Call for Papers for Wireless Networks Symposium Scope and Motivation: This symposium is to serve as an international forum for experts from academia, industry, and government to exchange ideas and new results on research and development, as well as to promote and accelerate standardization, applications, and services of current and future wireless networks. This symposium invites participation from both academic and industry researchers working in the area of wireless networking technologies, services, architectures, and protocols. The overall goal is to present the latest snapshot of the ongoing research as well as to shed further light on future directions in this space. Authors are invited to submit papers presenting novel technical studies as well as broader position and vision papers comprising hypothetical/speculative scenarios. Main Topics of Interest: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cellular systems, 2G/2.5G/3G/4G/5G and beyond LTE, WiMAX, WMAN, and other emerging broadband wireless networks WLAN, WPAN, and other home/personal networking technologies Pervasive and wearable computing and networking Underwater wireless networks Delay tolerant wireless networks Small cells and femtocell networks Wireless mesh networks Vehicular wireless networks mmWave wireless networks Software-defined wireless networks Free space optical networks Wireless cloud computing Wireless network virtualization Inter-networking of wireless heterogeneous and multi-tier networks Cognitive radio networks, dynamic spectrum access and emerging applications and services Reconfigurable wireless networks Novel architectural design and operation models Wireless multimedia networks Information-centric wireless networks Opportunistic wireless networks Green wireless networks Social wireless networks Machine-to-machine communications Internet of things End-to-end protocols, flow and congestion control Power management and energy conservation techniques User cooperation and incentive schemes • • • • Cross-layer design and optimization Fault-tolerance and traffic engineering Testbeds and deployment Standardization activities of emerging wireless technologies Sponsoring Technical Committees: • • • Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks (AHSN) Communications Systems Integration & Modeling (CSIM) Wireless Communications (WTC) How to Submit a Paper: The IEEE Globecom 2015 website provides full instructions on how to submit papers. You will select the desired symposium when submitting. The paper submission deadline is April 1, 2015. Unlike recent ICC’s and Globecom’s, this is a hard deadline that will not be extended. Symposium Co-Chairs: • • • • Chonggang Wang, InterDigital Communications, USA, Weixiao Meng, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Soumaya Cherkaoui, Univ. de Sherbrooke, Canada, Ty Znati, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Biographies Dr. Chonggang Wang received the Ph.D. degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China in 2002. He is currently a Member of Technical Staff of InterDigital Communications with focuses on Internet of Things (IoT) R&D activities including technology development and standardization. His current research interest includes IoT, Mobile Communication and Computing, and Big Data Analytics. He (co-)authored more than 100 journal/conference articles and book chapters. He is the founding Editorin-Chief of IEEE Internet of Things Journal and on the editorial board for several journals including IEEE Access. Dr. Weixiao Meng received the Ph.D. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China in 2000. He is now a full professor at the School of Electronics and Information Engineering of HIT. His research interests include broadband wireless communications and networking, MIMO, and wireless localization technologies. He has published 3 books and over 200 papers on journals and international conferences. He is the founding Chair of IEEE Communications Society Harbin Chapter, a senior member of the IEEE ComSoc. He has been an editorial board member for Wiley’s WCMC Journal since 2010, an area editor for PHYCOM journal since 2014, and an editorial board for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. He acted as leading TPC co-chair of ChinaCom2011, leading Services and Applications track co-chair of IEEE WCNC2013, Awards co-chair of IEEE ICC2015. In 2005 he was honored provincial excellent returnee and selected into New Century Excellent Talents (NCET) plan by Ministry of Education, China in 2008. Dr. Soumaya Cherkaoui is a Full Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering of Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. Since 2000, she has been the Director of the Interlab research Laboratory. Prior to her appointment at U. Sherbrooke, Pr. Cherkaoui worked a project leader on projects targeted at the Aerospace Industry. In 1999, she contributed as a technical lead to projects for Reusable Space Systems (RSS) of the Boeing Company, which designs space vehicles for NASA. In 2006, she was a visiting professor at Monash