here - Gisèle Yasmeen

Gisèle Yasmeen, Ph.D.
(Revised 2015-06-11)
Senior research executive with significant experience and passion for developing vision, setting
and implementing strategic direction, overseeing program design/delivery and providing
analysis and advice on complex issues in academic, government, private and not-for-for profit
sectors. Experience in developing and overseeing multidisciplinary grant programs for research
and related activities involving the academic community, students, as well as those involving
partners in other sectors and international collaborators. Strong relationships with postsecondary institutions, the science and technology community, youth organisations,
federal/provincial governments, the private sector and non-governmental organisations.
Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and French and frequent media
commentary. Significant experience working and living across Canada and internationally.
Expertise and publications in the areas of research infrastructure, big data, food-systems,
urbanisation, small and medium enterprises and the Asia-Pacific.
Mailing address: Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, CK Choi Building,
1855 West Mall, Room 251, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2 Canada
Citizenship: Canadian
Languages: Fluent in English and French. Study of Thai, Urdu/Hindi, Spanish and Mandarin
Ph.D. Geography, University of British Columbia, Canada (defended 1996, awarded 1997)
M.A. Geography, McGill University, Canada, 1991
B.A. Geography and Political Science, University of Ottawa, Canada, 1988
Other training:
Niagara Institute Executive Leadership Program – for senior executives, October 2007
Leadership for Environment and Development: two-year, part-time international training
program for mid-career professionals developed by the Rockefeller Foundation, 1999-2001
2014 -
Senior Fellow, Institute of Asian Research (IAR), University of British Columbia:
Duties include conducting and advising on research and related activities,
teaching and advising students with specific involvement in the IAR’s Centre for
Southeast Asia Research (CSEAR) and Centre for South Asia Research (CISAR).
2011-13 Vice-President, Research – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada: As founding VP in this position, I was responsible for the design and
delivery of all SSHRC grants for research and related activities as well as policy
files related to the evolving research landscape (e.g. SSHRC Program
Architecture for grants, renewal of “strategic research areas” via Imagining
Canada’s Future, research infrastructure). Staff of approximately 60 full time
employees and program budget of approximately $110 million per annum. From
2007-2013, SSHRC representative on the management committee for the Canada
Research Chairs secretariat overseeing the CRC program, the Canada Excellence
Research Chairs and the Indirect Costs of Research Program. In this position, as
well as my previous position at SSHRC outlined below, I also negotiated several
joint initiatives with other funders including three Memoranda of Understanding
with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), various American
and European funders, and numerous federal government departments and
agencies, including SSHRC’s sister agencies: the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR).
2007-10 Vice-President, Partnerships – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
of Canada: As the founding VP in this position, I created and developed the new
partnerships branch, setting the vision and strategic direction, building the team
and successfully executing a three year work plan related to activities in the areas
of partnerships, knowledge mobilization/exchange and thematic priority areas
including environment, the north, Aboriginal communities and information and
communication technologies. Founded and animated the SSHRC Leaders
network of senior administrators in post-secondary institutions. Co-led the
conceptualisation and execution of SSHRC’s program architecture renewal.
Member (SSHRC representative) of the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)
management committee overseeing the suite of programs managed by the NCE
secretariat including the Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence,
Industrial Research and Development Internships and Centres for
Commercialisation and Research
2005-06 Senior Director – Outreach, Communications and Research Elections Canada
(Office of the Chief Electoral Officer), Ottawa, Canada (originally hired as Senior
Director of National and International Research and Policy Development
(NIRPD) at EX-03 level and given additional responsibility for Communications
in January 2006). Led the conceptualization and execution of a research program
involving commissioning of publications, management of a network of 600
researchers and making recommendations on how to incorporate evidence into
outreach and operations. Responsible for policy development, coordination of
numerous parliamentary appearances, sensitive communications involving
political financing, electoral operations, and the National Register of Electors.
Involvement in the International Mission for Iraqi Elections and the International
Mission for the Monitoring of Haitian Elections. Managed a reorganization
combining the corporate communications function with research, policy and
parliamentary affairs. Team of approximately 60 full time personnel and
operating budget of $10-12 million per annum.
