Enjoy Your Summer At Gold Key!

A Residential Property Owners’ Association
Fourth Quarter
Enjoy Your Summer At Gold Key!
President’s Message
Our community is picturesque and
busy in all four seasons, but Gold Key
was made for the summer.
And this summer should be the
best ever -- on the beach, at the
restaurant, and in and around the
Your Board has been working with
that goal in mind as is detailed inside
this issue.
We hope you enjoy the beautiful
nature that surrounds us, and the
many activities scheduled by the
Beach and Recreation Department.
I hope to see you on the deck in
the coming months.
Until next issue,
Francis Ruggiero
Gold Key Country Club
Important Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Treasurer’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Security Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Incident Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Maintenance Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Lake & Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Beach & Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Restaurant, Lodge & Firehouse . . . . . 9
Gold Key comes alive in the summer with lots to see and do.
Pictured top left, swans at Sailor’s Landing. Top right, soft serve
ice cream being served at Pete’s Pizza, the great new restaurant
at the beach. Bottom left, sediment removal at the boat launch of
Autumn Lake. Bottom right, two successful Gold Key fishermen.
Treasurerʼs Report
By Louise Van
We completed the 2013-2014 fiscal
year collecting 98% of our projected dues
collections and 130% of projected miscellaneous income. This reflects $37,000
more than projected in prior years’ dues,
primarily due to the aggressive actions of
our collection agencies and office staff.
We also collected more than $10,000 over
Numbers & Info
Medical, Police or
Fire Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
Administration Office. . . . . 570-686-3811
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570-686-3636
Member Assistance-E-Mail . . . . . . . . . . .
Recreation Room . . . . . . . . 570-686-2922
Blue Ridge Cable . . . . . . . . 570-296-8200
Met Ed (Power Outages) . . 800-545-7741
Gold Key – Blue Ridge Cable Channel 80
Gold Key Website
“Member’s Only” user id. . . . . . restricted
“Member’s Only” password . . . gkcc2012
PA State Police
(non-emergency) . . . . . . . . 866-780-7299
PA Game Commission . . . . 570-675-1143
State Dog Warden. . . . . . . . 570-685-2495
National Poison Control. . . 800-222-1222
Child Abuse Hotline. . . . . . 800-932-0313
Domestic Abuse Hotline . . 800-296-4357
Milford Urgent Medical Care
(9am – 9pm) . . . . . . . . . . . 570-409-9700
Bon Secours Hospital
-Port Jervis, NY . . . . . . . . 845-858-7000
Newton Memorial Hospital
-Newton, NJ . . . . . . . . . . . 973-383-2121
Wayne Memorial Hospital
-Honesdale, PA. . . . . . . . . 570-253-8100
Dingman Township Office . 570-296-8455
Dingman Township
Building Inspector . . . . . . 570-296-4209
Dingman Township
Sewage/Septic Insp. . . . . . 570-296-9260
Dingman Township
Tax Collector . . . . . . . . . . 570-296-6360
Milford Post Office . . . . . . 570-296-7411
Pike Cnty Library,
Dingman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570-686-7045
American Red Cross,
Pike Cnty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570-253-2310
projections for transfer fees which funds
our Capital Improvement Account.
We overspent our budget by $79,748,
with Beach & Recreation, Security and
Lake & Environment Departments coming
in under budget. The Maintenance Department expenses surpassed their budget
by $74,312, which can be attributed to the
winter snowfalls and harsh temperatures
experienced in the North Eastern States.
With a line item of $50,000 in their
budget, an additional $47,729 was needed
to be spent to keep our roads free of ice
and snow. Additionally, over expenditures
were $9.448 for gas and diesel and $3,428
for utilities. Utilities in all buildings were
over budget by $16,212. The Board is
looking into all possibilities in reducing
the money spent on utilities for the coming year.
As of July 1st we have collected
$1,043,382 in dues for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year. If you have not met your dues
obligation yet, do so soon before other
measures are taken against you. The majority of the community can't be expected
to continue to carry the burden of paying
for all the amenities that all enjoy.
Our former Treasurer transferred most
of the Country Clubs' funds to Dime
Bank to save a substantial amount on bank
fees. To keep all funds insured ($250,000)
we now have to utilize other local banking
institutions. We have opened up 2 C. D.'s,
one for $100,000 for road repairs and one
short term C.D. for $150,000 of dues.