University, Australia, and Bell Laboratories, Toronto, and in 2012-2013 a visiting scholar at the UC Berkeley. In 2010-2012, she was on the Board Directors of the Canadian National Network of Centers of Excellence Auto21. Pr. Cherkaoui has participated as a General Chair, Editor, or Member of Technical Committee for more than 80 conferences or referenced journals. She served as Symposium chair for Wivec 2014, Symposium co- Chair for IEEE ICC2014 AHSN, Workshops Chair for IEEE LCN 2013, Symposium co-Chair for ACS/IEEE AICCSA 2013, TPC co-Chair for the 26th QBSC 2012, Symposium co-Chair for IEEE PIMRC 2011, Symposium co-Chair for IEEE AINA 2010, symposium co-Chair for IWCMC 2010. She is a founding member of the IEEE ONMOVE workshop. Dr. T. Znati is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, with a joint appointment in Telecommunications in the Department of Information Science, and a joint appointment in Computer Engineering at the School of Engineering. He served as the Director of the Computer and Network Systems Division at the National Science Foundation. Dr. Znati also served as a Senior Program Director for networking research at the National Science Foundation. In this capacity, Dr. Znati led the Information Technology Research (ITR) Initiative, a cross-directorate research program, and served as the Committee Chair of the NSF Information Technology Research Initiative. Dr. Znati's main research interests are in the design and analysis of evolvable, secure and resilient network architectures and protocols for wired and wireless communication networks. He is also interested in bioinspired approaches to address complex computing and communications design issues that arise in largescale heterogeneous wired and wireless networks..Dr. Znati has served as the General Chair of GlobeCom 2010. He also served as the general chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2005, the general chair of SECON 2004, the first IEEE conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, the general chair of the Annual Simulation Symposium, and the general chair of the Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation Conference. He also served or currently serves as a member of the Editorial Board of several journals and transactions in fields related to communications and networking. TPC Members (Tentative) First Name Nedal Mohammad Hatem Ibrahim Hossam Dharma Javier Rui Toufik Last Name Ababneh Abdul Azim Abou-zeid Abualhaol Afifi Agrawal Aguiar Aguiar Ahmed Affiliation University of Bahrain Masdar Institute Queen's University Carleton University Institut Telecom University of Cincinnati University of Valladolid University of Aveiro University of Bordeaux-1 / CNRS-LaBRI Wessam Ozgur Mustafa Arafat Fadi Habib M. Regina Antonios Chadi Mohammed Leonardo Qutub Mohammad Luis Uthman Javier Mostafa Tuncer Tarek Paolo Anass Carlos Mauro Aggelos Fernando Patrick-Benjamin Ladislau Luciano Amar Bensaber Azzedine Torsten Chiara Jun Lin Lin Marcello Hasan Jiannong Xianghui Chan-Byoung Periklis Hui Ing-Ray Jiming Jyh-Cheng Shanzhi Ajib Akan Akbaş Al-Dweik Al-Turjman Ammari Araujo Argyriou Assi Atiquzzaman Badia Bakhtiar Banat Barbosa Baroudi Barria Bassiouni Baykas Bejaoui Bellavista Benjebbour Bernardos Biagi Bletsas Boavida Bök Bölöni Bononi Boucif Boukerche Braun Buratti Cai Cai Cai Caleffi Cam Cao Cao Chae Chatzimisios Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Université du Québec à Montréal Koc University University of Central Florida University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Michigan-Dearborn Federal University of São Carlos University of Thessaly Concordia University University of Oklahoma Università degli Studi di Padova Technological University of America Jordan University of Science and Technology University of Castilla La Mancha King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran Imperial College London University of Central Florida Tohoku University University of Paris-Sud 11 University of Bologna NTT DOCOMO, INC. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Università La Sapienza di Roma Technical University of Crete University of Coimbra TU Dortmund University of Central Florida University of Bologna University of Quebec, Trois Rivieres University of Ottawa University of Bern University of Bologna University of Manitoba University of Victoria Huawei University of Naples "Federico II" Army Research Laboratory Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ Illinois Institute of Technology Yonsei University Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki Virginia State University Virginia Tech Zhejiang University National Chiao Tung University China Academy of Telecommunication Technology Wei-Peng Xianbo Xiao Yu Yuanzhu Carla-Fabiana Feng-Tsun Naveen Sunghyun Young-June Felipe Jun-Hong Iyad Tomaso Antonio Renato Luca Floriano Carl Jing Mehrdad Wei Rui Octavia Qinghe Qiang Stephan Mohamed Ehab Mohamed Tomaso Zubair Pingyi Shih-Hau Lorenzo Emad Gianluigi Stefan Gabor Chuan Heng Mostafa Shengli Weihuang Yasser Laura Chai-Hien Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chiasserini