2001-04 Director, Centre for Research and Information on Canada, Canadian Unity
Council (BC-Yukon Regional Office) - as founding regional director, I created the
office, hired the staff, developed and executed a research and outreach program,
including publications, and managed a network of more than 20 regional board
members, most of whom were blue-ribbon chief executives, retired senior civil
servants and community leaders. The work of the regional office involved
extensive coordination with the operations of head office and other regional
offices across Canada as well as targeted local outreach to minority francophone,
Aboriginal and multicultural communities.
1996-02 Principal – Agora Associates (combined various part-time teaching and research
appointments outlined below with consulting on international development,
food-security and the Asia Pacific): Contracts with UN Food and Agriculture
Organisation, Canadian International Development Agency, International
Development Research Centre, Roslyn Kunin & Associates, Asia Pacific
Foundation of Canada, National Roundtable on the Environment & the Economy
1996-04 Research Associate, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia
(position involving various research assignments - see item h)
1997-’01 Lecturer, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
1994-’00 Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia
1997-99 Researcher & Manager, Sustainable Bangalore Project, Sustainable Development
Research Institute, University of British Columbia
1997-99 Post-Doctoral Researcher, York University, Centre for International and Security
Studies: “Development and Security in Southeast Asia” Project
1989-91 Lecturer, Department of Geography, Dawson College, Westmount, Québec
Part of the SSHRC senior team, which was the recipient of an IPAC-Deloitte public sector
leadership award for SSHRC’s program architecture renewal in 2012.
“Outstanding” performance ratings in 2009-10 & 2010-11 and “exceeded” in all other years
Recipient of a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (1991-95) and an IDRC Young Canadian
Researcher’s Award (1992-93)
The Usha Mahajani Prize, Honourable Mention: Awarded annually for performance as a
student of a Southeast Asian language and society. Southeast Asian Studies Summer
Institute, University of Washington, 1992.
The John Bradbury Award: for M.A. research, 1990
2014-15 On contract with Genome British Columbia and Genome Prairie to provide
expert advice on the economic, environmental, ethical, legal and social aspects of
genomics research (GE3LS).
1996 –
Present: external reviewer for various scholarly publications (e.g. University of
Hawai’i Press, Pacific Affairs, Geoforum, etc.)
2014 –
Present: member of the Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
international and national advisory committees and advisor on two projects
related to food security, one Canadian-focused, one international with seed
funding secured from the International Social Science Council.
Present: International Scientific Advisory Board, NWO (Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research), CATCH program (Continuous Access to
Cultural Heritage – a collaboration between Computer Science, cultural
institutions and humanities) – peer review, project monitoring, etc.
2011-14 Invited author – article on scholarly and research infrastructure for the 2nd
edition of International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences
(completed – will be published by Elsevier in March, 2015)
2007-12 Member (SSHRC representative) of the Canada Research Chairs (CRC)
management committee overseeing the suite of programs managed by the CRC
Secretariat including the Canada Excellence Research Chairs, the Indirect Costs
Program, etc.
2007-10 Member (SSHRC representative) of the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)
management committee overseeing the suite of programs managed by the NCE
secretariat including the Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence,
Industrial Research and Development Internships and Centres for
Commercialisation and Research
External Assessor of applications to the NGO Project Facility, Canadian
International Development Agency, Ottawa (paid consultancy)
Invited Associate, Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing,
Annual General Meeting and Rapid Appraisal activities, Ahmedabad, India
External Evaluator, 2001/2001 India Studies Fellowship Competition, Shastri
Indo-Canadian Institute
Senior Consultant, “Renewal and Retention: Attracting and Keeping Faculty and
Senior Administrators at British Columbian Universities (1999) Project Directed
by Roslyn Kunin, Ph.D., The Laurier Institution (paid consultancy). Report
available at:
2011-13 Supervising five direct reports (three EX-01, one Senior Policy Officer and one
executive assistant), responsible for total staff of approximately 60 indeterminate
employees. Grants budget of approximately CAD$110 million per annum.