Our Accountant has started on our
yearly audit and after the Board’s review
and acceptance, it will be available to the
Having been appointed treasurer mid
term, I want to thank the Directors and
staff for cooperating with me in keeping
spending to the bare minimum during the
last lean month of the 2013-2014 Fiscal
Year. I do realize that being the Treasurer
won't win me any popularity contests.
I would like to remind the community
that the Board of Directors and the Committee Members are all volunteers, and a
staff of employees who many go above
and beyond their responsibilities in serving the Gold Key community.
In the words of DANTE, "He who
sees a need and waits to be asked for help
is as unkind as if he had refused it".
Gold Key Board Resolutions
RESOLVED, to approve the proposal from
Pietro Ferranti for the provision of Restaurant
services during the April 2014 – April 2015 season, pending final contract approval by the parties. Motion made by Jim Keveson; Seconded
by Niels Schmidt. All in favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to contract with Geisinger Health
for provision of federal-compliant employee
health insurance commencing in April. Motion
made by Lou Manuppelli; Seconded by Jim
Keveson. All in favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to form a Beach & Recreation
Committee for the upcoming season, comprised
of no more than 4 – 6 people, to meet together
monthly and recommend community activities
to the Director of Beach & Recreation and the
Volunteers’ Liaison. Said committee shall consist of diverse members to represent parents,
teens, seniors and adults and will be selected
from the sign-up sheet by the Board. The committee will communicate with the membership
only through the B&R Director. Motion made
by Niels Schmidt; Seconded by Linda Goldberg.
All in favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to hire Beach and Recreation
summer staff as follows: Asst. Supervisor Beach
Operations: Kristine Van Duzer; Recreation
Room Attendants: Kate Keveson, Frank Romano, Randi LaCagnina; Lifeguards: Evan Marrero, Chief; Matt Wilson, Asst. Chief; Amanda
Corry, Thomas Mincer, Paul Murphy, Jessica
Keveson, Alexis Teschner, Katlyn Pandish,
Ethan Rose; Boat Tenders: Jason Feakins, Chief;
Autumn Teschner, Heather Miranda, Josette Tormos; Sports Coordinators: Brian Gallagher,
Ethan Rose, Alissa DePadua.Motion made by
Niels Schmidt, Seconded by Evelyn Carter; 1
Abstained. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to name Kristine Van Duzer 2014
Swim Team Coach.
Motion made by Niels Schmidt, Seconded by
Jim Keveson. All in favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to purchase two (2) new 14 foot
aluminum row boats for the Beach & Recreation
Department at a cost not to exceed $2,000 per
boat as well as one (1) water slide for $449.99,
one (1) playground climbing dome for $678.99,
and one (1) swing and slide turbo tube for
$456.51. Monies to come from Equipment Replacement Account. Motion made by Niels
Schmidt, Seconded by Lou Manuppelli. All in
favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to acquire a Taylor Ice Cream
Freezer C713 for the provision of soft serve ice
Continued on page 3
Security Report
Lieut. Louis P. Manuppelli (ret)
Director of Security
Right about now I think winter is over,
even though it was in the low 50’s the last
few nights. In the day time, especially on
the weekends, residents are enjoying themselves at the beach and in our NEWLY operated restaurant. What does this have to do
with security? Well when you have “happy
residents”, everyone is satisfied; except for
the few! Below is a topic which applies to
all those who operate a motor vehicle in
Gold Key or on the highway commuting to
work (which many people do) or just for
What is an aggressive driver is one who
drives a vehicle WITHOUT the regard for
the safety of others!! App. 2/3 of all automobile accidents are related to some form
of Aggressive Driving. You may ask what
is considered aggressive driving??
1. Exceeding the speed limit
2. Unsafe or improper lane changing
3. Failure to yield right of way
4. Tailgating (Look what just happened
on the G.W. Bridge)
5. Running red lights
6. Showing Frustration
1. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted
by eating, drinking, talking on the cell
phone, texting, or women putting on
make up.
2. Drive the speed limit;
fewer accidents occur
when people drive the
same speed.
3. Relax; music can calm
your nerves and make
driving more enjoyable.
4. Plan ahead by mapping
out alternate routes in
case of heavy traffic,
allow extra time, or just
be late, nothing you can
do will change a traffic
5. Most importantly “Do not
let your emotional and
physical well being be
controlled by the actions
of another driver”.
