The Agape Herald A Newsletter of Wahiawa United Methodist Church 1445 California Avenue Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786 Reverend Dr. David Choi March 2015 Greetings from the Precious Name of Jesus Our Savior Greeting in the name of our Savior Jesus As we look back on the month of February, we can see that everything was part of God's grace. New members have joined our church. They have settled down and participated in worship services and various church activities. Also some members have joined our choir and praise team band. I would like to give my thanks to God for allowing our worship service to be more abundant each day. I would also like to thank our congregation for working to bring about the church revival. February was a month of experiencing God's grace. Our Youth Group started to meet at our church last month. Especially, Damein Wood dedicated for the Youth Group meetings. He majored in Philosophy and Religion at an UMC college named Bethune-Cookman University, and finished one semester at the Wesley Theological Seminary then joined the military. He is currently taking online lectures on theology. He hopes to become a Chaplain and is making a progress. I want to thank God for sending Damein to our church. The Youth Group will go on a retreat from 7/31-8/02, and they will have fundraising events. I hope that everyone will actively support their meetings and activities. One of the big events in the year is on March 21st - the Spring Fair. Everyone has been meeting and preparing for this event. I want to thank all of our elderly members' sacrifice and dedication for this preparation. Most certainly, this event will bear abundant fruits because of God's grace. We will upgrade the church's Internet website. Photographs taken during church events will be posted on the church's website. According to our plan, we will be able to finish this project within March. Mr. Bob Lormand will be in charge of this upgrade. He has been maintaining the church's website since long ago. Please include him in your prayers for this project. We are in the season of Lent. We had the Ash Wednesday worship service on 2/18. It was a time of meditating on Jesus' sufferings and death. Lent is the 40-day period that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. We must meditate on Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and we must train to be holy in our lives. Regularly reading the Bible or fasting is a good idea. Also volunteering a community service is another good way to carry out Jesus' love. From 2/13-2/16, we had the Britt Lectures. Rev. Lorenza Andrade-Smith served as the lecturer. She is serving the Homeless Ministry where she visits the homeless people and provides Holy Communion, baptisms, and lives among them to spread the Gospel. We can find Jesus' life in her humble life. Her life was all about the Gospel. During this Lent season, we must act out Jesus love in our lives. This is one of the ways to spend the Lent in a meaningful way. We will have Confirmation and Baptism on 4/5 Sunday. Please make your requests either in-person to me or you may send them to the church office. I pray that God's abundant grace and blessings will overflow from our church and your homes. Rev. Dr. David Choi. RUMMAGE SALE ITEMS: Please bring your rummage to rooms 2 and 3. Signs will direct you to where you can place your things according to items or place them on the intake table. We will be sorting and pricing in the middle and putting items where they belong. If you have very big items, check with Bob Lee about where to put them. As announced by Bob in the Sunday Service, If you see something that you really, really like, pay Doris or Ken and take the item home. This reminds me of a true story. My friend was helping at the Gresham Rummage Sale and was attracted to a large vase. She looked at the bottom and recognized the potter. It was priced at $75. She hemmed and hawed, but didn’t buy it. We had a 4-day Rummage Sale. The second day, she was drawn to that same vase. The price was changed to $100. Now she felt she shouldn’t buy it (too rich for her). The third day, she went to look at the vase again. It was sold for $125. She wished she had bought it on the first day. Sometimes, God moves us to get something and we don’t. I find me hitting myself on the head and saying, wish I listened. Anyway, we (hoarders) are getting our things sorted and bringing them to our rummage sale. My sister is a great one for simplifying and getting rid of things that hasn’t been used for over a year. Wish I had her will power. I’m mailing my children’s things to them, if they want it. Otherwise, they will be donated to the rummage sale. I have to pray about the items. Too much sentimental memories with some. Some would not sell…videos and old CDs. We need help to sort, price and clean the items too. There is a sign-up sheet, but come as you can. We are doing the pre-sale work in two hour intervals. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday…rest on Saturday and Sunday. