GOOD SAMARITAN AND SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST MAY 31, 2015 [Ninth Week of In Ordinary Time] Monday, June 1:Saint Justin, Martyr 8:00 am (GS) Eugene Harrison by Ben Lewis Tuesday, June 2: Weekday [Saints Marcellinus and Peter] 8:00 am (GS) Mary Longo by Alan Parisi 7:00 pm (GS) Saint Anthony Novena & Mass (1) Violet Simoni by Grandchildren, Nick, Chris, Jillian and Zach (2) Gentile & Giordano Family by Deacon Anthony Giordano Wednesday, June 3: Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions 8:00 am (SJ) Donald Chismire by Dottie Rosso 6:30 pm (GS) Mary Dickey by Lori & Jack Carey Thursday, June 4: Weekday 8:00 am (GS) Leo Topolski by Cousin, Bob Friday, June 5: Saint Boniface 8:00 am (SJ) Mary Resanovich by Sam& Joanne Vrankovich 8:00 pm (GS) Marian Prayer Group Saturday, June 6: Weekday [Saint Norbert, Blessed Virgin Mary] 9:00 am (SJ) Living & Deceased of the Beaver Valley Blue Army 4:00 pm (SJ) Vigil, James E. Callaghan by Callaghan Family 5:30 pm (GS) Vigil, Albert Rabovsky by Wife, Sheila Sunday, June 7: MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST (Solemnity of Corpus Christi) 8:00 am (GS) Living and Deceased of our Parishes 9:30 am (SJ) Frederick J. Ringel, Sr. by Helen Ringel 11:00 am (GS) Leon & Patricia Topolski by Children From Father Joe This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, honoring God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Our parish has inherited many treasures from the five parishes that merged to form Good Samaritan Parish in 1994; among those treasures are the various statues in the church. When people come to visit, I often point out one of my favorites, the statue of the Holy Trinity, inherited from the parish of the same name. The statue must be very rare. It isn’t often that one sees a picture of God the Father, let alone a statue depicting the Father, along with Jesus seated at His right hand and a dove representing the Holy Spirit hovering just behind them. Readings for the Week of June 1, 2015 Monday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8/Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8/Mk 12:1-12 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a/Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a/Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17/Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20/Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 THIS WEEK WE REMEMBER Bread and Wine (GS) In Honor of The Most Holy Trinity and Mary & Frank Pingitore by Pingitore Family Blessed Mother Shrine Candle (GS) Fran Moran by Husband, Bob Holy Family Shrine Candle (GS) Charles & Irene Jurcak by Children, Shirley, Barb and Jim Sanctuary Candle (GS) Tina Tanski by Mom & Dad, Patricia & John Tanski Saint Anthony Flowers (GS) Charles Jurcak by Children, Shirley, Barb & Jim QUO VADIS DAYS Retreat/Camp on July 12-15, 2015 Fr. Joe Freedy, Fr. Nick Vaskov & the Seminarians will sponsor the 3rd annual Quo Vadis Days Retreat for young men entering or just graduating from high school. This retreat is formed around learning & discerning a vocation. Visit for info & to register. Last weekend, we participated in the 50th Anniversary of Nationality Days, a festival that had its roots in the ethnic foods and traditions in our local churches. Sadly, many of the churches in the area are no longer able to participate in this annual event, primarily because of a lack of volunteers. A special thanks to all those people from our parish who worked so hard to make our presence known at Nationality Days. Thanks also to the folks from Saint John the Baptist who worked so diligently to organize and staff our flea market and bake sale. Although the summer is just beginning, our own Good Samaritan Parish Festival will be upon us before we known it. This year marks our 20th Anniversary of the festival. There will be a few surprises. We are particularly excited that a new band, Dancing Queen, will be here Thursday night of the festival. Keep us all in prayer and watch the bulletin for developments. Father Joe GOOD SAMARITAN PARISH CELEBRATES Corpus Christi Sunday Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ • We are in need of individuals who would like to carry flags in the procession. These would include American, Polish, Croatian, Slovak, Italian, Vatican, Hungarian, Canadian, Irish and others that represent the various nationalities represented in our Parish of Good Samaritan. • The First Communion class is asked to be present. Please meet in vestibule of Good Samaritan Church on that day. Please wear your First Holy Communion attire. Seats will be reserved for you. • We are asking all parishioners (children as well as adults) with ethnic costumes to please wear them on that day to join in the procession. • By your attendance at this beautiful procession in honor of the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of Ambridge, our Parish and Community will receive many blessings. • Please come and give public witness to the Blessed Sacrament as we bless the Ambridge co m m unit y. Let us together Bless the Lord — and Give Him Thanks ! June 7,2015 On Sunday, June 7 at the 11:00 AM Liturgy, we at Good Samaritan Parish will honor the Blessed Sacrament with an outdoor procession. The entire Parish Community of Good Samaritan is invited to join in this beautiful traditional tribute to the Body and Blood of Christ. There will be four Altars of Repose and various organizations and parishioners have been invited to sponsor these. All the information is as follows: STATION #1: Convent Porch In Honor of St. Francis Paola In Loving Memory of +Frank Aloe STATION # 2: Main Entrance to School In Honor Sacred Heart of Jesus Good Samaritan Choir STATION # 3: Glenwood Entrance to School In Honor of St. Rocco The Mancinetti, Costanza, Bufalini & Paliani Families STATION # 4: Parish Center Lawn In Honor The Blessed Mother of God Christian Mothers and Ladies Guild All organizations of the Parish, Christian Mothers and Ladies Guild, Ladies of Charity, Choir, etc. are asked to be present and march behind their banner and sit as a body at the Liturgy. Pews will be reserved in the front of church. PLEASE NOTE This Liturgy will be a bit longer, so if you plan on attending, we ask that you please stay for the COMPLETE CELEBRATION. What better way to give thanks to God for His many blessings to us as individuals and as a Parish Family. The New Castle Red Coat Band will be with us to lead us in procession and light refreshments will be served afterward. Come and give thanks to God ! “One Parish — Many Traditions” GOOD SAMARITAN AND SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST MAY 31, 2015 GOOD SAMARITAN & ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISHES VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WHEN: TIME: PRICE: Sunday, June 14th through Wednesday, June 17th Jericho Hall at Good Samaritan Meals will be served at 5:00 PM Bible School will start at 5:30 – 7:30 PM Pick-up will begin at 7:30 - 8:00 PM $12.00 per child prior to June 11th $15.00 per child after June 11th to Day of VBS or $25.00 per family. Questions call 724-266-3974 or email P L E A S E R E G I S T E R ASAP! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TOO! Scholarships available upon request based on need. VBS REGISTRATION FORM: Child’s Name: Age: Child’s Name: Age: Child’s Name: Age: Child’s Name: Age: Allergy information: Parent/Guardian: E-Mail: Phone: Emergency Phone: DROP IN COLLECTION BASKET, OR AT PARISH CENTER FATHER’S DAY MEMORIAL CANDLES Sunday, June 21, 2015 We celebrate Father’s Day as a way of paying tribute to our fathers, both living and deceased. We will offer candles that will burn in front of the St. Joseph statue in Good Samaritan and Saint John the Baptist Churches. The names you wish to memorialize or honor will be attached to the candle just as we do for All Soul’s Day. Should you wish to burn a candle in tribute to your father, Godfather, grandfather, guardian, or as a memorial, please fill in the form below and drop it in the collection basket. Deadline is Monday, June 15th. Donation is $4.00 per candle. MANY THANKS!! ================================ FATHER’S DAY CANDLES PLEASE PRINT - ONE NAME PER CANDLE Please drop the names in the collection basket in an envelope marked with the name of the parish where you want the candle to be lit. □ Good Samaritan Parish □ Saint John the Baptist Parish Name___________________________________ □ living □ deceased Name___________________________________ □ living □ deceased Name___________________________________ □ living □ deceased Name___________________________________ □ living □ deceased Name___________________________________ □ living □ deceased YOUR NAME_______________________________________PHONE:__________________ $4 per candle TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $______________ GOOD SAMARITAN AND SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST MAY 31, 2015 PIEROGI SALE Good Samaritan Church 8th and Melrose Avenue Jericho Hall Ambridge, PA FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 9:00 AM—3:00 PM POTATO/CHEESE PIEROGI SOLD FROZEN OR COOKED WITH BUTTER AND ONIONS $8.00 per dozen ALL PIEROGI PROVIDED IN OUR CONTAINERS PHONES ORDERS ON DAY OF SALE ONLY BEGINNING AT 7 AM 724-266-6010 “One Parish - Many Traditions” THE MOST