and Penton Park Church Web-site: Facebook page: WE WELCOME YOU Please join us after the service for coffee or tea and chat. If you are new to St. Peter’s Church please make yourself known to us. Members of our prayer and pastoral team are available after the Morning Service to talk and pray through any issue. Do make your way to the chancel area where they will pray with you. If you’d like to receive Notices and other info electronically, please do contact and we’ll add you to the list. SUNDAY 22nd FEBRUARY 2015 Lent 1 This spring we are exploring Jesus’ teaching on ‘Faith’ in our morning and evening services 8am Communion : Tim 10am Informal Worship Service : Tim 10.30am Service at Penton Park : Christine 6.30pm Going Deeper with God – ‘Praying Church’ : Tim and Christine WEEK AT A GLANCE It’s LENT. There is a super leaflet available on the back table from the Bishop of Guildford supporting his LENT CALL. 40 days = 40 chances. If you’d like to donate, please do so directly to the Diocese of Guildford. Days 7 & 27 : Pray for those living in loneliness and how you might be able to help. Days 13 & 33 Count your blessings ... Simple ways you can observe Lent 2015. Monday 23rd FEBRUARY 2015 9.30am Prayers 4.45pm Rainbows 6.15pm P&J and Youth Groups meet 8.00pm Crossover Home Group meets The Chertsey Society meets at the Museum this month th Tuesday 24 February 9.15am Prayers 10am Daisy Chain meets 6pm Brownies 8pm Home Groups meet Wednesday 25th February 9.30am MUM’S THE WORD meets (not in Hall) 2.00pm Funeral and Thanksgiving Service for Winnie REMNANT with tea afterwards in the Hall 7.45pm Bellringing Practice 8pm Home Groups meet Thursday 26th February 10am Daisy Chain meets 7.30pm Choir Practice Friday 27th February 9.30pm Communion 10am COFFEE BREAK SUNDAY 1st MARCH : Lent 2 & St. David’s Day 8am Communion 10am Informal Communion Service 10.30am Service at Penton Park 6.30pm Going Deeper with God – Charisma Service PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK We pray for our world, our country and our local community. We pray for those known to us and those who are ill, recently bereaved, homeless, lonely, sad or in difficulty and distress. Please continue to pray especially for Frank PONNIAH, Margaret WHEELTON and Mike & Hazel O’DONOGHUE. ‘It is with enormous sadness we share the news that Elisabeth HOBBS is now nearing the end of her life. She continues to be cared for by the team at Kings College London. Please continue to pray for George, who is currently staying at the hospital, and for their family at this difficult time’. Tim Please continue to pray for a Sunday Afternoon Community New Worship Venture, and do let Sue know if you are interested in becoming involved. + Our Outward Giving Charity is WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS + Gavin Mort warmly welcomes your support both practically and prayerfully. Winnie REMNANT We invite all friends of Winnie who are able to join us to come together to celebrate her life at a Funeral & Thanksgiving Service at 2pm on Wednesday 25th February. Please do come into the Hall afterwards for refreshments, and to share warm memories of Win. A PLEA FROM BUMBLE BEES We are desperately seeking volunteers to help otherwise we will have to limit sessions. Could YOU help? Crafts/activities are supplied so it is just a case of sharing your time and love with our little ones! Thank you to those who already volunteer, but if we had a few more names it would be such a blessing. Contact Mena. The BELL RINGERS are willing train a limited number of new recruits how to safely ring a bell so that they may continue to be rung for services and weddings. Initially training will take place in half hour sessions after the morning service and subsequently on Wednesday evenings. For practical reasons trainees should be between the ages of about 12 and 60. Please talk to one of the ringers for more info or turn up at the ‘taster’ sessions which will start next Sunday 1st March. Thank you. Malcolm Loveday, Tower Captain: 01932 561576. Electoral Roll 2015 Revision : If you are already on the Electoral Roll there is no need to submit further paperwork. However, if there is a change to your details: address, telephone number or e-mail do let Gill TROTTER, ER Officer know via The Vicarage or The Office. If you are new to St. Peter’s, can we encourage you to please SIGN UP and become a voting member The 2015 Annual Church Meeting is at 8pm on Tuesday 28th April. Norman’s Monthly Quiz for Church Funds : February is yellow, and the letter is ‘E’. Have a go at answering Norman’s cryptic questions! £1 in the wall safe please. Those who know ANNE DOLLERY are warmly invited to her INSTITUTION AND LICENCING. Do come along at 7.30pm this Wednesday 25th February to St. Dunstan’s Church, St. Dunstan’s Road, FELTHAM, followed by a reception in the Church. The church has parking available in a nearby school. At 11.00am on Saturday 28th February the Inauguration Ceremony for the new Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Revd Andrew Watson takes place at Guildford Cathedral. Bishop Andrew will then preach for the first time at the Cathedral at the 9.45am Eucharist on Sunday 1st March. The Bishop will be visiting Runnymede Deanery, and we are hosting a service here at St. Peter’s Church to which all are invited at 8pm on Monday 13th April with refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall. Pop the date in your diary! WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER : Praying for the Bahamas : 11.30am Friday 6th MARCH at St. Peter’s Church followed by refreshments afterwards in the Hall. Our special MOTHERING SUNDAY Service is at 10am on Sunday 15th MARCH. Do come and receive a THANK YOU posy. FOODBANK NEWS : As well as 500g bags of sugar, sponge puddings and tinned meat, sweet biscuits, long-life milk and instant mash, FOODBANK warmly welcome toiletries, loo rolls, small boxes of washing power and washing up liquid. Please AVOID baked beans and tea, they have plenty. And FOODBANK have contacted us asking for volunteers to help host their Saturday lunches at Addlestone Baptist Church. Read more on the Porch Noticeboard. There is a special event to express interest on 7th March at 11.30am. Let Sam know on 07766 112512 by 1st March if you will be going along to hear more about how YOU can get involved. CONTACTS Please contact Mena on her e-mail address or leave a message with the office. Vicar: Tim Hillier Associate Minister: Christine Pattinson LLM’s: George Hobbs Sue Browning David Ingoldby Verger & Website: Richard Stoker Church & Hall Administrator: Jackie Loveridge Church Office Mon/Wed/Fri 10am-4pm Families & Children Worker: Mena Evans 01932 563141 01932 570527 07742 278931 01932 565588 07788 921730 07754 901324 01932 855768 01932 570155 Youth Worker: Gerard Oglesby 07887 894358 Music Co-ordinator: Rosemary Richards Churchwardens: 01784 442100 Wendy Greaves Dave Phillips 01932 841667 01932 565904 We do not take a collection within the service. As a church we are 100% self-sufficient in terms of funding. Many give by standing order or via our Planned Giving Scheme. If you would like to leave a donation there is a plate available at the back. Thank you.
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