Christ has died EASTER 2015 Christ is risen! Christ will come again $%&'()*% !"# +,(--.'*%/ !"#$%&'(()*'+$%,&-'.*'/0-1#')2(3''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4$,#156&7'18'91005#:87';1"<&5&'518<&'(=2> Bishop Kay Goldsworthy with husband Jeri and son Ben Photo: Jan Down The Rev Phyllis Andy and the Rev Kathy Dalton, indigenous priests of the Gippsland Diocese, welcome Bishop Kay to Gunnai Kurnai country Photo: Heartland Creative !"#$%&'()*'+%,-#.%/0$*'"1#0),,2-' ()C6'I156"0'"A'91005#:87 Jan Down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nductions south and west ?6&' 717B&-17""' 5"$87&7' :5' C6&' F&E' 46H##15'/87H' :87' C6&' F&E' G:C6H' ;:#C"8*' 1871B&8"$5' 0-1&5C5' "A' C6&' 91005#:87' ;1"<&5&*' <:%&' 7"@8' C6&' :15#&' C"' @&#<"%&' I156"0' G:H' C"' 9$88:1'G$-8:1'<"$8C-H*'0-&5&8C18B'6&-' @1C6':'50-1B'"A'B$%'#&:E&5N' 43") 10-5&+#) 6+%27) 23"8) 6%15""'"') 21) C6&'5:8<C$:-H*'@6&-&'C6&'/7%1815C-:C"-'"A' C6&';1"<&5&*'/-<67&:<"8'461#10'M$5C"8*' U87$<C&7' :87' U85C:##&7' I156"0' G:HN'' Photo: Trevor Balm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`"8"$-:,#&' F",&-C' O"-76:%'/MN' F",&-C' :#5"' &Q0-&55&7' C6&' 6&:-CA&#C' C6:8D5' "A' C6&' 71"<&5&' A"-' /-<67&:<"8' 461#10' M$5C"8K5' 6:-7' @"-D' 18' ,&18B' /7%1815C-:C"-'A"-'C6&'0:5C'818&'%"8C65*' :5' @&##' :5' <6:1-18B' C6&' I156"0K5' /00"18C%&8C'I":-7N' ?6&' 91005#:87' 9-:%%:-' J<6""#' VJ<6"1-Y' 0-"E17&7' 1C&%5' 7$-18B' <"%%$81"8*' @61#&' "C6&-' 5C$7&8C5' :5515C&7' @1C6' @&#<"%18B' :87' 5&:C18B' B$&5C5N'/'01<81<':AC&-@:-75'18'C6&'0:-D' "00"51C&' :##"@&7' 0&"0#&' A-"%' :<-"55' C6&'71"<&5&':87',&H"87'C"'&8T"H'5"%&' A&##"@5610'18':'-&#:Q&7'5&CC18BN' M:8H' 0&"0#&' @"-D&7' #"8B' :87' 6:-7' C"' 0-&0:-&' A"-' C615' B-&:C' 7:HN' /' 8&@' &-:' A"-' C6&' 71"<&5&' "A' 91005#:87' 8"@',&B185N'''''''''''''' !""#$%&'#($)"&#*#$+,##-. page 3 3411"15'0%'62,"27 Index From the Bishop 2 Inductions south and west 3 Around the Parishes +!,$ !!!! From the Bishop 4-7 National Youth Science Forum 8 Gippsland Grammar students help stock cathedral pantry 8 Rich Lanham: Mature and complete 9 Graeme Peters: A compelling mission 10 BCA’s “New Bush focus” and the 123 Project at Sale 11 Earth Care Card 11 a :5C&-' 0-&0:-:C1"85' $5$:##H' 6:E&' 0&"0#&' -$8818B' :-"$87' 18' 5"%&' @:H' "-' :8"C6&-]' <61#7-&8' 6"%&' A"-' 5<6""#' 6"#17:H5b'0#:8818B' C"' B"' :@:Hb' "-' 0-&0:-18B' A"-'a:5C&-'5&-E1<&5N'?6&-&'15':#@:H5'0#&8CH'C"' 7"N'UC'<:8',&'&Q6:$5C18B'c':87'5"%&C1%&5'5"' C1-18B'C6:C'@&'%:H'%155'a:5C&-N U8'S"68K5'B"50&#*':5'a:5C&-'%"-818B',-"D&*' C6&-&'@:5':#5"':'#"C'"A'-$8818B':-"$87N'O1-5C' M:-H' M:B7:#&8&' %:7&' 6&-' @:H' C"' S&5$5K' C"%,'18'C6&'0-&^7:@8'7:-D8&55N';15<"E&-18B' C6&' 5C"8&' -"##&7' :@:H' 56&' -:8' C"' C6&' "C6&-' 715<10#&5'@1C6'C6&'8&@5'C6:C'VC6&H'6:E&'C:D&8' :@:H'C6&'W"-7':87'U'7"'8"C'D8"@'@6&-&'C6&H' 6:E&'#:17'61%YN The Bishop and clergy at the Installation Brenda Burney: 12 Agents of Culture Change – Safe Church Awareness Workshops Diocesan calendar 12 4&C&-'C6&8'-:8'C"'C6&'C"%,N ?6&' "C6&-' V,&#"E&7' 715<10#&Y' -:<&7' @1C6'61%N ?6&1-'-$8818B'@:5'C"',&AN F&5$--&<C1"8',&A'A"-'S&5$5K'A-1&875',&B:8' :C'C6&'5<&8&'"A'C6&'&%0CH'C"%,':87'<"8C18$&7' 18'%&&C18B5'@1C6'C6&'-15&8'W"-7N Z6:C&E&-' -$8818B' :-"$87' H"$' :-&' 7"18B' "-'0&-6:05'A&&#'H"$':-&'$87&-'0-&55$-&'C"',&' 7"18B*' U' 6"0&' :87' 0-:H' C6:C' C615' a:5C&-' @1##' ,-18B' H"$' :' A-&56' %&:5$-&' "A' %&-<H*' 6"0&' :87',&AN' /87'%:H'C615'%&:5$-&',&':'-&:5"8'A"-'H"$-' B"18B'"$C'@1C6'-&8&@&7'&8&-BH'C"'C&##'0&"0#&' C6&'5C"-H'"A'S&5$5'L6-15C'-15&8'A-"%'C6&'7&:7N' /##&#$1:N Z1C6'9-:<&*'''''''''''''''''''''''' ##########################################################/0$1# ' !"#$%&'()*'+%,-#.%/0$*'"1#0),,2()C6'I156"0'"A'91005#:87''23'4#($)"#'+" !"# Photo: Trevor Balm Photos: Jan Down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After a four year battle with cancer, she died on 12 February and her funeral was held on Thursday the 19 February at St George’s Wonthaggi. I;%7":#='+,#$:#!1+',D#K$1#*.