Sunday 21st December 2014

PW - ‘Thank You’ to everyone who contributed so generously to the work of PW at the
Carol’s by Candlelight last Monday evening. To Date a total of £917.20 was raised. Anyone still wishing to donate should contact Matthena Blair.
WIDER WORLD magazine with topical articles, news of PCI missionaries & recipes. Four
copies in the year for £5 per annum. If interested in receiving this magazine please see
Doreen Dallas by 21st December.
SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS starts on Sunday 4th January 2015
K2 starts back on Sunday 4th January 2015
Dare2Ask starts back on Wednesday 7th January 2015
Soul starts back on Friday 9th January 2015
Youth Club starts back on Saturday 10th January 2015
ALF starts back on Sunday 11th January 2015
Junior Youth Club starts back on Saturday 17th January 2015
IN A DAY - needs singers and audience on Saturday 17th January 2015.
We hope to perform Favourite Sacred Choral Music in Terrace Row Presbyterian
Church. You are invited to be part of this choir. Leaflets with details are available in
the Fellowship Lounge or telephone Peter Wilson 70329323.
Saltmine Theatre Company presents ‘Amazing Grace’
at the Riverside Theatre on Tuesday 3rd March 2015.
Press-ganged into the navy at 19 years, flogged for desertion
miles away from the girl he loves, John Newton feels he has nothing to live for. This is a powerfully moving story of slavery, freedom and the power of love and grace to transform a life. Sign up
Sheets are available in the Fellowship Lounge and if you are interested you need to sign up before Sunday 18th January. Tickets
are £12 each (concession is those over 65 years and those in full
time education - £10 ) Recommended for age 12 +.
Honouring God By Seeking His Presence
And Sharing His Grace
Welcome to the Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church, Coleraine.
We are glad you are here and pray you will experience God’s help and be
filled with the joy of salvation as we worship together.
Minister: Rev. Peter Fleming -70342703
Pastoral Assistant – Rev. Sam Millar -29557097
Outreach & Support Worker—Liz Dowey - 07803402504
Youth & Community Worker - Alistair Dickey - 07955906552
Church Office Number -70355202
e-mail –
Website -
FLOWER ROTA FOR 2015—If you would like to supply the flowers or money
for the purchase of flowers on a particular Sunday during the year then please
sign your name on the Flower Rota Sheet in the Fellowship Lounge TODAY.
TODAY - Jean, George, Fiona, Esther, Florie, Sam & Lyle.
28th Dec. - Rosemary, Larraine, Fiona, Paul & Zara.
4th Jan - Julie Crockett & Eunice Boyd.
Creche Rota for the next couple of weeks:TODAY - Family Christmas Service. No organised Creche.
28th Dec. - Elaine Jackson, Heather Reilly & Alex
4th Jan. - Margaret Beck, Mary Dorrans & Jessica.
for the month of
JANUARY:Mervyn McCollum—
George Smylie, Ken
Boyd, David McCollum
& Maureen McCorriston
Sunday 21st December 2014
Sunday 21st December 2014
11.00 am Family Carol Service - Bring your family and friends to this
celebration of all that the birth of Christ means.
6.30 pm United Evening service in Terrace Row Presbyterian.
6.30 pm–8 pm ALF— ‘Christmas ELF Party’
‘Take it to the Lord in Prayer’ - Do you want to respond to Gods word, or know of
a burden that can be shared in prayer? The Prayer Ministry Team is available today and Mary Mullan & Jayne Fleming will be at the front of the church. ‘Prayer Request Box’ is in Vestibule.‘ Prayerline’ number is 70344319.
Join us on Christmas Morning at 10.30 am to celebrate Christ’s birth.
(Retiring Offering on Christmas Morning will be for the Children’s Hospice)
Sunday 28th December 2014
10.15 am Elders Prayer Time
11.00 am Dr John Coulter (Ballysally) will be our guest speaker today.
6.30 pm No evening service.
Watchnight Service - Wednesday 31st December 2014
Will be held in Hazelbank Presbyterian Church at 11.15 pm
Sunday 4th January 2015
11 am in First Coleraine Presbyterian Church
6.30 pm United Evening Service in First Coleraine. Members of New Row and
Terrace Row will join with us as we look forward to a new year of
service and fellowship.
1. Pray for our Community at Christmas. Pray for the ministry of all
churches, sharing the Good News of Jesus, providing opportunity for
people to slow down and think, ministering practically to members.
2. Pray for our students and young people who have come home. Ask that
they have a great time and reconnect with our Church family.
3. Pray for our members who are away from home at Christmas. Remember especially Peter & Ann Crawford, Joy Fleming and Lydia Fleming.
4. Pray for families who are feeling the pressure of uncertain employment
and limited finance.
5. Pray for Churches and others working in the Community with many people who find Christmas stressful and full of disappointment.
6. Pray for the church in the Middle East—in many countries believers are
suffering very real persecution.
7. Pray for all our families who have suffered bereavement in the last 12
months. Ask the Lord to give an awareness of his presence when the
feeling of loss is greatest.
If you have prayer requests please contact the Church Office or Carol Wilson.
Thank you so much to everyone in First Coleraine for your
love and prayers during our time in Ireland in November. It
was good to mark the start and end of the month in the
Prayer Room, to join with everyone at the Big Breakfast the
Sunday we left, and to be able to visit almost all of the home
groups. Many thanks to all for your ongoing financial support, and we trust you will have a joyful Christmas.
Peter and Anna Crawford
PORTUGAL PARTENRSHIP ENVELOPES for 2015 are also available today in
Fellowship Lounge.
Building Hope
Please consider this years appeal and
make your gift using the appropriate envelopes before the end of this month.
are available today in the Fellowship
Lounge. The books for 2014 will close
on Sunday 4th January 2015.