUBM *O SBSF DBTFT UIFZ DBO CF UIF SFTVMU PG JOGFDUJPOT traumatisms (surgeries) or cancer. These abnormalities are DIBSBDUFSJ[FE CZ UIF DPNNVOJDBUJPO CFUXFFO UIF BSUFSZ BOE UIF BEKBDFOU WFJO BOE BSF EJTDPWFSFE UISPVHI CSVUBM IFNPSSIBHF6TVBMMZJUJOWPMWFTUIFVUFSJOFCPEZBOEJOSBSF DBTFTUIFDFSWJY<>. Cervical lesions."MNPTUBMMDFSWJDBMMFTJPOTNBZCFBDBuse of AVB. 9 Cervical polypi FOEP PS FYPDFSWJDBM BSF UIF NPTU GSFRVFOUCFOJHODFSWJDBMOFPQMBTNT*UJTPCTFSWFEJOPG HZOBFDPMPHJDBM QBUJFOUT FTQFDJBMMZ BU NVMUJQBSPVT XPNFO BHFE<>. Their classic symptom is inter-menstrual bleFEJOHFTQFDJBMMZQPTUDPJUVTPSBGUFSUIFWBHJOBMUPVDI 9 Cervical dysplasia NBZCFBSBSFDBVTFPG"7#FTQFDJally post-coitus<>. 9 Cervical cancerJTNPTUMZGPVOEBUXPNFOBHFE UIFBWFSBHFBHFCFJOHZFBSTPME<>$FSWJDBMDBODFSNBZ CF BTZNQUPNBUJD PS NBZ IBWF "7# JOUFSNFOTUSVBM BOE post-coitus). Coagulopathies. /PSNBMMZ UIF UJTTVF GBDUPS 5' BOE UIFQMBTNJOPHFOBDUJWBUPSJOIJCJUPS1"* EJGGFSJOUIF EZOBNJDTBUUIFFOEPNFUSJVNMFWFMDPOUSPMMJOHUIVTUIF MPTUCMPPEGMPX&YDFTTJWFCMFFEJOHDBOCFOPUJDFEXIFO UIF GJCSJOPMZUJD BDUJWJUZ HSPXT CFDBVTF PG 1"* RVBOUJUZ EFDSFBTFXIJDIMFBETUPQMBTNJOPHFOBDUJWBUPSMFWFMJODSFBTF PS XIFO UIFSF JT B GBVMUZ DPBHVMBUJPO QSPDFTT <>. Coagulopathies causes menorrhagia in rare cases. The QSFWBMFODF PG DPBHVMPQBUIJFT BU XPNFO XJUI NFOPSSIBHJB HPFT BT IJHI BT CFJOH NPSF GSFRVFOU BU UFFOBge girls <> 5IF 7PO 8JMMFCSBOE EJTFBTF BO BVUPTPNBM QBUIPMPHJDDPOEJUJPOMPDBMJ[FEJODISPNPTPNFJTUIF NPTU GSFRVFOUMZ JOWPMWFE DPBHVMPQBUIZ BOE NBZ FMVEF UIF NFOPSSIBHJB EJGGFSFOUJBM EJBHOPTJT "QQSPYJNBUFMZ PG XPNFO TVGGFSJOH GSPN 7PO 8JMMFCSBOE EJTFBTF IBWFNFOPSSIBHJB [41]. Other rarer cases of coagulopathies XIJDIBMUFSQMBUFMFUTBOEDPBHVMBUJPOGBDUPSTJEJPQBUIJD UISPNCPDZUPQFOJD QVSQMF BDVUF BOE DISPOJD MFVLFNJB MZNQIPNBTEFGJDJUPG77**99*GBDUPST NBZBMTPDBVTF NFOPSSIBHJB #FDBVTF B MPU PG DPBHVMPQBUIJFT IBWF HFOFUJD DBVTFT UIFZ BSF TVTQFDUFE FTQFDJBMMZ BU UFFOBHFST suffering from AVB [42]. Iatrogenic cases UIF NPTU GSFRVFOUMZ JOWPMWFE JO "7# BSFVTFPGDPOUSBDFQUJPOUSFBUNFOUTPOMZXJUIQSPHFTUFSPOF PSBMJNQMBOUBCMFPSJOKFDUJPOT VTFPGBOUJDPBHVMBOUTBOUJQTZDIPUJDT DPSUJDPTUFSPJET IPSNPOF UIFSBQZ UBNPYJGFO BOEJOTFSUJPOPGJOUSBVUFSJOFEFWJDFT Intra-uterine devices*6% XIJDIDPOUBJODPQQFSPSUIF JOFSU POFT XJUI HSFBU TVSGBDF BSF BMTP DBVTFT PG FYDFTTJWF NFOTUSVBM CMFFEJOH 5IF NFOPSSIBHJB NFDIBOJTN XPVME CFBDPNCJOBUJPOCFUXFFOUIFMPDBMJOGMBNNBUPSZSFTQPOTF NJTCBMBODF CFUXFFO QSPTUBHMBOEJOT BOE USPNCPYBO BOEUIFBDUJWBUJPOPGUIFGJCSJOPMZUJDQSPDFTTCZUIFGPSFJHO body<>5IFFOEPNFUSJVNTVGGFSTBIZQFSBFNJBDPOHFTUJPOBOEEFHFOFSBUFTDBVTJOHJOUFSTUJUJBMIFNPSSIBHFBOE metrorrhagia[45]. 