Please support our Race Night by giving £10 to name a horse, even if you cannot come on the evening your horse could win you a lovely prize. All proceeds go to church funds. Tickets for the evening are available from Teresa Wenban, Janet Barnes and Margaret Smith (S). Numbers are limited because of hall regulations. For catering purposes ticket sales will close on Sunday 8th Feb. THANK YOU FORTHCOMING EVENTS Saturday 14th February......Valentine Race Night..Chailey Village Hall..7pm Saturday 7th March....Concert by ‘Coro Nuovo’ ..St Peter’s Church...7pm Saturday 9th May..Mid Sussex Choir Concert...St Peter’s Church Sunday 28th June..Jazz on the Green...Chailey Green Saturday 4th July...Car Boot Sale...Chailey Village Hall...10am-2pm Beginning Sunday 19th April we will be doing afternoon teas on the third Sunday of each month from 3-5pm throughout the summer. Watch this space for more events. The open day held on 24th January was very successful, with some good, positive feedback. There was an excellent choice of soups for lunch and homemade cakes were to the usual high standard. Many more people were able to try out and vote for the new chairs. The two most popular being the seat with blue fabric seat and back, and the seat with brown fabric seat and wooden back.. The final decision with support from our architect, was to go for the light coloured beech frame with a cranberry coloured fabric seat. We pray now that this will be acceptable to the chancellor and that he will grant us an amendment to our faculty which will mean we can order them quickly. Thanks go to everyone who helped with the food and the organisation , particularly to Nicola Lack. Thanks to the bell ringers for kick starting the event with St Peter’s church bells. Thanks too to the church choir and to Andy Rees our organist for their contribution of music during the morning, and to Terry Bryant for playing his guitar through lunchtime. We welcome Terry and Gemma Wallis who bring their son Jayden David Reginald to be baptised today. We offer our prayers for them and their Godparents. S A I N T P E T E R S C H A I L E Y NEWS IN THE PEWS SUNDAY 1st February 2015 Liturgical Year B PRIEST IN CHARGE .. Revd John Miller-Maskell The fourth Sunday of Epiphany Welcome Today’s Readings 8am Revelations 12: 1-5a Mark 1: 21-28 10am tbc Page 1241 of your pew bible Page 1002 of your pew bible Today’s Hymns Thank you to Andy Rees our organist and music director 1st Hymn 2nd Hymn 3rd Hymn 4th Hymn 524 493 728 1437 Thank you Lord for this new day Seek ye first the kingdom of God Give me oil in my lamp Lord we thank you for the promise NEXT WEEK’S SERVICES (8th February 2015) 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP 10.00am Parish Communion Contact Information John Miller-Maskell 01825 722286 Parish office Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am –2pm - 01825 722286 Parish Administrator:- Teresa Wenban Parish Email Churchwardens:Peter Martin 01825 722680 or Teresa Wenban 01825 722586 Organist and music director: Andy Rees WEBSITE: There is a lot of information on our website, which we have recently updated. It can be found on Our safeguarding recruiter (child protection officer) is Margaret Smith. She can be contacted on 07716 109883 In your prayers this week please remember those who are ill especially Amy Luddington, Stephen & Julie, Troy, Helen Tuppen, Eileen Palmer and Joyce Goodwin and Lucy Warburton, We pray too for the recently departed and for all those whose anniversaries fall at this time, may they rest in peace and rise in glory. We are delighted to announce that our organist Andy Rees and his choir ‘Coro Nuovo’ will be holding a concert at St Peter’s on Saturday 7th March at 7pm. Tickets will be available from Nicola Lack, David Barnes or the Parish Office. £10 in advance or £12 on the door. Refreshments will be available. 100 CLUB WINNERS: Drawn at the PCC meeting on Tuesday The big 6 monthly draw was won by Janet Barnes The winners of the regular two monthly draw were Anthony Meadows, Sue Rodaway and Margaret Smith LENT 2015 18th February Thursday 26th Feb Thursday 5th March Thursday 12th March Ash Wednesday at St Francis, Barcombe 7.30 The Barn Newick, 7pm for 7.30 The Barn Newick 7pm for 7.30 The Barn Newick 7pm for 7.30 Lead by Bishop Richard Jackson Thursday 19th March The Barn Newick 7pm for 7.30 Thursday 26th March The Barn Newick 7pm for 7.30 2nd April Maundy Thursday - at St Peter’s, Chailey 7.30pm Lead by Bishop Richard Jackson 3rd April Good Friday Liturgy at 2pm May 14th Ascension Day at Newick 7.30pm We also plan to do Lent lunches in the church, starting on Thursday 19th February between 12.30 and 1.30pm. This will take place every Thursday through Lent. LADIES PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays at 10am. 3rd Feb at Joy Partridge..Millridge, Lower Station Rd 10th Feb at The Rectory 17th February at Margaret Smith, Ferndale, North Chailey 24th February at Brenda Martin, Northfields 3rd March at Janet Barnes, Ty Gwyn, Lower Station Road 10th March at Joy Partridge, Millridge, Lower Station Road 17th March at Teresa Wenban, Greenway Cottage, Piltdown 24th March at Olga Jeffs, 21 Newick drive 31st March at Paula Fanthorpe, The Timbers, South Chailey 8th April (Wednesday) at Margaret Smith, 7 Chequers Way, Crowborough For more information call Teresa on 01825 722586 We would welcome some new faces at our group. Our meetings are informal and prayers are based on those known to us, who need our prayers and support. These names are strictly confidential. We have had many occasions when our prayers have been answered. We finish our meetings with refreshments at approximately 11.30am. If you have any prayer requests please write them on a fish and leave on the net at the back of church.
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