“Standardization of volatile oils” A PROJECT REPORT in “STANDARDIZATION OF VOLATILE OILS” bn et .a c. FOR ELECTIVE SUBJECT SUBMITTED TO THE HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN gn u. in fli 2004-2005 IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF PHARMACY SUBMITTED BY MITUL. M. SHAH DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACHEMISTRY SHREE S.K PATEL COLLEGE OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH GANPAT VIDYANAGAR, KHERVA-GUJARAT in This is to certify that the project work for elective subject entitled “Standardization of volatile oils” represents the bonafide work of bn et .a c. Ms. Mitul .M .Shah carried out under my guidance & supervision at the department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Shree S. K. Patel college of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Ganpat Vidyanagar, during the academic year 2004-2005. She has collected the literature very sincerely & methodologically. This work is up to my satisfaction. GUIDE Prof.Dimple Sankhala (M.Pharm) Department of pharmachemistry, Shree S.K.Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and research. Ganpat Vidyanagar, Kherva. u. in fli Dr. N.J.Patel (M.Pharm, PhD) I/C Principal Shree S.K.Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and research. Ganpat Vidyanagar, Kherva. gn Date: Place: Ganpat vidyanagar, Kherva. in This work has become successful by the blessing of god, my parents, & my family. This project report has been prepared to give a brief introduction of bn et .a c. “Standardization of volatile oil “which was undertaken for the fulfillment of degree course in pharmaceutical science. This project is completed as per the direction of syllabus Numerous people have been instrumental in enabling me to give a concrete shape to my thesis constraints of time & space preclude the mention of all of them here. However I must mention the names of a few people who have made a catalytic impact on the development of this thesis. With profound pleasure I express my deepest gratitude to my esteemed guide “Ms Dimple Sankhala & Mr. Falgun M Mehta” as professor in department of pharmachemistry, who fulfilled very limited acknowledgement of mine & also for his fli erudite guidance, timely suggestion, continuous, encouragement & critical remarks for the entire span of my work. I also want to express my gratitude to professor in K.I.Maulvy sir & P. U. Patel sir for helping me to complete my project work. I owe a special word of thanks to professor N.J.Patel (Principal of Shree S.K.Patel college of Pharmaceutical education & research), & Shree Dr. M.M.Patel u. (Chancellor of Hemchandracharya north Gujarat University), for their precious gift of knowledge & who has been a constant source of inspiration to steer throughout my gn pharmacy curriculum. I also thank to Mr. P.I Patel, Mr. Mahadev bhai, & Mr.Mukesh bhai, for helping me in maximum utilization of the library. I am also thankful to staff members, who helped me lot to complete this project work. I also want to express my gratitude to my friends & my classmates for being a great support to me in completing my thesis. I greatly want to thanks to Nimishadidi, Snehal, Kinjal, Jaldhai, Sweta, Sweeti, Darshana, Neha, Sonal, Hardi, Ashish, Ankit in &Deepan. Finally I want to express my deep gratitude to my revered & loving MOM, DAD & my caring & loving sisters ANKITA & DHARA, for their moral support, constant gn u. in fli bn et .a c. encouragement & patience essentially needed to complete my entire graduation. MITUL.M. SHAH INDEX Production & uses of Volatile oils. bn et .a c. Evaluation of volatile oils. 1-12 in 1. Introduction Instrumentation for natural product analysis. Essential oil analysis: Principle Criteria. 2. Official methods for determination of essential oils 13-24 Lemon grass oil. Eucalyptus oil. Cinnamon oil. Chenopodium oil. fli Nutmeg oil. Clove oil. in Determination of free alcohols in volatile oil. Determination of aldehydes in volatile oil. gn u. Test parameters of various pharmacopoeias. USP method for volatile oil determination. 3. Reported methods for determination of essential oils Lemon grass oil. 25-36 Eucalyptus oil. Cinnamon oil. Lavender oil. bn et .a c. Sandal wood oil. in Clove oil. 4. Different reported spectra of essential oils 37-51 Chromatograph of cinnamon oil. Chromatograms & mass spectras of oils. Gas chromatograph of nutmeg oil. Specifications for oils. 1, 8 – cineole reference standard. Different spectra of eugenol. fli 5. Abstracts gn u. in 6. Bibliography 52-54 55 bn et .a c. fli in u. gn in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn 1. in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn 2. in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn 3. in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn 4. in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn 5. in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn 6. in in 1. INTRODUCTION Volatile or essential oils, as their name implies, are volatile in steam. They differ entirely in both chemical & physical properties from fixed oils. They bn et .a c. are secreted in oil cells, in secretion ducts or cavities or in glandular hairs. Production & uses of volatile oils Large quantities of volatile oil are produced annually; for 1987, for example it is estimated that the total world production, in metric tons, was for lemon oil 3000, for eucalyptus oil 2500, for clove leaf oil 2000, for peppermint 6000.Although the production of major oils is highly organized, a no. of developing countries has volatile oil rich flora fully utilized or cultivated & the United Nations. Industrial development organization has taken steps to inform on the setting up of rural based small scale essential oil industries. fli Volatile oils are used for their therapeutic action, For flavouring (oil of lemon), in In perfumery (oil of rose), As starting material for synthesis of other compounds (oil of turpentine), For therapeutic purposes (eucalyptus oil as inhalation, orally peppermint oil), u. Gargles & mouthwashes (thymol), Those oils with a high phenol content, example are clove and thyme .They gn have antiseptic properties. Standardization of volatile oils 1 Evaluation: The evaluation of the crude drugs entering the trade is obviously of in considerable importance. This operation involves the identification of the material and the determination of its quality, purity and, if adulterated, the bn et .a c. nature of the adulterant. Preliminary Examination: In the case of whole drugs the microscopical and organoleptic tests are usually sufficient to enable the drug to be identified. Foreign Matter: The difficulty of obtaining vegetables drugs in an entirely pure condition is fully recognized, and pharmacopoeias contain statements as to the percentage of other of the plant or of other organic matter which may be permitted. Microbial Contamination: The official references specify limits of fli microbial contamination of crude drugs. Common tests performed are for the Total Viable Count (or Total Plate Count) and for organisms such as in Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Yeast and Mould. Moisture Content: Not only is