7PMr/Pr gineco ro gynecology Table 1 AVB causes Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) Coagulopathies Anovulatory DUB Trombocitopenia Ovulatory DUB von Willebrand disease Pregnancy-related bleeding Other platelet pathologies Abortion (miscarriage, incomplete) Deficits of the coagulation factors Ectopic pregnancy Anti-coagulant therapy Molar pregnancy Severe hepatic failure Bleeding from the 3rd term / postpartum Benign anatomic lesions Miscellaneous Endoemtrial hyperplasia Lacerations or pelvic trauma Uterine fibroid Intra-uterine devices (IUD) Adenomiosis Intra-vaginal foreign body Endo-cervical or endometrial polypi Hormonal drugs Vaginal or cervical endometriosis Hypothyroidism Vaginal adenosis Uterine sarcoidosis Müllerien abnormalities associated to partial obstruction Neoplasias Arteriovenous uterine malformations Endometrial adenocarcinoma Uterine scars Uterine sarcoma Inflammatory processes Cervex or vaginal cancer Pelvic inflammatory disease Gestational trophoblastic disease Atrophic or infectious vagina Phipps WR. Abnormal vaginal bleeding. In: Leppert PC, Peipert JF, eds. Primary Care for Women, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004:136 7PMr/Pr gineco ro Herbal substances%VDIBTHJOHTFOH gingko and soya supplements may be the cause of AVB by altering the estrogen MFWFMPSUIFDPBHVMBUJPOGBDUPS[46]. Substitution hormonal therapy. AVB may be a side effect of the substiUVUJPOIPSNPOBMUIFSBQZ4)5 CFJOH a cause for stopping the treatment<>. *O UIF GJSTU ZFBS PG UIFSBQZ "7# NBZ PDDVS GSFRVFOUMZ JO DBTFT XIFO 4)5 is administrated daily as compared to DBTFTXIFO4)5JTVTFEDZDMJDBMMZ<>. Tamoxifen therapy. 5BNPYJGFO JT B TFMFDUJWF FTUSPHFO SFDFQUPS NPEVMBUPS4&3. VTFEBTBEKVWBOUJOCSFBTU DBODFSUSFBUNFOUDBTFTXJUISFDFQUPST GPS FTUSPHFOT *UT FGGFDU JT B QBSBEPY XIJMFJUSFEVDFTUIFFTUSPHFOBDUJPOPO UIF NBNNBSZ UJTTVF JUT FGGFDU PO UIF endometrium is to stimulate the proliGFSBUJPOJOEVDFECZFTUSPHFOTDBVTJOH FOEPNFUSJBM IZQFSQMBTJB FOEPNFUSJBM QPMZQJ FOEPNFUSJBM DBODFS PS VUFSJOF TBSDPNBTBMMCFJOHDBVTFTPG"7#<>. 5IJTJTXIZXPNFOVOEFSHPJOHUBNPYJGFOUSFBUNFOUIBWJOH"7#IBWFBHSFBUSJTLUPEFWFMPQFOEPNFUSJBMDBODFS Anticoagulants.