Please Note information for the weekly notice sheet needs to be given to the Church Office by Thursday. Church Contacts Church Annexe, Norwich Street, Dereham, NR19 1BX Phone:01362 695221 Open 10-12 Mon—Fri email: Ministers: Rev: Chris Densham Rev. Jorge Damasceno Counselling Service: Phone 01362 851101 Pastoral Contacts: Richard & Frances Cracknell 696214 Or Barbara Yaxley—Church Office 695221 or 695847 Youth Work Contact: Andrew Frere-Smith—690941 email: 21st December 2014 4th January 2015 Sunday 21st December Welcome to our church. We trust you enjoy being with us today and hope you will be able to join us again in worship. Please join us for refreshments after the service. Big Nativity 10.30am Candlelight Carol Service here 5pm Crèche available upstairs. There is a box available for your gifts towards the Lord work in the entrance hall. There are people available to pray or talk to after the service. Christmas Morning Celebration 10am Christmas Card There are a few copies of the Church Christmas card left if you didn’t pick one up last week. It’s not too late to add your donation for Spurgeon’s Childcare to the offering box. Coffee Shop will be closed Friday 26th December and Friday 2nd January. Sunday 4th January 2014—Covenant Service Preacher Rev. Jorge Damasceno. The words for the Covenant Service are printed below for your prayerful consideration before the service. I am no longer my own, but Yours Put me to what You will, rank me with whom You will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for You or laid aside for You; let me be exalted for You, or brought low for You; let me be full, let me be empty; let me have all things, let me have nothing; I freely and heartily yield all things to Your pleasure and disposal. And now, glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are mine and I am yours. So be it. And the covenant made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen. Saturday 27th December Portuguese Speaking Service 6.00 pm Sunday 28th December All Age Service at 10.30am Preacher Sam Leinster Monday 29th December Wedding (see separate note) 12noon Gift Aid If you already give by weekly or monthly Gift Aid envelopes, your labels are ready for collection in the Church Office. If you are new to the church and are a tax payer, please consider giving by Gift Aid. Sunday Coffee There is a new rota for those serving Church Office will be closed until 5th January. coffee on Sunday mornings. Please feel free to help if you feel the people doing it need help. If you would be willing to be added to the rota please contact Barbara in the Church Office. Prayer Reminder for January is available in the Emily is getting married! On Monday 29th plastic pocket on the wall near the side entrance to the church. December at 12 noon Emily Costello is getting married to Joshua Graham and you are all most welcome to come along to the church and see the wedding ceremony. They really will value your support and prayers at this most special time of their lives. Thank you so much. Sharon Martin (was Costello, Mother of the Bride and Mother-in -Law to be!) EBA ask us to pray for December 21st Christmas This week, individually and as churches, we will be celebrating the amazing Gift of God in the birth of His Son, who “must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life”. Let us also remember the many in this country and abroad who have yet to appreciate the true wonder of the season and renew our commitment to make Him known! December 28th This week leads us into 2015, a year that sees many changes within the Eastern Baptist Association. We pray for the EBA Council, including those who have recently been co-opted into its membership. We give thanks for the leadership offered to the Association through Paul Hills and pray for God’s blessing to rest upon him in his retirement. We pray for Richard Lewis as he takes on the mantle of Team Leader within the Regional Ministry Team and for his colleagues Simon Goddard and Nick Lear. We pray for the new Project 2015, replacing Church of the Year with a more local approach and we lift before God the three sector based Assemblies – including that for our Northern Sector at Dereham on 6th June. Let us thank God that He is always doing a new thing amongst us – and live in expectation of good things for our Association as we walk with the Lord. BMS ask us to pray for Paraguay & Ecuador BMS’ partnership with Baptist conventions in Ecuador (CBE) and Paraguay (CEBPy) involves several grants for Supported Partner Workers (SPWs) and their ministries. This is the final year for the grants to CBE, and those to CEBPy will now be diminished over the coming years. Our aim is to encourage local sustainability and ownership for these important ministries. 28th Dec.—4th Jan.—Leadership. Leadership is a gift of God to the Church and one that needs to be encouraged and developed. The Bible tells many stories of gifted leaders and encourages us to pray for those in positions of leadership. BMS is committed to encouraging and supporting leaders across the world in various capacities.
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