Back Matter - Eighteenth

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The editors welcome contributions in all areas of the “long eighteenth-century” culture outside North
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Professor Adam Potkay
William R. Kenan Professor of Humanities
College of William & Mary
Department of English
P O Box 8795
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Eighteenth-Century Life (issn 0098–2601)
Copyright 2015 by Duke University Press
In This Issue
Introduction: “Tolerably Numerous”:
Recovering the London Irish of the Eighteenth Century
David O’Shaughnessy
The Irish in London and “The London Irish,” ca. 1660–1780
Toby Barnard
The Irish Joke, Migrant Networks, and the London Irish in the 1680s
Helen Burke
Irish Catholics and Their Networks in Eighteenth-Century London
John Bergin
The London Irish and the Antients Grand Lodge
Ric Berman
Irish Money on the London Market:
Ireland, the Anglo-Irish, and the South Sea Bubble of 1720
Patrick Walsh
Irish or English?
The Rise and Rise of John Fitzmaurice Petty in the 1750s
Nigel Aston
Making a Play for Patronage:
Dennis O’Bryen’s A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed (1783)
David O’Shaughnessy
“A Child of the Emerald Isle”:
Ireland and the Making of James Johnson, MD
Craig Bailey