-X World Day of Prayer 2015 – The Bahamas St Paul’s Anglican church at Korumburra and St James’ at Buln Buln were two of the many Gippsland churches that hosted World Day of Prayer services for their areas, focusing this year on the Bahamas. Photo: Lyn Johnson Flamingo at Buln Buln service Korumburra Lyn Gilbert Neerim District Joy Andrews churches in the The other churches in the All town joined us for a café Neerim district were well style service in the church represented at St James’, hall, which was decorated Buln Buln. The brightly clad with palm trees made of worshippers, potted palms cardboard and paper on an and flamingoes created a “island” in the middle of vibrant tropical atmosphere the hall, complete with pink and transported us in our flamingoes (the national imagination to the Bahamas. The Rev Dr John Batt bird of the Bahamas). spoke of his recent visit to Mr. Richard Collyer spoke the Holy land. During lunch, on Christ’s washing of his disciples’ feet and the Lyn Johnson told of her first World Day of Prayer on board wider meaning of this act. The World Day of Prayer ship 50 years ago, after DVD was shown, telling holidaying in the Bahamas. Co-ordinator Kath of domestic violence in the Bahamas. It was Fusinato led prayers and interesting to learn more of readings which reflected the beautiful islands of the the distress and deprivation Bahamas and to join with of many of the world’s Christians around the world people who struggle with Flamingo at Buln Bulnlife’s service challenging issues. to pray for this country. /88$:#'G1750#$5k'L:%0':C'/##:%,&& Mary Nicholls Some of the juniors low ropes fun: Cooper, Jackson, Amalie, Noah, Isabella, Cohen, Adaw “Living the Adventure” was the theme and an apt description of the Kidsplus camp at Allambee. Campers aged between 6 and 16 years enjoyed outdoor activities with the Flying fox, archery, low ropes course, raft building (and testing in the dam). Great weather enabled us to make full use of the swimming pool and challenging water slides. Grants generously provided by Melbourne Diocesan CEBS, the Anglican Boy’s Society, enabled us to include some pony rides and a “Bricks 4 Kids” workshop led by coordinator Cath Stoney. Their grant also subsidised our mini bus hire. Indoor activities included the climbing wall, disco and Disco Bingo fun along with craft, discussions and worship based on the theme and using the popular movie “UP” as an aid. Our aim was to encourage thinking towards our goals in life, the challenges in attaining such, and the support through faith that Christ offers us on the journey. 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Around the parishes Autism Awareness Month @ St John’s – a letter to church leaders Tony Wicking and Von Dubbeld Bairnsdale A W"8B'Z&&D&87'S:ii Jane Peters Wonthaggi / Inverloch ? 6&' M:-<6' W"8B' Z&&D&87' 5&&5' %:8H' S:ii' &8C6$51:5C5' 7&5<&87' "8' U8E&-#"<6N' ?6&' Z"8C6:BB1^U8E&-#"<6' 4:-156' 7"&5' @6:C' 1C' <:8' C"' B&C' 18E"#E&7N' /#"8B' @1C6' C6&' "C6&-' <6$-<6&5' 18' C6&' :-&:' C6-"$B6' C6&' U8C&-^<6$-<6' <"$8<1#*' C6&H' 6"5C&7' C6&' @&##' :CC&87&7' J$87:H' %"-818B' S:ii' 5&-E1<&' :C'C6&'U8E&-#"<6'`$,N'?6&'F&E' 9-:&%&' 4&C&-5' 71-&<C&7' C6&' 5&-E1<&' :87' @61#&' @&' 6&:-7' &:<6' 185C-$%&8C' 0-:15&' 9"7' 1871E17$:##H*' C6&' <"%,18&7' 5"$87' "A' C6&' J:#E:C1"8'/-%H' I1B' I:87' -&:##H' 18501-&7' "$-' @"-5610'"A'9"7N' ;$-18B' C6&' @&&D&87' C6&' U8E&-#"<6' 9$1#7' #:71&5' 0-"E17&7' -&A-&56%&8C5' A"-' A&5C1E:#' :CC&87&&5' :C' C6&' Z1--:@&&' `:##' :87' @&-&' @1##18B#H' :5515C&7' ,H' A"#D' A-"%'C6&'Z"8C6:BB1'9$1#7':87' "C6&-' <6$-<6' %&%,&-5N' J"%&' %&%,&-5' "A' C6&' 0:-156' @&-&' E"#$8C&&-5' 6B' C"' -$8' C6&' &E&8C':87'"C6&-5'@&-&'50"CC&7' -&#:Q18B':87'5":D18B'$0'5"%&' T:ii' :C' C6&' A-&&' A:%1#H' 01<81<' "8'M"87:H':AC&-8""8N t St John’s Anglican Church Bairnsdale we have enjoyed the recent inclusion of three children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in our worshipping fellowship. Their presence and desire to participate more fully are encouraging us as a community to become more “autism aware”. As autism now effects at least one in 80 people, and appears to be on the rise, there is a good chance that your church community is also impacted by the presence !"