Lieut. Louis P. Manuppelli (ret), Chief of Security
Nancy Papaleo, and Deputy Chief of Security, Greg
Davitt presenting a Letter of Commendation to Dennis
Conklin for his many years of service in the Gold Key
Security Department protecting and serving the
membership of Gold Key Lake, and for his
appointment to the Pennsylvania State Police
1. Get out of the way if possible.
2. Do not challenge
3. Wear your seat belt
4. Avoid eye contact
5. Ignore gestures (we all know what that
6. Do not use the horn excessively
7. Get the license number for further reference
8. Report aggressive drivers to the police
while it is going on or later when it’s
Earlier in this report I talked about texting & driving. Well in my research on this
subject I found some interesting facts!!
Gold Key Board Resolutions (Continued from page 2)
cream through a lease-to-own program, with
yearly payments not to exceed $5500 and total
cost not to exceed $17,500 to $20,000, depending on availability. Monies to come from Capital
Improvement Fund. Motion made by Niels
Schmidt, Seconded by Louise Van; 1 Abstained.
Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to authorize the President to bind
insurance coverage with either Sterner Insurance
or the EHD Insurance Company pending final review of the proposals, for comparable coverage,
and upon email approval of the Board prior to
expiration of current coverage.
Motion made by Louise Van, Seconded by Niels
Schmidt. All in favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to review the payroll schedule of
Beach and Recreation staff lifeguards by fifty
cents for Kate Pandish and Alexis Teschner and
to reimburse lifeguards for life saving certifications as determined by the Director of Beach and
Recreation and not to exceed $165 every two (2)
years. Motion made by Niels Schmidt, Seconded
by Lou Manuppelli. All in favor. Motion
RESOLVED, to hire a litter patrol for the summer months to be staffed with Thomas Spillane,
Nathaniel Hayes and Amberly Duke at an average of ten hours per employee, total hours of the
patrol per week not to exceed 30 hours, under the
Administration Dept.
Motion made by Lou Manuppelli, Seconded by
Niels Schmidt. All in favor. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to hire a summer Lake & Environment crew to aid in the management of aquatic
vegetation and navigability to include the follow-
1. Makes you 23 times more likely to
crash than a non-texting driver
2. Slows your brake reaction time by 18%
3. Is the same as drinking 4 beers.
4. Five seconds is the average time your
eyes are off the road while texting.
When traveling at 55mph, that’s
enough time to cover the length of a
football field.
5. In a survey recently conducted, 95% of
the drivers stated texting is unacceptable and unsafe, but 21% admit to
doing it any way, NO TEXT IS
I know this info was quite long, BUT if
it saves one of our resident’s life or someone else’s life it was worth the research and
my 30 years in law enforcement! Have a
great and safe summer.
ing persons: James Keveson, Jr., Brian Epstein,
Cory Gregoire and Andrew Sorton, and scheduled as determined by and under the Lake & Environment Director. Motion made by Charles
Bodenburg, Seconded by Niels Schmidt; 1 Abstained. Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to hire Tim Rock as a part-time
security officer and to raise the base pay rate of
Clint Bonnett and Joe Breder, effective
5/17/2014. * Motion made by Lou Manuppelli,
Seconded by Charles Bodenburg. All in favor.
Motion passed.
RESOLVED, to modify resolution made in
April to purchase a Kayak with the savings from
playground dome of $300.00 from Capital Improvement account. Motion made by Niels
Schmidt, Seconded by Charles Bodenburg. All
in favor. Motion passed.
Asst. Security Report
By Charlie Bodenburg
Assistant Director of Security
This winter was unusually long with
snow and freezing temperatures well into
April. I suspect many of our residents experienced Cabin Fever and anxiety from being
cooped up so long.
Aggressive behavior, harassment, and
improper behavior incidents have been
more common than typically observed.
If any member has issues with another
member or Gold Key employee, you should
file a written complaint at the office. Our
Security Chiefs will investigate these com-
plaints and act accordingly.
However, we have a few members who
habitually break our rules and repeatedly
file trivial retaliatory complaints. We also
have a few members who continually harass
our employees for enforcing Gold Key
Country Club Rules. You do not have a
right to follow, stalk, take pictures of our
employees, or confront them in a hostile
manner, EVER.