the purchase of drugs (eg., aloes, gelatin, gums) which contain excess water, uneconomical, but also in conjunction gn u. with a suitable temperature moisture will lead to the activation of enzymes and, given suitable conditions, to the proliferation of living organisms. Loss on Drying: This method is commonly used for crude drugs to determine the amount of moisture and volatile oils in the crude drug. Standardization of volatile oils 2 Extractive values: The determination of water-soluble or ethanol-soluble extractive is used as a means of evaluating drugs the constituents of which are not readily estimated by other means. in Ash Values: When vegetable drugs are incinerated, they leave an inorganic ash which in the case of some drugs (e.g.. rhubarb) varies within fairly wide bn et .a c. limits and is therefore of lesser value for purposes of evaluation. Determination of Volatile Oil: Minimum standards for the percentage of volatile oil present in a number of drugs are prescribed by many pharmacopoeias. Refractive Index: If any impurity is present in the liquid the refractive index of the liquid will change thus showing impurities. Density is also responsible for changing it. Optical Rotation: This is the property of a liquid to rotate the plane of plane polarized light, if there is a change from the standard value there may be impurity present in the liquid. fli The application of the knowledge of plant histology of crude drugs should make possible recognition of plant part sections under a microscope. The in identity of a powder is not regarded as established until it has been compared with one of known authenticity. Powdered drugs are often tested based on the presence or absence of characteristic starch grains, epidermal trichomes and gn u. calcium oxalate crystals. Standardization of volatile oils 3 METHODS FOR NATURAL PRODUCTS ANALYSIS Common Instruments employed for analysis of natural products are for and authentication of crude drugs, determination in Identification of phytochemical constituents, detection of impurities and substandard quality bn et .a c. of drugs. Listed below are some of the analytical techniques we employ for Herbal and Pharmaceutical Analysis. Thin layer chromatography In Chromatography one essentially needs a supporting medium i.e. a filter or thin, layer of powder (silica gel) spread on glass plate commonly known as TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography). A solution/ liquid in which the paper of TLC plate is dipped, is technically called mobile phase which is normally a mixture of two to five components, and Water which is used for spreading the adsorbent layer, is called stationery phase. In case of some techniques one uses silicon fluid, liquid paraffin or standard oil as a stationary phase instead of water, and, the irrigating liquid is aqueous solution. This technique is fli called reverse-phase chromatography. The same principles when applied to a column of supporting medium held in in a tubular container it is called as 'column chromatography'. Very large columns are used in manufacturing technique. In case of columns where specific type of polymer powders (called ion exchange resins) is used, it is gn u. called 'ion-exchange chromatography'. One of the very common examples of, ion-exchange chromatography is water purification plants producing highly purified water called 'de-ionized' or 'de-mineralized' water. AdsorptionChromatography Because of a physical property of the supporting medium called "adsorptivity" various chemical ingredients in the sample gets "adsorbed" on Standardization of volatile oils 4 the particles of the supporting medium. The property of "Adsorptivity" is a surface phenomenon, which due to electrical charge on the surface layer of the "Supporting Medium". By designing the composition of the "eluting" solvent, the substance adsorbed can be "eluted" step-by-step i.e. dissolved chromatography. bn et .a c. Muffle furnace in away one after other and collected separately. This is called "Adsorption" This is used for ash estimation. This is a small cabinet heavily insulated with ceramic wall in which the heating elements are embedded. Polarimetry When an organic substance has an asymmetric carbon atom, i.e. when a carbon atom in the structure of the molecule has all the 4 valancies occupied by different groups, it is called "asymmetric" carbon atom, and the substances has a capacity to change angle of plane of light [polarized light] passing through its solution by an angle, which is measured using an instruments called 'polarimeter', and the measure is of the angle of rotation of the plane of light, called optical rotation. This instrument, called polarimeter, consists of fli source of light (normally Sodium Vapour lamp) which passes through a polarizes set of prisms. The light emerging from it is uniplaner. This light passes through solution of the sample which may turn the plane of the light to in left (levo) or to right (dextro) side of which analysis is done by analyzer set of prisms which measures the extract angle in which the plane of the light is gn u. rotated. This angle of rotation of 'Polarized' light is a quality parameter of liquids (especially, essential oils), where one or more of its components is optically active, i.e. has 'asymmetric' carbon atom. It can be used for quantization of solutes which are "optically active". Turbidometry (Nephelometry) The colorimeter can be used for measuring of the sample if red filters are used i.e. in the range of 600-700 nm. Alternatively, when the light is measured Standardization of volatile oils 5 from all the sides placing the photo tubes at the circumference and the light comes from the bottom of the sample holder. The light is measured at right angles to the incident light then it is called the Nephelometry or Turbidometry. There are a very few applications of these techniques, technique in Vitamin assays. bn et .a c. Fluorimeter in important amongst which is measurement of bacterial concentration using the Fluorescent substances absorb light of a certain wavelength and the light emerging out is at two different wavelengths. The intensity of which is measured at right angles to the incident light. Important applications of this technique are chemical estimation of Vitamin B1& B2. There are many other applications of the principles of colorimeters like Infra red spectrometry etc. Which are basically used in investigations of chemical structures and so not discussed here. A few techniques related to these principles which are used in analysis are Flame Photometer and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer fli In these techniques the sample is introduced into a 'flame' using a 'nebulizer'. When the inorganic atoms get excited and emit light of specific wavelength, it is proportional to their concentration. The arrangement to introduce the in solution of the inorganic substance into a flame replaces the light source as explained in given earlier. gn u. I.C.P.