# $%&'# (!)# *+,# -./# 01!021# with milder forms of ASD (eg. Asperger’s Syndrome) in your regular church activities. Others may possibly be struggling to participate in church activities and worship because of the challenges of ASD. So we are inviting you to join us as we plan to share with, learn from and increase belonging for those with ASD in our community. In April-May we are running “Autism Awareness Month @ St John’s”, during which we will be applying three strategies towards increasing autism awareness in our community: Sharing Stories On April 12 and 26, our own ASDy families will be sharing their personal stories about ASD within St John’s regular times of worship (8:30 and 10:00 am). This will be accompanied by printed information about ASD. We welcome you to send a representative to come and hear these ASD stories with us. M$-:#5':C'L"@&5 Margaret Hancock The recently completed Bass parish banner. Pictured with the Rector, Greg Magee is Priscilla Stott who designed and made the banner and her husband John who made the collapsible wooden pole. The details of the banner include the parish logo with the background representing the hills, farmland, sea and sand of the district. ? 6&' 5"$C6' &QC&-1"-' @:##' "A'C6&'JC'461#10K5'0:-156' 6:##' :C' L"@&5*' @61<6' 6:5' ,&&8' $88"C1<&7' A"-' &1B6CH' H&:-5'6:5'5$77&8#H',&<"%&':8' :-&:'"A'18C&-&5CX ?"@:-75' C6&' &87' "A' #:5C' H&:-*' C6&' 461##10' U5#:87' <"%%$81CH'@:5'18E1C&7'C"'C:D&' 0:-C' 18' <"85$#C:C1"85' :,"$C' C6&' A$C$-&' 7&E&#"0%&8C' "A' L"@&5*' :87' C"' 56:-&' 17&:5' A"-' %:D18B' C6&' C"@85610' %"-&' E15$:##H':CC-:<C1E&N f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f8&' "A' C6&' 5$BB&5C1"85' A-"%' #:5C' H&:-K5' 0$,#1<' <"85$#C:C1"8' @:5' C6:C' :' 5&-1&5' "A' %$-:#5*' :CC:<6&7' C"' C615' @:##*' @"$#7' B-&:C#H' &8#1E&8' C6&' 5C-&&C5<:0&N' We also encourage you to consider fostering some ASDy story-telling in your own fellowship and are happy to share our information sheets. Training Day On Saturday 2 May @ 10:00 am– 4:00 pm an autism specialist from Scope* will lead two workshops. 341# -567# 86# +.# 8.75!/)978!.# 7!# understanding autism and the second is designed for those who are active in the care of people with ASD and will cover sensory defensiveness in greater detail. The impact of ASD in a pastoral and worship context will be included as well as other contexts represented by attendees. There will be a display of resources to look at and/or purchase. No cost, but a fundraising barbeque will be on for lunch. We invite you and others in your church to come and learn with us. Multi-sensory Worship Service Multi-Sensory Worship Service to those you know who may be interested. The Rev Tony Wicking is Rector of St John’s Bairnsdale. Von Dubbeld is a Children & Family Ministry Volunteer at the church. !" #$%&'" ()" *" +%,-.%/-&/%0," organisation that supports people with physical, intellectual and multiple disabilities. See On Sunday 3 May @ 3:00 pm An ASD-friendly service for all ages and abilities. Using all !"# !)5# -:1# 61.616# 7!# ;!56480# our God. We welcome you and ask you to encourage all who *+,# 160198+22,# <1.1-7# "5!*# 7486# experience to worship with us. Our hope is to increase awareness of autism in the religious, education, caring and family sectors of our communities. We would appreciate your help in spreading the word, particularly of the planned Training Day and ?6&-&' 15' B-"@18B' 18C&-&5C' 18' C615'0-"T&<CN /C' C6&' :88$:#' eL-&:C1E&' J01-1C' O&5C1E:#K' 18' M:H' C615' H&:-*' 185C&:7' "A' 6:E18B' C6&' $5$:#' /-C' aQ61,1C1"8*' @&' :-&' <:##18B' A"-' C6&%&5' :87' 7&51B85' @61<6' <"$#7' ,&' 7&E&#"0&7' A"-' C6&' 0-"0"5&7' %$-:#5N' UA' H"$' :-&' 18C&-&5C&7' 18' C:D18B' 0:-C' 18' C615' 0-"T&<C*' 0#&:5&' <"8C:<C' M:-B:-&C' `:8<"<D*' 3=3)' )33d*' "-' O:H'M:B&&'3=3)')h2jN Photos Fay Magee The parish hall at Cowes 0+2*-!