US.Oepo noo M ol of DESIGNATION OF AGENT FOR SERVICE OF NOTICE. PROCESS. ORDERS DECISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS T~aiiOn QHice 01 me sectetory ot Trau()()lronon Chief. Documentary Ser\rices Div. Department of Transp onation Washington. D.C. 20590 ATTENTION: DOCKET SECTION, C-55 EJME (Portu gal) Aircr aft Manag ement, Lda . having its principal (Name of Company. please print) Rua Calvet de Magal haes, 245, Bloco B 2774-5 50 Pa9o de Arcos office at PORTUGAL (Address) he reby designates. pursuant to section 1005(b) of the Federal Aviatio n Act of 1958, the person named below as its Agent upon whom service of all notices and process, and all orders, decisions , and requirem ents of the Department of Transp onation may be made for and on behalf of said carrier: hereby cancelin g all previous designations of agents made by it to the DOT: Nameo fAgen t _____J_am __ e_s_F_.__w_a_t~k_i_ n_ s __~----------------------- --------------------- Net Jets Servic es , I nc . (Please Print) 41 11 Bridge way Avenue Colum bus, OH 43219 Ad~ess --------~T~e~l~·-+~1~5~0~1~4~4~8_2~3~7~4~;~F~ax =-~+1~5~0~1~4~4~8-2~3~7~5~;--w_ a~t-k_ in _s_®n __e_t~j-e_t_s_.c_o_m_____ ___ The Agent so designated has written his name and also his initials in the following space : Name )..)-~----- _:S_ A__ M__'C __S___i__- __. __W_A__:\__K_l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, __,~c...r---'?g/~""'--- - (Initials) (/ ___E_JME ____cP_o_r_t_u~g_a_l_>_A_J._·r_c_r_a_f_t_M_a_n _ a_g_e_m_e_n_t _, _L_d_a_____ ______ has caused these (Name of Company) presents to be signed in its name by ..!fi__!.._A-_11.. _ 1o _ ___:S::....:..f'_I_.N'_o_L_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, President (Please Print) of said company. and to be attested under its corpora te seal by I' (Secretary, or other Title) 11+- on this ___'1 ____ __ day of March • ~ 2015 : EJME ·(Portugal) Aircraft Management, lda. EJME (Portu gal) NIF: 510 878 822 Rua Calvet Magalhlies, nl! 245, Bloco B 2774-SSO PA~O DE ARCOS - PORTUGAL fh LJ~ (Secretary, or other officer) OST F 1010.5 (7-85) ') Aircraft/~~qement, (N..,. of By: ATTEST: J tt:"y) :yv Lda
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