-MS There is an advanced in instrument where in place of the burner an electric are (Plasma) is used and the colour emitted is measured at different wavelengths. This instrument is called Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. There are other variations of these techniques, an important example of which is densitometry where an arrangement is provided to hold a plate on which samples are separated by techniques like chromatography/ Standardization of volatile oils 6 electrophoresis, stained if necessary and the colour of the separate bands or sport is measured at distance of mm or less. This arrangement replaces the Densitometer in sample holder compartment of the colorimeter. in HPTLC, sample separated by simple techniques of TLC are quantified by measuring colours. Such densitometers are also used to measure protein Application of bn et .a c. fractions separated by techniques of Electrophoresis. Colorimetry is in estimation of colours. The substance itself may be coloured a substance without colour can be developed into a coloured derivative. The example given here is estimation of iron from 'Kasis' which itself is not much coloured but on converting it into a complex with 'Orthophenathroline' gives a red colour which is measured in a colorimeter. Extractors & extraction when one tries to take out i.e. extract components soluble in a solvent, one is using principle of "diffusion" of the substance from the samples under extraction into the solvent. In Ayurved, one uses "water" as solvent. This perhaps because the water solubles are more "saatmya" to body, as it has fli about 80% water in its composition. The process of "diffusion" depends upon temperature of solvent, and, adequacy of contact between the material and the solvent, as well as degree of "saturation" of the solvent, making it necessary in to continuously provide fresh solvent. Soxhlet Apparatus gn u. In the usual extractor the condensed solvent passes through the material being extracted, and returns to the flask. In Soxhlet Apparatus, the bottom of sample hold is closed, but it connected to the flask through 'Syphon'. This allows collection of solvent, and contact with the material being extracted. It gets drained into the solvent flask, when the solvent gets syphoned out. Standardization of volatile oils 7 Essential oil extraction this apparatus collects the condensate in a graduated side tube, from where, the lower (heavier) aqueous phase in continuously returned to the flask. The oil coming out is measured, using the graduation. This apparatus is also used in for 'aquametry' as well as for carrying out esterification, when the water collected does not return, but is separately collected, while the water carrying bn et .a c. volatile solvent like Benzene/toluene returns. This modification is called gn u. in fli 'Dean-Stark apparatus' Standardization of volatile oils 8 in Essential Oil Analysis : Principle Criteria There are many criteria which can be used to establish the quality of essential oils. In order to provide quality standards for the essential oil trade, these bn et .a c. criteria have now been standardized for individual oils by the International Standards Organization in Geneva. These standards are known as I.S.O. Standards. Most are produced by individual countries which produce oils and these are ultimately agreed by the International Authority. The information required falls into three broad categories: SENSORY EVALUATION APPEARANCE COLOUR ODOUR PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFIC GRAVITY/ RELATIVE DENSITY REFRACTIVE INDEX AT 20 %C OPTICAL ROTATION AT 20% C FREEZING POINT FLASH POINT gn u. in fli CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS ACID VALUE ESTER VALUE ESTER VALUE AFTER ACETYLATION CONTENT OF CARBONYL COMPOUNDS CHROMATOGRAPHIC PROFILE. (GC TRACE) Standardization of volatile oils 9 These criteria are not applicable for all oils. Eg. The acid value is not appropriate for oils that contain lactones. Furthermore, some of these methods may have to be modified according to the oil being tested. For example, the ester value after acetylation in pyridine provides a measure of the free alcohol in content of essential oils containing two types of free alcohol - primary and secondary. This method however, is not appropriate for oils which contain bn et .a c. appreciable amounts of tertiary alcohols or other compounds that are subject to acetylation (phenols, lactones, aldehydes or enolysable ketones). In this case formic acid is used instead of pyridine. The Optical Rotation of an essential oil refers to the angle through which the plane of polarized light is rotated by a layer 10cm. thick of this essential oil at a specified temperature usually 20%C. The Refractive Index of an essential oil is the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction, when a ray of light of defined wavelength passes from air into the essential oil kept at a constant temperature: 20%C for oils that are liquid at this temperature, or up to 30%C fli for oils that have a higher melting point. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - ANALYSIS in Gas Chromatography (sometimes called Gas Liquid Chromatography) is used to provide a chromatographic profile of the constituents of essential oils. The technique is based upon the partitioning of compounds between a stationary gn u. phase such as silicone and an inert gas phase such as nitrogen. Partitioning of compounds refers to the ratio amount of the compound dissolved in the stationary phase, and the amount of the same compound that remains in the gaseous phase. The stationary phase in bonded on to the interior surface of a narrow silica glass or steel tube or column which is placed inside a temperature controlled oven. The temperature of the column, the nature of the Standardization of volatile oils 10 stationary phase, the type of carrier gas and the flow rate of the carrier gas, are all factors which have an appreciable effect on the separation process. In order to achieve a separation, the oil sample is injected into the column in which is heated so that the compounds of interest vaporise. Different volatile chemical compounds will differ in the ease with which they dissolve in the stationary phase at a particular temperature, and it is this fact that is used as bn et .a c. the basis for separation. Eventually an equilibrium is achieved between the amount of each sample compound dissolved in the stationary phase, and the amount still present in the gaseous phase. The sample compounds in the gaseous phase will then pass down and out of the column. . At this point it is possible to selectively elute off the different sample compounds in order of their boiling points if the temperature of the column is gradually raised. The greater the solubility and/or polarity of each compound, the higher the temperature required to boil them off. Thus the greater the differences in the solubility and/or polarity of each sample component in the stationary phase, the better the separation achievable between the compounds as they can more easily be separately 'boiled off’. Obviously if all the fli compounds have a very similar polarity and similar solubilities in the stationary phase, they will boil off at similar temperatures and so will not be in well resolved. As the oven temperature rises, the individual chemical components of the oil are thus released