2007-10 Supervising four direct reports (two EX-01, one Senior Policy Officer and one
Executive Assistant), responsible for a total staff of approximately 28
indeterminate employees. Grants budget of CAD $25-40 million per annum.
Supervising six direct reports (two EX-01, one ES-06, three AS-02), responsible
for approximately 60 employees between elections. Operating budget of
approximately $10-15 million per annum.
Team of 11 full-time employees, NIRPD, Elections Canada, Ottawa
2001-04 Supervision of one full-time assistant, Centre for Research and Information on
Canada, Canadian Unity Council (BC-Yukon Regional Office). Managed “blueribbon” board of approximately 20-25 governors from across the public, private
and not-for-profit sectors.
1997-’01 Various research assistants, UBC and project team members (consultancies etc.)
The Geography of Economic Development (Third Year Course, UBC)
Introduction to Southeast Asia (Second Year Course, UBC)
Urban Geography (Dawson College, Westmount, Québec)
World Regions (Dawson College, Westmount, Québec)
Cartography (Dawson College, Westmount, Québec)
Teaching Assistantships:
Geographical Change in the Modernizing World (first year course, UBC)
Cartography (second year course, McGill University)
Political Geography (third year course, McGill University
2013-14 WIEGO
United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization
2000-01 United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization
Type* Amount
$6,000 US
Preparation of policy brief
$7,700 US
travel, research & publication
Principal author/editor: Gisèle Yasmeen
$10,000 US
research & publication
Principal author/editor : Gisèle Yasmeen
International Development
Research Centre
Shastri Indo-Canadian Inst
1999-00 Roslyn Kunin & Assoc. Inc
1997-99 Canadian International
Development Agency
$1,500 CAD
32, 676 Indian Rupees plus return airfare
$23, 000 CAD research, publication
$100,000 CAD travel, research, publications
Chief Co-Investigator: Gisèle Yasmeen (SDRIUBC)
Canadian International
$25,000 (my portion) travel, research, publ’n
Development Agency
York University CISS; PI: Prof. D. DeWitt
Roslyn Kunin & Assoc. Inc O
$17, 000 CAD research, publication
National Round Table on
$23,000 CAD travel, research & publication
the Environment & Economy
Principal Investigator: Gisèle Yasmeen
Asia Pacific Foundation
$25,000 CAD research & publication
of Canada (two separate contracts) Principal Investigator: Gisèle Yasmeen
SSHRC Ph.D. Scholarship
$22,000p.a. CAD travel, research & publ’n
Northwest Consortium for
Southeast Asian Studies
US $3000 for writing of dissertation
$900 p.a. CAD travel
IDRC Young Canadian
Researchers’ Award
$25,000 CAD travel, research & publ’n
Student Travel Grant
$1,500 CAD for travel
UBC-Asian Institute of
Technology Research Grant O
$7,500 CAD for travel and research
University Graduate F’ship O
$4,000 p.a. CAD for Ph.D. research
Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation
$10,000/year travel, research & publ’n
*Type: C-Granting councils; G-Government; F-Foundations; O-Other
** Purpose: research, travel, publication, etc.
University of Northern British Columbia, Funding for invited presentation,
Prince George
Wilfrid Laurier University, Workshop travel, Kitchener-Waterloo
University of Alberta, Funding for invited presentation, Edmonton
Wilfrid Laurier University, Funding for invited presentation, Kitchener-Waterloo
Harvard University (WIEGO program) Conference Travel, Ahmedabad, India
National University of Singapore, Funding for invited presentation, Singapore
Institute of Asian Research, UBC, Funding for invited presentation, Bangkok
Harvard University (WIEGO program) Conference Travel, Cambridge, USA
Universität zu Köln, Funding for invited presentation, Köln
University of Heidelberg, Funding for invited presentation, Heidelberg
Institute of Asian Research, UBC, Conference Travel, Montréal
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Battelle) Fdg for invited pres., Seattle
University of Washington, Conference Travel, Seattle
1) Life-time summary (count) according to the following categories:
- Chapters in books& edited collections....................................................................................................... 6
- Papers in refereed journals ........................................................................................................................... 6
- Papers in refereed conference proceedings. .............................................................................................. 2
- Major invited contributions and/or technical reports............................................................................12
- Papers presented at conferences or invited papers .................................................................................19
- Other ............................................................................................................................................... numerous
2) Details as above:
1. Bangkok’s Foodscape: Public Eating, Gender Relations, and Urban Change, Bangkok: White
Lotus Books, 2006 (Studies in Contemporary Thailand No. 16).