&WFOUIPVHIUIFTJHnificance of anticoagulants in menorrhBHJBJTOPUDMFBSUIFXBSGBJOUIFSBQZJOcreases menstrual bleeding[51])PXFWFS the thrombolytic therapy (administraUJPOPGQMBTNJOPHFOUJTTVFBDUJWBUPS BU patients at menstruation does not seem to be associated to an increase of menTUSVBM GMPX FYDFQU DBTFT XIFO XPNFO already suffer from menorrhagia<>. Systemic diseases are a rare cause of AVB. Hepatic cirrhosis may be a cause of menorrhagia because of the esUSPHFOMPXNFUBCPMJTN"7#JTBMTPUP CF GPVOE XJUI UIZSPJE EJTFBTFT of hypothyroidism cases and 21.5% of hyperthyroidism cases<>. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. *OFYQMJDBCMF NFOPSSIBHJB SFGFSSJOH UP DBTFT PG FYDFTTJWF NFOTUSVBM CMFFEJOH in absence of an organic pathology is LOPXO BT EZTGVODUJPOBM VUFSJOF CMFFEJOH%6# "MNPTUPGXPNFOXJUI "7#IBWF%6#[56]'SPNBMMQBUJFOUTXJUI %6#BMNPTUBSFCFUXFFOBOE ZFBSTPMEBOEBSFUFFOBHFST<>. Anuvolatory DUB - Most cases of %6# IBWF BOPWVMBUPSZ DBTFT because of the hypothalamus-hypophyTJTPWBSZBYFEZTGVODUJPO<>. "OPWVMBUPSZ%6#JOWPMWFTUIFSBUIFS FYUFOEFE FYQPTVSF PG FOEPNFUSJVN UP 7PMr/Pr estrogens in the non-balanced progesUFSPOF NBOOFS 6OEFS UIJT TUJNVMVT JU is induced the proliferation of the enEPNFUSJVN XIJDI CFDPNF UIJDL IJHI BOE JOTUBCMF 4PNFUJNFT FYUFOEFE FTtrogenic stimulation causes proliferation until the occurrence of endometrial hyperplasia<> %6# JO UIJT FOEPNFUSJVN NBZ PDDVS JO UXP EJGGFSFOU TJUVBUJons. It can be caused by: 9 Estrogenic withdrawal. This meDIBOJTNBMTPFYQMBJOTUIFTQPUUJOHSJHIUCFGPSFUIFPWVMBUJPOXIFOUIFSFJT BOFTUSPHFOMFWFMEFDSFBTF 9 The so-called estrogen breakthrough. The endometrial test is delicate and causes spontaneous bleeding because of UIFIJHIOVNCFSPGJSSFHVMBSEJMBUFEBOE GSBHJMF WFOPVT DBQJMMBSJFT 5IF QSPDFTT is neither regulated nor self-limited in UJNFBOEJOWPMWFTEJGGFSFOUFOEPNFUSJBM BSFBTBUEJGGFSFOUUJNFT#FTJEFTUIFCMPPEGMPXJO%6#NBZIBWFDMPUTCFDBVTF PGEJTUSFTTJOHUIFGJCSJOPMZUJDBDUJWJUZ "U BEVMU XPNFO %6# NBZ PDDVS BGter a history of irregular menstruations TUBSUFE JO UIF UFFOBHF QFSJPE PS UIFZ NBZPDDVSTVEEFOMZBGUFSBMPOHQFSJPE PGOPSNBMQFSJPET$ISPOJDBOPWVMBUJPO started in the teenage period generally IJEFT UIF QPMZDZTUJD PWBSJBO TZOESPNF IZQFSBOESPHFOJD DISPOJD BOPWVMBUJPO [59] *G JU PDDVST BU MBUFS UJNFT BOPWVMBtion usually is caused by other patholoHJFTPSFOEPDSJOPQBUIJFT5IJTJTXIFSF UP JODMVEF BOPWVMBUJPO HJWFO CZ IZQFSQSPMBDUJOBFNJB QIZTJDBM FGGPSU IZQFSUhyroidism etc<>. Ovulatory DUBEJGGFSGSPNBOPWVMBUPSZ%6#CFDBVTFUIFPWVMBUJPOPDDVST SFHVMBSMZ QFSJPEJDBMMZ BOE UIJT JT XIZ BOPWVMBUPSZ%6#JTSFHVMBUFEQFSJPEJD JOUJNF5IFFYDFTTJWFGMPXPGPWVMBUPSZ %6#JTDBVTFECZUIFBCOPSNBMNFUBCPlism of arachidonic acid in the endomeUSJBMGVODUJPOXJUIFYDFTTJWFQSPEVDUJPO PG WBTPEJMBUJOH QSPTUBHMBOEJOT