from the liquid phase into the gaseous phase and passed out gn u. of the column. They then pass through a detector chamber which provides quantitative data on the individual compounds. This data is plotted as a trace with a peak for each compound, the height of which is related to the concentration of the compound. By running standard compounds through the column under identical conditions and comparing these with the compounds separated from the oil Standardization of volatile oils 11 sample, it is usually possible to work out the composition of the major peaks. Alternatively, the compounds are passed on to a mass spectrometer which usually provides an unequivocal identification of each compound. in The Specific Gravity (mass density) at 20%C of an essential oil is the mass of a given volume of the oil at 20% The relative density of an essential oil at 20% or 4% is the ratio of the density of the oil at 20%C to that of distilled bn et .a c. water at 20%C or 4%C. This quantity is expressed as d20/20 or d20/4. Other parameters may be used which relate to specific oils. There is an I.S.O. Standard for the total carotenoid content of oil of sweet orange for example. Carotenoids produce the orange pigment in oranges and carrots. Some oils may be tested for the quantity of residue (% mass) after evaporation of the volatile component under standard conditions. Analysis: Principal Criteria Essential Oil Analysis: Principal Criteria essential Oil Analysis: Principal Criteria Essential Oil Analysis: gn u. in fli Principal Criteria Standardization of volatile oils 12 2. Official methods for determination of essential bn et .a c. Lemon grass oil in oils Lemon grass oil is the oil which is distilled from cymbopogon flexuous. It contains not less than 75.0%w/w aldehydes, calculated as CITRAL, C10H18O. Description: Reddish yellow to brown mobile oil. Odour that of lemon oil. Solubility: Almost entirely soluble in 3 part of alcohol [70%] the solubility gradually decreasing on storage wt. per ml. at 250 0.892 to 0.9099 optical rotation -30 to +10 refractive index at 250 , 1.4808 to 1.4868. Assay: Carry out the determination of aldehydes in volatile oil lemon grass oil. (Refer page 21) fli Each ml. of 0.5 N KOH in alcohol [60%] is equivalent to 0.07672g of citral. Storage: in Preserve lemon grass oil in a well closed container protected from light & gn u. store in a cool place category insect repellent. Standardization of volatile oils 13 Hindi: Neeli Gond ka tel in Eucalyptus oil bn et .a c. Eucalyptus oil is the oil distilled from the fresh leaves of eucalyptus globules labill.from other species of eucalyptus & rectified. It contains not less than 60.0%w/w of cineole, C10H18O. Solubility: Soluble in one volume of alcohol (80%). Weight per ml: At 250, 0.901 to 0.920 gm Optical rotation: -50 to +100 Refractive index: at 250 , 1.457to 1.469 Heave metals: Shake 10ml with 10ml of water & 1 drop of HCL & pass H2S through the mix. Until it is saturated no darkening in colour is produced in the oil or water. Phellandrone: Mix. 1ml. with 2ml. of glacial acetic acid & 5ml. of light fli petroleum (B.P 600 to 800) add 2ml. of a saturated solution of sodium nitrite & shake the mixture gently no crystalline precipitate forms in the upper layer Aldehydes: Carryout the method described under lemon oil for the in determination of aldehydes in volatile oil is using 10ml. of eucalyptus oil with 4ml. of hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent in alcohol (60%) & 5ml. of gn u. benzene; not more than 2ml. of 0.500 KOH in alcohol (60%) is required. Assay: Carry out the method for the determination of cineole. Storage: Preserve eucalyptus oil in a well closed container protected from light & store in a cool place. Category: Counter irritant mild expectorant. Dose: 0.06to 0.2ml. Standardization of volatile oils 14 in Cinnamon oil Cinnamon oil is the oil distilled from cinnamon. It contains not less than bn et .a c. 55.0% w/w ¬ cinnamic aldehyde C9H80. Description: A yellow liquid when freshly distilled gradually becoming reddish brown with age. Solubility: Soluble, at 1550 in 3 volumes of alcohol (70%) the solution showing not more than a slight opalescence. Wt. per ml: At 200, 0.94 to 1.034g. Refractive index: At 250, 1.545 to 1.575. Optical rotation: 00 to -20 Heavy metals: complies with the test for heavy metal; Cinnamon leaf oil; cassia oil- dissolve one drop in 5ml. of alcohol (9%) & add one drop of test solution of FeCl3, a slight green , but not a blue or a deep brown colour may be produced. Carry fli Assay: out the assay by the method for the determination of aldehydes in volatile oil in cinnamon oil. (Refer page 21) Preserve cinnamon oil in a well closed container protected from in Storage: light & store in cool place. u. Category: Carminative. gn Dose: 0.06 to 0.2ml. Standardization of volatile oils 15 in Chenopodium oil Chenopodium oil is mixed oil obtained by steam distillation from the fresh flowering & fruiting plants excluding roots of various species of C. bn et .a c. ambrosioides. It contains not less than 65.0% w/w of ascaridoles C10H16O2. Description: A colorless or light yellow liquid. Solubility: Soluble at 200, in 10 vol. of alcohol (70%). Identification: Heat 1ml. to incipient ebullition in a test tube with a fragment of unglazed porcelain, remove the flame & cool; adecpyolden yellow liquid is produced. (This test should be carried out very cautiously as the oil is liable to explode) Wt. per ml: At 200, 0.955 to 0.975g. Refractive index: At 200, 1.474 to 1.480. Optical rotation: -30 to -80 Assay: Weigh accurately about 25gm. & dissolve in sufficient acetic acid fli (90%) to produce 50ml. & place the solution in a burette. In a stoppered tube of about 60ml. capacity, place 3ml. of an 83.0% w/w solution of KI. 5ml. of in HCL & 10ml. of glacial acetic acid, immerse the tube in a freezing mixture. Until the temperature is reduced to -30 then add 5ml. of the CH3COOH. Solution of the oil mixing it with the reagent as quickly as possible & making gn u. due allowance for the draining of the burette set aside in a place below 100 for five minutes & without diluting, titrate the liberated I2 with 0.1N sodium thiosulphate. Repeat the experiment with the same quantities of the same reagents in the same manner omitting the oil, but diluting the solution with 20ml. of H2O before titrating the liberated I2. The difference between two titrations represents the iodine liberated by ascaridole. Standardization of volatile oils 16 Storage: Preserve the oil in a well closed container, protected from light & store in a cool place. Dose: 0.2 to 1ml. bn et .a c. Nutmeg oil in Category: Anthelmintic Nutmeg oil is the volatile oil distilled with steam from the dried kernels of the ripe seeds of myristica fragrance. Description: A colourless or pale yellow liquid. Solubility: Soluble in 3 volume of alcohol. Wt. per ml: At 250, 0.880 to 0.910g for East Indian oil 0.854 to 0.880 for West Indian oil. Optical rotation: + 80 to + 300 for East Indian oil & 250 to + 450 for West Indian oil. Refractive index: At 200, 1.4740 to 1.4880 for East Indian oil. 1.4690 to fli 1.4760 for West Indian oil. Non volatile matter: when evaporated rapidly in