FEBRUARY 1 Sun. – Vancouver Mission Fest – Today is the last day of the conference. Pray that the 100’s of people who have stopped by the GRN booth will have a desire to learn more about the ministry via our web page. 2 Mon. – Niger - Two dozen churches were burned down including the GRN representative's church. Christian possessions and properties, such as cars, houses, and shops are targeted and vandalized. The GRN base Leader in Niger, found refuge for his family with neighbors. Pray that God will grant protection over His own, and give the government the ability to calm down the situation and protect Christians. 3 Tue. – MEXICO - Pray for the Culiacan distribution to thousands of indigenous migrants from January 25 to February 20. Pray for the protection of each staff and volunteer. 4 Wed. – KENYA - Director, Winston Omenya reports that the Okiek Good News that remained before Christmas has been completed and sent to Australia for uploading onto the server. Pray that the team will be able to reach their goal of recording 14 languages in 2015. 5 Thu. – USA - Pray for Ruth Horan as she starts back to work on a part-time basis and takes care of baby Zoey at the same time. 6 Fri. – Mexico – Pray for Chucho Loyo as he provides leadership to the team of volunteers who are visiting the migrant farmer worker camps. Each year thousands of CD’s with gospel messages in indigenous languages are given out. 7 & 8 Sat./Sun. – Manitoba Mission Fest – David Elliott is representing GRN Canada in Winnipeg this weekend. Pray that many good contacts will be made for the mission. 9 Mon. – TANZANIA – In December the application for registration was presented to the government. At the time of writing they have not heard back from the government agency responsible. Pray that a positive response will be received soon. It is planned to record four languages in Tanzania this year. 10. – Tue. – CANADA – David Elliott will be giving two seminars today at Heritage College in Cambridge on the topic of Missions and Technology. Pray that many students will desire to serve God in missions. 11 Wed. – BANGLADESH - Pray for the 25th anniversary of HELP Bangladesh (Children’s home and school) and the 30th year anniversary of GRN Bangladesh to be held on 13th of February. Pray that many will join this time of celebration. 12 Thu. – GRN Netherland will have a board meeting on the 13th. Sally Hogg the European Coordinator will also be with them. Please pray for a good meeting as plans for the future are discussed. 21 & 22 Sat/Sun – CANADA – Our office sends funds in U.S. dollars each month to various Centres that GRN Canada supports. The poor exchange rate means we actually send less in U.S. dollars than we did last year. Pray that we would see an increase giving which will enable us to meet this shortfall. 23 Mon. – CHINA - Shixing (pronounced she-shing) is a Buddhist group living in one of the most Gospel-neglected places on earth. Pray for openings for GRN and other ministries to share the Word of Life with the Shixing. 13 Fri. – CANADA – Pray that Diane Roberts will be able to finalize the 2014 tax receipts. 24 Tue. –BANGLADESH – The Thonchunga is a hard group to reach. The people live in an interior area of the country where they cannot be reached by road. Ask God to make a way where there is no way. 14 Sat./15 Sun. – Ask the Lord of the harvest to strengthen GRN in 2015 with additional staff for field and support roles. Much work needs to be done by our GRN offices to deliver the Gospel to unreached peoples and more workers are needed. 25 Wed. – GRN - The GRN Council meets in Thailand at the end of March. Pray for the preparation of nominations for the proposed International Leadership Team. Pray too for the West African leaders who, because of Ebola, might have trouble getting their visa. 16 Mon. – MEXICO – The Culiacan outreach is in the last week of ministry which means that people will be tired and equipment begins to show the daily wear and tear. Pray that everything will continue to work well and that the team members will be eager each day to share the love of Christ in the various camps they visit. 26 Thu. – CANADA – Pray for Doug Armstrong as he continues to work on the details for the upcoming 7th GRN International Council meetings in Pranburi, Thailand from March 18th – 25th, 2015. 17 Tue. – CANADA – Pray for Doug Lambie as he works with GRN and helps in the radio production at Galcom International. 27 Fri. – AUSTRALIA – Praise God that the Global Information System Team (GIST) and the Global Studio team are able to meet together in Sydney at the beginning of March. Pray that the meetings would be fruitful and for relationships to be strengthened by this time together. 18 Wed. – PEOPLES PRAYER PROJECT – is a GRN initiative to activate prayer for several hundred least-reached people groups. Pray that many intercessors would sign up to commit to pray for a specific group. To sign up contact pray@globalrecordings.net 28 Sat. – USA – Pray for Kevin, Ruth and Zoey Horan as they fly from California to Sydney, Australia today. Pray that baby Zoey (4 months old) will do well on this long flight. Kevin is a member of GIST and Ruth is part of the Global Studio team. 19 Thu. – PRAY FOR FUNDING – GRN’s main strategy for obtaining funds is prayer. Join us in asking God to abundantly provide for our network’s needs and the staff. MARCH 20 Fri. – MISSION FEST – David Elliott is representing the mission in Edmonton this weekend. Pray that he will be able to meet old friends of the mission and also make new contacts for GRN. 1. – Sun. – PERU - The Mashco-Piru is a group that lives in voluntary isolation, making them hard to access. Pray for open doors for GRN and other ministries to deliver the Gospel to the Mashco-Piru. 2 Mon. – CANADA – This morning a handful of faithful prayer supporters gather in the GRN Canada office for a time of prayer. We give thanks for Sandy Wilton who prepares the prayer requests, contacts the volunteers and leads our time together. Pray that we will see new people join the group this year. 3 Tue. – MEXICO - Pray for new recordings to be made during this year. Pray for new staff members. Pray for an increase of financial support this year. 4.Wed. – AUSTRALIA - Pray for the Global Studio meeting and the computer engineers as they will be meeting over the next two weeks in Sydney, Australia. Pray that the topics that need to be covered will be addressed and that there will be good progress made on these vital topics. 5. - Thu. – CANADA – Pray for Diane Roberts as she comes into the office today to make a deposit and to look after the financial program. 