HOLY TRINITY SAINT JOHN’S CORNER JUNE 3RD IS FIRST WEDNESDAY ADORATION Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass and continue until 2:30 PM closing. Please pray for vocations. Come and experience the beauty and peace of Our Eucharistic Lord. JUNE 5TH, FIRST FRIDAY Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus are recited following the 8AM Mass. Come join us! FLEA MARKET/BAKE SALE THANKS! We are extremely grateful to all of our volunteers, donors and parishioners for the success of our sales last week. Total proceeds were: $2,661.15, which includes $350 Bake Sale and $478.15 Jewelry Sales. Super job, everyone! The Beaver Valley Blue Army will hold its First Saturday meeting honoring Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday, June 6th, here at St. John the Baptist Church. Confessions begin at 8:15 a.m. Mass will begin at 9:00 am. Following Mass, members will pray the Rosary. Refreshments and brief meeting will follow. New members or those interested in our organization are welcome. Please call Colleen (724)-375-3846 if you have questions. Catholic Charities of Beaver County is reaching out to members of the community to ask your assistance in helping all the woman and infants who come to us in their time of need. Any assistance with diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, books, pacifiers, clothing, bottles, toiletries, and any other baby necessities would be most appreciated. All clients are given free baby items at each visit. Donations can be made at the Catholic Charities Beaver office which is located at 276 East End Avenue, in Beaver. Thank you for helping us enrich the lives of others. Call with any questions: 724-775-0758. Congratulations to the following Good Samaritan students from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School who were recently recognized at the Honors Convocation for the 2014-2015 school year: 2017 Jessica Kerecman, Spanish II Award 2015 Heidi Langhorst, Valedictorian, President’s Award for Education Excellence, Scholar Award. St. John the Baptist (Monaca) Annual Rummage Sale Msgr. Farri Hall, 1501 Virginia Avenue, Monaca. Drop off : June 3,4 & 5 @3-7 PM; June 6 @10 AM-1 PM NO early drop offs - NO electronics - NO undergarments Sale Days: June 10 @9 AM-4 PM; June 11 @9 AM-1 PM and 4 PM-8 PM; June 12 @9 AM-Noon. IN SYMPATHY Please pray for the repose of the soul of John Rodriquez. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. MAY 31, 2015 ST ANTHONY OF PADUA NOVENA All are invited. Come & bring a friend! WEEK 8 JUNE 2ND AT 7:00 PM GUEST CELEBRANT: FR. LOU VALLONE, PASTOR ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA & ST. JOHN OF GOD PLEASE NOTE: Next week, the closing Novena Mass will begin at 6:30 PM due to the procession !! BAPTISM PICTURES: Congratulations to all the infants and their families who were Baptized at Good Samaritan during the last year. Their pictures are on display at the back of the Church and are available for pick up after all the Masses this weekend. Beaver County St Vincent de Paul Golf Outing, 4 Man Scramble, Friday, July 17 at Fox Run Golf Course. Proceeds help with our work with the poor & needy in our local parishes and an orphanage which we help sponsor. Shotgun Start at 9 AM. $85 per golfer includes everything; golf, breakfast, lunch, buffet after golf, beer and soft drinks all day, shirt, prizes and more. Business and hole sponsorships available. For more information or to sign up call John at 724 384-1212. Everyone welcome. +UPCOMING EVENTS+ Monday, June 1 6:00 pm (GS) Bereavement Meeting (JH Classroom) Tuesday, June 2 7:00 pm (GS) #8 Saint Anthony Novena Mass Wednesday, June 3 8:00 am -2:30 pm (SJ) After Mass, Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 pm (SJ) Choir Practice 7:15 pm (GS) Bible Study, Priest/Prophet-Final #6 (JH) Thursday, June 4 7:00 pm (SJ) Bible Study, Priest/Prophet-Final #6 (Hall) Friday, June 5 8:00 am (SJ) First Friday Mass 9:00 am-3:00pm (GS) Pierogi Sale (JH) Call 724-266-6010 11:00 am (GS) Bible Study, Priest/Prophet-Final #6 (JH) 3:00 pm (GS) Eucharistic Adoration 7:00/8:00 (GS) Rosary/Mass - Marian Prayer Group Saturday, June 6 9:00 am (SJ) Our Lady of Fatima, Blue Army Group 2:30 pm (GS) Wedding-Jonathan Sacco & Randi Montagna Sunday, June 7: Catholic Schools Presentation at Masses Corpus Christi Procession after 11:00 Mass (GS) Good Samaritan Weekly Offering, May 17, 2015 Ascension, May 14, 2015 St. John the Baptist Weekly Offering, May 17, 2015 Cemetery Care GOOD SAMARITAN SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST $7.795.92 518.00 $2,074.00 $250.00 724-266-6565 724-869-2280
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