2. Feeding Asian Cities. Proceedings of a Regional Seminar convened by CityNet, the
Association of Food Marketing Agencies in Asia and the Pacific with the technical
support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) held in November 2000,
Bangkok. Published in May 2001. Rome: FAO. Food into Cities collection, No. 2. 149 pp.
Translated into French: Nourrir les villes d’Asie (2003). Available in English at: and in French at:
Chapters in Books:
1. Reprint of "Plastic Bag Housewives and Postmodern Restaurants: Public and Private in
Bangkok’s Foodscape," in Food and Culture: A Reader (2ND edition), edited by Carole
Counihan and Penny Van Esterik, New York/London: Routledge, 2008. Also included
in the recent 3rd edition published in 2013.
2. "Stockbrokers-turned-sandwich vendors: the economic crisis and small-scale food
retailing in Thailand and the Philippines" In Development and Security in Southeast
Asia Volume II: The People (eds.) David B. Dewitt and Carolina G. Hernandez. Series:
The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series, Aldershot, Hampshire
(UK): Ashgate, 2003.
3. “Nurturing, Gender Ideologies and Bangkok’s Foodscape,” In Sonita Sarker and Esha
Niyogi De (eds.) Trans-Status Subjects: Gender in the Globalization of South And
Southeast Asia. Duke University Press, 2002.
4. "Work, Space and Place in East Asian Cities," (T.G. McGee, Principal Author), in WonBae Kim and Michael Douglass (eds.) Culture and the Built Environment in East Asian
Cities. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1997. pp. 66-91.
5. "'From Scratch': Thai Food-Systems and Public Eating," in Gisèle Yasmeen and Marilyn
Walker (eds.) Contemporary Perspectives on Thai Foodways. Vancouver: Centre for
Southeast Asian Research Monograph # 11, 1996. pp. 20-43.
6. "The Geography of Public Eating: Gendered Access to Urban Space in Bangkok," "Views
from the Edge - Three." Papers from the Third Annual Graduate Student Symposium.
Vancouver: Center for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations, University
of British Columbia. 1995. pp. 146-53.
Papers in refereed Journals:
1. Yasmeen, G. “Attracting and keeping women and visible minorities in Canadian
geography departments”. The Canadian Geographer, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2003, pp. 235-265.
2. Yasmeen, G. “Workers in the urban “informal” food sector: innovative organizing
strategies.” Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Vol. 21, 2001, pp. 32-43.
3. Yasmeen, G. “Stockbrokers turned Sandwich Vendors: the Economic Crisis and Foodretailing in the Philippines and Thailand”. Geoforum (special issue on the Asian
Economic Crisis). Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 91-102, 2001.
4. Yasmeen, G. “Not ‘From Scratch’: Thai Food Systems and "Public Eating". Journal of
Intercultural Studies, (Special Issue on Women and Food edited by Dr. Sneja Gunew).
Vol. 21, No. 3, 2000, pp.341-52.
5. Yasmeen, G. "Plastic Bag Housewives and Postmodern Restaurants: Public and Private
in Bangkok’s Foodscape," Urban Geography, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1996. pp. 526-544.
6. Yasmeen, G. "Exploring a Foodscape: The Case of Bangkok," Malaysian Journal of
Tropical Geography, Vol. 26, No. 1. (Special Issue: Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on "Geography of the ASEAN Region, Part I). 1995. pp. 1-11.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
1. “The study of Southeast Asian foodscapes: Reflections on the influence of Terry McGee,”
published as part of a festschrift devoted to T.G. McGee in Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol. 48,
No. 2, August 2007, pp. 261-2.