If you get a ticket for speeding, or a citation for leaving your garbage cans out for a
week, or for conducting business on Gold
Key property, or a warning for leaving your
children unsupervised at the lodge, or any
Monthly Incident Reports
MARCH 2014
House Checks – 708
Property Checks – 1,059
Structure Fire – 1
Attempted Suicide – 1
Domestic – 1
Suspicious Vehicle – 2
Harassment – 1
Alarm – 2
Resident Assist – 5
Down Tree – 1
Bank Runs – 6
Complaints – 2
EMS Assist – 1
Open House – 1
Failure to Stop at Stop Sign – 3
Careless Driving – 4
Failure to Comply w/Security – 3
Bus Stop Violation (Dropping Off) – 2
Failure to Display GK Sticker – 2
Illegal Parking – 4
Trash Can Removal – 11
Unattended Child – 1
APRIL 2014
House Checks – 610
Property Checks – 986
Suspicious Activity – 1
Soliciting – 1
Resident Assist – 1
Loose Dog – 1
Dog Bite – 1
Vandalism – 2
Suspicious Person – 1
Assault – 1
Arrest Warrant – 1
EMS Assist – 1
Bank Runs – 4
Complaints – 6
Dog Complaint – 4
Suspicious Vehicle – 1
Resident Assist – 3
House Found Open – 1
Careless Driving – 1
Failure to Comply w/Security – 1
Improper Behavior – 1
Bus Stop Violation (Dropping Off) – 1
Bus Stop Violation (Moving) – 1
Bus Stop Violation (Arrive Late) – 5
Trash Can Removal – 4
Failure to Comply w/Deed – 1
other violation, there is never a good reason
to intimidate or harass our members or any
Gold Key employees.
Harassment or retaliatory actions directed toward Gold Key Employees for performing their job, specifically Badge
Checking Personnel, Beach and Recreation
employees, Security Officers, Maintenance
employees, Administration Staff, etc., will
not be tolerated. There are provisions in
Gold Key Country Club Bylaws to determine whether the conduct of any member
violates any rules, Bylaws or Declaration of
the Association, and if so, to affix the
penalty for the violation.
MAY 2014
House Checks – 508
Property Checks – 1,009
Motor Vehicle Accident – 1
Environmental Issue – 1
Illegally Dumping – 1
Chimney Fire – 1
House Found Open – 1
Shots Fired – 1
Blocked Driveway – 1
Loose Dog – 1
Criminal Mischief – 1
Domestic – 1
EMS Assist – 4
Recover Missing Property – 1
Tree Cutting – 1
Drug Paraphernalia – 1
Bank Runs – 5
Complaints – 9
Dog Complaint – 4
Suspicious Vehicle – 1
Resident Assist – 3
Speeding – 2
Failure to Stop at Stop Sign – 1
Careless Driving – 1
Dog Off Leash – 3
Failure to Display GK Sticker – 16
Failure to Comply (Bus Stop) – 2
Dog Public Inconvenience – 2
Bus Stop Violation (Arrive Late) – 7
Unauthorized use of Public Trash Can – 1
Bus Stop Violation (Moving) – 1
Tree Cutting – 2
James Keveson, Director
As the warmer weather and kids
are out of school please drive carefully
and respect others. The speed limit is
25mph, and is radar enforced. Members are responsible for their guests, so
please see to it they understand that as
well. The warnings are posted
throughout the community on the
speed limit signs along the roads.
Grievances have been very quiet so
far this year. But as the warmer
weather moves in folks seem to forget
the speed limit, stop signs and rules of
the community. There are plenty of
children riding bikes and walking with
friends or pets. Speeding or running
stop signs is dangerous for all on the
roads in Gold Key.
In general you will not need a
grievance hearing if you follow these
simple things...
A- Obey speed limits
B- Obey stop signs
C- Obey the rules and regulations
A Grievance is:
Reason for complaint: a cause
for complaint or resentment
that may or may not be wellFounded.
• • Formal Objection: a formal
complaint made on the basis of
something that somebody feels
is unfair.
Please enjoy all our community has
to offer and respect your neighbors
and community. Be extra careful
around folks walking and enjoying the
fresh air and scenery in Gold Key.
Maintenance Report
Our Culvert System
It Runs Downhill
By Charlie Bodenburg
Director of Maintenance
In the past few years, we have experienced several hurricanes, storms, and harsh
winters that have battered our drainage system. Over the past three years, we have invested over $150,000.00 improving and
maintaining our culvert ditches and under
roadway pipes.
