20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15) July 27-30, 2015, Milan, Italy, Bovisa Campus - Politecnico di Milano SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBERS Alice Merner Agogino University of California at Berkeley Marine Agogue HEC Montréal Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen DTU Albert Albers Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Janet Katherine Allen University of Oklahoma James T. Allison University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Lars Almefelt Chalmers University of Technology Reiner Anderl TU Darmstadt Kjell Andersson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Ronaldo Andrade Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Gokula Vijaykumar Annamalai Vasantha University of Strathclyde Améziane Aoussat ENSAM Eiji Arai Osaka University Tomasz Arciszewski George Mason Marco Aurisicchio Imperial College London Jesse Austin-Breneman Massachusetts Insitute of Technology Petra Badke-Schaub TU Delft Gurumoorthy Balan Indian Institute of Science Niccolo Becattini Politecnico di Milano Sanja Becetic University of Zagreb Walid Ben-Ahmed RENAULT Beate Bender Ruhr-Universität Bochum Frank Beneke FH Schmalkalden Marco Bertoni Blekinge Institute of Technology Tracy Bhamra Loughborough University Hansgeorg Binz University of Stuttgart Herbert Birkhofer TU Darmstadt Robert Bjärnemo Lund University Evastina, Lilian Björk Gjövik University College Eric Blanco University of Grenoble Alpes Lucienne Blessing University of Luxembourg Duncan R Boa University of Bristol Erik Bohemia Loughborough University Nenad Bojcetic University of Zagreb Casper Boks Norwegian University of Science and Technology Julian David Booker University of Bristol Monica Bordegoni Politecnico di Milano Jonathan C. Borg University of Malta Yuri Borgianni Free University of Bolzano-Bozen Jean-François Boujut Grenoble Institute of Technology Dominic G Bouwhuis TU Eindhoven Ole Broberg TU Denmark David C. Brown Worcester Polytechnic Institute Colin Reginald Burvill University of Melbourne Nicklas Bylund Sandvik Coromant Jonathan Cagan Carnegie Mellon University Emmanuel Caillaud Université de Strasbourg Felician Campean University of Bradford Marco Cantamessa Politecnico di Torino Hernan Casakin Ariel University Gaetano Cascini Politecnico di Milano Philip Cash TU Denmark Denis Cavallucci INSA Strasbourg Amaresh Chakrabarti Indian Institute of Science Wei Chen Northwestern University Chun-Hsien Chen Nanyang Technological University Peter R.N. Childs Imperial College London Ming-Chuan Chiu National Tsing Hua University Young Mi Choi Georgia Institute of Technology Chih-Hsing Chu National Tsing Hua University Peter John Clarkson University of Cambridge Eric Coatanéa Aalto University Daniel Collado-Ruiz Dynavio Cooperative Kathryn Cormican National University of Ireland Daniel Coutellier University of Valenciennes Richard Crawford University of Texas at Austin Nathan Crilly University of Cambridge Umberto Cugini Politecnico di Milano Steve Culley University of Bath Roland De Guio INSA de Strasbourg Joe Deans University of Auckland Elies Ann Dekoninck University of Bath Vimal Dhokia University of Bath Andy Dong The University of Sydney Joseph A. Donndelinger General Motors LLC Kees Dorst University of Technology, Sydney Alex Duffy University of Strathclyde Joost Duflou KU Leuven Claudia Eckert Open University Paul Francis Egan ETH Zurich Tobias Eifler Technical University of Denmark Martin Eigner TU Kaiserslautern Kalevi Ekman Aalto University Asko Uolevi Ellman Tampere University of Technology Alparslan Emrah Bayrak University of Michigan Steven Eppinger Massachusetts Institute of Technology Torsten Erbe Jenoptik OS GmbH Åsa Ericson Luleå University of Technology Ozgur Eris MITRE Corporation Georges M. Fadel Clemson University Ip-Shing Fan Cranfield University Gualtiero Fantoni University of Pisa Mario Fargnoli Ministry of Agriculture Francesco Ferrise Politecnico di Milano Stefano Filippi University of Udine Susan Finger Carnegie Mellon University Xavier Fischer ESTIA Eckart Frankenberger Airbus Katherine Kai-Se Fu Georgia Institute of Technology Kikuo Fujita Osaka University Shuichi Fukuda Keio University Mickael Gardoni ÉTS / INSA de Strasbourg Georgi V. Georgiev Kobe University Detlef Gerhard Vienna University of Technology Kilian Gericke University of Luxembourg John Gero UNCC & GMU Ashok Goel Georgia Institute of Technology Yee Mey Goh Loughborough University Dietmar Göhlich TU Berlin Mehmet H. Goker Salesforce.com Gabriela Goldschmidt Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Shayne Gooch University of Canterbury James Anthony Gopsill University of Bristol Lapo Governi University of Florence Iris Graessler Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn Serena Graziosi Politecnico di Milano Martin Grimheden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Yasha Jacob Grobman Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Ravi Kumar Gupta Ecole Centrale de Nantes Lilia Gzara Grenoble