FamilyNews&Notes MINIMALCHRISTIANITY Almost from the beginning of the church it has been common for people to add an adjec ve to describe their par cular brand of Chris anity. More recent adjec ves would be “born again” Chris an or “New Testament” Chris an. I suppose in our day the reason that some use adjec ves is to try and differen ate themselves and their theology from the quagmire of confusion that the world sees as it looks at all those who claim to be Chris an. Let me share with you two adjec ves that may just challenge us to look at our lives in bold and fresh ways. These are “nominal Chris anity” and “minimal Chris anity.” “Nominal Chris anity” refers to a person who claims to be a Chrisan but makes no a,empt to even live according to basic Chris an principles. It is kind of like the person who is admi,ed to a hospital and upon filling out an admission form comes to the sec on tles religious affilia on. Well, he knows he is not Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist; and the only block le6 to ck is Chris an and so he cks that one. “Minimal Chris anity” on the other hand refers to the person who seeks to obtain all the blessings of Jesus, but then limits Jesus’ involvement in his or her life as much as possible. The aGtude would be one of “what is the minimum I can do and s ll be a Chris an?” “Minimal Chris anity” is perhaps one of the greatest dangers to Chris ans in our culture because it is so subtle. Few Chris ans actually loudly proclaim that they want minimal Chris anity, but we need to examine our lives with brutal honesty to see if we have lapsed into minimal Chris anity. • Is your rela onship with Jesus Chris an the top priority in your life? • Do you plan your weekly calendar with God first, or does he have to fit in between your busy ac vi es? • Do you check your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twi,er, or other social media accounts through the day, but only read the Bible at worship? • Do you talk to your friends about your worries, but not to God? • Do you keep up to date with your favorite TV shows, but you are way behind in your daily Bible reading? Minimal Chris anity is subtle, and it can be deadly to one’s walk with Jesus and our spiritual life and development. For the logical end result of minimal Chris anity is no Chris anity. Derek • • • • • • Donyell Buckingham is in ICU at Bap st DeSoto. Beckem Sing is at Le Bonheur. John Sloan is in Bap st Desoto. Derek McNamara is traveling to El Salvador this week. Bill Ivey is undergoing Chemo treatments Ray Canada had out pa ent surgery on Thursday. YOU MUST MUTE YOUR PHONE The Ladies Spring Brunch will be Saturday, May 2. Please bring your purse, a friend, and your favorite brunch dish. At our Winter Brunch 1/3 of the ladies in a,endance were visitors. We would like to encourage all ladies to come and fellowship. SENIORSUNDAY REMEMBERINPRAYER SHUT-INS: Ann Estes, Valeria Canada, Ruby Davis, Evelyn Fowler, Billy Garre,, Marie Gray, Irmagene Hall, Ka e Howard, Dot McEwen, Pauline Payne, Catherine Parker, Ann Woodson HEALTH ISSUES: Robert Benne,, Donyell Buckingham, Ruby Dickerson, Harvey Geeding, Bill Newport, Banks Ready, Ki,y Ussery, LaTonya Wiggins FAMILY: Sue Archer, Sidney Carey, Tom Childress, Ka e Culley, Ron Crutchfield, Bubba Davis, Bill Dixon, Tam Griffin, Chris Heart, Charles Hester, Madie Hunsucker, Ka e Jarre,, Wanda Jenkins, Jesse Jones, Allyson Kelly, Terance Simmons, Mike Woolbright SYMPATHY Our sympathy is extended to Mike and Debbie Hall in the passing of her mother, Virgina LaCaze. SHARE On Sunday, May 3 we will be honoring our nine gradua ng Seniors. Those Seniors are Kendall Billingsley, Braden Howard, Taylor Kuntz, Caleb Neal, Tori Prue7, Kathleen Reed, Keith Stone, Ma7hew Jackson, and Derrick Love. We will be honoring these Seniors during the morning service and there will be a fellowship meal following services. The meat will be provided. We ask the congrega on to provide sides and desserts to compliment the fried chicken. ELSALVADORYARDSALE On Saturday, May 16, there will be a Yard Sale to help raise funds for the Summer El Salvador Mission Team. If you have any items, other than clothing, you would like to donate for this sale, please see Jared McCormick, Mark or Laurie Hammer. Thank you in advance for your support. SARDISLAKECHRISTIANCAMP The dates for camp are July 12 – 18. If your child would like to go, please register them quickly. We have had several other congrega ons asking about coming during our week. We want to be sure that our kids are signed up so they are not le6 out. Register at www.sardislakechris Share will meet at the nursing today at 3:45PM. TLCs TLCs will meet at Hazels Tuesday, April 21 at 8:30AM. CHILDREN’SCHURCH POTLUCK There will be a potluck for Be7y Shackelford, Tuesday April 21 a6er encouragement class. Please bring a dish. ELSALVADOR Our