flat bottomed nickel dish 9cm in diameter &1.5cm in depth on a boiling water bath, 3ml leaves not in more than 60 mg of the residue for East Indian oil & 50mg for West Indian oil. gn u. Storage: Preserve in well closed container, protected from light & store in cool place. Category: flavouring agent. Dose: 0.06 to 0.2 ml. Standardization of volatile oils 17 in Clove oil Clove oil is the oil distilled from clove. It contains not less than 85.0% v/v & bn et .a c. not more than 90% v/v of eugenol C10H12O2. Description: A colourless or a pale yellow liquid when freshly distilled, becoming darker & thicker by ageing or exposure to air; odour &taste those of clove. Solubility: soluble in two volumes of alcohol (70%) Wt. per ml: At 250, 1.038 to 1.060 g. Refractive index: At 250, 1.5300 to 1.5310 Optical rotation: 00 to -1.50 Phenol- Shake 1 ml with 20 ml of hot water; the water shows not more than scarcely perceptible acid reaction with blue litmus paper. Cool the mixture, pass the water layer through a wetted filter, &treat the clear filtrate with one drop of test solution of FeCl3.The mixture has only transient grayish green fli colour, but not a blue or violet colour. Assay: The volume of the unabsorbed oil measures not less than 1.0ml. & in not more than 1.5ml, indicating the presence of not less than 85% v/v not more than 90% v/v of eugenol .Determination of free alcohols in volatile oil. Carry out the method described for the determination of esters & calculate the gn u. ester value of oil. Storage: Preserve clove oil in a well closed container protected from air & light & storage in a cool place. Category: Dental obtundent. Dose: 0.06 to 0.2ml. Standardization of volatile oils 18 DETERMINATION OF FREE ALOCOHOLS bn et .a c. in IN VOLATILE OILS 1) Acetylate the oil by the following method; - mix 10ml, of the oil, 20ml, of acetic anhydride and 2g. of freshly fused anhydrous sodium acetate in a long necked, round-bottomed 200ml, flask, attached to an air-cooled reflux condenser. Support the flask on a sheet of asbestos in which a hole about 4 cm, in diameter has been cut and heat it with a small naked flame, not more than 25mm, in height , which does not impinge on the bottom of the flask . Boil gently for two hours, allow the flask to cool, and add 50ml of water; then with reflux condenser in position. Heat on a boiling water-bath for fifteen minutes with frequent and through shaking. Cool, and transfer the contents of the flask to a separator, and reject the lower layer. Wash the acetylated oil successively with 1) 50ml, of brine; 2) 50ml brine, containing in solution 1g. of anhydrous fli sodium carbonate; 3) 50ml, of brine. At each washing shake vigorously, and allow separation to take place completely, before rejecting the lower layer. The aqueous layer from the final washing is alkaline to solution of phenolphthalein in finally, shake gently with20ml, of water, and remove the water layer as completely as possible. Pour the acetylated oil into a small dish, and 3g. Of gn u. powdered anhydrous sodium sulphate; stir frequently during fifteen minutes or until a drop of the oil produces no cloudiness when added to 10 drops of carbon disulphide in a dry tube. Filter the oil through a dry filter paper in a covered funnel. 2) Determine the ester value of the acetylated oil, using about 2g. Accurately weighed, by the method for the determination of esters; and calculate the ester value of the acetylated oil from the formula given. Standardization of volatile oils 19 3) The percentage of free alcohols is then obtained from the following formula:(b –a) y 0.42*(1335-b) Where, a=ester value of oil, bn et .a c. b=ester value of acetylated oil, in Percentage of free alcohols = y=molecular weight of the alcohol gn u. in fli Value of borneol, 154.3; menthol, 156.3 Standardization of volatile oils 20 bn et .a c. VOLATILE OIL in DETERMINATION OF ALDEHYDES IN 1) LEMON OIL Weigh accurately about 10 gm of the oil into a stoppered tube approximately 25mm in diameter and 150mm in length; add7ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent in alcohol (60%) and one drop of solution of methyl orange; shake & neutralize the liberated acid with 0.5N potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60%) until the red colour changes to yellow; continue shaking & neutralizing, until the full yellow colour of the indicator is permanent in lower layer, after shaking vigorously for two minutes & allowing separation to take place. The reaction is completed in about 15 minutes. fli Each ml of 0.5N KOH in alcohol (60%) is equivalent to 0.07672 gm of citral. This procedure gives an approximate determination of the citral in the oil. Carryout a second determination in exactly the same manner, using, as the in colour standard for the end point, the titrated liquid of the first determination with the addition of 0.5ml of 0.5N potassium hydroxide in alcohol(60%). gn u. Calculate the accurate value from the second determination. NOTE. - The volume of the hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent in alcohol (60%) used is varied according to the citral content of the oil, and must exceed by 1 or 2 ml the volume of 0.5N potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60%) required. Standardization of volatile oils 21 2) CINNAMON OIL Carry out the process described for lemon oil using about 1gm, in accurately weighed, of the cinnamon oil with 5ml of benzene, and from 10 to 12mlof hydroxylamine hydroxide reagent in alcohol (60%), according to the bn et .a c. aldehyde content of the oil. The volume of hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent in alcohol (60%) used must exceed by 1 to 2ml the volume of 0.5N potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60%) required. Each ml of 0.5N KOH in alcohol (60%) is equivalent to 0.06661 gm of cinnamic aldehyde 3) LEMON GRASS OIL Carry out the process described for lemon oil, using about 1g, accurately weighed, of the lemon grass oil, with 5mlof benzene and 10 to15ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent in alcohol (60%), according to the aldehyde content of the oil. The volume of hydroxylamine fli hydrochloride reagent in alcohol (60%) used must exceed by 1 to 2 ml the volume of 0.5N potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60%) required. Reagents gn u. in Each ml of0.5N KOH in alcohol (60%) is equivalent to 0.07672g of citral. 