2. “Commentary” in response to two papers on the Indian Subcontinent. Proceedings of a
conference entitled “Cultural Attitudes about the Environment and Ecology and their
Connection to Regional Political Stability,” edited by K. Mark Leek, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (Battelle) Columbus; Richland: Battelle Press, 1999. pp. 127-9.
Major invited contributions and/or technical reports
1. Social Science Infrastructure: North America (Research and Teaching) (41045),
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (edited by James
D. Wright), London: Elsevier. March 2015. Available at:
2. Vending in Public Space: The Case of Bangkok: multimedia policy brief commissioned
by WIEGO. Co-authored with Dr. Narumol Nirathron of Thammasat University. (Published in August, 2014, dated May 2014)
3. Imagining Canada’s Future: Technical Report on SSHRC Foresight Consultation
involving more than four thousand participants from Canada as well as international
contributions (scanning, regional panels, scenario workshop, international expert panel
led by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research), May 2013 and available in
English and French on the SSHRC website at: .
4. Briefing On SSHRC’s Renewed Program Architecture, March 2010. Available in English
at: and French: Exposé Sur Le
Renouvellement De L’architecture Des Programmes Du CRSH, mars 2010
5. SSHRC International Research Collaborations: Strengthening quality, connections and
impacts - International Workshop at the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,
Carleton University in May 2009, Ottawa, Canada. Published in July 2009. Available in
English at: and in French at:
6. On behalf of SSHRC, Community Consultation on Infrastructure in the Social Sciences
and Humanities, May, 2009. Available in English at: and in French at:
7. On behalf of SSHRC, commissioned an update to the Canadian Policy Research
Networks (CPRN) environmental scan and policy paper on social innovation in Canada.
October, 2009. Available at:
8. Through one of my divisions (Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives), commissioned
the University of Victoria’s Office of Community-based Research to conduct an
environmental scan of community-partnered research in Canada. 2009. Available at:
9. Designed terms of reference, commissioned and edited four concept papers in 2006 by
top scholars on electoral participation of youth, Aboriginal peoples, ethnocultural
communities and the homeless to guide outreach activities by Elections Canada.
Available in English and French at:
10. Commissioning, drafting and editing various reports for The Canadian Unity Council’s
BC-Yukon regional office. Examples include the proceedings of a symposium entitled
“Challenges to Citizenship in the 21st Century” (September, 2002), a report on a public
forum entitled “Voter Apathy: Is the System ‘Broke’?” (May, 2003) and a report on an
inter-faith dialogue undertaken in partnership with the UBC Museum of Anthropology
entitled “Breaking the Fast Together” available at:
11. Feeding Cities in the Horn of Africa. Proceedings of a Subregional Workshop in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, 7-9 May, 2002. Organized by: Addis Ababa City Government and Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under the auspices of: World
Bank Horn of Africa Food Security Initiative and FAO Food Supply and Distribution to
Cities Initiative (on CD-ROM).
12. CFP Report 32 "Urban Agriculture in India: A Survey of Expertise, Capacities and
Recent Experience" by Gisèle Yasmeen, Ph.D. A Study Commissioned by IDRC's South
Asia Regional Office, 2001. Available at:
13. Co-editor of: “Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Bangalore”. Proceedings of
the Collaborative Workshop with Local Stakeholders. Held February 17th - 18th, 1999 in
Bangalore, India. Prepared by Dr. S. Rajagopalan and co-edited with Sathish
Selvakumar. May 1999.
14. Editor of: “Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Bangalore”. Proceedings of the
Consultative Seminar held October 5th and 6th 1998 in Vancouver, BC. Sustainable
Development Research Institute, University of British Columbia. January 1999.
15. In conjunction with Roslyn Kunin & Associates, Inc., “A Human Resources Strategic
Plan for the North Shore”. Presented to YWCA Career Services and North Shore
Continuing Education, February 1998.
