M.E.T.S. Charter School Volume 2, Issue 29 Mustangs’ Musings DARE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY May 15, 2015 Next Week’s Highlights 8th Grade Ring Ceremony Wednesday, May 20th 6:30—8:00 P.M. 12th Grade Ring Ceremony Wednesday, May 20th 8:00—9:30 P.M. The Spring Variety Show Thursday and Friday, May 21st and 22nd 7:00 P.M. Tickets: $3.00, $2.00 for M.E.T.S. students A fun night of comedic and dramatic scenes, dance, and musical performances. Half Day: In-Service Training Friday, May 22nd Classes dismiss at 12:45 P.M. Lunch will be served. Wednesday, May 27, 2015 4:30—8:00 P.M. Immediate Middle School Openings! We are hosting an open house for prospective students to get a better understanding of who we are and what M.E.T.S. has to offer. We are currently accepting applications for grades 612 for the current school year and the upcoming school year. Please let your friends and family know. Now Accepting Resumes for Board Standing Committee Members....Finance/ Facilities, Education and Human Resources Committee openings. lead@metscharterschool.org Hey M.E.T.S. Charter School, have you hopped on the reading train? Don't forget to read and log your books with your English teachers. The students who read at least 25 books between now and June 15th will receive entry tickets into a raffle for a Kindle Fire HD, and the class that logs at least 10 books for each student between now and May 30th will receive entries into a raffle for a trip to Hershey Park. What are you waiting for? Hop on the reading train and start logging those books today! May the most avid readers win! Hey parents! Yearbooks are on sale now! Don't miss the opportunity to look back on your child's school year and cherish the memories with them. Middle school yearbooks are $34.25 and high school yearbooks are $36.25. These prices are included in graduation dues for grades 8 and 12. DARE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY DARE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY 8th Grade Upcoming Dates to Keep in Mind Friday, May 15th—Spring Formal: 7-11 P.M., $40.00, Bayonne Knights of Columbus Wednesday, May 20th—Ring Ceremony: 6:30 P.M., M.E.T.S. Charter School Monday, June 15th—Graduation and Field Trip Fees Due: $60.00/ $45.00 Thursday, June 25th—Eighth Grade Field Trip: Six Flags Great Adventure, $45.00 (due Monday, June 15th) Friday, June 26th—Eighth Grade Graduation: 9:30 A.M. Junior Class Trip: Tuesday, June 23rd—The Field Trip was chosen by the Junior Class to have instead of a Junior Prom. They will be going to the beach. The trip will cost $45.00 per student which is due by Monday, June 15. 12th Grade Upcoming Dates to Keep in Mind Wednesday, May 20th—Ring Ceremony: 8:00 P.M., M.E.T.S. Charter School Thursday, May 28th—Senior Prom: 6:30-11:30 P.M., Waterside Restaurant and Catering Monday, June 15th—Graduation Fees Due: $60.00 Wednesday, June 24th—Senior Class Field Trip: $45.00, Trip to the Beach (due Monday, June 15th) Friday, June 26th—Senior Class Graduation: 12:30 P.M. What’s Happening at M.E.T.S.? May 2015 Sun Mon 3 Tue Wed 4 PARCC 5 PARCC 11:00 AM Start 11:00 AM Start Gr. 11:00 AM Start Gr. 11:00 AM Start Gr. Gr. 6-8 Gr. 9-12 Gr. 6-8 9-12 6 PARCC Thu Gr. 9-11 6-8, 12 7 PARCC Gr. 9-11 Fri 1 Sat 2 SAT— Grade 11 8 All students 9 arrive by 8:00am 6-8, 12 Chem. & Psych. AP Exams Open House 4:30-8:00pm Title I Committee Mtg 4:30 pm 10 11 Physics and 12 Political Biology AP Exams Science AP Exam Mothers’ Day 13 17 20 Ring 18 19 Ceremony: 14 Carnival 15 4th MP Night for middle school students 68:30pm 21 22 1/2 Day 23 Spring Show 7pm Spring Show 7pm MS 6:30-8pm HS 8-9:30pm M.E.T.S. Board of Trustees Meeting 7pm 24 25 Memorial Day: School Closed 31 Page 4 Spring Formal— Grades 8, 9, and 10: 7-11pm Classes: InService Training 26 NJ Biology 27 NJ Biology 28 Senior 29 Exam Exam NJ ASK—8th Grade Science 16 Progress Reports Prom 6:3011:30pm 30 Open House 4:308:00pm Mustangs’ Musings What’s Happening at M.E.T.S.? June 2015 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 National Fri 5 Sat 6 SAT— Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society Induction Grade 11 7 8 Schoolwide 9 10 Open 11 12 13 14 15 Final 17 18 19 20 21 22 Final 25 8th Grade 26 27 Title I Committee Meeting 4:30pm Exams—Half Day Classes, No Lunch Served 16 House 4:30— 8:00pm 23 Half Day 24 Half Day Exams Make- Classes, No Classes, No Up—Half Lunch Served Lunch Served Day Classes, Junior Class Trip Senior Class Trip No Lunch Served Open House Field Trip Graduation: 8th—9:30am 12th—12:30pm 4:30—8:00pm 28 Page 5 29 30 Mustangs’ Musings
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