Institute of Technology Crispin Hales Hales & Gooch Ltd. Sophie Hallstedt Blekinge Tekninska Högskola Claus Thorp Hansen TU Denmark Alexander Hasse FAU University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Armand Hatchuel Mines ParisTech Ben Hicks University of Bath Günter Höhne TU Ilmenau Christoph Holliger University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Stefan Holmlid Linköping University Yoo Suk Hong Seoul National University Imre Horvath Delft University of Technology Stanislav Hosnedl University of West Bohemia Thomas J. Howard Technical University of Denmark Stephan Husung TU Ilmenau Winifred Ijomah University of Strathclyde Horea Ilies Universitry of Connecticut William Ion University of Strathclyde Karl Ola Isaksson GKN Aerospace Engine Systems Mats Jackson Malardalen University Santosh Jagtap Lund University Haifeng Ji Massachusetts Institute of Technology Glenn Johansson Jönköping University Aylmer Johnson University of Cambridge Simon Lloyd Jones University of Bath Iestyn Jowers The Open University Thomas Jun Loughborough University Udo Kannengiesser Metasonic GmbH Lennart Karlsson Alkit Communications AB Akin Osman Kazakci Mines ParisTech Simeon Keates University of Greenwich Troels Keldmann Keldmann Healthcare A/S Yong Se Kim Sungkyunkwan University Kee-Ok Kim Sungkyunkwan University Harrison Kim University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Takashi Kiriyama Tokyo University of the Arts Yusuke Kishita Osaka University Yoshinobu Kitamura Osaka University Maaike Kleinsmann TU Delft Hermann Kloberdanz TU Darmstadt Edwin Koh National University of Singapore Michael Kokkolaras McGill University Hitoshi Komoto National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Srinivas Kota Birla Institute of Technology and Science Ahmed Kovacevic City University London Dieter Krause Hamburg University of Technology Matthias Kreimeyer MAN Truck & Bus AG Gul Kremer Penn State University Ehud Kroll Technion Heidi Krömker Technische Universität Ilmenau Petter Krus Linköping University Petri Kuosmanen Aalto University Pascal Le Masson Mines ParisTech Martin John Leary RMIT University Sang Won Lee Sungkyunkwan University Jeremy Legardeur ESTIA Torben Anker Lenau TU Denmark André Liem Norwegian University of Science and Technology Mattias Lindahl Linköping University Udo Lindemann TU Munich Julie Linsey Georgia Institute of Technology Ying Liu Cardiff University Joaquim Lloveras TU Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) David Scott Long University of Dayton Rohan Lulham University of Technology Sydney Ade Mabogunje Stanford University Anja Martina Maier Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Richard Malak Texas A&M Johan Lars Malmqvist Chalmers University of Technology Enrico Manfredi University of Pisa Dorian Marjanovic University of Zagreb Franck Marle Ecole Centrale Paris Nada Matta Universite of Technology of Troyes Jason Anthony Matthews University of the West of Englsnf Sven Matthiesen Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Christiane Maurer The Hague University Maik Maurer TU Munich Hamish Charles McAlpine University of Bristol Janet Theresa McDonnell Central Saint Martins Alison McKay University of Leeds Christopher Alan McMahon University of Bristol Mirko Meboldt ETH Zurich Mounib Mekhilef University of Orleans Christophe Merlo ESTIA Dominique Millet SEATECH Toulon Gregory Michael Mocko Clemson University Stefan Moehringer Simon Moehringer Anlagenbau GmbH Rajesh Elara Mohan Singapore University of Technology and Design Francesca Montagna Politecnico di Torino Diana Paola Moreno Grandas University of Luxembourg Niels Henrik Mortensen TU Denmark Markus Mörtl Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Céline Mougenot Tokyo Institute of Technology Marie-Lise T. L. Moullec University of Cambridge James Moultrie University of Cambridge Elena Mulet University of Jaume Glen Mullineux University of Bath Tamotsu Murakami University of Tokyo Yukari Nagai Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Linda Newnes University of Bath Ricky, Yuk-kwan Ng Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong Bertrand Nicquevert CERN Ole Fiil Nielsen Worm Development Yutaka Nomaguchi Osaka University Margareta E B Norell Bergendahl KTH Royal Institute of Technology Josef Oehmen Technical University of Denmark Anna B Öhrwall Rönnbäck Luleå University of Technology Annika Olsson Lund University Prasad Onkar Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Kevin Otto Singapore University of Design and Technology Stig Ottosson Gjøvik University College Mohamed Zied Ouertani ABB / University of Cambridge Kristin Paetzold University Bundeswehr Munich William John Palm Roger Williams University Panos Y. Papalambros University of Michigan Matt Parkinson Pennsylvania State University Neven Pavkovic University of Zagreb Diane Peters Kettering University Soren Ingomar Petersen ingomar&ingomar - consulting Jean-François Petiot Ecole Centrale de Nantes Daniela Pigosso Technical University