&345!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'(%!)*++,-#./!0.$-*1#.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$%!5 Around the parishes !!!! !!!! L`FUJ?'L`_FL`' 4`f?f9F/4`UL'LfM4a?U?Uf+' for Drouin Ficifolia Festival 2015 Ruth and Tim Green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ppreciation for Op Shop success :81%:#5*',1-75*'0&"0#&*'0#:<&5*' #:875<:0&*' I&:$C1A$#' ;-"$18*' %15<&##:8&"$5*':87'0#:8C5N J0&<1:#' %&8C1"8' %$5C' ,&' %:7&' "A' C6&' 06"C"B-:065' 5$,%1CC&7' ,H' H"$8B' J"061&' G"E:<' "A' C6&' +&&-1%' 715C-1<C' @6"' @"8' :@:-75' 18' 5&E&-:#' <:C&B"-1&5*' :5' 717' ?-&E"-' I"$87H*' :' %&%,&-' "A' I:@' I:@' J18B&-5N' M:-B:-&C' O"##&CC*' :' %&%,&-' "A' C6&' <"8B-&B:C1"8*' @:5' :#5"' Trafalgar Parish Picnic at Blue Rock Dam +,+%'"')9"="%+#)5"%2&-5+2"9. ?6&' <6$-<6' ,$1#718B5' @&-&' "0&8'C"'C6&'0$,#1<'A"-'C6&'A"$-' 7:H5' "A' C6&' A&5C1E:#' C"' &8:,#&' E151C"-5' C"' E1&@' C6&' ,&:$C1A$#' 5C:18&7'B#:55'@187"@5N' ?6&' 0-"<&&75' A-"%' C6&' &8C-H' <6:-B&5' A"-' C6&' 46"C"B-:061<' L"%0&C1C1"8' @&-&' <"%,18&7' @1C6' C6"5&' A-"%'J6-"E&'?$&57:H'4:8<:D&' aE&818B' :87' 7"8:C&7' C"' 91005#:87'/8B#1<:-&N Wendy Nickson Lakes Entrance and Metung A shared lucheon was held at Lakes Entrance and Metung Parish on 1 March at St Nicholas, and a Certificate of Appreciation presented to Terry McMaster for his service in setting up the op shop “Nicholas John” (in the old church building, erected in 1908) and managing it for well over five years. It was very much a learning curve for all and Terry has done a wonderful job of seeing it through teething stages into the wellrun and profitable venture it is now. The money earned has enabled the Parish to do many things it was previously unable to do as well as donate a percentage of the profits to worthy local causes. Terry’s (and his wife Sandra’s) involvement is much appreciated by all. Journey to Easter Glenda Amos Yarram Photo: Ross Jacka 4:8<:D&5':87'41<81< Deirdre Crawley Trafalgar On Shrove Tuesday our parish shared a simple meal of pancakes, savoury and sweet, with other churches, marking the beginning of Lent. It was heartening to see the breadth of attendance, and representation, making full use of our facilities. The evening raised $354 for Act of peace which provides development aid to projects in needy countries. A number of study groups have been enjoying a deepening of relationship with God, as they meet together on a regular basis. While a few summer days returned in the middle of the month to delight us, we met for our Annual Parish Picnic at the beautiful Blue Rock Dam. The grass was green, the dam had water deep enough to enable full use of the kayaks and the many swimmers a happy time. Shrove Tuesday in Yarram was hosted by the Rev Jo and Ken White, with a pleasant evening at the Rectory. After a feast of savoury pancakes everyone adjourned to the back garden where last year’s palm crosses were burnt for this year’s imposition of ashes the next day. Back inside for dessert pancakes with yummy fruit and topping – in the true spirit of Fat Tuesday, it was a real feast. Four Lenten study groups have been meeting each week to follow the study written by Bishop John Harrower – “The God of Life”. This is a very practical study which participants find readily relates to everyday life in 2015. Throughout Lent Jo has preached on the Seven Deadly sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. This Lent has been a time to examine our lives and reflect on these virtues, so that a greater awareness of our sin might inspire our repentance and prompt our rejoicing in God’s steadfast love. In