As Maintenance Director for the past
few years, I have worked with several vendors, contractors, Township Employees,
and our Maintenance Staff to evaluate and
improve our culvert system and roadways.
There is a vast accumulation of historic
records in the office archives that detail repairs and improvements going back
decades. Working with these people has
been very educational; I’d like to share
some of what I have learned.
Back in the early ‘60’s, the developers
of Gold Key Lake laid out our roads, subdivided the land into lots, and designed our
culvert system based on the topography.
They hired engineers to survey and provide
sufficient data for locating the culvert system and identify all features affected by installation of the culvert. They took into
account elevations and locations of proposed houses, roadways, and utilities. Information from the roadway profile and the
roadway cross section were obtained from
preliminary roadway drawings, and the culvert system was sized prior to the development of preliminary plans.
As our community grew, land was
cleared and homes were built, changing the
topography or footprint of the land.
Builders were responsible to comply with
current Dingmans Township building
codes, and any permit by Federal, State, or
Local Municipality as required. The
builders were also responsible to install culvert pipes, where needed under proposed
driveways, sufficient as not to impede the
pre-development flow.
Builders, and ultimately the homeowner, are responsible for any water condition created on lots and the lots shall be
graded so that no additional water runs onto
adjacent properties. Driveways shall be
constructed in such a way that water runs in
drainage ditches and/or culvert pipes. Gold
Key also requires that the DER and Pike
County Conservation District’s Rules and
Regulations are followed on erosion and
It is Gold Key’s responsibility to maintain any common property culverts and culvert pipes going under Gold Key’s
roadways. It is not Gold Key’s responsibility to provide or maintain drainage systems
or culverts not originally designed by the
developers to homeowners. Gold Key’s
Rules and Regulations require the homeowner to maintain their culverts and culvert
Gold Key Website
Login at Goldkeyestates.org
and register in at "Members
Lake & Environment
by Charlie Bodenburg, Director
Francis and I have spent several
hours on and around our lakes this
month. The lakes look fantastic with
very little aquatic vegetation growth
and no significant navigation issues.
There is no significant algae
growth at Fawn Lake with only a few
small algae patches along the north
shoreline and upper cove and
pondweed coming up in southern portion. There is very little submerged
vegetation growth and there are no
navigation issues. This is normal and
does not require treatment at this time.
The observed algae had a cumulative
total mass of less than 100 square foot
(0.002% of 1 acre) on Fawn Lake.
Gold Key Lake needs cutting and
removal of the submerged vegetation
along the south side of island and into
Misty Cove for navigability. We observed bladderwort emerging in the
causeway. There are no other significant issues.
There are beaver dens on Gold Key
Lake in the cove north of the boat
house and on the island in the wetlands. The beaver activity is normal
and healthy; they modify the environment and help build upon the ecosystem. The ponds, wetlands, and
meadows formed by beaver dams increases bio-diversity and improves
overall environmental quality. They
pose no hazard and we will continue
to monitor them.
Autumn Lake has algae growth settling south and east of the boat ramp
in the shallows. This area is susceptible to temperature changes that cause
algae blooms. On Thursday we observed algae and pondweed in the
back. The algae had a cumulative total
mass of less than 300 square foot
(0.005% of 1 acre). Ecologic Solutions
has started sediment removal on Autumn Lake and will take care of the
Nuisance algae will not be treated
unless it becomes a health hazard to
These conditions are well within
the Pennsylvania Lake Management
Society water quality parameters and
far below the recommended aquatic
Beach and Recreation Report
Mickie Nestman, Supervisor
As the summer season came upon
us and the winters thaw has now all
gone, we look back in relief that we
made it through another blistery cold,
and very white winter.
Events throughout the year continue as we set out and break the cabin
fever on our first Mohegan Sun Casino
trip of the year, which took place on
Saturday, April 5th. With a busload of
residents and guests ready to enjoy a
day at casino to test Lady Luck for
chance to win that extra springtime
spending money. For those people who
like to dine as well, they also got their
fill with the many different choices of
restaurants from Johnny Rockets to the
In House All You Can Eat Open Buffet. We are looking forward to scheduling another trip in the Fall of 2014,
and we hope to see you there.
