Newsletter - Caulfield Primary School

Number 5/2015
March 27th
724 Glen Huntly Road
Caulfield South Vic 3162
Phone (03) 9523 7932
Fax (03) 9523 7502
MARCH 2015
Fri 27
School finishes at 2.30pm
Kinder finishes normal session time
APRIL 2015
Mon 13th
Mon 20th
First day of Term 2
School Photo Day
Environment Committee Meeting
Mon 27th
Weds 6th – Fri 8th
Anglesea School Camp
School start time 8.50am
3.45 – 4.30pm
School library
No school
MAY 2015
Hasn’t Term 1 gone quickly? Here we are approaching
the holidays, with our Preps having completed their
first term of school. I have to say, though, that our
Preps have settled into school
really well, as have our eight
new teachers who are all
making wonderful
contributions to our school.
After last week’s Fete,
though, I know everyone will
be looking forward to a
relaxing break over the next two weeks.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our families
and staff happy and safe holidays. Don’t forget we
return to school on Monday 13 April.
As we often do at the end of term we say goodbye to
some of our students. We wish Rio, Ryuta, Hana and
Souta all the best as they return to Japan. I’m sure
they’ll take with them happy memories of their time
with us.
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
Years 3 - 6
What is there to say about last Sunday’s Fete except
wasn’t it a fantastic occasion? We had great weather,
a huge crowd, happy smiling faces and an excellent
result in all aspects. There are many benefits from
such an occasion including community building
however the financial benefit is always a major one
and I’m pleased to advise that a profit of about $30
000 was achieved. This is good in anyone’s books but
especially for a smaller school such as ours.
Such a great occasion and result is testament to all the
hard work that went into the Fete’s planning and
organisation. Our wonderful Fete Committee led by
Kat S is to be congratulated and I’d especially like to
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acknowledge the efforts of Ben M who barely slept for
several days, being responsible for all the setting and
packing up. Of course there are too many helpers to
name individually so please accept our sincere
I would like to mention two of our Year 6 students,
Nick and Aydan, who initiated and ran a stall selling
Pokemon cards, contributing $113 to the overall
result. It is great to see our students showing such
initiative and dedication, so thank you boys!
Congratulations to all the runners and thanks to Mr
FitzGerald for his organisation and parents Cath, Janet
and Geoff for their assistance as course marshals.
Term 2 Staff News
When Term 2 starts on 13 April, several of our
teachers will be absent on leave.
Mrs Goudas will be absent for the
first two weeks of terms as she
gets married on 19 April. We wish
Danai and her fiancée, Murat, all
the best for their wedding day and
for their future together. Their
wedding was celebrated at school
this week with a staff lunch on
Wednesday and a Year 6 lunch
today. Coincidentally this is the
third year in a row a Year 6
teacher has got married so look out any teacher
appointed to Year 6!
In addition both Mrs Murray and Mr FitzGerald will be
on leave for the first week of term. We have also just
welcomed back our aide, Sharon, who has returned
after missing most of Term 1 with a fractured ankle.
Cross Country Run
Elsewhere in the Newsletter you’ll see details of this
week’s Cross Country Run. The high degree of
preparation as well as the benefits of Tuesday and
Thursday mornings’ Kilometre Club really showed in
the much improved running by all our students.
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
School Council
The new School Council had its first meeting this week
with office bearers being elected. Liza Hopkins will
continue as President so I thank her for again taking
on this important role.
A new subcommittee was also formed, tentatively
called Community Relations. This will oversee areas as
grant application writing, the school website, branding
and signage. This new subcommittee, like our other
subcommittees of Finance, Education & Policy and
Buildings & Grounds are open to non-Council
members to join. Any parents interested in joining any
of these subcommittees are asked to advise us via
email. Subcommittees do reserve the right to limit
numbers if deemed appropriate.
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Communicating with Part Time Teachers
While this year has had the
best start to a year in many,
many years at Caulfield, one of
our difficulties concerns the
number of part-time teachers
we have. Nearly half our
teachers work only part-time.
One of the limitations of these
arrangements includes parents having limited access
to them. With two after school staff meetings each
week, the opportunity for some teachers to meet with
parents is exacerbated when both grade teachers
need to meet with a parent, which is our preference.
We ask for your understanding of this as,
unfortunately, there is not much we can do about it.
Our school structure and difficulties in timetabling
make this aspect of school quite complex.
Traffic Safety
Several parents have asked me to, again, remind
parents driving their children to and from school to
abide by all traffic laws. Apart from the risk of being
fined, unsafe driving and parking puts the safety of
our children at risk. Please use your car safely,
sensibly and legally!
RCH Good Friday Appeal
This year we raised over $150 for the Royal Children’s
Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Thanks to all those families who
made a donation. Families can
still donate to the Appeal on Good
Friday itself.
Prep Parents at Drop Off
As from the start of next Term, Prep parents are asked
to make sure they have left their child’s classroom by
the 9.00am bell. This makes classroom life much
easier for the children and the teachers!
Glen Eira Remembers
Poppies made by our children
in Art are featured in the Glen
Eira Remembers: The Poppies
Community Project Display.