Yarram, our Easter celebrations include the amazing Tarra Festival. Holy Trinity Church Hall will be the staging point for those involved in floats for the parade down the main street. A self-guided Stations of the Cross will be available in the Hall following the parade. This year the posters used were created by the Benedictine Nuns of Turvey Abbey in Beford UK. Extremely rich in colour, these images trace Christ’s journey to the cross. Photo: Miriam Stackhouse H$3F"&:#9"&:7F$%#,7&(%$1#$:#!:#I'6+O&D#J'3:#>%@"3: Photo: Glenda Amos =;3+7+)#'2#($%4#<3'&&"&#Q#!;"D#L6"%4$D#Y%7F"D# 8"+,1#$+,#K737$4 "#$%!; "#$%!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'(%!)*++,-#./!0.$-*1#.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0+2*-!&345 !!!! Around the parishes S&AA'F1<6:-75"8'<&#&,-:C&5'c' .2'H&:-5':'0-1&5C ' Traralgon On Sunday 15th February the Rev Canon Jeff Richardson, Rector of St James Traralgon, celebrated his 30th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood with his family and members of the congregation. The service was followed by a luncheon in the church hall. Canon Jeff spoke of the many highlights of ministry throughout those 30 years. He has served in the parishes of East St Kilda, Glenroy, Balaclava / Elwood, Cheltenham, Bunyip and Traralgon. Canon Jeff said, “I am so grateful to God for remaining faithful to my priestly call. God has journeyed with me through the highs and lows of ordained ministry”. Photo: Fred Martin 56;3<67%%#[.:6#>++7F"3&$31#L6$+M&)7F7+)#!"3F7<"#$:#:6"#L'N+#H$%% Z&'@&-&',#"@8':@:H A 50th birthday for the township of Churchill Ruth Place / 8' &5C1%:C&7' )222' 0&"0#&' <:%&' C"' &8T"H' C6&' 32C6' ,1-C67:H' "A' L6$-<61##N' 461#10' 4:-:7&' @:5' <#"5&7'"AA'C"'<:-5'C"',&<"%&':' <"#"$-A$#' 0-&<18<C' "A' B:i&,"5' :87'A""7'E&87"-5N ?6&' ?"@8' `:##' 4#:i:' @:5' -&:7H'A"-'C6&'A"-%:#'$8E&1#18B' 10)23")10-5&+#)BC23)+88&="%9+%7) 6#+D?">) ,&23) <+(9) <7&8(>) 23") 8&@'5&-E1<&'%&%"-1:#'18'0#:<&*' :87' 5&:C18B' A"-' B$&5C5' :87' %&%,&-5'"A'C6&'0$,#1<N /C' (2]22' :%' C6&' L"%,18&7' L6$-<6&5' "A' L6$-<61##' 6' :' 5&-E1<&' "A' C6:8D5B1E18B' 18' C6&' ?"@8' `:##*' :CC&87&7' ,H' :00-"Q1%:C&#H' (32' 0&"0#&*' 18<#$718B' 0:5C' -&517&8C5' :87' A"-%&-' %1815C&-5l0-1&5C5' :87' J15C&-5' "A' JC' S"5&06*' ;:--&8' L6&5C&-*' C6&' O&7&-:#' M&%,&-' A"-' 91005#:87*' :87' F$55&##' +"-C6&*'M&%,&-'A"-'M"-@&##N ?6&' F&E' I-&87:' I$-8&H' PL""0&-:C18B' L6$-<6&5' "A' L6$-<61##*' I""#:--:*' g188:-R' 0-&0:-&7' :87' #&7' C6&' 5&-E1<&*' @1C6' 6�' A-"%' O:C6&-' O-:8<15' fC","' PW$%&8' L6-15C1' L:C6"#1<' 4:-156R' :87' 4:5C"-' ?"8H' M:-57&8' :87' W187:' Z61C8&H' PL6$-<61##' L6-15C1:8' O&##"@5610RN' M&%,&-5' "A' C6&' <6$-<6&5*' 0:5C' :87' 0-&5&8C*' :87' "$-' <$--&8C' <6:0#:18' :C' O&7&-:C1"8'_81E&-51CH*'C6&'F&EN' O-:8D'W&&5*'0:-C1<10:C&7'18'C6&' 5&-E1<&' :87' 6�&7' C"' #&:7' C6&' -"$518B'518B18BN O:C6&-' `$B6' I-"@8*' @6"' @:5' 0:-156' 0-1&5C' :C' W$%&8' L6-15C1':87'L6:0#:18':C'M"8:56' _81E&-51CH'91005#:87*'B:E&'C6&' 6"%1#H' @61<6' 0-&5&8C&7' $5' @1C6' :' 6$%"-"$5' :<<"$8C' "A' "$-'615C"-H',$C'@1C6':'<6:##&8B&' C"' <"8C18$&' C6&' @"-D' "A' C6&' B"50&#'18'C615'@"87&-A$#'0#:<&' "A'L6$-<61##'C6:C'@&'<:##'6"%&N O"##"@18B' C6&' 5&-E1<&' "$-' <&8C&8:-1:8*' a-1<' F"@#&H*' $8E&1#&7' :' 0#:[$&N' /7-1:8' `$8C&-' 0-"E17&7' C6&' -"<D' A"-' C6&'0#:[$&':87':#5"'0#:<&7'C6&' -"<D' 18' 1C5' 0"51C1"8' "A' 6"8"$-' "$C517&'C6&'?"