16. “Canadian Capacity on Sustainable Cities: An Overview of Canadian Expertise on
Sustainable Urbanization within Government, Business, Academe, and NonGovernmental Organizations.” National Round Table on the Environment and the
Economy. Resource document for a national workshop on Sustainable Cities. January,
1998. Available at:
Papers presented at conferences or invited papers
1. “An overview of research funding in Canada: statistics, strategies and success factors,”
Invited presentation to the University of Northern British Columbia, April 29th, 2015.
2. “Research Excellence and Applying for Grants,” Invited presentation and facilitation of
workshop as part of the program for the 14th annual Critical Race and Anticolonial
studies conference, University of Alberta, October 17-19, 2014.
3. “Thoughts on Food in an International Context,” Invited presentation. Wilfrid Laurier
University Centre for Sustainable Food Systems workshop, June 25-27, 2014.
4. Numerous presentations on behalf of SSHRC and Elections Canada from 2005-2013 (see for details).
5. “Citizens of the world with Canadian passports?” Invited presentation. Sixth National
Metropolis Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. March 21-24, 2003.
6. “Canadians: Citizens of the World?” In/Security: Canada in an International World.
Simon Fraser University, November 7-9, 2002.
7. “The Globalisation of Asian Foodways: Canadian Identity in Transition”. Asian
Foodscapes Conference, National University of Singapore, June 13-15, 2002.
8. “Innovative Labour Organising Strategies: Women in the Food Sector in South &
Southeast Asia”. World Conference on Economic Geography, National University of
Singapore, December 8, 2000. Also presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association
of American Geographers, New York City, February 27-March 1, 2001, in modified form
in February 2002 at a one-day conference on Gender and Development at the Institute of
Asian Research and in March 2002 at a conference at the Peter Wall Institute at UBC on
“The New Service Economy of the Inner City”.
9. “Bangalore 2021: QUEST for Sustainability”. Presented at the Canadian Asian Studies
Association (CASA) Annual Meeting of the South Asia Council in a session entitled “Are
Indian Cities Sustainable?” (session organiser). June 10th and 11th, 1999. Montreal.
Université du Québec à Montréal.
10. “Stockbrokers turned Sandwich Vendors: the Economic Crisis and Food-retailing in the
Philippines and Thailand”. Presented to the Centre for Southeast Asia Research, UBC.
Presented at the University of Heidelberg on February 2nd, 1999 and at the annual
meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Honolulu in March 1999 (as part
of a special session on Globalization and the Asian Economic Crisis).
11. Commentator on two papers concerning the Indian Subcontinent as part of conference
entitled “Cultural Attitudes about the Environment and Ecology and their Connection to
Regional Political Stability” at University of Washington and the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (Battelle) as part of a Conference Series on Environmental Security.
University of Washington, Seattle. January 16th-17th, 1998.
12. “Graduate Student Equity Concerns in Canadian Geography,” Panel on the CAG
Equity Report and Equity Related Issues. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association
of Geographers, St. John’s, Newfoundland. August 21, 1997.
13. "The History of Public Eating in Bangkok and Singapore," Northwest Regional
Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies Research Seminar. University of Washington,
Seattle. February 24, 1996.
14. "The Geography of Public Eating: Gendered Access to Urban Space in Bangkok,"
Center for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations, University of British
Columbia. April 27, 1995.
15. "Gendered access to space in the city: Bangkok's prepared-food delivery system."
Presented at the Third International Conference on the Geography of the ASEAN region
held at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. October 25-29, 1994.
16. "Exploring a Foodscape: The Case of Bangkok," Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers in San Francisco, March 31, 1994. Presented in
revised form at the Canadian Asian Studies Association meeting in Calgary, Alberta on
June 10, 1994.
17. "Bangkok's Restaurant Sector: Gender, Employment and Consumption," presented at
the International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Socio-Economic Transformation in
Thailand and Southeast Asia held at Chulalongkorn University, February 2-4 1993,
Bangkok, Thailand.