This exhibition, celebrating
the 100th anniversary of the
Gallipoli campaign, runs from
8 April to 17 May at the Council Gallery Annexe at the
Town Hall.
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
ANZAC Celebrations
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
Gallipoli Campaign, student leaders will represent the
school at the City of Glen Eira ceremony in Caulfield
Park on Sunday 19 April. On Thursday 23 April our
Year 5 and 6 children will attend
the Legacy Schools’ ANZAC
Ceremony at the Shrine while on
Friday 24 April, we will hold our
own ceremony at school,
tentatively at 11.30am. Parents are
encouraged to attend our school
ceremony and children may lay a
floral tribute.
School Photos
Don’t forget that school photos are being taken in
Week 2 on Monday 20 April. As all children are
required to wear correct, clean school uniform the
forthcoming holidays would be a good time to order
any new items of uniform that are required. Don’t
forget the colder weather is approaching so please
ensure your child has a supply of warm uniform items
and that all clothing is labelled.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that our next Pupil Free Day for the year is
on Monday 27 April. There is no school for children on
that day.
Staff First Aid Training
This week all staff completed
training in CPR (cardio
pulmonary resuscitation). While
we hope we never have the need
to use it, it’s important that we
know how to do it in the event
that we need to. This builds on
the first aid training all our
students undertook during the
Start Up program.
Parents at Assembly
Parents are encouraged to join our Monday afternoon
Assemblies, however we do ask that parents not
distract their children by waving or looking at them
through the windows. Please join us by entering via
the door at the back of the Hall.
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This term all our awards are being given to children demonstrating our school values:
Chloe P, Rohan S, Cameron M, Tiare AP
: Noah F, Manix A, Isabelle M, Lucas F
Rio K, Adhya G, Tamsen B,
Luis T, Aydan S, Safal G, Chia K
: Ryuta K, Raima B, Izzy S, Angus F,
Jamie M, Angie W
Thea R, Milo C
The 2015 CPS Fete has come and gone and what a fantastic
fete it was! Melbourne's notoriously fickle weather was on
our side and from set up the day before, to the clean up the
day after, it felt like an amazing team effort. My thanks to
Kat Shamai, the Fete Coordinator and all members of the
Fete Committee.
With notice last June, P&FC had a huge challenge to get the
Fete organised in record time (for those new to CPS past
fetes have been held in October/November).
It was a worthy challenge welcoming many new families to
CPS (including Prep and Kindergarten) and encouraging
them to get involved and be a part of our success, when
they were so new to the school. Thank you for your
enthusiastic involvement in a new environment.
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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Thank you to all Stall Coordinators, volunteers on the day,
those behind the scenes (believe me a lot goes on that is
essential but unnoticed, especially with regard to set up
and post-Fete pack up) and to CPS teachers and staff.
Volunteers from the respective Japanese Clubs of The
Univerity of Melbourne and Monash University and other
Japanese volunteers who contacted me with enthusiasm
to volunteer on the day also helped make the Fete a
successful one.
Thank you to Kiwanis volunteers for their hard work and
smiles and to Sakura Flowers for a beautiful ' ikebana '
(Japanese flower
arrangement) demonstration and
floral fete donation. It was so
wonderful to see CPS Alumni
(both parents and children) come
to not only enjoy the Fete but, for
many, to volunteer as well. One
CPS Alumni rates a special
mention, Iffah Kassim, the official
Fete Artist. Thank you also to
Danielle Sacks for her most wonderful graphic design from
the Fete poster and postcards to the Fete brochure. Finally
thank you to the 2015 Fete Sponsors.
The rides were fantastic (we finally got the much requested
Cup & Saucer), the food and treats, delicious; all the goods
for sale, most tempting; the activities from 'mizu yo-yo'
(water balloons) and Lob-O-Choc to origami, so much
fun; and the Stamp Rally, to add a Japanese 'matsuri'
(festival) atmosphere, a great success. All the Fete
entertainment was fabulous, including CPS students singing
in Japanese and enjoying a spontaneous drumming
workshop with Wadaiko Rindo, and the fabulous cover
band Ruff Surface. As for the Silent Auction, what an
amazing accomplishment it was and I hope many of you,
like me, went home with some goods and indulgences to
Well, that's a wrap until we start planning for the 2017
Fete! My best wishes for the Easter and autumn term
Warm regards,
Helen Angwin-Sato
President, P&FC
Start the holidays with a FREE activity that helps the
environment and our school. Elwood Beach Patrol has a
family beach clean-up Saturday 28th March at 9-10am. And
every volunteer hour will raise $25 for Caulfield PS! Meet
friendly locals at the. Head Street Jetty, at the south end of
Elwood Beach. For more information, see .
And don’t forget to turn your lights off for Earth Hour, this
Saturday 28 March from 8.30-9.30pm. For great ideas on
what to do at home during Earth Hour, see .