0.5N potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60 %) A solution containing in 1,000ml 28.05g of potassium hydroxide prepared with alcohol (60%), and standardized by means of 0.5N hydrochloric acid by running the alkali into the acid, until the full yellow colour of the indicator, a 0.2%W/V solution of methyl orange in alcohol (60%), is obtained. Standardization of volatile oils 22 B SR. PARAMETER H P 2 3 4 5 6 7 Macroscopic Description 1991 J.S.H.M. 1993 A.P.I W.H.O. Sensory evaluation (Touch, + - Organoleptic + + - + + Quantitative Microscopy + - + + - + + + + + + - Purity tests + + + - And in Ether + + - - - - + + + Identification + - bn et .a c. 1 B.H.C. in Below is a compilation of the test parameters recommended by various Pharmacopoeias for Crude Drugs /Herbs. (Morphology) Microscopy of the section Ash (Total, Acid insol., Water soluble) Moisture Foreign matter Extractives in water Methanol extractives Finger printing of water extractives Odour, Test) Specific active or marker component (Alkaloid, Glycoside, Tannin, fli 8 Phenolics) Fixed oil/ essential oil resinoid (their related in 9 + - + + + - - - - + tests) Heavy metals Pb, Cd gn u. 10 11 Toxic Metals As, Hg SPECIAL TESTS - - - - + - - - - + Organic Chlorine/ 12 Phosphorus (Pesticides residue) 13 Swelling factor - - - - + 14 Foaming index - - - - + Standardization of volatile oils 23 16 Microbiology Radio activity (as per Vienna Conventions) + - - - + - - - - + Abbreviations British Herbal Pharmacopoeia BHC bn et .a c. BHP in 15 British Herbal Compendium JSHM Japanese Standard for Herbal Medicines API Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India WHO World Health Organization, Guidelines USP method for volatile oil determination Set up a one liter round bottom flask, (short necked) on a heating mantle fli over a magnetic stirrer. Insert an egg shaped stirring bar magnet in the flask, & attach a cold finger condenser & an appropriate volatile trap of the type in illustrated. Coarsely comminute a sufficient quantity of the drug to yield from one to three ml of volatile oil. Small seeds, fruits, or broken leaves of herbs gn u. ordinarily do not need comminution. Very fine powders are to be avoided. If this is not possible, it may be necessary to mix them with purified sawdust or purified sand. Place a suitable quantity of the drug, accurately weighed, in the flask & fill it half with water. Attach the condenser & the proper separator. Boil the contents of the flask, using a suitable amount of heat to maintain gentle boiling for two hours, until the volatile oil has been completely separated from the drug & no longer collects in the graduated tube of the separator. Standardization of volatile oils 24 LEMON GRASS OIL: Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf bn et .a c. Family: Poaceae in 3. Reported methods for determination of essential oils Vernacular Name: Lemon grass, Lomi sar (Amharic) General: Cymbopogon (Poaceae) represents an important genus of about 120 species and several varieties. Cymbopogon species are well known as a source of commercially valuable compounds like geraniol, geranyl acetate, citral (neral and geranial), citronellal, piperitone, eugenol, etc., which are either used as such in perfumery and allied industries, or as starting materials for the synthesis of other products commonly used in perfumery (Shahi and Tava, 1993). Previous Work: Lemongrass oil is the commercial name given for the volatile oil obtained from Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. In contrast to the present study (see fli below), geraniol was reported to be the major constituent of lemongrass oil growing in Ethiopia (Abegaz et al., 1983). It is well known that lemongrass in oil is the most important source of citral, which is the starting material for the preparation of ionone. The oil is also used in low cost perfumes, for soap and other laundry products. gn u. Present Work: For this study, the plant material was collected from Wondo Genet, Essential Oil Research Center (EORC) farm site. Citral A (47.7%), citral B (33.2%) and myrcene (10.7%) were found as the major constituents. Plant Source: Essential Oil Research Center (EORC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Serial Number: HP GC, 0495 Standardization of volatile oils 25 Components Identified: 1) myrcene (10.7%); 2) citral B (33.2%); 3) fli bn et .a c. GC Chromatogram: in geraniol (2.4%); 4) citral A (47.7%) [All the peaks confirmed by GC-MS]. gn u. in Structure of Major Compounds: Standardization of volatile oils 26 Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Family: Myrtaceae Vernacular Name: Blue Gum Eucalyptus, Netch Bahrzaf in Eucalyptus oil: bn et .a c. General: Eucalyptus trees with over 700 species are native to Australia and are widely grown in many parts of the world for production of timber, fuel wood, and essential oil as a source of nectar in honey production. In 1895 a French Forester, Mondon-Vidaillet, brought seeds of several Eucalyptus species to Ethiopia upon the request of Emperor Menelik II and found two species to be particularly suitable, Eucalyptus globulus Labill. growing on the highland areas and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. For the lowland areas (Zrira et. al, 1996). PreviousWork: The essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. contains 1, 8-cineole as its major constituent. Monoterpene hydrocarbons (e.g. alpha-pinene) and oxygenated monoterpenes (e.g. 4-terpineol) are also present (Dagne et al., fli 2000). Present Work: in Same as above. Plant Source: Essential Oil Research Center (EORC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Serial Number: HP GC, 0422 u. Components Identified: 1) alpha-pinene (19.0%); 2) 1, 8-cineole (71.0%); 3) alpha-terpineol (1.3%); 4) alpha-terpinyl acetate (2.5%); 5) caryophyllene gn oxide (1.3%) [All peaks confirmed by GC-MS]. Standardization of volatile oils 27 bn et .a c. in GC Chromatogram: u. in fli Structure of Major Compounds: gn Other Data: Optical rotation: -15 (neat); Yield: 1.1% (w/w). Standardization of volatile oils 28 Botanical Name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume Family: Lauraceae bn et .a c. Vernacular Name: Cinnamon, Kerefa (Amharic) in Cinnamon oil: General: Cinnamomum cinnamon comprises 250 species and is widely distributed throughout the tropical countries, and used to flavour food, baked goods, beverages and pharmaceutical preparations Previous Work: Cinnamaldehyde and eugenol were reported to be the main constituents in the oil and extract of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (Tateo and Chizzini, 1989). Present Work: As in the literature the analysis here also shows, cinnamaldehyde, eugenol and eugenyl acetate to be the main constituents of cinnamon oil. Plant Source: Addis Ababa Market, Ethiopia fli Serial Number: HP GC, 0529 Components Identified: 1) cinnamaldehyde (96.7%); 2) eugenol (0.5%); 3) gn u. in eugenyl acetate (2.2%) Standardization of volatile oils 29 bn et .a c. in GC Chromatogram: u. in fli Structure of Major Compounds: gn Other Data: Yield: 2% (W/W) Standardization of volatile oils 30 Clove oil: Family: Myrtaceae Vernacular Name: Clove, Kerunfud (Amharic) in Botanical Name: Eugenia caryophyllus (Spreng.) Bullock & S. G. Harrison bn et .a c. General: The biggest clove producing country is Tanzania, which produces 80% of the total world production. Clove oil is mainly used as flavouring agent and also in perfumery and medicines. Medicinal oil has a phenol content of about 82 to 90 per cent. The oils which are relatively low phenol content are mainly used in pharmacy while the strong oils are used in manufacture of Vanillin (Chopra and Kapur, 1982) Previous Work: The steam distillate of clove oil contains phenols, sesquiterpenes and small quantity of esters, ketones and alcohols (Chopra and Kapur, 1982). Present Work: In this study, clove buds originating from Pemba were hydro distilled and analyzed. Eugenol and eugenyl acetate were found