BT DPNQBSFEUPUIFWBTPDPOTUSJDUJWFPOFT5IF EJTDSFQBODZ CFUXFFO UIF WBTPDPOTUSJDUJWFFGGFDUTPGQSPTUBHMBOEJO'1('α) BOEUIFUISPNCPYBOF"BOEUIFWBTPEJlating effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and prostacyclin (PGI2) in the myometrial and endometrial circulation could be UIF DBVTF PG WBTDVMBS JNCBMBODF XIJDI MFBETUPFYDFTTJWFNFOTUSVBMCMFFEJOH[61]. "UXPNFOXJUINFOPSSIBHJBSFMFBTFPG 1(& 1(' BOE 1(* JT JODSFBTFE JO FOEPNFUSJVN BOE NZPNFUSJVN JODSF- BTFE DPODFOUSBUJPOT XJUI UIFTF DZUPLJOFT BSF OPUJDFE JO UIF NFOTUSVBM GMPX PGTVDIXPNFOBTDPNQBSFEUPXPNFO XJUI OPSNBM NFOTUSVBUJPOT[62] #FTJEFT increased concentrations of receptors for PGE2 and PGI2 are noticed in the NZPNFUSJVN PG XPNFO XJUI FYDFTTJWF menstrual bleeding<>. 5IF JODSFBTF PG WBTPEJMBUJOH GBDUPST BOE UIFJS SFDFQUPST NBZ BVHNFOU FWFO more the menstrual bleeding and the WBTDVMBS EZTGVODUJPO CZ TUJNVMBUJOH UIF QSPTUBHMBOEJOT TZOUIFTJT QPTJUJWF feedback) and by local promotion of VGEF[64]. 5IF OJUSJD PYJEF /0 JT BOPUIFS WBTPEJMBUPS BOE NBZ DBVTF FYDFTTJWF menstrual bleeding. The menorrhagic FOEPNFUSJVN JODSFBTFT UIF FYQSFTTJPO PG UIF FO[ZNF FOEPUIFMJBM OJUSJD PYJEF TZOUIBTF F/04 BOE DPOUBJOT IJHIFS RVBOUJUJFTPG/0BTDPNQBSFEUPOPSNBM endometrium[65]. .PSFPWFS B TJHOJGJDBOU JODSFBTF PG GJCSJOPMZTJT JO FOEPNFUSJVN DBVTFE by the pre-menstrual increase of tissue QMBTNJOPHFOBDUJWBUPSBOUJHFOXJUIUIF delayed increase of plasminogen inhibiUPSUZQFXPVMECFBOPUIFSNFDIBOJTN JOWPMWFEJONFOPSSIBHJB[66]. There are studies suggesting that an JNCBMBODF CFUXFFO UIF NBUSJY NFUBMQSPUFJOBTFT ..1T B GBNJMZ PG QSPUFJOBTFT XIJDI EFHSBEF UIF NBUSJY BOE their physiologic inhibitors (tissue inIJCJUPST PG NFUBMMPQSPUFJOBTFT 5*.1T NBZIBWFBOJNQPSUBOUSPMFJOBCOPSNBM menstrual bleeding<>. -BUFTU TUVEJFT IBWF JEFOUJGJFE B GFX OFXMPDBMNPEVMBUPSTJOWPMWFEJOFYDFTTJWFNFOTUSVBMCMFFEJOH-&'5:"BOFX NFNCFS JO UIF USBOTGPSNJOH HSPXUI factor-βGBNJMZLOPXOBUUIFCFHJOOJOH as endometrial bleeding-associated facUPS&#"' IBTCFFOJEFOUJGJFEBTBDBOEJEBUF GPS UIJT MPDBM DPOUSPM /FX EBUB IBWF TIPXO UIBU -&'5:" NBZ FOTVSF an important signal in the endometrial desquamation and menstrual bleeding CZ..1TFYQSFTTJPO[69]. Conclusion Abnormal uterine bleeding is a common cause of presentation to the docUPSBOEXJUIBWBSJFUZPGFUJPMPHJDGBDUPST PGUFO UIFSF JT OFDFTTBSZ GVSUIFS JOWFTUJHBUJPO UP FTUBCMJTI FUJPMPHZ JG JOJUJBMUIFSBQZJTJOFGGFDUJWFPSJGPUIFS causes are suspected. gineco ro gynecology References 1. Rees MC. 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