Environment Committee Meeting Monday 3.45 20th April
Library – Please come and join our environment team
planning activities for the coming term, including the Kids
Lunchtime Environment Club and Environment Policy
Inquiries Helen Clayfield Prep Teacher or Cathy (Erin 3/4)
0412 119 807
I can’t believe that this is our final week of Term already
and I must confess I am looking forward to a break from the
early morning alarms! I hope that you all get to have some
time off to recharge.
We loved having our little Leprechaun, “Seamus
O’Flarrety”, with us last week. This was especially exciting
as he brought his very own Pot of Gold which we’ve loved
sharing with him. This week we are preparing for the Easter
Bunny, so we’ll be decorating buckets to collect eggs, just in
case he brings some for us.
Parents, we have enjoyed looking after your children this
Term, and look forward to doing it all again next Term.
Have a safe and happy Easter.
I think you get the picture! Quite simply, my heartfelt thank
you to all those who volunteered and for all of you who
came to enjoy the 2015 CPS Fete.
Trudy Jones OHSC Co-ordinator
As the successful recipient of a Multicultural Victoria grant,
Parents and Friends Club extends a thank
you to Multicultural Victoria.
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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Poppies Community Project
Year 3-6 students made poppies for
the Poppies Community Project organised by Glen Eira
Council. We made red poppies using felt, thread and
buttons. For a lot of students, it was their first time to use
a needle and thread!
The artwork will be presented as part of a commemorative
Anzac Centenary display from 8 April to 17 May
2015. Please drop by the Gallery Annex at Glen Eira Town
Hall if you have a chance.
Miho Suzuki-Bevan, Art Teacher
5 / 6 Netball Gala Day
On Friday 13 of March, the Grade 5/6 students
represented Caulfield Primary School at the Netball Gala
Day held at Duncan Mackinnon, Murrumbeena. The
weather was absolutely perfect for netball, setting the
scene for a great day. We competed against Stonnington, St
Kilda, Albert Park and South Yarra Primary Schools.
Congratulations to Jules P who won the ‘Good Sports
Award’ for the day. The Grade 5 /6 students will now begin
training for their Sofcrosse Gala Day taking place at
Fawkner Park, South Yarra on Friday 12 June 2015.
Lunchtime Netball Tournament
During Term 1, 40 Grade 3-6 Students participated in the
Lunchtime Netball Tournament. It has been amazing to see
our senior students displaying such excellent team work,
sportsmanship, and great skill throughout the tournament!
Well done to New Zealand who took out the top spot!
Focus now switches to the Lunchtime T-Ball Tournament
which will commence in Term 2.
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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The results for the day were Ao finishing in 4 place, Aka in
3 place, Midori in 2 place and Kiiro taking out 1 place!
Thank you to Cath, Janet & Geoff who helped as course
marshals during the event. Good luck to all those students
who have been selected to represent Caulfield Primary
School at the District Cross Country at Bald Hill Park,
Clayton on Friday 15 May, 2015.
Staff vs Students Netball Match
As a conclusion to the Lunchtime Netball Tournament, the
Grade 5 / 6 students played against 7 Staff members. The
match came down to the wire, with the Staff eventually
overcoming the students 3-2. (Height advantage may have
Thank you to Orion and Jules for umpiring the match.
Cross Country
On Tuesday 24 March, the Grade 3-6 students braved cold
and wet conditions during the Cross Country at Princess
Park. It was fantastic to see all students dressed in house
colours and ready to compete after many weeks of training!
9/10 year olds completed 2km, and the 11, 12/13 year olds
completed the 3km course. A great effort from all students!
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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Sam FitzGerald
Grade 3-6 PE & Sport Coordinator
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
Caulfield Primary School gratefully acknowledges these businesses for
their community spirit but does not accept responsibility for goods and
services promoted through the newsletter
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McKinnon Secondary College
Information evening Tuesday 5
May 7pm in School Hall
Tour dates:
Thurs 7 May and Tues 12 May
9.15am – 10.15am
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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Four year old kinder - Yellow group
Term one has been a wonderful mixture of new and exciting things; from getting to know everyone to discovering new things.
As educators it is a real privilege to see your child become confident and share with us their interests and understanding.
Initially the children settled in really well and showed wonder and enthusiasm towards their new kinder environment. During
the early weeks our focus was to establish and maintain respectful, trusting relationships with the children; helping them to feel
safe and secure whilst establishing a sense of belonging to the group.
To help everyone come to an understanding we sat down as a group and had a discussion about what we thought were some
reasonable rules and limits we needed to have at kinder, we then created a rules and expectations poster that is displayed in the
room and used as a guide.
Over the weeks there have been many interests throughout the group, which have lead us to create stimulating learning
environments that foster the children’s interests and knowledge.
Yellow group has been fascinated with collecting rocks and also looking at fossils, this has lead us to create a rock and fossil
enquiry area with our rock collections, We also have some very keen children finding insects and wanting to learn more about
them, which lead us to learn about the life cycle of butterflies, investigating millipedes, ants and other insects. Along with this
topic comes the understanding that whilst we can look for insects and admire them, we also need to respect them and keep
them safe and put them back in their natural environments.
Where will term 2 take us? The possibilities are endless.
Andrea and Nora
Caulfield Primary School 27 March 2015
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