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4 pm, and 6 to 8pm. Either Bob or Dina or Doris will be there and can direct you. We will supply the pens and stickers to price things, gloves to wear, wipes and rags to make things look better than new. All we need is the willing hands to do the work. God willing, many hands make light work for all. Items that we will be selling at the rummage sale are as follows: > Clothes…men, women, children, infant > Baby things, Christmas things, > Bedding, towels, materials, curtains > Shoes and handbags, backpacks and luggage > Kitchen appliances, dishes, pots and pans, utensils for cooking and eating > Books and school supplies > Some furniture (cash and carry) > Children’s games, toys, stuffed animals > Outdoor equipment, garden tools, craft items > Boutique with rare and unusual jewelry *For you plant lovers, now is the time to plant and nurture your flowers, etc. for the plant sale, which is part of our country store. Thank you, Doris Lee COUNTRY STORE Our Spring Fair at our church has always had a variety of homemade foods for the Country Store. Thank You to all who have signed up to donate your specialties. The Committee would appreciate it if you would package, label, and price (optional) your items. If you wish to have containers or need help with labeling, please ask the committee members (Dina, Edna, and Chuck). We will be accepting all food items throughout the day on Friday, Mar. 20 and before 8 am on Saturday. Please stop by and support the Country Store. Plate Lunch There is a change in the plate lunch items. It is now a combo Beef Stew/Shoyu Chicken plate. You will still have a choice of either toss green or macaroni salad. Rice is included. Sorry, but there will be no substitutions. Thank you for your understanding. Outreach Committee God Gives Us Role Models Rev. Billy Graham once said, “when I became a Christian, I started seeing the world through rose-colored glasses”. Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peal has tooted the “power of positive thinking”. E. Stanley Jones has us praying to God in all circumstances. Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice! We have a freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the right to pursue happiness. We have people we remember from our childhood, teen years, and adulthood that have God and Jesus in their hearts. We have role models to follow who are tangible reminders of Jesus Christ. The church mouse noticed people like Tom Arinaga and Annie Chang working on the weeds and landscape. Also, Flo Maruyama and Carolyn Kojima cleaning and sorting our kitchen and supplies. Leo Pascua has the daunting task of organizing our many, many sheet music that has been collected. David Ramelb gets the written work done for our church activities. Mary Choi has been doing the video portion of our Worship Service every Sunday, no easy task! Bob Lee constructed the red moving stand and Ellen Wakabayashi created the quilt on which we post our name tags. Dina Cornwall with help from Doris Lee, repapered our movable bulletin Boards with our most recent news. June Higa and Lily Maeda make sure we have refreshments for our Aloha Receptions. Thank you, one and all. There are others that do things for the church and we forget to let them know that they are appreciated. Please thank them! Our committee met recently and Tom Arinaga came up with a shorter and easier mission statement for our committee. It is, “We shall share God’s love with others so they may experience Amazing Grace!” It makes me want to sing! Bob Lormand, our webmaster, will put this in our web site. He and Dina are collecting pictures that will be on our website too. Please check it out! Besides getting ready for our Spring Fair in March, we want to participate in the Pineapple Parade on May 9th. Things are really happening with the youth. They are working on a Youth Camp. God Willing, it will be on June 21 to 23 or June 22 to 24. The problem is that we don’t have a campsite yet. Let’s all pray for a site, all in God’s good time. Wahiawa United Methodist Women news The women of this church were participating in “Helping the homeless”, with love gifts of toiletries to the folks tenting along the Kapalama canal, people Rev. Loranza Andrade Smith was staying with. Our Mid Winter Event was truly a “mountain top” experience for the 13 girl friends who attended. If you see them, ask them what they liked about the meeting. Mary Choi, Benita George, Naria Getty, Teli Isaacson, Hanne La Rue, Doris Lee, Florence Maruyama, Nicole Nonies, Atina Pascua, Edna Pascua, Carolyn Steuer, Ellen Wakabayashi, and Maxine Wheeler, were there in force! We enjoyed some wonderful singing from the Zion Choir of Christ UMC. I think our Praise Band would be good candidates for our annual district meeting in September. Something to think about? March 21 is our church’s Spring Fair. March 29 is the WUMW’s turn to do the Aloha Reception after church. April 18 is our Spiritual Life Retreat at Kailua UMC, where we reveal our candidate for “Quiet Disciple”. Mark those dates on the calendar and come to all the events!!! WE will see you all there! Trustees’ Notes 1. Bought 38 lifetime folding chairs. 