WHA Policy Scrum Series: Non-communicable Diseases & Nutrition WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 11:00 AM EST Welcome & Introductions CHRISTINE SOW, GLOBAL HEALTH COUNCIL Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) at th the 68 WHA JUSTIN KOESTER, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SPECIALIST & CO-CHAIR, NCD ROUNDTABLE MEDTRONIC, INC. Justin Koester Senior International Relations Specialist Co-Chair, NCD Roundtable March 25, 2015 Serving Healthcare Systems Around the World 160+ Number of countries operating in 85,000+ Employees Greater China Americas Europe, Middle East, & Africa 56 53k+ Research centers Asia Pacific Medtronic is a multi-national company structured into four regions. Confidential 84 Manufacturing facilities Patents The Medtronic Mission: A Shared Sense of Purpose contribute to human welfare…alleviate pain, “ To restore health, and extend life… To direct our growth in the areas of maximum strength and ability…to continuously build on these areas through education and knowledge… To strive without reserve for the greatest reliability and quality…to be recognized as a company of dedication, honesty, integrity, and service… To make a fair profit… To recognize the personal worth of employees… To maintain good citizenship as a company.” Confidential Diverse Technologies Confidential Spine Neuromodulation Surgical Technologies Surgical Solutions Respiratory & Patient Care Vascular Therapies Aortic & Peripheral Vascular Structural Heart Transcatheter Valves Cardiac Rhythm Management Diabetes Kanghui Orthopaedics Coronary Angioplasty/Stents Primary Comments for WHA 2015 • • • • Robust NCD-specific Agenda Primary advocacy opportunity to continue pushing WHO-specific agenda items Bank-shot opportunity to push on Sustainable Development Goal priorities Major non-NCD discussion to watch: – Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors (WHO Reform) WHA Agenda for NCDs • 13.1 Outcome of the Second International Conference on Nutrition • 13.2 Maternal, infant and young child nutrition: development of the core set of indicators • 13.3 Update on the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity • 13.4 Follow-up to the 2014 high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to undertake a comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases • 13.5 Global status report on violence and health • 13.6 Global burden of epilepsy and need for a coordinated action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications But there are many other adjacent/relevant agenda items • Health Systems: – Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anesthesia as a component of universal health coverage – Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property • Life Course – Adolescents and Health – Women and Health • Global Coordination Mechanism and Interagency Task Force (GCM) for NCDs Launch – Recent announcement of appointees – First semi-open dialogue occurring in Geneva on April 20-21 NCD Progress Reports • Comprehensive mental health action plan • Comprehensive and coordinated efforts for the management of autism spectrum disorders • Disabling hearing loss Confidential Round of Questions The topic of NCDs encompasses a wide variety of issues. One such issue is newborn screening. Congenital conditions are a significant source of newborn death and disability, many of which can be screened for and treated at birth. However, global strategies like the EWEC and the ENAP have failed to address the need to include newborn screening as a critical element to ending preventable child death and disability, and our Medco colleague didn't mention it. What would help put NBS on the global health/child survival agenda? Nutrition at th the 68 WHA JENNIFER RIGG, DIRECTOR OF POLICY & PARTNERSHIPS 1,000 DAYS KATE EARDLEY, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER, CHILD HEALTH WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL Nutrition at the 2015 World Health Assembly Kate Eardley-World Vision International Jennifer Rigg-1,000 Days Background • Executive Board (Jan 2015) http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/EB136/B136_DIV3-en.pdf • WHA 2014: Report on Global Nutrition Targets http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA67/A67_15-en.pdf • Outcomes from Second International Conference on Nutrition, November 2014 http://www.fao.org/3/a-ml542e.pdf http://www.fao.org/3/a-mm215e.pdf Agreed at 2012 WHA Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Policy brief series and target setting tool launched November 2014 Policy briefs at: http://www.who.int/nu trition/publications/glo baltargets2025_policybr ief_overview/en/ Nutrition on the 2015 WHA agenda 13. Noncommunicable diseases 13.1 Outcome of the Second International Conference on Nutrition - Likely to lead to a decision or resolution 13.2 Maternal, infant & young child nutrition: development of the core set of indicators - Could lead to a decision to approve revised framework 13.3 Update on the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity Other agenda items of note for WHA 14. Promoting health through the life course • 14.1 Monitoring the achievement of the healthrelated MDGs • 14.2 Health in the post-2015 development agenda • 14.3 Adolescent health Revision of Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health is an opportunity to advocate for nutrition to feature as a priority – number of expected GS related side events at WHA Proposed areas of action for GHC members • Advocacy needed around implementation of ICN2 outcome documents and the recommended Decade of Action on Nutrition • Looking ahead to 2016 and the Nutrition for Growth Summit, hosted by Govt of Brazil around the Rio Summer Olympics • Breastfeeding Advocacy Initiative with WHO, UNICEF & others – new action to accelerate progress on breastfeeding Proposed areas of action for GHC members Post-2015 framework being negotiated before, during & after WHA 2015 • Nutrition indicators – action needed to expand suggested indicators to include all 6 WHA targets, women’s dietary diversity & nutrition budget • Request WHO to provide additional guidance & support for global and national processes, particularly in relation to indicators • Extrapolation of 2025 global nutrition targets urgently required • Call for a data revolution in nutrition (in support of Global Nutrition Report) How can GHC members get involved? • Monitor WHA website for papers to be uploaded http://apps.who.int/gb/e/e_wha68.html • Draft or input into GHC statements • Write blogs on nutrition, tweet, engage with GHC members who attend WHA • Comment on Interim Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity http://www.who.int/end-childhood-obesity/interim-report-forcomment/en/ March-June 2015 Round of Questions From your conversation with WHO-Nutrition, do you know if there will be any discussion on the guidelines for the appropriate marketing of complementary foods? Is there collaboration with the Global Strategy for Diet, Physical Activity, and Health? Are there groups other than mothers & children being discussed around nutrition e.g. older persons, people with feeding/swallowing difficulties, people with chronic health problems or specific dietary needs etc.? From your knowledge and talks with WHO, what age do you think will be the focus for nutrition interventions in the coming years - will it stay with the first 1,000 days and critical 0-2 year age range, or do you think there will be expansion to adolescents or adults? Do you know if Mexico is intending to do a formal or informal event-- as they are leading the way on nutrition and obesity reduction interventions nationally? With climate change affecting growing patterns and seasons, including drought and flood, for example, flooding recently in Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, what cross sector collaboration is happening or could be strengthened? Next Steps: Toward WHA 2015 CHRISTINE SOW, GLOBAL HEALTH COUNCIL GHC at WHA Submitting WHA Statements: http://globalhealth.org/wp- content/uploads/GUIDELINES-FOR-SUBMISSION-OF-STATEMENTS-TO-THEWORLD-HEALTH-ASSEMBLY-PROCEEDINGS-FINAL.pdf GHC Delegation: E-mail ekohlway@globalhealth.org Communications about access to the official meeting, hotel room blocks, WHA policy scrums, side events, & more Save the Date: GHC welcome reception at Hotel Royal on May 17 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. WHA Calendar: If your organization is hosting a side event at WHA, let us know. GHC will be creating a Master Calendar of WHA Side Events, which will be available online. Thank You for Attending! Next WHA Policy Scrum Wednesday, April 8 @ 11:00 AM Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
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