With the flowers all ready to bloom
and the sun shining bright, this brings
us to our next event, the Easter Party
and Egg hunt at the Ye Olde Firehouse
which took place on April 19th. On a
nice but breezy day Mother Nature
gave us a day nice enough to have an
egg hunt outside with parents, grandparents, and friends to watch as the
kids all lined up for the most important
part of their day… the Egg Hunt of
over 450 eggs filled with different
treats, and find out what surprise was
in their eggs. As we ventured inside
for the games, crafts and coloring contest, our guests mingled while music
played and they helped themselves to
snacks and drinks donated by members of the community. Congratulations to the 3 big winners in the
vegetation coverage of 30-40% of the
lake necessary to maintain a productive fish population and promote
aquatic organisms. In fact, the lack of
such coverage calls for management
through transplantation of native
In our Lake Management Plan,
Section III, Articles 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
describes the importance of maintaining specific aquatic species, the
amount of aquatic growth coverage
needed for a healthy ecosystem,
benchmarks to initiate specific reTHE GOLD KEY NEWS
coloring contest. Nicely done! The
Easter Bunny now has your pictures to
decorate his bunny home.
It was nice to see many new smiling faces enjoying this event. The
Bunny was very excited with all his
fans present and he danced among all
the guests and handed out his own
Bunny Eggs to everyone!!!
On Saturday, May 17, we held our
Flea Market on the Fields. With over
24 vendors all set up to display their
goods for sale, community members
came out to browse and buy whatever
treasures they could find. From baby
products to sporting goods, music to
movies could be found as one persons’
junk is another’s treasure. Food concession was available throughout the
day with Sausage and Peppers, Hot
Dogs with choices of toppings such as
Sauerkraut, Homemade New York
Style Red Onions, and Homemade
Chili, and a variety of chips and
drinks. Our next Flea Market is scheduled for the Fall so keep your eyes
open for further updates.
School is closed for the summer,
and we are all ready to spend time at
the beach. Our summer events for the
Season of 2014 with our Memorial
Day Weekend Celebration is in place:
Friday, May 23rd started the weekend events with an upcoming live
band performance at the Firehouse by
“Public Bluff”. Residents of various
age groups attended and were treated
to songs by Green Day and The Red
Hot Chili Peppers, along with original
Continued on next page
sponses, and control measures to deal
with these issues.
We have hired seasonal workers to
maintain our lakes in accordance with
our Lake Management Plan. They will
perform services on our lakes including mowing and harvesting aquatic
weeds to maintain navigability
throughout the summer.
As you can see, we are well aware
of our issues, have been and will continue to be proactive.
Beach and Recreation Report
Continued from page 6
Jason Feakins, a Gold Key
Member and a member
of the Delaware Valley
Orchestra, performing
“Taps” as the Memorial
Wreath is presented
Sgt. First Class
Ret. Robert Letts
Above and Below: The Delaware Valley High School 11 piece Orchestra
songs written by the band members.
An all teenage group of boys, including one of our Gold Key members, did an amazing job holding the
attention of the audience and surprising many with extended solos performed by the Guitarist and Drummer.
These talented youngsters are making
their mark in the public eye and
started our Memorial Day Celebration
Saturday, May 24 had many events
and activities scheduled for the day,
but Mother Nature had the upper hand
this year as she put a damper on beach
games and activities planned for the
day. As the day progressed into
evening the weather cleared for DJ Joe
Moreno to play on the Deck with hits
from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s as the
crowd danced, mingled, and sang
those old familiar songs.
Sunday, May 25th was an amazingly beautiful spring day and to be
out for that late lunch or early dinner
was a treat at our new restaurant. A
live performance by an 11 piece
Delaware Valley High School Band
“In Your Face Big Band” on Deck was
heard from 2pm – 4pm. With a large
crowd gathered to listen to another
great talented young people band, the
audience was up on their feet thumping to the beat and snapping their fingers to well known swing music and
old time jazz. What a great way to
start the events season with live entertainment from many of our community residents who now have their
talents displayed. Great performances
from both bands and a job well done
by DJ Joe Moreno!
Memorial Day Ceremony
Monday, May 26th 10 a.m. at
South Beach
In Memory of all the men and
women who greatly serve and have
served our Armed Forces, we paid
tribute to all with an opening prayer
and a wreath was presented and displayed in memory of our heroes. A
live performance of Taps on the trumpet was played by one of the High
School Orchestra members, and what
a great job he did.
