Tanner Valley Voice Tanner Valley United Methodist Church November 2014 The Holidays of November 19235 State Road 1 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025-8606 tannervalleychurch.com Michael Lawson, Pastor Church Building: 812.537.4111 Parsonage: 812.577.0641 Sunday School Sundays—9am Worship Sundays—10am Choir Practice Wednesdays—7pm UMW 2nd Thursdays—7pm In this issue: November Holidays 1 Parents Day Out 2 Things are heating up 3 OCC Hours 4 Are you aware that there are three holidays in November? Two ecclesial holidays, and one national holiday with a Christian roots. However, eclipsed by Christmas, and skipped over by Halloween, the lessons of these three holidays are often overlooked. However, let’s examine all three and the lessons they have to teach us. All Saint’s Day (November 1) – An annual celebration that those persons who have gone on before us in the faith are still very much alive in Christ Jesus! This is a celebration of the glories of heaven, the angels that surround God’s throne, and the unbroken friendships and relationship we have with our departed loved one. In many ways, this celebration is about remembering our loves one who have died, and celebrating the family of God. This is a day for ringing church bells to represent the sounding testimony of our forebears, lighting candles to represent that their souls still shine and glow in God’s kingdom, it is a time to celebrate the eternal nature of love, friendship and family. Seriously, who would want to miss that? Christ the King (November 23) – Held on the Sunday before Thanksgiving this is the last Sunday of the Christian year. It is our New Years Day! It marks that last Sunday before we begin telling the story of Jesus over again with Advent and Christmas. So what better way to end the year by looking forward to the return of Christ and the inauguration of an age when a new heaven and a new earth are formed by the love of God and we will live with God! This holiday recognizes that Jesus is one day going to return in glory, to bring an end to evil and to put an end to our suffering. It is a day when we celebrate the hope of all Christina people! Thanksgiving (November 27) – An American Holiday established officially by Abraham Lincoln Thanksgiving celebrates the first European settlers sharing a meal of fellowship with the indigenous peoples of America. It was a rare and beautiful moment of shared fellowship with the native and transplanted people that sadly, was too rare in American history. However it was a meal of thanks, in desperate times, to thank God for the mere act of survival. Thanksgiving carries with it the realization that in good times or bad, we may still be thankful for the gift of life itself. We can be thankful for the irascible parts of the human spirit that keep pushing through despite everything. We have much to celebrate in a month like this. Many important lessons to ponder. The word holiday itself is derived from the term “Holy Day”. Like all holy things, we can miss the point if we don’t reflect on the truths behind our celebrations. So I will leave you with the words of this hymn by Joachim Neander and its’ call to holy reflection: Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee; Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, If with His love He befriend thee. Pastor Michael UMW Update Buzzards are Circling As I walked out of the house yesterday, I looked up to see four beady eyed buzzards shifting across the top of our roof as if they were waiting for me to drop dead and furnish them with lunch. They seemed to be everywhere in the surrounding trees, circling over the house. I counted as many as 40 sitting at one time. I waved my arms frantically and made loud noises, only to have them look back at me in disbelief. Today I walked out and saw three buzzards standing on the driveway not 10 feet from the door. Rich says they are after me and I should make sure I just keep moving. It makes me very uneasy to have those large ugly birds standing near and flying over head. Strangely enough I recently read a book by Stan Toler called, "The Buzzards are circling, but God's not finished with me yet". I really think God is getting my attention with the circling of the buzzards. (Guess what - it is working!) Mr. Toler says that there are times in everyone's life when we are hit by a crisis, one that you didn't see coming. And it may cause your whole world to crumble like an old cookie hit my a hammer. That's when our faith comes in and we remember to put our trust in God who gives us peace. Peace is not the absence of problems; peace is knowing that God is with us as we walk through them. God allows the buzzard circling times in our lives to develop us, not to destroy us. So, let the buzzards circle. I am trusting in God and I know God isn't finished with me yet - I have too much more to learn! Thanks God for the reminder! Thanks to Sue Sorensen and Billie Stockum we had a great UMW meeting last month. Our next meeting will be November 13, which is also the time our next RADA cutlery order will be due. Thanks again to everyone who has already ordered. Cutlery makes great Christmas gifts, so get your orders in before November 13. Hope to see YOU at our next meeting. Nancy Christian Education The Christian Education Committee is planning a “Parents’ Day Out” event for Saturday, December 13, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. For $5, parents can drop off their children, ages 4-10, for a Bible lesson, crafts, lunch, music, movies and games. More information and registration forms will be provided in the next few weeks. Please be praying for this event and its success. Also, be thinking about what role you can play in this event. During the December meeting of the Christian Education Committee, we will be planning our activities for the 2015 year and putting them on the church calendar. If you have any ideas for events or programs, please join us on December 15 at 7 p.m. in the Rumble Room (upstairs classroom) to discuss Page 2 WORSHIP SERVANTS October Council Notes Michael opened with a devotional and prayer. Financial report was read and accepted. Trustees – 1. A couple of concerns were noted about 304B Trash removal. 