18. "Feminine Foodscapes: women and food vending in Thailand." Southeast Asian Studies
Summer Institute (SEASSI) conference entitled, "Works in Progress: Historical and
Contemporary Issues in Southeast Asian Studies," University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington. July 11, 1992.
19. "Gender, Aesthetics and Place" Organizer and Presenter/Discussant held at the Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers at the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC. May 20, 1992.
20. "Spatial Micropolitics and Community Building: the case of two feminist-inspired
housing co-ops in Montreal." Women and Development 1991 Lecture Series, University
of British Columbia. Vancouver (British Columbia), November 13, 1991.
21. "Housing Co-ops, Mutual Aid and Community Development: Reflections on Feminist
Urban Theory." Presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association
Annual Meeting as part of a special session entitled "Women and Housing: Theoretical
and Methodological Issues", Kingston (Ontario), June 1, 1991.
22. "Entraide et vie communautaire : Les coopératives d'habitation pour femmes à
Montréal." Colloque provincial des coopératives d'habitation, Québec (Québec), June 8,
23. "Mutual Aid and Community Building: Montreal's Women's Housing Cooperatives."
Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Toronto (Ontario), April
22 1990.
Non-refereed articles and book chapters
1. “Remembering Ellen Harris,” Women’s History Network Blog, December 14, 2014.
2. “Malthus Revisited: Can the planet support another billion people?” iPolitics, November
28, 2014.
3. “The Road to Myanmar,” Open Canada, published by the Canadian International
Council, May 14, 2014.
4. “Why what’s happening right now should matter to Canadians,” Embassy, February 19,
5. “10 things I learned at SSHRC”, published on the SSHRC website in English at: and in French at:
6. « Imagine a better future » published in the Banff Forum Blog, November 19, 2013.
Available at:
7. “Whither Research Priority Areas” University Affairs, November 14, 2012. Published in
French edition of Affaires universitaires as « Qu’en est-il des « domaines prioritaires » en
matière de recherche? »
8. “’’Technopreneurship’ and social innovation” contribution to MaRS Blog, August 14,
2009. Available at
9. “Articulating the value proposition of the Humanities,” invited contribution to
GlobalHigherEd, March 20, 2008. Available at
10. “Citizens of the world with Canadian passports?” Prairie Centre for Excellence for
Research on Immigration and Integration (PCERII) Working Paper No. WP05-04, May
2004. Available at:
11. "Bangkok's Restaurant Sector: Gender, Employment and Consumption," Journal of
Social Research, (Publication of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand) Vol. 15
No. 2, 1992. pp. 69-81
12. "Mutual Aid and Social Networks: A Feminist-Inspired Housing Co-op in Montreal."
Canadian Woman Studies Fall 1990 (Vol. 11, No. 2) pp. 25-28.
1. Endo, Tamaki. Living With Risk: Precarity & Bangkok's Urban Poor. Kyoto CSEAS
Series on Asian Studies, 10. Singapore: NUS Press; Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2014.
In Pacific Affairs, Vol. 89. No. 2, June 2016 with advance publication on the journal’s
2. Cwiertka, Katarzyna with Boudewijn Walraven (eds.) Asian Food: The Global and the
Local. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press, 2001. In Pacific Affairs, Vol. 76 No. 2,
Summer 2003, pp. 276-77.
3. Wu, David Y.H. and Tan Chee-beng (eds.) Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia. Sha Tin
(Hong Kong): Chinese University Press (distributed in North America by the University
of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor), 2001. In Pacific Affairs, Vol. 75, No. 2, Summer 2002, pp.
4. Warde, Alan and Lydia Martens. Eating Out: Social Differentiation, Consumption and
Pleasure. Cambridge University Press, 2000. In Environment and Planning A Vol. 33,
No. 8, 2001, pp. 1515-16.
5. Faris, Mohamed A. and Mahmood Hasan Khan (eds.) Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt.
Boulder and London: Lynne Reiner Publishers, 1993. in Food and Foodways. Vol. 8, no.
2, 1999, pp. 120-22.