Beach and Recreation
Exterior Waterproofing
Perimeter & French Drainage
Septic System &
Septic Tank Repairs
Excavating, Stump Removal,
Driveways, Waterlines,
Stone & Fill
Hauling & Piers
Phone: (570) 226-9558
Cell: (570) 493-1304
143 Hiller Lane
Greeley, PA 18425
Niels Schmidt
Director of Beach & Recreation
The summer season kicked off with
Memorial Day weekend and the important remembrance of our men and
women in uniform who have made the
ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Freedom is not free and we thank our
troops for their service.
The weekend began with Public
Bluff, a metal band consisting of 3
young men, one being a Gold Key
member, giving a live concert to our
members and friends at Ye Olde
Firehouse on Friday night. Young and
old alike enjoyed their music, their covers and in particular their original work.
On Saturday night, DJ Joe held
court on the deck. We enjoyed real
good attendance and all had a good
time. There was a lot of line dancing
going on and all was good. The weather
was a little chilly but at least it was dry.
It was good to see a lot of familiar
faces and the new restaurant was
Sunday was a beautiful day with a
big crowd on the beach and the deck to
welcome some our own Gold Key
members along with other DVHS students, consisting of an 11 member
band…IN YOUR FACE to an afternoon concert. They played big band
jazz to the delight and enjoyment of all
of us who sat on the deck or sand.
While the band played, another young
member of Gold Key used his artistic
talent to draw caricatures of our members and guests. He charged $5.00 per
caricature which is suitable for framing
and hanging in the den. He was kept
busy, and if you missed him he will be
back again on Gold Key Day.
7 new boats for our Gold Key fleet
were purchased to just prior to the start
of the Memorial Day weekend. We
added one new row boat, two canoes,
one two-person kayak, and three individual kayaks, all of which were dockside and ready to go by the. These new
boats, as well as our other boats, are
available to our members to enjoy on
our big lake.
We had good crowds for all of our
events and look forward to drawing
crowds like the old days. Two new announcements coming up…
He’s back----DJ Dr. Craig O has
committed to playing on the deck Saturday night July 5th from 7 pm to
11pm. So Red Solo Cup…We’re going
to party…Spread the word and come
on down.
On Sunday July 6th from 2pm to
4pm, Mr. Larry Martone, an old friend,
who is a singer/guitarist and plays pop
hits from the 50’s 60’s and 70’s will
perform a one man show on our deck
for our listening and dancing enjoyment. Larry has not played on our deck
for about ten years and is looking forward to his return visit.
We have a busy schedule with
plenty to do and I hope to see all of you
attend at least a couple of our events.
Jeff Hiller • PA#006191
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Restaurant, Lodge &
James Keveson, Director
Our tenant of last season (Ryan's Grill)
requested to break his lease at the end of the
season . He came to me saying he just could
not handle it, and did not really know what
was involved. The Board also felt it was a
good idea to terminate the lease.
Once the lease was terminated, Ryan was
to clean up the restaurant to bring it back to
move-in, ready to run condition. Unfortunately for me this meant many hours sitting
in the restaurant making sure things were
getting done. After day 7 Ryan called to say
he would not be back and to take cleaning
costs from remaining deposit. Need not say
Enter Gold Key resident and employees,
Kim Duke, to the rescue. We walked
through and took a good hard look at what
needed to be done. There was plenty of
scrubbing and cleaning to be done. Seems
things were cleaned only on the surface by
the past tenant and not even done correctly.
Kim spent many hours in the kitchen
cleaning walls, equipment, the prep stations,
coolers, freezers, dining area and bathrooms,
taking remnants of frozen food and ice
cream to the trash. Once all was said and
done the restaurant was ready to start to be
shown. It was a time consuming process, but
it had to be done before showing it to interested tenants.
All cleaning labor and supplies were deducted from the remaining balance of the security deposit. There was no cost to Gold
Key for the cleanup.
Moving forward to the end of our unfortunate winter of snow-cap arctic doom, we
advertised on the front board, "Restaurant
for lease". This brought in a few community
members with an interest in the restaurant. I
met with each party, showed them around
the establishment and answered any and all
questions they had. I explained the mistakes
the past tenants made and explained what
most of us would like to see. Each time
spending anywhere from 1.5 hours to 5
hours with each party.