@8'`:##N ?6&' 7:H' @:5' @:-%' :87' 5$88H' :87' 0&"0#&' @&-&' C6&8' &8<"$-:B&7' C"' B"' ,&#"@' 18C"' 461#10' 4:-:7&' C"' T"18' @1C6' C6&' %:8H' "C6&-5' E151C18B' C6&' 5C:##5' :87' &8T"H18B' :' IIm' 5$00#1&7' ,H'C6&'W1"85'L#$,'"A'L6$-<61##' :87';15C-1<CN ?6&'A"-%:#'$8E&1#18B'"A'C6&' 10-5&+#) 21,8) BC23) +88&="%9+%7) 0#:[$&' C""D' 0#:<&' :-"$87' ((N>3N' L6-15C18&' S"685"8' B:E&' C6&' Z&#<"%&' C"' L"$8C-H' "8' ,&6:#A' "A' C6&' 9$8:1lG$-8:1' 0&"0#&' @61#&' M1D&' /85@&-C6' @:5'MLN J0&&<6&5' @&-&' %:7&' ,H' F$55&##' +"-C6&*' ;:--&##' Z61C&' :87' G&1C6' `:%1#C"8*' &QC"##18B' C6&' E1-C$&5' "A' L6$-<61##N' ?6&' 0"51C1E&' A$C$-&' A"-' L6$-<61##' @:5' &Q0-&55&7' 18' C6&' %:8H' 0-"T&<C5'$87&-@:H':87',&<:$5&' "A' C6&' "8B"18B' 7&71<:C1"8' "A' C6&' C"@8K5' 0&"0#&' C"' <"8C18$&' C"'@"-D'A"-'C6&'<"%%$81CHN A sudden loss for Amy Turner The Rev Canon Amy Turner, Rector of the parish of Drouin and Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, was on leave and about to depart on a longanticipated cruise in early February with her great friend, Bishop Barbara Darling. Instead, Canon Amy found herself sitting beside the hospital bed of Bishop Barbara, who had suffered a sudden stroke. Canon Amy read the daily offices with the bishop and spent much time at the hospital in the following days. Sadly, Bishop Barbara died on 15 February, and at the Service of Thanksgiving for her life, Canon Amy read the tribute written by Bishop Barbara’s Family. Bishop Kay Goldsworthy preached at the service, and the Rev Heather Marten, former Rector of Morwell, spoke on behalf of Bishop Barbara’s friends and colleagues, as reported in The Melbourne Anglican in March. The parish of Drouin farewelled Canon Amy on 22 March with a Eucharist in the morning conducted by Amy, and great fellowship at a luncheon afterwards. A report will be in TGA next month. Amy will remain on leave until her retirement in mid April. Photo: Shelly Cooper 5$+'+#I"22#E7<6$3,&'+#$+,#:6"#E"F#K$37%1+#Y@"3&@1 L:-1C:5':C'JC'M:-HK5'M"-@&## Shirley Renton and Pam Guy ? 6&' L:-1C:5' 9-"$0' :C' JC' M:-HK5' M"-@&##' ,&B:8' %&&C18B' 18' (=h(N' f-1B18:##H' C6&' B-"$0' @:5' <:##&7' g"$8B' ' Z1E&5N' U8' (=j.' C6&' 8:%&' @:5' <6:8B&7' C"'L:-1C:5N ?6&' 0-&5&8C' (3' %&%,&-5' :-&' E&-H' -&B$#:-' 18' C6&1-' :CC&87:8<&' :C' C6&' %"8C6#H' %&&C18B5N' S":8' M""8&H' :87' ;"-&&8' J%1C6' @&-&' A"$87:C1"8' %&%,&-5' :87' 5C1##' :CC&87' &E&-H'%"8C6N'?6&H'8"@'<:##'C6&%5&#E&5':'A-1&875610'B-"$0' :87':##'%&%,&-5'E:#$&'C6&'7&&0'A-1&8756105'C6&H'6:E&'%:7&' "E&-' C6&' H&:-5N' M:8H' "A' C6&' %&%,&-5' :-&' :<C1E&' 18' "C6&-' :-&:5' "A' %1815C-H' :C' JC' M:-HK5N' J"%&' :5515C' @1C6' C6&' a$<6:-15C*' 5"%&' -&B$#:-#H' 0-&0:-&' ,-&:DA:5C' :AC&-' C6&' EFCC)+;)9"%=&5".):1;")10)23");";$"%9)+%%+8(")23")<1,"%9) A"-'C6&'<6$-<6':87'6�'@1C6'<:C&-18B'A"-'A$8&-:#5N'?6&'B-"$0' -&B$#:-#H'&8T"H5':'%&:#'C"B&C6&-*':87'5"%&C1%&5'C6&H':CC&87' +)-#;)1%)3+=")+)96"+A"%. Photo: Carolyn Raymond !'4"#'2#:6"#4"4@"3&#'2#5$37:$&#N6'#"+V'1",#$#4"$%#:')":6"3#$:# R447)3$:7'+#J$3M#7+#K'3N"%%Z#K'%%1#=;3+"1D#G;%<7"#H$337&D#PN"+# K$:6"&'+D#I'$+#J"$<6"1D#J$4#P;1D#I$+#G$%)%"7&6#$+,#I'$+#K''+"1 0+2*-!&345!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'(%!)*++,-#./!0.$-*1#.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$%!< +!,$ !!!! From the schools +:C1"8:#'g"$C6' J<1&8<&'O"-$%' 61B6#H'-&<"%%&87&7 !"##$%&'()!*&++&*) $,-(.',$)/.%#)$,012) 3&,/.(*&%)#&',*4 As part of the Year 9 program at Gippsland Grammar students visited St Paul’s Cathedral to raise their community awareness and give the Cathedral Pantry a boost. This visit was part of an environmental studies unit looking into food security. Initially students gathered canned and packaged foods from their own homes to investigate their origins and mapped where the food had travelled. Visiting the Cathedral was the culmination of the unit. The Gippsland Grammar students helped stock the Cathedral pantry with their foods. Year 9 student Jeremy Gunther said the excursion was insightful. He explained that it required the students to look at a household budget and think about those less fortunate than themselves. !:#J$;%O&#>+)%7<$+#P3$44$3#&:;,"+:#0"%%7"#87%&'+D#N7:6#E':$37$+&#K$3:7+#W'N"# $+,#G7$+"#5$3&'+#$+,#H"$,#'2#8$33$);%#!"<'+,$31#!<6''%D#P'3,'+#Y%,6$4# $:#:6"#3"<"+:#!:#J$;%O&#!