6. Fine, Ben The Political Economy of Diet, Health and Food Policy, London: Routledge,
1998. In Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. Vol. 17, no. 5, 1999, pp.
7. Harley, J.B. and David Woodward (eds.) The History of Cartography, Volume Two,
Book Two: Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies. Chicago:
The University of Chicago Press. 1995. in Canadian Association of Map Librarians
Bulletin. Vol. 12, no. 2, 1994, pp. 40-42.
8. Schwartzberg, Joseph (ed.) A Historical Atlas of South Asia. New York; Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1992. 377 pages plus inserts. in Canadian Association of Map
Librarians Bulletin. Vol. 12, no. 2, 1994, pp. 40-42.
9. Documents du GERAC, Que savons-nous et que faisons nous au sujet de l'Asie du SudEst au Canada?. Québec: Université Laval. 1991. in Contact, Liaison bulletin of the
Canadian Asian Studies Association, January 1996, pp. 16-17.
10. Neher, Clark D. and Wiwat Mungkandi (eds.) U.S. - Thailand Relations in a New
International Era. Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley.
1990. in Contact, January 1996, p. 17.
• Interviewed for Research Money, University Affairs and many other research and
higher education publications (2007-13)
• Interviewed for publications and documentaries regarding electoral matters, 2005-06.
• Several contributions to Opinion Canada – a publication of The Canadian Unity Council
• « A bicentennial to mark Black History Month » (article about Sir James Douglas, first
Governor of British Columbia), The Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, February 26, 2003.
• Chronique à Radio-Canada (Vancouver) – «Communautés asiatiques» - 2000-2002
• Regular columnist on CBC Vancouver’s BC-Almanac – ethnic minorities – 2001-2002
• Frequent contributions to newspapers, magazines, radio and new media (e.g. blog
entries to GlobalHigherEd, MaRS, the Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social
Sciences, etc.)
1. Board Member: Vancouver Women’s Health Collective
( - Founded in 1972 and located on Vancouver’s
Downtown East Side, the collective has the motto of “women helping women help
themselves” and provides health services in collaboration with BC Women’s hospital
and health information and workshops.
2. Member, International Scientific Advisory Board, Netherlands Research Organisation
(NWO) Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage (CATCH) program – a collaboration
between Computer Science, Humanities and cultural institutions. 2011-present.
3. Member, US Ambassador David Jacobson’s Canada-US Innovation Committee –
summer 2012 to summer 2013.
4. Chair, Employment Equity and Advisory Committee, SSHRC – 2008–2013 – while Chair
of the SSHRC committee, we decided to join forces with NSERC and form a bi-council
committee co-chaired with Isabelle Blain, NSERC’s VP of Grants and Scholarships.
5. Member, Women in Informal Employment, Globalizing and Organizing, John F.
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2000-present.
6. Board Member, Foundation for International Training, Markham Ontario (
- July 2001–2010.
7. Board Member, Canadian Club of Vancouver ( 2004.
8. President, Zonta Club of Vancouver (local chapter of Zonta International June 2004 to June 2005; Vice-President from June 2003 to June 2004; CoChair: Status of Women Service Committee and United Nations Committee, September
2002 to June 2003.
9. Member of the Executive Committee: Centre for India and South Asia Research (CISAR),
Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia. Sept. 1999 – June 2001.
10. President's Advisory Committee on Sexual Harassment (UBC): Graduate Student
Society Representative - January to June 1992
11. Graduate Student's Society (UBC): Department of Geography Representative September 1991 to May 1992
12. Department of Geography Graduate Affairs Committee (McGill): Graduate Student
Representative - 1988-1990
13. Speaking Engagements: Guest speaker to workshops and conferences on Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC), the City of Vancouver and the University of British
14. Multiculturalism Advisory Council: Province of British Columbia, under the leadership
of the Attorney General and Minister responsible for Multiculturalism, the Honourable
Ujjal Dosanjh. April 1996 - April 1998.
15. Treasurer, and subsequently President of the World University Service of Canada local
committee, University of Ottawa, 1985-88.