6. - Fri. – GRN – The GRN language tracking team in the U.S. office provides a valuable service to our recordists around the world. They provide research information to our Centers. Pray that they will be able to get the feedback from our recordists that will provide a clear picture on the needs and will enable the mission to have accurate language information. 7. – Sat. / 8. Sun. – GRN - Helen Sadler of GRN Australia is producing a series of training videos that instruct GRN’s global staff on how to use and get the most out of GRID, this is the mission’s extensive database. Each video is 2-4 minutes long. There will eventually be 20 videos in the set. Pray for Helen as she works on this helpful tool. 9. - Mon. – PAKISTAN - GRN plans to do 10 recordings, distribution of 500 Bibles and 20,000 CDs during this year. Pray for the following needs to be supplied: car repairs, a guest room and better office space. 10. Tue. – INDIA – GRN was able to do recordings in the Hinduri, Bauria, Sirmauri: Dharti, ADI:Ramo, Sansi and Sochi languages in 2014. Pray that these new recordings will receive a wide and effective distribution. 11 Wed. – KENYA – The recording of the Malakote and Bajunit languages is planned for this month. Pray that language helpers will be found to help with the translation of the Bible material. 12 Thu. – AUSTRALIA – The Global Information System Team and the Global Studio members will be finishing their meetings over the next two days. Many of the team members will be flying to Thailand to attend the GRN Council meeting. Pray for safety for those traveling. This includes Ruth and Kevin Horan along with baby Zoey. 13 Fri. – CANADA – Today is David’s last day in the office for the next three weeks as he will be in Thailand. Pray that the article for the next issue of the Update will be completed and ready for printing. Doug Lambie will be compiling the next prayer guide. Doug will prepare the mailing and send it out while David is away. 14 & 15 Sat./Sun. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – Pray for safety for the GRN Directors and other key staff members as they are in transit to Thailand from their respective countries. Pray for David and Marian Elliott as they leave Toronto in the early hours of the 16th and arrive on the 17th in Bangkok, Thailand. 16 Mon. – KENYA – The team is seeking greater participation by local churches in the financial need of the ministry. Pray that they will find favour with churches to help support the ministry of recording and distribution of GRN’s evangelism materials. 17 Tue. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – Tomorrow is the start of the council meeting in Thailand. Pray that everyone will have arrived safely and ready to begin the intense time of meetings that will go until March 25th. Pray that much progress will be made as we proceed through the agenda items over the next eight days. 18 Wed. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – Pray that the new mission policies that will be presented will be clearly understood by all and that agreement will be reached. A new mission structure is being presented and will be voted on. Pray that God’s direction will become clear regarding this important step. 19 Thu. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – The last meeting was held four years ago which means many issues, challenges, project and concerns will be dealt with over the next few days. Pray that there will be a spirit of unity during our meetings as the various items are discussed and voted on. 20 Fri. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – During the council meeting time is provided for each Centre to share about the ministry in their country. Pray that we will be inspired by what God is doing in other Centres and that the time of sharing will provide inspiration for developing their respective ministries. 21 & 22 Sat./Sun. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – Pray for Ruth and Kevin Horan that they will have opportunity to meet GRN Directors during the GRN Council meetings. Kevin will address computer related needs and internet system questions that provide support to the GRN Centres. Ruth will be able to address concerns that relate to the recording process as she daily interacts with recordists from various GRN Centres. 23 Mon. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – Praise God for the following new directors to GRN; Australia - Christine Platt; Cameroon – Joseph Ndiba; Germany – Alfred Berg; India – Mobin Khan; Switzerland – Philippe Tapernoux; Togo – John Coquerel. Pray that there will be a good time of fellowship together as we share with one another about our country ministries. 24 Tue. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – As the end of the council meeting draws close there will be many last minute items that need to be finalized. Regional Coordinators will be appointed for the next four years. If the new GRN structure is approved there will be a need to elect members of the International Leadership Team. Pray that there will be unity in selecting those who will serve on behalf of all GRN members for the next four years. 28 & 29 Sat./Sun. – CANADA/USA – Pray for Doug and Marg Armstrong as they step out of the international aspect of GRN and concentrate on ministry in Canada. 30 Mon. – THAILAND – David and Marian Elliott fly to Chiang Mai today where they will visit the GRN office. Pray regarding the opportunity for the Thai workers to expand their ministry into a neighbouring country. 31 Tue. – UK – Pray for Kenny Mckee as he travels to Kosova in June for recording and Ecuador in September for the recordist training course. Thank you for praying! “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5: 19, 20 25 Wed. – GRN COUNCIL MEETING – Pray for the council members as they return to their respective countries. The next two days will see most of the participants flying to their home countries. Pray for safety as they travel and that their bag will arrive intack. 26 Thu. – KENYA – Distribution of the recorded materials is vital as GRN seeks to provide God’s word to non-readers. The team is planning distribution projects in 9 languages this year. They will be assisted by local pastors who will oversee the distribution. Pray that the churches will eagerly use the GRN materials in their outreach ministries. 27 Fri. – CANADA – Give thanks to God for faithful board members; Judy Wilcox (Chair); Dale Gingerich (Vice Chair); Bill Pearson (Treasurer); Alex Matheson (Secretary); Glen Wilton; Yohann Thommy and Chris Waters. Pray for wisdom as they address the needs of the ministry. Global Recordings Network Canada 115 Nebo Road Hamilton, ON L8W 2E1 ca@globalrecordings.net www.globalrecordings.net
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