Chien Chilamkurti Choi Choi Cruz-Pérez Cui Dayoub De Cola de la Oliva de Moraes De Nardis De Rango Debono Deng Dianati Ding Dinis Dobre Du Duan Eidenbenz El-Tarhuni Elmallah Eltoweissy Erseghe Fadlullah Fan Fang Favalli Felemban Ferrari Fischer Fodor Foh Fouda Fu Fu Gadallah Galluccio Gan Fujitsu Laboratories of America Broadcom Corporation Texas State University Binghamton University Memorial University of Newfoundland Politecnico di Torino National Chiao Tung University La Trobe University Seoul National University Ajou University Cinvestav-IPN University of Connecticut University Lille Nord de France IEMN-DOAE CNRS UMR 8520 UVHC German Aerospace Center (DLR) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid University of Brasilia (UnB) University of Rome La Sapienza University of Calabria University of Malta University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of Surrey New York Institute of Technology Instituto de Telecomunicacoes Memorial University of Newfoundland Xi'an Jiaotong University The Pennsylvania State University Los Alamos National Laboratory American University of Sharjah University of Alberta Virginia Military Institute University of Padova Tohoku University Tsinghua University Yuan Ze University University of Pavia Umm Al Qura University University of Parma University of Lübeck Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) University of Surrey Tohoku University University of North Texas Cisco Systems The American University in Cairo DIEEI ITRI Xiaoying Weihua Ana Georgios Rosario Amjad Thierry Paul Yacine Alberto Javier Yu Xin Mina T. Aaron Mesut Song Zhen M. Cenk Zygmunt Yassine Abdelhakim Zeeshan Sang-wook Zhu Petr Jie Shibo Shuangchi Michael Roger Pierre Liang Xiaoyan Xiaolin Hung-Yun Cheng-Hsin Donglin Jiankun Rose Qingyang Weimin Xiaoxia Antonio Salama Sándor Sassan Kenji Gan Gao Garcia Armada Gardikis Garroppo Gawanmeh Gayraud Gendron Ghamri-Doudane Gonzalez Gozalvez Gu Guan Guirguis Gulliver Günes Guo Guo Gursoy Haas Hadjadj-Aoul Hafid Hameed Mir Han Han Hanacek Hao He He Hempel Hoefel Hong Hong Hou Hsieh Hsu Hu Hu Hu Huang Huang Iera Ikki Imre Iraji Ishida Shanghai Jiao Tong University Qualcomm Inc. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid NCSR Demokritos University of Pisa Khalifa University LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of la Rochelle Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche Hefei University of Technology Heilongjiang University Texas State University University of Victoria University of Münster The University of Aizu Wireless Innovation Group R&D, Commscope Syracuse University Cornell University University of Rennes 1 University of Montreal Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC) Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) University of Houston Brno University of Technology University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhejiang University National University of Singapore University of Nebraska-Lincoln Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Tennessee State University University of Alabama DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd National Taiwan University National Tsing Hua University Auburn University University of New South Wales Utah State University Memorial University Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria Lakehead University Technical University of Budapest Aalto University Hiroshima City University Hiroyasu Teerawat Minoru Lillykutty Bo Anxiao Andrew Hai Hongbo Xiaohong Yuming Changhee Volker Ahmed Charles George Holger Jamil Tamer Donghyun Hyoil Adrian Panayiotis Peng-Yong Georgios Ibrahim Polychronis Ioannis Witold Rakhesh Wei-Shinn Parag Yu-Kwong Yann Zhou Peter Long Heung-No Howon Jang-Won Zander (Zhongding) Alessandro Victor Changle Cheng Ming Ishikawa Issariyakul Ito Jacob Ji Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Joo Jungnickel Kamal Kamhoua Karagiannidis Karl Khan Khattab Kim Kim Kliks Kolios Kong Kormentzas Korpeoglu Koutsakis Krikidis Krzymień Kshetrimayum Ku Kulkarni Kwok Labit Lan Langendoerfer Le Lee Lee Lee Nihon University TOT Public Company Limited Nara Institute of Science and Technology National Institute of Technology Calicut Temple University Texas A&M University University of Alberta Huazhong University of Science and Technology Future University-Hakodate Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) UNIST Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute Iowa State University Air Force Research Laboratory Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University of Paderborn The University of Newcastle Qatar University North Carolina Central University Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) Poznan University of Technology University of Cyprus Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research University of the Aegean Bilkent University Technical University of Crete University of Cyprus University of Alberta / TRLabs Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Auburn University Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. University of Hong