<6''%#>&&"4@%1C g &:-' ()' JC' 4:$#K5' /8B#1<:8' 9-:%%:-' 5C$7&8C' G&##1&' Z1#5"8'50"D&'"A'6&-'&Q0&-1&8<&' :C' C6&' +:C1"8:#' g"$C6' J<1&8<&' O"-$%' P+gJOR' 18' A-"8C' "A' F"C:-1:85' :C' :' -&<&8C'5<6""#':55&%,#HN /AC&-' B"18B' C6-"$B6' C6&' 5&#&<C1"8' 0-"<&55' #:5C' H&:-*' @61<6' 18<#$7&7' :8' 18C&-E1&@' ,H' C6&' F"C:-H' L#$,*' G&##1&' :CC&87&7' C6&' C@"' @&&D' A"-$%' 18' L:8,&--:'18'S:8$:-H'@1C6'"C6&-'5C$7&8C5' A-"%' :-"$87' /$5C-:#1:*' +&@' n&:#:87*' L:8:7:*' 9&-%:8H*' J"$C6' /A-1<:*' O1T1' :87'I-:i1#N G&##1&'5:17*'V?6&'%:18'-&:5"8'C6:C'U' :00#1&7'A"-'C6&'0-"B-:%'@:5'C"'&Q0#"-&' 8&@' A1K' "A' 5<1&8<&' C6:C' U' 6:7' 8"C' ,&&8'0-&E1"$5#H'&Q0"5&7'C"NY G&##1&'@:5'0#:<&7'18'C6&':81%:#':87' 0#:8C' ,1"#"BH' 18C&-&5C' B-"$0' @61<6' 18<#$7&7'C-105'C"'C6&'/ $5C-:#1:8'+:C1"8:#' _81E&-51CH' n""#"BH' ;&0:-C%&8C*' C6&' LJUFf' +:C1"8:#' Z1#7#1A&' L"##&<C1"8' :5'@&##':5':8':##^7:H'A1'E151CN U8' 0:-C8&-5610' @1C6' C6&' /$5C-:#1:8' B"E&-8%&8C*' %:T"-' 187$5C-H*' 8:C1"8:#' -&5&:-<6'185C1C$C&5':87'$81E&-51C1&5*'C6&' +gJO' :1%5' C"' :5515C' 5<1&8<&' A"<$5&7' 5C$7&8C5'18'%:D18B'18A"-%&7'7&<151"85' :,"$C' <:-&&-5' :87' <"$-5&5' 18' 5<1&8<&' :87'15':'B-&:C'"00"-C$81CH'A"-'5C$7&8C5' C"'8&C@"-D'@1C6'#&:718B'5<1&8C15C5':87' @"-D' @1C6' C6&' #:C&5C' &[$10%&8C' :87' C&<681[$&5'$5&7':C'_81E&-51CHN G&##1&' 15' 8"@' :' 0:-C' "A' :8' C&' :#$%81' B1E18B' 6&-' C6&' "00"-C$81CH' C"' 0:-C1<10:C&' 18' A$-C6&-' 0-"B-:%5' :87' 7&E&#"0'B-&:C&-'8&C@"-D18BN J6&' 5:17' VU' 61B6#H' -&<"%%&87' C615' 0-"B-:%' C"' :8H"8&' 18C&-&5C&7' 18' 5<1&8<&' :5' 1C' "0&85' H"$-' %187' C"' C6&' "00"-C$81C1&5' C6:C' :-&' :E:1#:,#&' :87' B1E&5'H"$'0-"A&551"8:#'<"8C:<C5'@1C618' C6&'5<1&8<&'<"%%$81CHNY P7((&%$+,# P3$44$3# \"$3# ]# &:;,"+:&# R+,7)'# T%%7&'+D# 97%%1# W$+)# $+,# 5',1#E'@"3:&'+#:$M7+)#$#<%'&"3#%''M#$:#:6"#:1("&#'2#2'',#F$%;$@%"#:'#:6"# 5$:6",3$%#9'',#J$+:31C "#$%!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'(%!)*++,-#./!0.$-*1#.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0+2*-!&345!!!!!! 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S:%&5' 5:H5' @&' 56"$#7' :1%' C"' ,&' V%:C$-&*' <"%0#&C&' :87' 8"C' #:<D18B' :8HC618BY' c' 1%:B18&' C6:CN' ?6&' 1-"8H' 6&-&' 15' C6:C' @&' D8"@' :5' 6$%:85' 7&E&#"0' :87' B-"@' C"' %:C$-1CH*' C6&H' 0:55' C6-"$B6' 5C:B&5N' ?@"' "A' C6&5&' 5C:B&5':-&',&18B':',:,H':87':'C"77#&-N' /5' @&##' :5' ,&18B' :7"-:,#&*' <$C&' :87' #"E&#H*',:,1&5':87'C"77#&-5':-&'D8"@8' A"-' ,&18B' 7&%:8718B*' $8-&:5"8:,#&' :87' -&#&8C#&55' 18' C6&1-' 8&&7' A"-' :CC&8C1"8N' f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or Young Disciples %&:85' C6:C' :8H' :7E:8C:B&' @&' 6:E&*' :8H'5D1##*':8H',#&5518B'"-'@&:#C6'15'8"C' 51%0#H' "$-5' A"-' "$-' 187$#B&8<&*' ,$C' 9"7K5' :87' C"' ,&' $5&7' A"-' C6&' ,&8&A1C' "A'C6"5&'@6"':-&'#:<D18BN /5' H"$' B&C' "#7&-' :87' B-"@*' H"$' :-&'%:C$-18BN'Z&':#5"'8&&7'C"'%:C$-&' 18' "$-' $87&-5C:8718B' "A' 9"7' :87' 615' 0#:8' A"-' $5N' G&&0' -&:718B' H"$-' I1,#&*':5'C615'15'@6&-&'@&'A187'S&5$5K' 185C-$<C1"85'"8'@6:C'@&'56"$#7'E:#$&N' /##"@' H"$-5&#A' C"' %:C$-&' 18' H"$-' $87&-5C:8718B' "A' #1A&' :5' @&##N' ;"8KC' -&%:18' :' C"77#&-' @1C6' -&B:-7' C"' H"$-' E1&@'"A'C6&'L6-15C1:8'#1A&'c'5&#A^<&8C-&7' :87' :<C18B' &8C1C#&7N' _87&-5C:87' C6:C' #1A&' 6:5' C"$B6' $8&Q0&<C&7' %"%&8C5N' ?6&5&'71AA1<$#C'C1%&5':-&'8"C'51B85'"A' 9"7K5':,5&8<&'"-'#:<D'"A'#"E&'A"-'H"$N' ?6&H' :-&' C6&' -&:#1C1&5' "A' #1E18B' 18' :8' 1%0&-A&<C' @"-#7' A1##&7' @1C6' 0&"0#&' @6"':-&'5&&D18B':AC&-'C6&1-'"@8'B""7N L6-15C1:8' %:C$-1CH' 15' D8"@18B' C6:C'9"7'#"E&5'H"$':87'C6:C'S&5$5'15' @1C6' H"$' :C' :##' C1%&5N' ?6:C' H"$' :-&' <-&:C&7' A"-' :' 0$-0"5&' C6:C' 9"7' 6:5' 0#:88&7' A"-' H"$N' L6-15C1:8' %:C$-1CH' 15' 0#:<18B' @6:C' 9"7' @:8C5' :C' C6&' <&8C-&' "A' "$-' #1E&5' :87' 8"C' @6:C' @&' @:8CN' S&5$5' 15' "$-' -"#&' %"7&#' A"-' C615N'W""D':C'615'#1A&N'F&:7'615'5C"-HN' O"##"@' 615' &Q:%0#&N' I&' %:C$-&' :87' <"%0#&C&' 18' C6&' @:H' 9"7' 18C&87&7N' 9"7',#&55'H"$N L6"#E"F#E7<6#W$+6$4## !"#$!%&'"()#*%+,-#./0&'12 ?615'0:55:B&'18')'4&C&-'C&##5'S&5$5K' A"##"@&-5' C6:C' C6&-&' :-&' :87' @1##' ,&' 0&"0#&'@6"'@1##'&Q0#"1C'C6&'%&55:B&' "A' S&5$5' A"-' C6&1-' "@8' B-&&7N' ?6&H' @1##'%:D&'$0'#1&5':,"$C'@6:C'1C'%&:85' C"'A"##"@'S&5$5N JAMES 1: 2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 0+2*-!