Week 1 - Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Shepherd Spy
30 APRIL 2015
Dear Parents,
Good Shepherd
Catholic School
Amaroo is a
companion school
to Holy Spirit
School Nicholls, and
Mother Teresa School
Together we serve
and are served by
Holy Spirit Parish
Parish Mass is
held every
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 8am;
9.30am and 5.30pm
All are welcome
to join us.
School website
6255 7888
6255 7999
Parish Home
(Fr Mark Croker and
Fiona Wilkinson)
6242 9622
The children arrived back at school on Monday looking rested and ready for a
new term. I am reminded at the beginning of each term that children generally
enjoy school life and that their friendships and their relationship with their teachers
are a crucial part of that enjoyment.
Thank you to those parents who presented their children in their full Winter Uniform
on Monday. You will not be surprised to hear that most of our non-compliance
regarding the wearing of uniforms occurs with our older children. Please rest
assured that the school will always endeavour to support your efforts in dressing
your child correctly. Insisting that your child makes the correct choices in areas
such as wearing the correct uniform is both challenging and sometimes isolating
for parents. You can however take solace in the fact that decisions such as these
will bear fruit with your child as they begin the transition into adolescence. As the
well know psychologist, Michael Carr Gregg once commented “children don’t
want their parents to be their friends; they want them to be their parents.”
The full Winter Uniform, as it appears in our Handbook, has been reproduced in this
newsletter for your information.
ANZAC Commemorations
Thank you to the many parents who expressed their thanks for the
commemorations held during the final week of last term. I personally feel that it is
one of the best initiatives with which our school has ever been associated. The
feedback from parents and other visitors certainly echoed these thoughts.
Open Day
Next Wednesday, 6 May our school will hold an Open Day for any prospective
members of the community who may be considering enrolling their child at Good
Shepherd next year. Tours will be conducted from 9.15am to 11.00am or 3.30pm to
I ask you to encourage anyone who is considering sending their child to Good
Shepherd next year to visit the school on this day. Our Year Six children and Staff
will be available to accompany and direct visitors during this time.
Enrolments for the 2016 intake will be accepted between Monday, 4 May and
Friday, 22 May. Enrolment Forms are available from our Front Office.
May God bless you and your family
All Enrolment Forms must be
returned no later than
Friday, 22 May
Graham Pollard
To be together …...
New Arrival Congratulations to Angela and Dan Callaghan on the arrival of their beautiful
daughter Adeline Mae. Mum and bub are both doing well.
School Fees: Term 2 fees will be sent home next week, via the note bag. Payment is due Friday, 29
May. Payment may be made by Qkr ,cash/cheque, eftpos or BPay. If you pay by direct debit this
account is for your information only. Please double check your account and make sure you are paying
the correct amount so you won’t have an outstanding amount at the end of the year.
If you are having trouble meeting your financial commitment, please contact the Front Office to arrange
a meeting with Graham.
Invitation: Parents and Carers, you are invited to join other parents and Preschoolers in the Staff Room for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat after Morning
Assembly on Mondays. Please bring something for the children to play with
and we will supply the tea and coffee. Anne Gilfelt looks forward to seeing you after Assembly
next Monday, 4 May. Everyone is welcome!
Lost Property: We have had a number of children who have lost items of school clothing this week.
They have all be clearly labelled. Parents could you please take the time this weekend to check your
children’s jumpers and hats to make sure they have not taken home an item of clothing in error. It is very
frustrating for parents that do the correct thing and label their child’s clothing.
“Our School Through Our Eyes”: As one of the initiatives to enhance the look of our school, the
Community Council have developed a project to create a mural using tiles. Each child will decorate their
own tile according to "What Good Shepherd Means to Them" during their Art Lesson . The tiles will then be
arranged on the wall outside the hall for display. We would like to thank Peter Bonnelli from Tile Flair in
Mitchell who has kindly provided us with the tiles. www.tileflair.com.au<http://www.tileflair.com.au
Volunteers Required: We are in desperate need for parents to help collate the Mother’s Day gifts. If
you can assist, please contact maria.goleby@cg.catholic.edu.au Thank you for your assistance in this
Will be held next Friday, 8 May.
The children will attend the stall with their class during the day.
Each child will be able to purchase a gift, for their mother or special person in their life for just $5.00.
4 May
5 May
6 May
7 May
8 May
9 May
10 May
Ministry Mass
Ministry Mass
9.30am - 5.30pm
16 May
17 May
Open Day
Term 2
9.15am - 11.00am
3.30pm - 5.30pm
ACT Swimming
Yr 3 Excursion
War Memorial
Term 2
11 May
12 May
Yr 3 and Yr 5
Council Meeting
13 May
14 May
15 May
4A and 1K
Shepherd Spy
...the heart of God.