to be the major fli constituents. Plant Source: Tanzania in Serial Number: HP GC, 0526 gn u. Components Identified: 1) eugenol (75.3%); 4) eugenyl acetate (4.4%) Standardization of volatile oils 31 bn et .a c. in GC Chromatogram: u. in fli Structure of Major Compounds: gn Other Data: Optical rotation: -13 (1g/100mL CHCl3). Standardization of volatile oils 32 Botanical Name: Lavandula latifolia Medik. Family: Lamiaceae bn et .a c. Vernacular Name: Spike Lavender (from Ethiopia) in Lavender oil: General: Lavender oil is obtained by steam distillation from the fresh flowering tops of the dwarf shrub Lavandula officinalis Chaix, growing in Mediterranean area, Europe, North America and North Africa. It has a fresh sweet, floral-herbaceous odour and is used extensively in perfumes, colognes, toiletry articles, etc. (Formacek and Kubeczka, 1982). Lavandin oil is obtained from Lavandula hybrid Rev., a hybrid between Lavandula latifolia Medik. (Spike lavender) and Lavandula officinalis Chaix (true lavender). Spike lavender oil is obtained from Lavandula latifolia Medik. (Masada, 1976) Previous Work: Spike lavender contains linalool, camphor and 1,8-cineole as major components (Masada, 1976). fli Present Work: Spike lavender from Addis Ababa was found to contain 1, 8-cineole, linalool, in camphor and linalyl acetate. The oil was initially named to be Lavender oil but from its constituents though not botanically identified it agree with the name given. gn u. Plant Source: Asni Gallery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Serial Number: HP GC, 0657 Components Identified: 1) alpha-pinene (1.4%); 2) camphene (0.5%); 3) beta-pinene (3.7%); 4) 1, 8-cineole (39.4%); 5) linalool (3.4%); 6) camphor (32.3%); 7) linalyl acetate (4.2%) (All peaks confirmed by GC-MS; peaks 4 and 6 also confirmed by C-13 NMR). Standardization of volatile oils 33 in fli bn et .a c. in GC Chromatogram: gn u. Structure of Major Compounds: Standardization of volatile oils 34 Botanical Name: Santalum album L. Family: Santalaceae bn et .a c. Vernacular Name: Sandal wood in Sandalwood oil: General: Sandalwood oil (East Indian oil) is derived from the evergreen tree, Santalum album, growing in India and Malaysia. Sandalwood oil is used in perfumery, because of its characteristic woody oriental note and its fixative properties (Masada, 1976). Previous Work: The most important chemical components of sandalwood oil are alpha-and beta-isomers of santalol (Masada, 1976). Present Work: The major constituent of the oil is santalol (90%). Plant Source: South Africa Serial Number: HP GC, 0480 fli Components Identified: 1: beta-ionone (2.5%) 2: santalol (95.5%) (Peaks gn u. in confirmed by GC-MS and NMR). Standardization of volatile oils 35 bn et .a c. in GC Chromatogram: gn u. in fli Structure of Major Compounds: Standardization of volatile oils 36 4. Different reported spectra of essential oils bn et .a c. in Chromatogram of cinnamon bark oil. Chromatogram of Cinnamon Bark Oil in fli Column Length 10 m, column I.D. 1 mm, packing Partisil Silica Gel, 20 m, mobile phase 3% v/v ethyl acetate in n-heptane, flow rate 38 l/ min., sample volume 0.5 l, efficiency 160,000 theoretical plates gn u. The column was 10 m long, 1 mm I.D. packed with Partisil Silica Gel 20 m particle diameter. At the optimum flow rate (i.e., 10 l/min.) the column gave a quarter of a million theoretical plates. However, the chromatogram shown in figure was obtained at a flow rate of 38 l/min. and, thus, as it was operated well above its optimum velocity; the column only gave an efficiency of 160,000 theoretical plates. Standardization of volatile oils 37 As the chromatographic data was acquired and processed by a computer portions of the chromatogram could be expanded and these are shown as inserts in the figure. It is seen that the apparently confused peaks at the start of the chromatogram are, in fact, well resolved into individual in small peaks. It is also seen that the late small peak has retained its symmetry and is almost perfectly Gaussian in shape. Those familiar with bn et .a c. cinnamon bark oil separated on GC capillary columns may wonder at the relatively few peaks that appear on the chromatogram. It should be pointed out that a UV detector was employed to monitor the separation and, thus, only, those substances that adsorb in the UV would be disclosed. As the majority of the substances in essential oils are UV transparent, only a limited number of the components will be detected. The example is given to illustrate the wide range of solutes that can be separated and that, providing adequate efficiency is available together with suitable apparatus, multi component mixtures can be separated by gn u. in fli LC as well as GC. Standardization of volatile oils 38 gn u. in fli bn et .a c. in Chromatograms & mass spectra. FIGURE 1. Standardization of volatile oils 39 in (A) CHROMATOGRAM OF AN EXTRACT OF BLUE GUM EUCALYPTUS (EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS) FOR EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS DESCRIBED IN THE TEXT; THE INSET IS THE STRUCTURE OF CINEOLE (EUCALYPTOL). (B) MASS SPECTRUM OF THE CHROMATOGRAPHIC FRACTION THAT ELUTED AFTER 7 MINUTES AS SHOWN IN A. (C) MASS SPECTRUM OF PURE CINEOLE OBTAINED FROM THE HP LIBRARY. bn et .a c. Blue Gum Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus Var. Globulus) A representative chromatogram of an extract of fresh eucalyptus leaves is shown in Figure 1A. The largest peak, which eluted after 7 min, was identified as cineole, also known as eucalyptol (1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo [2.2.2] octane; MW = 154.24), and its structure is shown in the upper right hand corner of this figure. This compound has therapeutic activity as an inhalation expectorant .The mass spectrum of this chromatographic peak and a mass spectrum of pure cineole from the HP library are shown in Figures 1B and 1C, respectively. Other minor compounds identified from the mass gn u. in fli spectra include pinene (insecticide), camphene, and caryophyllene (perfume). Standardization of volatile oils 40 in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn FIGURE 2. Standardization of volatile oils 41 Saltwort (Chenopodium Abrosioides) in (A) CHROMATOGRAM OF AN EXTRACT OF SALTWORT (CHENOPODIUM ABROSIOIDES) FOREXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS DESCRIBED IN THE TEXT; THE INSET IS THE STRUCTURE OF ASCARIDOLE. (B) MASS SPECTRUM OF THE CHROMATOGRAPHIC FRACTION THAT ELUTED AFTER 12 MINUTES, AS SHOWN BY THE ASTERISK IN A. (C) MASS SPECTRUM OF PURE ASCARIDOLE OBTAINED FROM THE HP LIBRARY. shown bn et .a c. A representative chromatogram of an extract of Chenopodium abrosioides is in Figure 2A. Ascaridole (1-methyl-4-(methyl ethyl)-2,3- dioxabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-ene; MW = 168.23), which eluted after about 12 min, has previously been reported to constitute up to 60–80% of the essential oil of saltwort . Ascaridole is an anthelmintic (antiparasitic) that has been used in the treatment of roundworm. Although detected, it did not appear as the major constituent of our extract probably due to the manner in which the extract was prepared. The experimentally