Shepherd Spy 2 3

Shepherd Spy
Dear Parents
Good Shepherd
Catholic School
Amaroo is a
companion school
to Holy Spirit
School Nicholls, and
Mother Teresa School
Together we serve
and are served by
Holy Spirit Parish
Parish Mass is
held every
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 8am;
9.30am and 5.30pm
All are welcome
to join us.
School website
6255 7888
6255 7999
Parish Home
(Fr Mark Croker and
Fiona Wilkinson)
6242 9622
I thought the following passage was appropriate for all parents, especially those
who are feeling that their hard work appears to be bearing little fruit..
It is the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important.
You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your
time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that does not mean you stop doing the right
thing. You may never know what results come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.
Visit to Sydney
Last Tuesday, 12 staff members accompanied by teachers from Mother Teresa
and Holy Spirit Schools travelled to the Northern Beaches Christian School in Terrey
Hills, Sydney. Our purpose was to speak to their staff about the journey they had
undergone moving towards 21st Century Learning.
Our day included two sessions with a teacher who had been a member of the
team that had driven the process and a tour of the facility including classroom
Our staff were impressed and challenged with what they saw and heard. My
abiding impression was classrooms full of engaged children who were clearly
enjoying their learning.
It would be foolish to think that our school would attempt to instantly replicate
what our staff observed on Tuesday. The presenting teacher mentioned that they
had commenced the process almost 12 years ago and during the
intervening period they had not only changed their teaching methods but their
architecture and furniture as well. Most importantly though, the teacher
mentioned that the changes included regular consultation with the parent
community. He stressed that without this dialogue the changes would have
inevitably failed.
Our school’s move towards BYOD is a small part of this implementation, and as has
been the case with this initiative, we will provide further opportunities for
parents to be informed and consulted as we continue this journey.
Preparations for our School Parish Fete are progressing smoothly. Thank you for your
generous response to our request for volunteers, although the fete organisers have
been delighted with the number of parents and community members who have
indicated that they can help, we still require more people to give of their time on
the day.
If you can assist please send an email to with the times you
are available. See update on Page 5.
To be together …...
Catholic Schools Netball Carnival
We have four teams competing in this year’s Catholic Schools Netball Carnival at Calwell on Sunday. Our
Sister School, Mother Teresa is the organising school this year. We wish our players and Mother Teresa
School all the best for this Sunday. We hope you enjoy fine weather and have lots of fun.
Carpark Reminder
It has come to our attention some parents are not abiding by our carpark rules. Our carpark is one way
only. Also please abide by the traffic signs in the carpark. The Ambulance entry to the oval is not a
May God bless you and your family.
Graham Pollard
School Disco:
Good Shepherd Netball Club is hosting our disco on Friday, 7 November in the school
hall. Music will be supplied by BT Beatz. Cost $5 (includes entry, drink, chips and glow stick). No tickets will
be issued; entry will be payable at the door.
Kinder to Yr 2
6.15pm - 7.20pm
Yr 3 to Yr 6
7.30pm - 8.45pm
Parents please be prompt in collecting your
child. It is not fair to the parents who have
donated their time.
Raffle Tickets: Thank you to those families who have returned their raffle tickets. If you have not
received a book of tickets or would like an extra book to sell please contact the Front Office. All sold and
unsold tickets must be returned no later than Friday, 7 November.
Uniforms for sale:
One of our Kindergarten families has been posted overseas and has Size 4 and 6
uniforms (winter and summer) for sale. Some items of clothing still have their tags. For more information
please ring 0410 338 618.
A child has lost his blue rimmed glasses . If you have found these glasses could you
please contact the Front Office.
Sports News:
Spencer Osbourne will be representing the ACT in the Under 12’s Softball Carnival in
Toowoomba next month and Madison Elphick will be representing the Under 12’s ACT Indigenous Netball
team in January. Well done and good luck!