first planning mee ng for those going to El Salvador will be next Sunday, April 26 at 3:30PM. CHILDREN’SEDUCATIONNEWS • • Tonight our Basic Training group will lead the evening worship. A6er a brief combined assembly in the FLC, our ladies will be dismissed to Room 20/22 for a separate service, while our young men lead in the FLC. Sunday evening, April 26, Basic Training Worships Away at the Tunica Church of Christ. Beginning at 6:00PM we will have a brief combined assembly, a6er which our young men and ladies will lead in separate assemblies. Following the worship, Tunica Church has invited us for fellowship and refreshments. We’re looking forward to next Sunday evening, and hope that all our families in K-6th grade will join us! NURSERYWORKERS Sunday Conference call: To listen to our Sunday morning service live, call 1-877-380-7755 followed by 4651356 LADIESBRUNCH April19 10:00 (0-24 mos) Claire Sowell, Donna Thompson (2 years) Pam Fowler, Misha Kimbell 5:00PM: Debbie Dean April26 10:00 (0-24 mos) Courtney McCrory, Kim Burrell, PaG Rasco (2 years) Barbara Thompson, Cassie Walker 5:00PM: Dawn Ales Some people were created by God to make a difference in lives of children. With God-given gi6s of service, teaching, exhorta on, and mercy, they feel as if they are soaring when they are teaching or caring for children. Our Children’s Church leaders have a heart for caring for our li,le ones and teaching them the founda ons of who God is and how much He loves them. Our Children’s Church is led by Irene McNamara. Children ages 3-5 are dismissed from our congrega onal worship prior to the sermon and enter room 19, where Irene uses age appropriate songs and teaching methods to teach our children how to worship Jesus. Are you interested in using you gi6s in our Children’s Church? See Irene McNamara for more informa on. YOUTHNEWS Memphis Workcamp If you are planning to go to Memphis Workcamp you need to get your applica on and money turned in to Jared. The deadline is Sunday, April 26. Applica ons can be found in the teen room. Sunday Night Fun Immediately following services tonight the teens are invited to stay at the building for games and fellowship. There will be a van going to get food or you can bring your own sack lunch for dinner. We will end at 8:30PM. WELCOME,GUESTS! Today’sSermonbyDerekMcNamara You honor us with your presence and your willingness to join us in worshipping God today. An a,ended nursery for 0-24 months is available in the foyer and 2 year olds meet in room 5. Children ages 3-5 will be dismissed a6er the Lord’s Supper for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance is available at the sound booth. Bible!?! What Bible? 1 Timothy 4:6-16 If you are a member of the Church of Christ and are looking for a place to worship and serve, please consider placing yourself under the oversight of our shepherds and becoming part of our family in serving the Lord. If you are not a member of a church and would like to learn more about the Church of Christ, we would be honored to answer any ques ons you may have. Please fill out an ivory visitor’s card and drop it in the offering plate. If you would be interested in a home Bible study please call Derek McNamara at 662-349-3600. MEETINGTIMES Sunday: Bible Class Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Wednesday: Bible Class 9:00AM 10:00AM 5:00PM 7:00PM 1700 Goodman Rd. E • Southaven, MS 38671 MINISTERS OFFICESTAFF Dr. Derek McNamara Senior Minister Antoine7e Jones Antoine, Ma7hew Crowe Associate Minister Ma, Alan Underwood Raynee Randolph Jared McCormick Office Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8AM-12PM and 1-5 PM Fri: 8AM-12PM and 1-4PM Youth Minister Phone: (662) 349-3600 Minister of Children’s EducaIon _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ GoodmanOaks ChurchofChrist 03/15/2015 04/19/2015 Vol. 4 No. 16 11 ORDEROFWORSHIP April 19, 2015 . Singing - Luke McNamara 162 “All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name” Welcome - Ma7hew Crowe 167 “Hosanna” Prayer - Ivan Gomez 922 “Jesus Paid It All” The Lord’s Supper and Offering Bob Coker “In Christ Alone” “10,000 Reasons” Message - Jared McCormick Bible!?! What Bible? 1 Timothy 4:6-16 InvitaIon Song: 852 “When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder” Shepherd’s Prayer - Phil Anderson Him we proclaim, THEWEEKLYRECORD SHEPHERDS Phil Anderson Marty Brownfield David Butler Randy Denton Jimmy Eddlemon Tim Mobley Gordon Schmi7ou Jerry Winstead ContribuIons: Sunday Offering Weekly Budget A7endance: Bible Class Morning Assembly Midweek Class warning warningeveryone everyoneand andteaching teachingeveryone everyone $16,345 $22,900 318 604 213 with with allall wisdom, wisdom, that that wewe may may present present everyone everyonemature matureininChrist. Christ. ~Colossians 1:28
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