I decided to reach out to local business
folk to see if anyone had an interest or
prospects for me. I then ran into a business
owner who had a strong prospect for me. I
left him my contact information and then the
stars must have aligned. Enter a Gold Key
resident who was a GOOD friend of an interested party. Ironically this was the same
folks my previous contact mentioned. Finally we all got to sit and discuss the restaurant face to face.
Enter Pete and Cathy and family formerly of CJ's in Milford. Seems Pete had a
good offer to sell his business in town and
felt he'd try to sit back and retire. Then after
a short time felt he was bored and wanted
something to do. This was great luck for
Gold Key. They have all the experience and
are the professional restaurant tenants we
need and deserve.
Let me tell you, Pete and his knowledge
of the business is a MAJOR amenity to Gold
Key. I will bet this is the best experience we
have ever had in the restaurant business in
Gold Key by far.
From my understanding, there have been
a few residents who ran the business for
Gold Key on our payroll, but as an independent business leasing the Restaurant, I
will bet nobody can come close to what we
have now.
Weekends have been super busy from
3pm to closing as most will agree with me.
By the time you read this, school will be out,
and they will be even busier ALL week long
(EXCEPT TUESDAY) with the beach open
7 days a week.
We (the Board of Directors) also took
into account the suggestions of folks over
the past year or two. There was somewhat of
a call for real soft serve ice cream. With the
Board’s approval, I began contacting a few
vendors and manufacturers of the units. Sent
many e-mails and phone calls and face to
face meetings looking for the best deal we
can find. I then took all the information to
the Board of Directors for a vote. Gold Key
now owns a soft serve ice cream machine.
Pete and Cathy have to provide all the consumables (the mix, cones etc.) and need to
get the PA Health Department to approve the
permit. This should be completed by the
time you receive this Newsletter, but there is
a specific procedure the State requires to sell
soft serve ice cream and that is the little hold
up at the moment.
Go down and enjoy a great dining experience with a nice view of our beach and
lake. You will not be disappointed, trust me.
As those who have been there will agree, it
is a great amenity we now have to add to the
Beach and the Recreation area.
Please understand that all members are
required to have current member’s badges
and guest badges to use any these amenities.
These amenities are 100% open to those
Continued on page 10
2014 Gold Key – New Moon Paddles
Saturday Meet at South Beach
August 23
9:15 pm
August 3
September 7
8:46 pm
7:56 pm
Meet at
South Beach
9:00 pm
8:00 pm
Things you will need!
• A boat, paddle, flashlight and whistle
• A life vest for each person
• A low level light
(candle, gas lantern, glow stick)
• Cookies to share and a beverage
(Pirates bring rum)
Contact Kerry at outside8@ptd.net
Restaurant, Lodge & Firehouse
Continued from page 9
members in good. Please, make sure you
bring your current badge with you even if
it’s only for take-out food. The employees
checking badges are just doing their job as
directed by the Board of Directors, Bylaws,
Rules & Regulations and covenants. The
restaurant has no control over the use of
Gold Key’s amenities so please do not take
it out on the restaurant staff and owners.
The badge checkers are there to make
sure folks using the amenities are in good
standing and to keep trespassers out of
Gold Key. Please be kind and understand
they are just doing their job. If there is an
issue, please feel free to contact the Administration Office or Security, and I will
get back to you to discuss your complaints.
Aside from current badges, both members and guests, please make sure you have
a car sticker (and visitor pass for guest
cars) as this will show what cars belong in
the parking lot.
We will be cracking down on all this to
deter ILLEGAL trespassing on YOUR private property and amenities.
$5 OFF
The Gold Key News
2000 Gold Key Estates
111 Gold Key Road
Milford, PA 18337
The Gold Key News
The Official Publication of
Gold Key Country Club
(570) 686-3811
Administration Hours
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
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9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Presorted Std.
U.S. Postage
Belvidere, NJ
Permit No. 34
Editor – Betsy Bodenburg
Advertising Manager
Bonnie Groff
Communication Liaison Louise Van
For website information,
contact Gold Key Office at
The Gold Key News, the official publication of Gold Key Country Club, Inc., is issued
four (4) times a year and mailed to more than
1,500 Property Owners at Gold Key Lake.
Products and services of advertisers are not
necessarily endorsed by Gold Key Country
Club, Inc.
Submit articles or news to the above
address. For display or service directory
advertising, contact Bonnie Groff at
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