of Denmark Raghu Vasu Prakash Indian Institute of Technology Madras Ahmed Jawad Qureshi Newcastle University Rafael Radkowski Iowa State University John Kenneth Raine Auckland University of Technology Pascal Ray Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne Yoram Reich Tel Aviv University Tahira Reid Purdue University Arne Remmen Aalborg University Yi Ren Arizona State University Andreas Erik Riel Grenoble Institute of Technology Asko Olavi Riitahuhta Tampere University of Technology James Rinderle University of Massachusetts Geir Ringen Sintef Raufoss Manufacturing Sofia Ritzén KTH Royal Institute of Technology Caterina Rizzi University of Bergamo Antony John Robotham Auckland University of Technology Serge Rohmer University of Technology of Troyes David Rosen Georgia Institute of Technology Federico Rotini Università degli Studi di Firenze Lionel Roucoules ENSAM Edoardo Rovida Politecnico di Milano Davide Russo University of Bergamo Tomohiko Sakao Linköping University Vahid Salehi University of Applied Sciences Munich Filippo Arnaldo Salustri Ryerson University Prabir Sarkar Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Somwrita Sarkar University of Sydney Keiichi Sato Illinois Institute of Technology Michael Schabacker Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg Dirk Schaefer Georgia Institute of Technology Harald Schaub IABGmbH Carolyn Conner Seepersad University of Texas at Austin Warren Seering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dibakar Sen Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Rossi Setchi Cardiff University Jami Shah Arizona State University Kristina Shea ETH Zurich Leila Sheldrick Loughborough University Lei Shi University of Bath Yoshiki Shimomura Tokyo Metropolitan University Ali Siadat ENSAM Jóhannes B. Sigurjónsson Norwegian University of Science and Technology Timothy W. Simpson Penn State University Vishal Singh Aalto University Stanko Škec University of Zagreb Chris Snider University of Bristol Rikard Söderberg Chalmers University of Technology Neeraj Sonalkar Stanford University Christos Spitas TU Delft Julie Stal-Le Cardinal Ecole Centrale Paris Tino Stankovic ETH Zurich Pieter Jan Stappers Delft University of Technology Rainer G. Stark Berlin Institute of Technology Ralf Stetter University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten Milan Stevanovic Markot.tel Sigurd Stören Norwegian University of Science and Technology Mario Storga University of Zagreb Eswaran Subrahmanian Carnegie Mellon University Eun Suk Suh Seoul National University Joshua David Summers Clemson University Erik Sundin Linköping University Khadija Tahera University of Huddersfield James Ah-Kat Tan Ngee Ann Polytechnic Toshiharu Taura Kobe University Janis P. Terpenny Iowa State University Klaus-Dieter Thoben University Bremen Ashutosh Tiwari Cranfield University Somasekhara Rao Todeti National Institute of Technology- Goa, India Michel Tollenaere Grenoble Institute of Technology Tetsuo Tomiyama Cranfield University Peter Törlind Luleå University of Technology Rhoda Trimingham Loughborough uni Nadege Troussier University of Technology of Troyes Toma Udiljak University of Zagreb/FMENA Matthias Uflacker Hasso Plattner Institute Yasushi Umeda the University of Tokyo Sandor J. Vajna Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg Andres Felipe Valderrama Pineda Aalborg University Rianne C. Valkenburg The Hague University of Applied Sciences Mieke Van der Bijl-Brouwer University of Technology, Sydney Mike Van der Loos University of British Columbia Tom Henricus Jozef Vaneker University of Twente Srinivasan Venkataraman Technische Universität München Balazs Vidovics Budapest University of Technology and Economics Thomas Vietor Braunschweig University of Technology Nikola Vukasinovic University of Ljubljana Fedja Vukic University of Zagreb Michael Walter Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Charlie C.L. Wang Chinese University of Hong Kong Yue Wang Hang Seng Management Colleage Sandro Wartzack Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Kentaro Watanabe National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Robert Watty University of Applied Sciences Ulm Christian Weber Technische Universität Ilmenau Benoit Weil Mines ParisTech-PSL Research University Menachem Peter Weiss Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Ian Whitfield University of Strathclyde Daniel E Whitney Massachusetts Institute of Technology Paul Martin Winkelman University of British Columbia Andrew James Wodehouse University of Strathclyde Kristin Wood Singapore University of Design and Technology Xiu-Tian Yan University of Strathclyde Hideyoshi Yanagisawa University of Tokyo Maria Yang Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bernard Yannou Ecole Centrale Paris Seda Yilmaz Iowa State University Shahriman Zainal Abidin Universiti Teknologi MARA Roman Zavbi University of Ljubljana Yong Zeng Concordia University Marc Zolghadri Supmeca
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