PARTNERS and ACTIVE MEMBERS Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Composition HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS 7 Polytechnics representing 46,000 students COIMBRA (IPC) CASTELO BRANCO (IPCB) GUARDA (IPG) LEIRIA (IPLEIRIA) PORTALEGRE (IPPORTALEGRE) SANTARÉM (IPSANTARÉM) VISEU (IPV) PARTNERS and ACTIVE MEMBERS Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Composition PARTNERS and ACTIVE MEMBERS 1 Strategic Partner COMPANY COUNCIL of the CENTER (CEC/CCIC) 41 business associations 40.000 companies 26 Business Associations 64 Companies 19 City Councils 5 Business Incubators other relevant entities Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Mission ERASMUSCENTRO is the first regional Erasmus consortium created in Portugal and has the mission to strengthen and deepen the link between the higher polytechnic education and the labour market. Activity To promote traineeships (Erasmus Placements) in European countries (outgoing) for the consortium Polytechnic students and traineeships in Portugal (incoming) for European students. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Objectives ‐To create a wide network of higher education institutions and business entities generating opportunities; ‐To promote a strong link between the polytechnic higher education and the labour market in the Centre of Portugal; ‐To improve the quality in the polytechnic higher education; ‐ To promote the internationalisation; ‐ To promote the transnationality of technical and professional knowledge; Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Objectives ‐To divulge the consortium to Companies, Universities and European students, ‐To give visibility to the partners and to the region and strengthen the European and international dimension; ‐ To establish links with other European consortia; ‐ To promote other training/research/cooperation projects. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Organization ‐ Agreement: Establishes the scope, objectives and principles governing the Consortium. The general operating rules are also defined. ‐Financial and Administrative Term Annual rules concerning mobility and financial distribution among Polytechnics. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Organization General Agreement: Establishes the scope, objectives and Principles governing the Consortium, which are: Rotating of Coordination– The HEI coordinator changes periodically; Flexibility – Along the erasmus year the mobility placements can shift among HEIs according to the execution levels; Decentralization – Each HEI is responsible for selection, supervision and management of its placements; Harmonization – The rules and the documents are the same for all the outgoing placements of the Consortium; Monitoring– The execution levels and supervision of the placements is done permanently in each HEI and periodically in frequent meetings of the Consortium; Solidarity – All the HEI’s are united in fulfil the commitments of each erasmus year. Financial and Administrative Term - Annual rules concerning mobility and financial distribution among HEI’s according to the terms of the contract signed with National Agency. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Consortium Coordinator’s Role • Direct beneficiary of the European funds through the National Agency Proalv (AN‐Proalv); • Responsible for the administrative and financial management of the project; • Responsible for the transversal management and good practices. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Duties of the Consortium Polytechnics • Management of the Erasmus professional traineeships allocated to them; • Responsibility for the quality, content and academic recognition of the students’ Erasmus professional traineeships; • To ensure the conditions for the mobility monitoring; • To respond to the Coordinator Polytechnic requests; • To participate actively in the transversal management and good practices; • To participate actively in the quantitative and qualitative management; • Dissemination of results. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Portuguese Partners’ duties • Entities hosting trainees coming from European Higher Education Institutions (HEI); • To ensure the traineeship supervision and the training quality in a work context; • To promote traineeships opportunities in European institutions which may be of interest (or of interest for its associates); • To support their members’ interests in the activity areas related with the study areas identified by the consortium; • To participate in other training/cooperation projects; • To promote and divulge the Erasmus program in the company/entity. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Cooperative partners (European companies or entities) • Entities hosting trainees coming from the Polytechnics of the Consortium; • To promote traineeships opportunities; • To ensure the traineeship supervision and the training quality in a work context; • To cooperate in the activity areas related with the study areas identified by the consortium; • To participate in other training/cooperation projects; • To promote and divulge the Erasmus program in the company/entity. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Outgoing mobility Data : 2011‐2013 2011/2012 2012/2013 Nº of students mobility Placements Months 230 868 300 1200 Grants to SMP 324.461,00€ 420.000,00€ Organization of Mobility (OM) 18.430,00€ 23.050,00€ Financial Support 342.891,00€ 443.050,00€ Execution level 95% Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO WEBSITE Online management of placements: Institutional Information Data base of Placement Offers from Portuguese and abroad companies; Companies Registration of Placements: Outgoing (European companies) Incoming (Portuguese companies) Students: Searching for Placements Application and registration Links and Facilities Polytechnics Management Monitoring Data Base The website is the “market” for placements, where the Demand can adjust to the Supply. Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Business Associations 125 Partners ‐ACCIFF ‐ Associação Comercial e Industrial da Figueira da Foz ‐AAPIM – Associação de Agricultores para Produção Integrada de Frutos de Montanha ‐ AADP ‐ Associação de Agricultores do Distrito de Portalegre ‐Acoag – Associação Comercial de Águeda ‐ ACSDG ‐ Associação do Comércio e Serviços do Distrito da Guarda ‐ ACIB ‐ Associação Comercial e Industrial da Bairrada ‐ ACIC ‐ Associação Comercial e Industrial de Coimbra ‐ ACICB – Ass. Com., Ind. e Serv de Cast. Branco, Idanha‐a‐Nova e Vila Vª de Ródão ‐ ACICF ‐ Associação Comercial e Industrial do Conselho do Fundão ‐ACILIS ‐ Associação Comercial e Industrial de Leiria, Batalha e Porto de Mós ‐ACIS ‐ Associação Comercial e Industrial de Sernancelhe ‐ADER‐LA ‐ Associação para o Desenvolvimento em Espaço Rural do Norte Alentejo ‐AEA ‐ Associação Empresarial de Águeda ‐AECBP ‐ Associação Empresarial da Covilhã, Belmonte e Penamacor ‐ AENEBEIRA ‐ Associação Empresarial do Nordeste da Beira ‐ AIBAP ‐ Associação da Incubadora do Beira Atlântico Parque ‐AIDA ‐ Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro – ‐AIRV ‐ Associação Empresarial da Região de Viseu ‐ CEC/CCIC ‐ Conselho Emp. do Centro/ Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro - CIAA - Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alto Alentejo ‐ NERCAB ‐ Associação Empresarial da Região de Castelo Branco ‐NERLEI ‐ Associação Empresarial da Região de Leiria ‐Nerpor ‐ Associação