2. Air conditioner replacement due at the parsonage. About $5000 to replace. Also concern about church air conditioner. 3. Tree in front of the parsonage needs to be removed. Cost would be about $1000. Council approved to ask Memorial committee for the funds for tree removal. Christian Ed - Pastor Michael reported that youth group attendance was 10 on Sunday 10/12. Pastor Parrish – Discussion about Pastor compensation. Base salary will stay the same but change made to reimbursable accounts. Total reimbursable still the same. Missions – Reports handed out. Faith promise pledges from Sunday were about $7000. We will have a speaker for the kick off of OCC 11/16. UMW – $300 profit from cutlery orders to go to the paving fund. Pastor Michael – Setting up youth directory. Forms for youth emergency care should be filled out for youth group attendees. Bonfire Night—Nov 1 J J O O Family Bonfire !! I 3:00 pm November 1 N U S I N U S At Tanner Valley UMC All invited, come Join US Setup 2pm Cleanup 5pm November 2 Greeter Dick & Clara Lewis Acolyte Harry Hanneken Reader Larry Delp Nursery B. Delp, T. VanVolkenburgh GIC Nancy & Billie November 9 Greeter The Schmidts Acolyte Wyatt Maxfield Reader Dorothy McCool Nursery Peg Delp, Donna Morgan Ushers The Hesses, The Dorsels Children’s Message Pastor Michael GIC Annalee and Erin DeLuca November 16 Greeter Emma Schwebach Acolyte RyleighOffutt Reader Kim Schmeltzer Nursery Amy Delp, Joy Offutt Ushers M.Schmid, M.Mitchell,S.Goble, B. Knox GIC D. Morgan, Veronica Loring November 23 Greeter Stan & Sue Sorensen Acolyte Wyatt Maxfield Reader Nancy Hesse Nursery Bryan Delp Ushers Vandermuellens & Beckmans Children’s Message Pastor Michael GIC J.Schmeltzer, P. VanDyke November 30 Greeter The Carpenters Acolyte Kelsey Offutt Reader Pam VanDyke Ushers The Robertsons & Hannekens Nursery P. Delp & Terri VanVolkenburgh Page 3 We’re on the web: tannervalleychurch.com JESUS CHRIST... ...MAKING DISCIPLES OF pastor@tannervalleychurch.com E-mail: Phone: 812.537.4111 Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025-8606 19235 State Road 1 Tanner Valley United Methodist Church Time for Operation Christmas Child November 17-24 Tanner Valley UMC We will be needing volunteers to help package and organize our boxes. Our doors will be open as a drop-off location the following hours: Nov. 17 Mon: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Nov. 18 Tues: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Nov. 19 Wed: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Nov. 20 Thurs: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Nov. 21 Fri: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Nov. 22 Sat: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Nov. 23 Sun: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Nov. 24 Mon: 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. More details will follow later. “The Back Page” 11:30 Moms in Prayer 26 27 28 Light lunch Greens 10-1pm Hanging of the 29 22 6pm—Knife & Fork Newsletter Deadline 15 8 NOVEMBER IS CANNED FOOD MONTH DRIVE 26-Karen Juffman; 30-Marlene Schmid Bonnie Cline; 27-Maria Gosmeyer; 27-Mark & Jenni Walker 25 2pm Bonfire setup 3pm Family Bonfire 5pm Bonfire cleanup 1 saturday muellen; 16-Amy Delp, Nelson Hanneken; 18-Avery Wuestefeld; 20-Kelsey Offutt; 24 21 14 7 31 friday ANNIVERSARIES: 3-Clyde & Peggy Dawson; 17-Steward & 30 7pm-Heart House 20 7pm –UMW 7pm—Heart House 13 6 30 thursday BIRTHDAYS: 3-Nancy Carpenter; 11-Henry Delp, Greg Huffman; 15-John Vander- 1st Advent Sunday 23 6:30-Feed My Sheep 1:30pm Nursing Home 19 11:30 Moms in Prayer 12 6pm PPR 11:30 Moms in Prayer 11:30 Moms in Prayer 7pm—Christian ED 18 7pm Council Election Day 9am Election Cleanup 5 11:30 Moms in Prayer 29 wednesday Aurora UMC 17 16 11 4 28 tuesday November 2014 2:30 Charge Conference 10 7pm Missions 9 9am Election day setup 3 2 Open House 27 26 1:30pm Parsonage monday sunday OF JESUS CHRIST... ...MAKING DISCIPLES New Year’s Eve 26 27 8pm cleanup 26-Derrick Robertson 22-Steve & Candy Feller; 26-Larry & Peg Delp; 30-Rose Jones 31 Merry Christmas 25 10am Setup 6pm Dinner & Variety 20 Day Out 10-3pm Parents 13 6 saturday 15-Diane Goodwin; 17-Alex Walker; 26-Ryleigh Offutt; 30 and Communion 10pm Candle lighting 24 19 12 5 friday ANNIVERSARIES: 21-Janet Rupel; 22-Charles & Lois Blodgett; 29 28 23 7pm—Heart House 18 7pm—UMW 7pm—Heart House 11 4 thursday BIRTHDAYS: 4-Pam VanDyke; 9-Samantha Maxfield; 10-Mary Schneider; 22 21 6:30pm—Feed My Sheep 17 11:30am Mom's in Prayers 11:30am Mom's in Prayers 1:30pm Nursing Home 16 7pm—Council 10 7pm—Christian ED 15 14 9 6pm PPR 11:30am Mom's in Prayers 3 wednesday Newsletter Deadline 8 2 1 7 pm—Missions tuesday December 2014 monday 7 sunday OF JESUS CHRIST... ...MAKING DISCIPLES
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