November 1, 2014 Volume 10, Issue 5 Knight Lites Father Veryser Council #13810 Officers 2014-2015 From the Desk of the Grand Knight Chaplain: Rev. Paul Ballien Grand Knight: Joe Zeolla Deputy Grand Knight: Bill Strieff Chancellor: Jess Ventro Recorder: Phil Flavin Financial Secretary: Tom Kramarz PGK DD Treasurer: Jerry Malinski Advocate: Michael Beurer PGK Lecturer: Tony Marimpietri Warden: Darrell Staley Inside Guard: Dave Zmudczynski PGK Outside Guard: Greg Stierman Trustee 1st Year: Larry Jaskowiec Trustee 2nd Year: Robert Smyth Trustee 3rd Year: Mark Hyzer Field Agent: Greg Rapelje 888-880-9708 fax 734-474-8398 cell 11292 Hubbell St. Livonia, MI 48150 Brother Knights I would like to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas! Thank you for helping to have a very successful Tootsie Roll Drive. We collected over $3000 for our charities. I would like to thank Pat Chmura for leading the corner at Ford rd. & Beech-Daly and everyone else that helped that weekend. We have several events this month and your help and participation is needed. 1) The Novena for the Deceased. Starts on November 1st and ends on the 9th at 6:30pm in the chapel. 2) Euchre Tournament on November 15th, @ 7pm in the activities room. This is open to anyone who wants to play. You do not need a partner, just come and bring a friend or two. It cost $15 per person. 3) On November 23rd we will host our Blood Drive in the activities room, from 8 am to 2pm please help save a life, sign up or drop by, your help and participation will make each event a success! Thank you. As with previous years, we will start collecting sweatshirts and gift cards for the children’s at Holy Cross. We need the collections no later than November 30th so we can be prepared for the Winter Meeting the first weekend of December. We need college and professional teams, but let us not forget our Armed Services. Let’s help a kid to have a gift this Christmas. Our annual Christmas Social will be on December 30th @ 7pm at St. Linus. Contact Tom Kramarz or call (313)410-2796 if you plan to attend. As we enter the Christmas season, let all remember to Keep Christ in Christmas. Joe Zeolla Grand Knight Vivat Jesus! Knightly Lites Page 2 of 4 Date’s to Remember Novena for the Deceased Euchre Tournament 3rd Officers’ meeting 3rd Business meeting Blood Drive 4th Degree Meeting 3rd Officers’ meeting 4th Degree Meeting 3rd Business meeting 11/1-9/14, 6:30pm @ St. Linus 11/15/14, 7pm in the activities room 11/18/14, 7pm annex 11/20/14, 7pm in the activities room 11/23/14, 8am to 2pm in the activities room 11/25/14, 7pm Monsignor Hunt Hall 12/18/14, 7pm annex 12/23/14, 7pm Monsignor Hunt Hall 12/30/14, 7pm in the activities room ‘Christmas Social’ Don’t forget to check our web site for any changes in our events. If you wish to receive the newsletter by email, send me an email @ Joe Zeolla Sick List In Loving Memory Please remember the sick and recovering from our council and their family members especially, Bishop Francis Reiss Fr. Ben Luedtke B.K. Ted Bartek B.K. Fred Musika B.K. Scott Rechtzigel B.K. Walter Pruchnik B.K. George Chelar Stephanie Pruchnik (daughter of B.K. Walter Pruchnik) May Robinson (Mom of B.K. Mike & B.K. Ed Robinson) Sharon Zain (cousin of B.K. Jess Ventro) Sharon Luka (wife of B.K. John W. Luka & Mother of D.W. John L. Luka) Bridget Ziemba (wife of B.K. Martin Ziemba) Lynette Gardner (wife of B.K. Jack Gardner & mom of B.K. Ed Gardner) Ray Dodson (father in-law of G.K. Mike Beurer) Helen Kubik (wife of B.K. Bill Kubik) Corrine Chelar (wife of B.K. George Chelar) Kathy McLaughlin (daughter of B.K. Jim McLaughlin) Tom Rada (father of B.K. Justin & B.K. Adam Rada) Anthony Marimpietri Sr. (father of B.K. Anthony Marimpietri Jr.) Samantha Mihalik (granddaughter of B.K. Steve Marczewski) Rachel Cavazos (daughter of B.K. Michael Cavazos) Belda Mendiola (mother of B.K. Alex Gonzalez) Carmela Smyth (wife of B.K. Bob Smyth) Linda Rossi (cousin of B.K. Jess Ventro) Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Cyril Stierman (Father of B.K. Gregory & Grandfather of B.K. James) Ted Zaroff (Brother of B.K. Art Zaroff) The Deceased members of St. Linus Parish Gentlemen I ask you to always keep OUR Men and Women of the Military in your thoughts & prayers. If you know of a Brother Knight or member of his family who is in need of our prayers, please contact GK Joe Zeolla. Page 3 of 4 Knightly Lites Knights of Columbus Insurance Only Having Insurance “Through Work” Doesn’t Work Do you know anyone whose life or career has drastically changed during these years of economic downturn? It’s very likely that someone in your immediate or extended family or group of friends is facing financial uncertainty. Maybe there’s a possibility that you (or your spouse) could lose your job or change employers. Too many people have often relied on group term life insurance as their only safety net. Often, this insurance is an employee benefit provided at low or no cost. The existence of this coverage might convince someone that personally-owned life insurance is not necessary. But only having “through work” insurance can leave you and your family vulnerable. Most group life insurance policies are limited in amount, which may be tied to salary or some other benchmark. These numbers are often capped, and this cap may be dangerously low when compared to your family’s actual needs. In fact, a detailed needs analysis that evaluates your specific situation, will likely show that any employer-provided coverage falls short. In addition, the amount of group insurance offered is almost always reduced, sometimes dramatically, when you retire. You could one day find yourself without coverage, and if your health has changed (which it will as you age), you might also find yourself unable to secure individual protection. At the very least, it will definitely be more expensive. While group life insurance can help, it does not replace the need for individually owned life insurance. I’ll be happy to meet with you and provide a no-cost needs analysis, so you’ll know exactly where you stand. Greg Rapelje 734-474-8398 Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel A Prayer for Our Military Merciful Lord, We humbly pray for Your Almighty protection for all those in service to our county. Help and strengthen them all in the righteous struggle for the preservation of liberty and justice for all mankind. Make them ever mindful of their duty to our country and fill them with courage and loyalty. Amen Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the Heavenly Host – by the Divine Power of God – cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen Knightly Lites Page 4 of 4 Father Veryser Council #13810 6466 Evangeline Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 PHONE: 313-720-9449 FAX: Editor: Joe Zeolla Euchre Night November 23, 7pm In the activities room E-MAIL OF EDITOR: Blood Drive November 23, 8:30am to 2pm In the activities room We’re on the Web! See us at: FATHER VERYSER COUNCIL 6466 Evangeline Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 COMPANY NAME STREE ADDRESS CITY, ST 22134 Christmas Social December 30, 7pm In the activities room
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