Empresarial da Região de Portalegre ‐ NEVA ‐ Núcleo Empresarial de Vagos ‐NEG ‐ Núcleo Empresarial da Guarda ‐ SEMA ‐ Associação Empresarial de Estarreja Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Companies 125 Partners ‐A3 Arquitectos ‐Argacol ‐ Tintas e Vernizes, SA ‐Bluepharma SA ‐ Cautio ‐ Serviços de Gestão Lda. ‐Celeuma Multimédia Lda. ‐Ciclo Fapril ‐ Industrias Metalúrgicas SA ‐CENTIMFE ‐ Centro Tecn. da Ind. de Moldes, Ferramentas Especiais e Plásticos ‐CNEMA ‐ Centro Nacional de Exposições e Mercados Agrícolas, SA ‐ Confecções Sylvan ‐ Consenso ‐ Consultoria de Gestão Lda. ‐ Controvelt ‐ segurança Alimentar SA. ‐ Cosimpor ‐ Diaton ‐ Centro de Tomografia Computorizada SA. ‐Digiwest ‐Encontros Lda. ‐Escobeira ‐Eurocomponentes ‐Evertis Ibérica, SA ‐Fertiprado ‐ Sementes e Nutrientes, LDA ‐Forgesp ‐ Formação e Gestão de Empresas, LDA ‐Forum ‐ Sistemas de Informação Lda. ‐GLINNT ‐ Global Intelligent Technologies, SGPS, SA Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Companies ‐ Grupo Lena ‐ HUF ‐ Fábrica de Componentes para o Automóvel Lda. ‐ Ideias Concertadas Lda. ‐IRM Lda. ‐ Centro de Recuperação de Menores, D. Manuel Trindade Salgueiro ‐ISA ‐ Intelligent Sensing Anywhere.SA ‐J. Portugal Ramos Vinhos, SA ‐Jardim Silvestre ‐ Instalação e Manutenção, Lda ‐Jortejo, LDA ‐Lactibar, SA ‐LoDo, arquitectura paisagista, lda ‐ Litocar ‐ Distribuição Automóvel SA. ‐Lubrifuel ‐ Combustiveis e Lubrificantes Lda. ‐ Madeira & Sousa ‐ Impermeabilizações Lda. ‐ Marigold ‐Mesis, Engenharia Lda. ‐ Microplásticos SA. ‐ Mindset ‐Model8 ITConsulting lda. ‐Mr. Do It ‐Nabeirogest ‐ Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais, SA 125 Partners Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO Companies ‐Olano Portugal Transportes, SA ‐Olano, Logistica do Frio, Lda ‐ Parcigraf ‐ Comércio e Representação de Produtos e Artes Gráficas Lda. ‐ PLURAL ‐ Policirol ‐ Plásticos Lda. ‐ Ponto C ‐ Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação Lda. ‐ PUC ‐ Quilate ‐RHPortugal ‐ Vendas por catálogo Lda ‐Risa Consulting, LDA ‐Selenis ‐ Indústria de Polímeros, SA ‐Sociedade Agricola das Espadas, Lda ‐ SIRMAF ‐SlideShow Lda. ‐Sociedade Agrícola de Alorna, SA ‐Sociedade Internacional de Embalagens SA. ‐Takemedia ‐ Valco ‐ Madeiras e Derivados, SA ‐ Vipex ‐ Comérico e Industria de Plásticos SA. ‐ Why Not Mira ‐ X2 Consulting Lda. 125 Partners Consórcio ERASMUSCENTRO City Councils ‐ Câmara Municipal de Abrantes ‐Câmara Municipal de Coimbra ‐Câmara Municipal de Cantanhede ‐ Câmara Municipal de Elvas ‐Câmara Municipal da Figueira da Foz ‐Câmara Municipal de Figueiró dos Vinhos ‐Câmara Municipal da Guarda ‐ Câmara Municipal de Leiria ‐ Câmara Municipal de Montemor‐o‐Velho ‐Câmara Municipal de Penacova ‐Câmara Municipal de Penela ‐Câmara Municipal de Portalegre ‐Câmara Municipal de Porto de Mós ‐Câmara Municipal de Rio Maior ‐Câmara Municipal de Santarém ‐ Câmara Municipal de Tomar ‐ Câmara Municipal do Entrocamento ‐ Câmara Municipal de Torres Novas ‐ Câmara Municipal de Alcanena 125 Partners Business Incubators ‐ Ex‐ IDD ‐ Incubadora D. Dinis ‐ Open ‐ Associação Para Oportunidades Específicas de Negócio ‐ Parkurbis ‐ Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Covilhã SA. ‐ Tagus Valley ‐ Associação Para a Promoção e Des. do Tecnopólo do Vale do Tejo ‐ WRC ‐ WEB Para a Região Centro, Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional SA. Thank You! 21 in a European Scale. 4 5 TOMAR (IPT) TOMAR ww w. ip t.p t de Tomar 4 4 357 370 55 514.080,00 540.000,00 26.812,00 37.170,00 71.400,00 540.892,00 648.570,00 Staff Mobility T T T S 4 5 ERASMUS+. 5 + mobilities 4 5 4 5 To prepare the consorcium so that the staff mobility for teaching starts in 2015/2016
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