Religious Education
‘Walk with Me’
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
(2Cor 5:7)
Our School Focus for 2015, “Walk with Me”, is designed to
help us explore our faith through the saints who have
inspired generations of disciples.
The saints are described in many ways; companions, guides,
servants of God, models of holiness.
The saints can help us find the path we are called to take in
our own lives. They walk with us and show us how to love
and serve God in our own way.
Mini Vinnies
Ministry Masses
Saturday, 9 May at 6pm
Sunday, 10 May at 9:30am
and 5:30pm
Saturday, 23 May at 6pm
Sunday, 24 May at 9:30am
and 5:30pm
Every week, we are asking each family to bring just one
item of non-perishable food to school to distribute to
people in need. There is a collection box in your child’s
classroom where you can send your gift of food.
Coming Soon ... Winter Woollies Appeal
Start collecting adult size beanies, scarves, jumpers,
coats, blankets, sleeping bags. New socks and gloves
are also needed. More information will be sent home in
the coming weeks.
Term 2 Prayer Celebrations
Week 3 - St Francis of Assisi
- 4 Aquilina and 1Kolek
Everyone is a house
with four rooms:
A physical, a mental, an emotional and
a spiritual.
Most of us tend to live in one room most
of the time.
But unless we go into every room,
every day.
Week 5 - St Angela Merici
- 5 Housler and 3 Zaja
Week 7 - Bl Mother Teresa
- 5 Capon and 2 Huleatt
Week 9 - St John the Apostle
- 6 Bent and 3 Whackett
Even if only to keep it aired, we are not a
complete person.
Shepherd Spy
To be together …...
Winter School
All children should now be wearing their winter
Girls should be wearing either the Canberra
Catholic School pinafore or navy unisex pants;
navy blue stockings or white socks, sky blue long
sleeve Peter Pan collar blouse or sky blue skivvy
and navy fleece with school logo.
The boys should be in navy unisex long trousers,
navy socks, long sleeve polo shirt with school logo
and navy fleece with school logo.
Please note fleecy pants are not official
uniform and are not to be worn.
If the children wear a parka or windcheater to
school it must be plain navy. Children may wear
the school beanie instead of the Legionnaires hat
during winter.
Beanies and hats may be purchased at the front
office - $6.50 each.
Black leather shoes or boots must be worn with
the school uniform. No Lynx shoes or black
runners. A note of explanation from the parent
must be provided if your child deviates from the
expected uniform.
Jewellery, including necklaces and rubber charity
bands and bracelets must not be worn to school.
The only jewellery items which may be worn to
school are a watch and STUD earrings.
(No sleepers, hoops, loops or dangles).
A uniform dress code reinforces in students a
pride in their appearance, instils recognition of
themselves as an integral part of the school
community, and assists in developing pride in
representing their school.
Our school uniform is available from
Saavy School and Formal Wear, Mitchell
Phone 6162 1032
Playground Equipment:
Please help us to
keep all children off the playground equipment
after school each day until 3.30pm We have
requested your assistance in relation to this matter
and it seems to b e falling on deaf ears. It is too
difficult for the teacher on afternoon supervision to
know which children are being supervised by their
parents, and those who are still waiting to be
picked up.
Afternoon Messages: As part of your morning
routine at home, please make it clear with your
children how they are to travel home each afternoon. If circumstances change during the day, by
all means call the school before 3.45pm so that the
message can be passed on. However, let’s try to
keep the messages down to a minimum please,
because it is busiest time of the day for the office
If you are picking your child up during
the day for an appointment please
email or write a note to the teacher so
she/he can organise your child to meet
you at the office to sign them out.
A girls watch has been handed in at the
Front Office. If this watch belongs to your child
please contact Mrs Jones.
Good Shepherd School App:
All school
communication is sent home via the App eg.
Newsletter. To install the App, just look for our
name “Good
Primary School Amaroo’ in the Apple App Store
and install it on your phone.
A couple of tips:
Make sure you have allowed for push notifications in your iPhone settings.
You can subscribe to various push categories
(eg Year Levels) by clicking "more" then
"setup" in the App.
Wet Weather Pick Up
During wet weather there will be
no drive-through pick up.
Children need to be collect from
their class room.
Shepherd Spy
...the heart of God.
We are a nut free school.
Shepherd Spy
To be together …...
Shepherd Spy