Kong LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse National Institute of Information and Communications Technology IHP Microelectronics INRS, University of Quebec Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Hankyong National University Yonsei University Lei Leonardi Leung Li Li Li Institute for Infocomm Research AGT International The University of British Columbia Xidian University Memorial University of Newfoundland California State University Tiffany Jing Wei Xiaohua (Edward) Yihan Jie Qilian Alvin Phone Tsungnan Xiaodong Marco Tsung-Hsien Wei Youjian (Eugene) Zhengye Anthony Renato Kejie Rongxing Xun Maode Maurizio Dario Toktam Sahibzada Ali Petri David Quazi Athanassios Jukka Shiwen Patrick Xavier Christos Gianluca Janise Natarajan Ahmed Maria Luisa Enzo Daniele Jelena Vojislav Satyajayant Amin Seshadri Li Li Li Li Liang Liang Lim Lin Lin Lin Listanti Liu Liu Liu Liu Lo Lo Cigno Lu Lu Luo Ma Magarini Maggiorini Mahmoodi Mahmud Mähönen Malone Mamun Manikas Manner Mao Marsch Masip-Bruin Masouros Mazzini McNair Meghanathan Mehaoua Merani Mingozzi Miorandi Mišić Mišić Misra Mobasher Mohan Lehigh University Texas Southern University State University of New York at Binghamton Auburn University Simon Fraser University University of Texas at Arlington Auburn University National Taiwan University National Taiwan University University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Rome "La Sapienza" National Chung Cheng University Huazhong University of Science and Technology University of Colorado at Boulder Polytechnic University Delft University of Technology University of Trento University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Nanyang Technological University Qualcomm, Inc Nanyang Technological University Politecnico di Milano University of Milano King's College London University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar RWTH Aachen University NUI Maynooth Charles Sturt University Imperial College London Aalto University Auburn University Nokia Siemens Networks Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya University College London University of Ferrara and LepidaSpA University of Florida Jackson State University University of Paris Descartes University of Modena and Reggio Emilia University of Pisa Create-Net Ryerson University Ryerson University New Mexico State University Broadcom Corporation University of Arkansas at Little Rock Hamed Sándor Hassan Sami Amitava Brendan Kumudu Gabriel-Miro Hidekazu John Liam Mirco Tamer Sumeeth Vinod Kameswara Rao Maitreya Edith Nam Tran Petros Hong Dusit Hideki Tae (Tom) Frank Eng Hwee Hadi Shumao Feng Ertan Sangheon Ai-Chun Evangelos Symeon Hyunggon Kyung-Joon Kostas Dirk Fabrice Tom Raphael Niki Pratap R Venkatesha Ioannis Tony Q. S. Mohsenian-Rad Molnár Moradi Muhaidat Mukherjee Mumey Munasinghe Muntean Murata Murphy Murphy Musolesi Nadeem Nagaraja Namboodiri Namuduri Natu Ngai Nguyen Nicopolitidis Nie Niyato Ochiai Oh Oldewurtel Ong Otrok Ou Ouyang Öztürk Pack Pang Papapetrou Papavassiliou Park Park Pentikousis Pesch Peyrard Pfeifer Phan Pissinou Prasad Prasad Psaras Quek University of California at Riverside Budapest University of Technology and Economics Qualcomm Inc. Khalifa University IBM India Pvt Ltd, Calcutta Montana State University University of Canberra Dublin City University Kyoto University University College Dublin University College Dublin University of Birmingham Old Dominion University Qualcomm Research Wichita State University University of North Texas Tata Research Development and Design Center Uppsala University Ho Chi Minh City University of Science Aristotle University University of Northern Iowa Nanyang Technological University Yokohama National University Rochester Institute of Technology AUDI AG Avennetz Technologies Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research (KUSTAR) Oxford Brookes University Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Lab Bulent Ecevit University Korea University National Taiwan University University of Ioannina National Technical University of Athens Ewha Womans University DGIST EICT Cork Institute of Technology University of Toulouse Technische Universität Berlin Loughborough University Florida International University Qualcomm Inc TU Delft University College London Singapore University of Technology and Design Abderrezak Redha Ayman Channasandra Peter Marco Michele Nararat Javier Humphrey Claudio Brian Konstantinos Cesar Fortunato Nurul Sandro Patrick Debarati Xuejun Abdallah Hangguan Yi Sanaa Hamid Yanming Nirmala Gaotao Basem Shigeru Lei Isabelle Vasilios Harry Inkeun Wei Yi Boon Hee Ignacio John Tim Aaron Hang Xin Zhou Zhili Rachedi Radaydeh Radwan Ravishankar Reiher Roccetti Rossi Ruangchaijatupon Rubio-Loyola Rutagemwa Sacchi Sadler Samdanis Santivanez Santucci Sarkar Scalise Seeling Sen Sha Shami Shan Shang Sharafeddine Sharif Shen Shenoy Shi Shihada Shimamoto Shu Simplot-Ryl Siris Skianis Son Song Song Soong Soto Strassner Strayer Striegel Su Su Su Sun University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée Alfaisal University Instituto de Telecomunicações Hughes Network Systems UCLA University of Bologna University of Padova Khon Kaen University CINVESTAV Tamaulipas Communications Research Centre (CRC) Canada University of Trento Army Research Laboratory NEC Europe Ltd. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru University of l'Aquila Auckland University of Technology German Aerospace Center (DLR) Central Michigan University Indian Instutute of Technology Kharagpur Communication Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology The University of Western Ontario Zhejiang University University of Missouri Lebanese American University University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Rochester Institute of Technology Tianjin University KAUST Waseda University Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology INRIA Lille Nord - Europe Athens University of Economics and Business / ICS-FORTH University of the Aegean DAPA University of New Brunswick Wichita State University Nanyang Technological University Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Huawei BBN Technologies University of Notre Dame Qualcomm Tsinghua University Waseda University University of Surrey Jian Yuliang Daniele Atikan Xiaohua Terence D. Ali Duc Nghi Alicia Shiao-Li Huei-Ru Begumhan Damla Fabrice Athanasios Alexey Vasileios Haris Chonggang Feng Honggang Jianxin Jingning Ju Kuang-Ching Lei Pu Qiang Sherry Xin Xudong Ye Yu Vijitha Christian Eric Vincent Bin Hongyi Hsiao-Chun Jinsong Shaoen Shaohua Xuanli Weidong Tang Tang Tarchi Teber Tian Todd Tosun Tran Tran Triviño Tsao Tseng Turgut Turgut Valois Vasilakos Vinel Vitsas Volos Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Weerackody Wietfeld Wong Wong Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Xiang Syracuse University Xiamen University University of Bologna Case Western Reserve University Shanghai Jiao Tong University McMaster University University of Texas at San Antonio University of Massachusetts Boston University of Akron University of Malaga National Chiao Tung University Industrial Technology Research Institute Rutgers University University of Central Florida INSA Lyon National Technical University of Athens Halmstad University TEI Thessaloniki University of Arizona InterDigital Communications The University of Mississippi University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Xiamen University The 54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporatio Virginia State University Clemson University Dalian University of Technology Wichita State University Lehigh University Intelligent Automation Inc (IAI) Fudan University Teranovi Technologies, Inc. University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of North Carolina at Charlotte Johns Hopkins University/APL TU Dortmund University Self University of British Columbia Tianjin University University of Louisiana at Lafayette Louisiana State University Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent Ball State University Harbin Institute of Technology Communication Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology University of Michigan, Dearborn Liang Ming Yang Linda Jiang Qin Ke Lisong Weiqiang Saneyasu Miki Wei Emre Joon Homayoun Moustafa Wei Wei Hao Murat George Andrea Frank Sherali Seyed (Reza) Qing-An Hans-Juergen Baoxian Jin Jiucai Liqiang Qinyu Ruonan Yan Weiyi Youping Jun Lei Liang Ping Yuan Yuezhi Haojin Yi-hua Weihua Anatolij Xiao Xiao Xiao Xie Xin Xu Xu Xu Yamaguchi Yamamoto Yan Yavuz Yoo Yousefi'zadeh Youssef Yu Yuan Yue Yuksel Zaggoulos Zanella Zdarsky Zeadally Zekavat Zeng Zepernick Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhao Zhao Zheng Zhong Zhou Zhou Zhou Zhou Zhu Zhu Zhuang Zubow Xiamen University Royal Institute of Technology The University of Alabama University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of the Faroe Islands Tsinghua University University of Nebraska-Lincoln Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Kogakuin University Kansai University McAfee Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Gachon University University of California, Irvine Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (EJUST) Towson University Huazhong University of Science and Technology University of Florida University of Nevada - Reno University of Cyprus University of Padova NEC Europe Ltd. University of Kentucky Michigan Technological University North Carolina A&T State University Blekinge Institute of Technology University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Google University of Nebraska-Lincoln Indiana University South Bend Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology Northwestern Polytechnical University Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo MARVELL Technology Group Beijing Jiaotong University Southeast University National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Qualcomm Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Tsinghua University Shanghai Jiao Tong University Zhejiang University of Technology University of Waterloo Technische Universität Berlin
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