Naomh Fionán An Fál Carrach 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 31ST JANUARY & 1ST FEBRUARY, 2015 nuachtlitir M a sses d u r i n g t h e wee k & wee k e n d Weekday Masses Mon, Wed, Thur & Fri ..........................................7pm Tue ........................................................... 10am & 7pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Thurs ............................................ 10.00 am – 6.15pm Exposition concludes with Divine Mercy Chaplet. Divine Mercy Chaplet .........................Thur 6.00 pm. Weekend Masses Sat ..........................................................................10am Sat Vigil ...................................................................7pm Sunday Masses Aifreann ................................................................... 9rn Mass ......................................................................11am Confessions Thur ......................................................................10am Sat....................................................................... 6.15pm FREAGRA AN tSAILM ‘Á, dá n-éistfeadh sibh le mo ghuth inniu! Ná cruaigí bhur gcroí..’ St. Bridget’s Feastday St. Bridget arrived in Ireland a few years after St. Patrick. Her father was an Irish lord named Duptace. As Bridget grew up, she became holier and more pious each day. She loved the poor and would often bring food and clothing to them. One day she gave away a whole pail of milk, and then began to worry about what her mother would say. She prayed to the Lord to make up for what she had given away. When she got home, her pail was full! Bridget was a very pretty young girl, and her father thought that it was time for her to marry. She, however, had given herself entirely to God when she was very small, and she would not think of marrying anyone. When she learned that her beauty was the reason for the attentions of so many young men, she prayed fervently to God to take it from her. She wanted to belong to Him alone. God granted her prayer. Seeing that his daughter was no longer pretty, her father gladly agreed when Bridget asked to become a Nun. She became the first Religious in Ireland and founded a convent so that other young girls might become Nuns. When she consecrated herself to God, a miracle happened. She became very beautiful again! Bridget made people think of the Blessed Mother because she was so pure and sweet, so lovely and gentle. They called her the “Muire na Gael.” Fr. Denis G. Quinn, P.P. Tel: 074-9135196 Mobile: 086-857 8827 download this newsletter every week from Sunday – St Bridget’s Day Blessing of Crosses, The blessing of crosses will take place at 9am and 11am Masses on Sunday. Monday - Feast of the Presentation Candles will be blessed at 7pm Mass on Monday evening. Candles are available in the local shops and a limited number are available at the Church, price €5 for 6. Anyone who wishes to make a donation towards candles used in the Church may donate to the box in the Church Sanctuary. Tuesday – St Blaise Blessing of throats will take place before and after 10am and 7pm Masses. Triduum Triduum in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette. Mass and Novena Prayer on Monday 9th,Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th February. Parish Income and Expenditure for 2014 The parish accounts have been prepared and forwarded to our accountants. A statement of all incoming and outgoing expenditure is available in the church porch this weekend. Should anyone require further information or detail, I, Fr. Denis will be pleased to help. I wish to express my sincere thanks to you the parishioners, for your continued help and support to the parish finances. I encourage you to continue to use your Sunday collection envelope as it is the main source of income for the upkeep of our parish. A hugh Thank You to Coiste Cuchulainn for money received from them as a result of the sale of the convent. Confirmation preparation for parents A short meeting will take place on Tuesday in the school hall at 7pm. It’s important that all parents/guardians attend this meeting on the Sacrament of Confirmation. Baptismal Programme As the Diocese continues to encourage faith and a better faith education, parishes are encouraged to begin a Baptismal Programme.We as a parish will begin this programme for parents and godparents immediately. It will consist of a meeting with a trained catechist before the celebration of the Sacrament. This meeting will take place in the parochial house by arrangement. Pilgrimage Pilgrimage to Fatima, Santiago de Compostela and Lourdes. Departing Dublin 3rd June for 9 nights. Details from Fr Denis G. Early booking essential if the pilgrimage is to go ahead. Cost €980 approx. Phone 086 8578827/074 9135196/074 9165343. Anyone interested in this pilgrimage please contact Fr. Denis this week if the pilgrimage is to go ahead. The Society of St.Vincent de Paul From time to time families and individuals can find themselves in real need. If you find yourself in this situation and would like some help, then contact St.Vincent de Paul on 087 1443464. All requests are dealt with individually and in confidence. SVP are always looking for new members. You will be made most welcome and you will find our work most rewarding. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje Holy Week 2015 Spiritual Director Fr. Paul Gallager. Seven days €639 ex Dublin. More information from Bernie 087 935 3953. Notice in Church porch. Tory Island Graveyard Club 50 January Results: 1st J. Rodgers €200 ; 2nd G. Duggan €100 ; 3rd Mr O’ Brien €100.To join this month give your name into the parish office on Thursday mornings or ring 074 9135196. Next draw is 8th February. If you’re not in, you can’t win ! Cloughaneely Band Lotto The match four winner was Micheal Coyle, Dunfanaghy. The winning numbers were 2, 3,11, 12, 15 and 17.The next draw is on 1st Feb in Ostan Loch Altan with a jackpot of €2050. GAA Ladies Board: Cloughaneely Ladies GAA are looking for help from interested parents or individuals to assist in the running of the club and require assistance particularly in the area of Management and Coaching of our underage and senior teams.Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Pauline 087 6952180 or Tom Feeney 087 2785601, for further enquiries before 1st February. Minor Board: Under 6, 8’s and 10’s training resumes Friday 30th in the school gym at the usual times. U-12’s resumes Monday 2nd. Ante-natal classes Ante-natal classes commence on Thursday 5th February at 2pm at the Falcarragh Health Centre. Breastfeeding support group meets on a Wednesday at 10am at Garradh Cholm Cille Centre. Contact the Public Health Nurse 074 91 35513 Falcarragh Tourist and Traders Falcarragh Tourist and Traders are calling on all local community groups and businesses to take part in this year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade. Please get in contact with Joe Ruddy if you are interested in taking part. / F o g r a í Children’s Drama Classes Every Thursday at Ballina Resource Centre. 5-8 yr olds 4.00pm - 5.00pm. 8-11 yr olds 5.00pm - 6.15pm. For further details contact Pauline on 089 473 7596 Clothing Collection for Refugees On Sunday 8th February you are asked to bring any spare clothes, belts, shoes and handbags to Aras Begley Hall between 9am – 2pm. All funds raised in this county-wide clothing collection will go to ‘Homes from Donegal’, a charity building homes in the Central African Republic for some of the one million refugees displaced by war there. See www. for more information. ETB - Adult Education Practical Maths starting Thursdays in the Adult Education Centre in Gortahork - come to grips with decimals, fractions, percentages, area etc. No fee. 7-9 pm. 9180871 or 0861740677 for information. Parent and Toddler Group Sarah King from Kidz-B-Artisz was due to visit the group on 29th January. Due to teaching commitments she has changed the visit to Saturday 7th February at 10.30am. The workshop will be open to all children from 2-5 years old.We hope you will come along as it will be great fun. Just remember to bring a messy T-Shirt and Sarah will provide all the materials. It’s €3 per child and it will be great fun! To book call Pobail Le Chéile 0749180111. Cumann Cairdeas Maria Whelan from GROW will be the guest speaker at the group on Tuesday 3rd February at the YARD at 11am. Maria will give an introductory talk on the GROW Community Education Programme. For more information contact Pobail Le Chéile 0749180111. Afterschools Project Afterschools Project for for 8-12 years olds starting at the YARD on Tuesdays and Thursdays from February 10th. We’re looking for a carnival artists to join our team for a performance in the St.Patrick’s Day parade! On Tuesdays you’ll be designing and creating props and on Thursday you’ll be taking part in Samba Workshops. Workshops are €1 per child which includes juice and fruit. To book call Pobail Le Chéile 0749180111. Pilgrimage to Medugorje 9th - 16th Sept. 2015 with Spiritual Director €699 per person. EARLY BOOKING OFFERS, €100 off if paid in full by 2nd February 2015 €50 off if deposit of €200 paid by 2nd February 2015. For further information and to book contact Kathleen at 074-9121641 or 086 – 3721962 A.A. Meetings Every Sunday and Monday nights in Aras Begley Hall,(hall beside Church), at 8pm. Al-Anon-Ireland To find out more about the above and about meetings, email Dates for your diary : Confirmations 11am Sunday 15th February, 2015. First Holy Communion 11am Saturday 2nd May, 2015. Notices for Newsletter All notices for parish newsletter must be submitted by 11am on Thursday to Parochial House or Church Box or by email to; as newsletter goes to print early on Thursday each week. Cuimhneacháin Báis Died Recently Gracie Boyce, ....................................................................................Killult. Kitty Gallagher nee Curran, ............................................Ballintemple. Sean O’ Maolchallann, ......................................................................... Ray. Eoghan Gallagher, .....................................................................Keeldrum. Fred Nelson, Ballina. ...........................Month’s Mind Mass Sat 7pm. Anniversaries Pete Ferry & Fr. Bill Wright, Meencarricka. ............. Mass Tue 7pm. Ellen Harkin, Ray. ...........................................................Mass Wed 7pm. Jimmy Cannon, Ballina. .................................................Mass Thur 7pm. Betty Mc Ginty, Balliness. ................................................Mass Fri 7pm. Fr. Sean O’ Donnell, Station Road. ....................Mass Sat 7th 10am. Martin O’ Brien, Balliness. .....................................Mass Sat 7th 7pm. Josephine Quigg ,....................................................Glasgow/Derryreel. May they rest in peace +353(0)74 9165124 N o t i c e s
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