2. Sprayed round up over the church property. 3. Patched the floor in room 7 for laying laminated planks. 4. Vacuum the loose gravel over part of the parking lot to prepare to patch with concrete and asphalt-patch. 5. A small leak occurred over the door of room 16 during heavy rainfall. 6. On workday the following tasks might be completed: planting crotons, trimming the hedges, cutting the Norfolk and pan ax branches at the parsonage, weeding, painting, repairing the cracks in the parking lot, changing some ceiling lights in the sanctuary with LED’s, rotor tilling the parsonage vegetable garden and in front of building D and designated vegetable garden behind of building D, and sharing your dish at the potluck luncheon. Adios, Bob Lee Christian symbol March 2015 1 John 6:25-35 2 Philippians 1:12-30 3 Romans 8:26-32 4 Matthew 6:1-6 5 John 13:1-8 6 Ephesians 2:11-22 7 Isaiah 55:6-9 8 John 9:1-17 9 Matthew 22:34-40 10 Jeremiah 17:7-8 11 Isaiah 53:1-5 12 Psalm 138:1-3 13 Deuteronomy 6:4-12 14 Isaiah 54:9-12 15 John 10:11-18 16 Luke 15:25-32 17 Matthew 7:1-5 18 Romans 11:16-24 19 John 14:15-27 20 Matthew 3:13-17 21 Colossians 3:12-17 22 John 15:1-9 23 Matthew 7:7-11 24 2 Timothy 1:3-14 25 Psalm 142:1-7 26 Job 42:1-6 27 John 15:10-21 28 Matthew 21:1-11 29 John 13:36 to 14:6 30 Psalm 139:13-16 & Romans 12:3-8 31 Galatians 5:22-25 Ladder A ladder is sometimes pictured with a sponge at the end of a long stick, reminiscent of the soldier offering Jesus vinegar to drink on the cross (Matthew 27:48). Thus, a ladder may symbolize Christ’s Passion. In the Old Testament, Jacob dreamed of angels ascending and descending a ladder (or staircase, depending on the Bible version) set up between earth and heaven (Genesis 28:12). Both accounts show that through Jesus, our Savior, we — like the angels — have ready access to God, now and for eternity! OUR SPRING FAIR WILL SOON BE HERE MARCH 21ST This exciting annual event is our major fundraiser in support of the church and local and global missions. We are seeking your gently used but unwanted items; they may become someone else’s treasure. Please visit the rummage room. Are you ono for pickled vegetables, baked goods or fruit preserves? The Country Store awaits your visit. How about a real local style beef stew meal for your lunch or dinner? This meal consists of beef stew, shoyu chicken, rice, and either macaroni salad or tossed greens, all for $10. This is always a fun event so make it a point to (1) bring your rummage items and (2) come for the sale. * * * ALOHA RECEPTION The Aloha reception is an important part of our Sunday service. It is a time for fellowship and friendship while enjoying light refreshments. Here are ways in which you can participate: 1. Sign up on the Aloha Reception Chart that is located in the narthex 2. Do you have extra goodies at home - donate them for our refreshment table 3. Be on the on-call list for refreshments and fill in when help is needed Contact June Higa to be placed on the on-call list. MAHALO Sunday 1 Beef Stew & Shoyu Chicken Plate Lunch - Monday 2 March Tuesday 3 Wednesday 9 10 7pm SPRC Meeting Thursday Friday 4 5 6 3:30 – 7pm 9am GriefShare 3:30 – 7pm Music Lessons 8 Saturda y Saturday 7 Music Lessons 7pm Visioning Team Meeting 3:30 – 7pm 11 12 13 14 3:30 – 7pm 9am GriefShare 3:30 – 7pm Music Lessons 10am UMW Meeting Music Lessons Music Lessons 3:30 – 7pm Music Lessons 15 16 17 One Great Hour of Sharing (Special offering) 22 18 19 20 21 3:30 – 7pm 9am GriefShare 3:30 – 7pm 8am to Noon Rummage and plate lunch sale Music Lessons Music Lessons 3:30 – 7pm Music Lessons 23 24 7pm Finance Committee Meeting 25 26 27 3:30 – 7pm Mission Tour to Susannah Wesley Community Center 9am GriefShare 3:30 – 7pm Music Lessons 7pm Administrative Council Meeting 28 Music Lessons 3:30 – 7pm Music Lessons 29 30 31 Please note: Change in plate lunch items. Plate will consist of beef stew and 1 piece shoyu chicken, rice (next box…) and your choice of toss greens or macaroni salad. Sorry, but there will be no substitutions of items. Rummage Sale drop off of items. Call office at 622-4361 to ensure someone will be here to receive it. All events and times are subject to change Birthdays for March Birthdays 4 Ann Harada 11 Robert Lee 15 Misty Wheeler 16 Hidemi Ito 30 Jeff Higa, Myra Shimabukuro Anniversaries 16 Helen and Kenneth Yanamura 19 Nina and Ed Edra 24 Shsoko and Hidemi Ito 1 8 15 22 Annie Chang and Shirley Hayashi 29 Wahiawa UMWomen Church Office Phone: (808) 622-4361 E-mail Address Web Page Food Bank Sunday April 5, 2015 1 In memory of Janet Kanja by Clarence Kanja 8 In memory of Tak Yoshida by Violet Yoshida 15 22 Annie Chang 29 Wahiawa UMWomen Wahiawa United Methodist Church 1445 California Avenue Wahiawa, HI 96786 March Agape Deadline March 27, 2015
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