School Fees:
Term 4 fees will be sent home this week. Payment is due Friday, 14 November. Payment
may be made by cash/cheque/eftpos or BPay. Parents who pay by direct debit this account is for your
information only.
Congratulations to Vanessa Dunstan and her husband Teddy on the birth of their third
child, Gabriel. Mum and bub are both doing well.
27 October
28 October
29 October
30 October
31 October
1 November
2 November
Term 4
Swimming Lessons K - Yr 3
Shepherd Spy
...the heart of God.
To be together the Heart of God
Our Whole School Focus for 2014, “To be together the Heart of God” is designed to help us
explore and refresh the mission statement and vision of Good Shepherd.
We began our journey last year as we explored our focus for the year,
“On the Road to the Heart of God”.
In Term 4 our focus will be on what it means “To be Together the Heart of God”.
We will explore this focus by asking the question - As God’s children and disciples of Jesus,
how are we truly called to be the Heart of God?
Thankyou to teachers and students of 6 Walker and 2 Donnelly for the thoughtful way in
which they presented our prayer on “Feeding the Five Thousand” last week.
Our next prayer celebration will be tomorrow, 24 October.
The students of 6 Bent and 3 Evers will be leading our prayer
“The Workers are Few”
As always, we warmly invite all parents, family and community members to join us in the
hall after morning assembly
Week 4: 4 MacMahon/Eglington and 3 Zaja - Jesus Calls the First Disciples (November 7)
Week 5: Faith and Justice Crew - Remembrance Day (November 11)
Week 7: Whole School - Prayer Celebration Review (November 28)
Week 9: Kindergarten - The Nativity (December 12)
Saturday, 25 October
11.00am - Holy Spirit Parish Office
An audio-visual presentation by Peter
Kearney about his 700 km walk along the
Camino de Santiago, an ancient
pilgrimage route to the sepulchre of St.
James the Apostle in NW Spain. Peter will
tell the story of the Camino while
photographs and music are shown/
played on a large-screen television.
Beautiful landscapes, medieval villages,
interesting pilgrims, useful information.
Suggested donation $10.
Kinder: Monday and Thursday
Year 1: Monday and Thursday (1Pfeiffer)
Tuesday and Thursday (1Kenna & 1Price)
Year 2: Tuesday and Thursday (2Callaghan & 2Huleatt)
Wednesday and Thursday (2Donnelly & 2Metcalfe)
Year 3: Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 4: Wednesday and Friday
Year 5: Tuesday and Friday
Year 6: Tuesday and Thursday
Shepherd Spy
To be together …...
Shepherd Spy
...the heart of God.
As you all know the fete is our biggest fundraiser of the year and only comes around once every 4
years. That makes this year’s efforts all the more important, so the Fete Committee are trying to
coordinate a day of fun and entertainment for everyone that will also raise much needed funds to keep
school fees at a minimum. We cannot do this without help and input from the families at the school. We
desperately need more volunteers to run the stalls – some classes have returned no forms at all!!! Please,
please can you send form back or email the Community Council at We only
need an hour of your time and it if we do not get enough we will have to lose some stalls and revenue but
more importantly an avenue of fun for the children of the school and parish.
We would like to thank the families of 3Tokich and 1Kenna who have
both returned a full roster and the classes have both won prizes.
We have been fortunate to receive a number of prizes for our chocolate wheel from local businesses.
There will be a full list of sponsors in the newsletter prior to the fete. If you would still like to donate a prize
please do so at the front office. Thank you for your donations.
We still need crockery for the Crockery Smash, nail varnish, small prizes and
preloved clothes/accessories.
Melbourne Cup Day is approaching and we are asking the children to wear a hat of
their choice, in return for a donation to the Tombola stall. The prizes can be bottles of
soft drink, bags of lollies, or bottles of wine. are looking forward to seeing some creative
If you are donating bottles of wine parents must bring the wine to the Front Office.
Shepherd Spy