&345!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'(%!)*++,-#./!0.$-*1#.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$%!> A compelling mission Graeme Peters M :8H' "A' $5' @1##' 6:E&' B-"@8' $0' #&:-818B' C6&' 0:-:,#&5' :87' 0"551,#H' &E&8' 5"8B5' C6:C' -&C&##' C6&%N' U' <&-C:18#H' 6:E&' %&%"-1&5' "A' 518B18B' VU' <:88"C' <"%&' C"'C6&',:8[$&CY':87'@"87&-18B':,"$C' C6&' %&:818B' "A' C6&' 0:-:,#&' "A' C6&' ,:8[$&CN' S&5$5' 5&&%5' C"' ,&' @:-818B' C6&' S&@156' #&:7&-5' C6:C' C6&H' @1##' 8"C' &8C&-' C6&' D18B7"%' C6&H' 6:E&' #"8B&7' A"-' ,&<:$5&' C6&H' 6:E&' -&T&<C&7' C6&' 18E1C:C1"8'S&5$5',-18B5N U8' C6&' 0:-:,#&*' :AC&-' C6&' 18E1C&7' B$&5C5' B1E&' C6&1-' A&&,#&' &Q<$5&5' :87' &AA&<C1E&#H'58$,'C6&'%:5C&-K5'B-:<1"$5' 18E1C:C1"8*' 6&' ,&<"%&5' :8B-H' :87' "-7&-5'615'5&-E:8C5] V9"'"$C'[$1<D#H'18C"'C6&'5C-&&C5':87' :##&H5'"A'C6&'C"@8':87',-18B'18'C6&'0""-*' C6&'<-100#&7*'C6&',#187':87'C6&'#:%&NY VJ1-*Y' C6&' 5&-E:8C' 5:17*' V@6:C' H"$' "-7&-&7' 6:5' ,&&8' 7"8&*' ,$C' C6&-&' 15' 5C1##'-""%NY ?6&8'C6&'%:5C&-'C"#7'615'5&-E:8C*'V9"' "$C'C"'C6&'-":75':87'<"$8C-H'#:8&5':87' <"%0&#' C6&%' C"' <"%&' 18*' 5"' C6:C' %H' 6"$5&'@1##',&'A$##N'U'C&##'H"$*'8"C'"8&'"A' C6"5&'@6"'@&-&'18E1C&7'@1##'B&C':'C:5C&' "A'%H',:8[$&CNY'PW$D&'(>](3^)>R ?6&' 18E1C:C1"8' C"' 9"7K5' D18B7"%' 8"@' B"&5' "$C' C"' :##' 0&"0#&*' :87' &50&<1:##H' C"' VC6&' 0""-*' C6&' <-100#&7*' C6&' ,#187' :87' C6&' #:%&NY' ?6&' %:5C&-' 5&875' "$C' 615' 5&-E:8C' @1C6' C6&' 18E1C:C1"8' &E&8' C"' C6&' <"$8C-H' -":75' :87'#:8&5'@1C6'C6&'"-7&-'C"'V<"%0&#Y' 0&"0#&'C"'<"%&'18N Z6&8' @&' #""D' :C' 6"@' C615' 0:-:,#&' %1B6C':00#H'C"'$5'C"7:H*'<&-C:18#H'@&' :-&' -&%187&7' "A' 9"7K5' 18E1C:C1"8' C"' :##'0&"0#&'@61<6'18<#$7&5'$5'B&8C1#&5' 18' C6&' ,:<D^,#"<D5' "A' /$5C-:#1:b' ,$C' :#5"' @&' :-&' C6&' 5&-E:8C5' "A' C6&' M:5C&-'<:##&7'C"'C:D&'`15'18E1C:C1"8'C"' "C6&-'0&"0#&N ?""' &:51#H*' :5' :' <6$-<6*' @&' 5C:H' 5&:C&7':C'C6&',:8[$&C18B'C:,#&'@1C6'C6&' +!,$ !!!! 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!"#$%&'"#!&'"#( – Tips for churches and households – #8 Draught proof the building As the cooler days approach, it’s a great time to look at your house, church and hall to see where the air may be leaking in and out. Blocking out draughts can make the building more comfortable, reduce energy use and save up to 20% on heating costs ( Sustainability Victoria recommends checking for visible light under and around doors and windows, listening for whistles or rattles around them, and feeling for moving air. Notice also if curtains are moving. Check if there are more wall vents than necessary. Gaps around doors and windows and beside skirting boards can be sealed by caulking. Door snakes or draught strips can be used to block gaps under doors. See many other detailed tips at 0+2*-!&345!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'(%!)*++,-#./!0.$-*1#.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$%!44 +!,$ /B&8C5'"A'L$#C$-&'L6:8B&'c'J:A&' L6$-<6'/@:-&8&55'Z"-D56"05 =&/",' Brenda Burney ()'o')h' j].2':%'o'(2]22':%'O:%1#1&5'56:-&'0&-5"8:#'5C"-1&5'' ' :,"$C'#1A&'@1C6'/$C15%'J0&<C-$%';15"-7&-'7$-18B'' ' 5&-E1<&5*'JC'S"68K5'I:1-857:#&N';&C:1#5'0:B&'3N U ’m not sure exactly how long it has been since I began presenting Safe Ministry workshops in the Diocese. I’m fairly certain it’s about 12 years. When we first began presenting these workshops across the diocese there was some resistance by both clergy and lay people. ?6:C' -&515C:8<&' @:5*' U' ,&E&*' 7$&' C"' :' 8$%,&-' "A' A:<C"-5N' J"%&' 0&"0#&' 0&-<&1E&7' C6:C' C6&' 5:A&' %1815C-H' -&[$1-&%&8C5' @&-&8KC' 8&<&55:-H' c' C6:C' C6&H' @&-&' "E&-' C6&' C"0N' fC6&-5' -&515C&7' 6:E18B' C"' 6:E&' Z"-D18B' @1C6' L61#7-&8'L6&<D5':87l"-'4"#1<&' L6&<D5*' ,&E18B' C6&%' C"' The Rev. 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