determined mass spectrum of the peak that eluted after 12 minutes in Figure 2A and the mass spectrum of pure ascaridole as extracted from the HP library are depicted in Figures 2B and gn u. in fli 2C, respectively. Standardization of volatile oils 42 in bn et .a c. fli in u. gn FIGURE 3. Standardization of volatile oils 43 in (A) CHROMATOGRAM OF AN EXTRACT OF SPEARMINT (MENTHA SPICATA) EXTRACT FOR EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS DESCRIBED IN THE TEXT; THE INSET IS THE STRUCTURE OF MENTHOL. (B) MASS SPECTRUM OF THE CHROMATOGRAPHIC FRACTION THAT ELUTED AFTER 8 MINUTES, AS SHOWN IN A. (C) MASS SPECTRUM OF PURE MENTHOL OBTAINED FROM THE HP LIBRARY . bn et .a c. Spearmint (Mentha Spicata) Both a fresh spearmint extract and an extract prepared from pure peppermint tea purchased at a nutritional food store yielded similar chromatograms. A representative chromatogram of Mentha spicata extract is shown in Figure 3A. The largest peak, which eluted after approximately 8 min, was identified as menthol by mass spectrometry. Other minor compounds identified in spearmint include methyl acetate (perfume), menthone (perfume), caryophyllene, cineole, and pulegone (antifungal). The mass spectrum of the largest chromatographic peak, and a mass spectrum of pure menthol (5- methyl-2-(1-methylethyl) cyclohexanol; MW = 156.26) obtained from the HP library are shown in Figures 3B and 3C, respectively. Menthol has been used fli externally as a mild local anesthetic and antiseptic, and it has been used gn u. in internally as a carminative and gastric sedative. Standardization of volatile oils 44 bn et .a c. in Chromatograph of nutmeg oil The volatile oil from the seed contains: fli 1. (2902) -pinene 2. sabinene in 3. (2903) -pinene 4. myrcene 5. (2633) limonene gn u. 6. -terpinene 7. (2248) terpinen-4-ol among the major ingredients. The numbers in brackets are the FEMA codes (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers' Association of the USA). A recent study on nutmeg oil from St Catherine, Jamaica and other West Standardization of volatile oils 45 Indian nutmeg oils revealed significant differences that could be used to distinguish between them. Specification EUCALYPTUS OIL GLOBULOUS 1.459 at 30°C Cineole content by O. Cresol method 61.8% Cineole content by GLC 66% bn et .a c. Refractive Index in Specifications for oils Specification CUMIN OIL Light Yellow to Brown Odour Disagreeable Sp. Gravity at 30°C 0.8788 Ref. Ind. At 30°C 1.4848 Optical Rotation + 4.5 gn u. in fli Colour Specification PEPPERMINT Colour Yellow Odour Strong Penetrating Peppermint Odour and pungent taste Sp. Gravity 0.896 to 0.908 Ref. Index 1.460 to 1.470 Optical Rotation -18° to -30° Standardization of volatile oils 46 Yellow Liquid Odour Spicy Odour Sp. Gravity at 15°C 0.8959 to 0.9168 bn et .a c. Colour in Specification BASIL OIL Ref. Ind. At 20°C 1.477 to 1.488 Specification LEMON GRASS OIL Brownish yellow coloured oily liquid having pleasant odour. Specific Gravity 0.8889 at 30°C Optical Rotation 0° Refractive Index 1.4835 at 30?c Citral content by GC 76% Solubility in 70% Ethyl Alcohol 2 vol. in fli Description gn u. Specification THYME OIL Colour Red Liquid Odour Pleasant Odour and pungent persistent taste Sp. Gravity at 27°C 0.9494 Ref. Ind. At 27°C 1.5096 Optical Rotation -3.0 Standardization of volatile oils 47 Spectra of Eugenol gn u. in fli bn et .a c. in IR SPECTRA Standardization of volatile oils 48 gn u. in fli bn et .a c. in Eugenol - Proton NMR Spectrum Standardization of volatile oils 49 in gn u. in fli bn et .a c. Eugenol - Carbon 13 NMR Spectrum Standardization of volatile oils 50 in gn u. in fli bn et .a c. Eugenol - Mass Spectrum Standardization of volatile oils 51 1). Volatile oil constituents of the essential oil of Santolina bn et .a c. Chamaecyparissus linn. from the southern hills of India. in 5. Abstracts Garg, S.N.; Gupta, D.; Mehta, V.K; Sushil Kumar. The composition of the essential oil of the aerial parts of the Santolina Chamaecyparissus plants collected from the campus of CIMAP field Station.Kodaikanal was analysed by GC &GC/MS. The oil yield obtained upon hydrodistillation was 1.1% (V/W) on fresh weight basis. The analysis of the oil led to the identification of 25 constituents totaling 97.4 % of the oil. Through MAPA 2002-01-0490 2). Investigations of the content & the composition of essential oil found fli in leaves & gallenic preparation from sage. Ludwiczuk, A; Wolski, T.; mardarowicz, M. in The investigations were done by GC/MS method. Through MAPA 2002-01-05-09 gn u. 3).Composition of the essential oil of microglosa pyrrhopappa. Mwangi, J.W; Thoithi, G.N.; Juliani, H.R; zygaldo, J.A. The essential oil of the microglossa pyrrhapappa var. Analysis of the oil is done by GC & GC/MS reveals. Through MAPA 2002-01-0524 Standardization of volatile oils 52 4). Chemical analysis, anti microbial activity, & the essential oils from in some wild herbs in Egypt. A1-Gaby, A.M; Allam, RF. (Dept of biochemistry, Faculty of agriculture) bn et .a c. The composition & anti microbial activity of the essential oils in aerial parts of Achillae fragrantissima, Artemisia Judaica. collected from southern Sinai were determined. The volatile oil yield of A.fragrantissima was 0.81% V/W & consisted of 18 components with Thujone (57.5%) & santolina alcohol (31.4%) as the major constituents.A.Judaica yielded 1.57% V/W volatile oil with camphor, 37.3% & piperitone (27.4%) as the major constituents of 20 components. The volatile oil of P.tortuous (0.56% V/W) consisted of 32 components with camphene (31%) as the major constituent, although the alcoholic components constituted more than 42% of the oil. Through MAPA 2000-04-2381 fli 5). Essential oils of annual Siderites species growing in Turkey. Kirimer, N.; Tabanca, N.; Ozec, T.; Tumen G.; Baser, K.H.C (medicinal & in aromatic plant & Drug Research Centre) Water distilled essential oils of 5 annual siderites species Viz., S. Lanata, gn u. S.Curvidens, S.Montana ssp. Montana, S.montana ssp. remota & S.Romana ssp. Romana. Collected from different regions of Turkey analysed by GC/MS have been tabulated & compared with main components of the essential oils of perennial siderites species from Turkey. Through MAPA 2000-04-2446 Standardization of volatile oils 53 6). The essential oil of Thymus macedonicus. Subsp. Macedonicus (Deg.et urum) Ronn. From Macedonia Faculty of Pharmacy. in Kulevanova, S.; Ristic. M.; Stafilov, T.cC institute of pharmacognosy, bn et .a c. The composition of the essential oils Macedonian Thymus macedonicus ssp. Macedonicus varied in eight different populations of the taxa. Through MAPA 2000-04-2452 7). Antibacterial & antifungal studies of essential oil of strobilanthus Lx iocephala The essential oil was studied for various physicochemical properties. It has shown density (0.9009), specific gravity (1.732), and refractive index (1.484). TLC of essential oil on silica gel G in pure benzene revealed four major & six minor spots, when spread with 1% vanillin H2SO4.GC-MS study of the fli essential oil indicated total 12 components. gn u. in Through Indian drugs. Standardization of volatile oils 54 6. 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