St John the Baptist's, Perth SUNDAY MASS in St JOHN’S WEEKDAYS Monday-Saturday at 10am, Tuesday 7pm 6.30pm (Saturday Vigil) & on Sunday 9am, 11am, 6.30pm MSZA ŚW. PO POLSKU Niedziela 3pm Pojednania 14.30pm RECONCILIATION in St John’s Saturday 5-6pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth, PH1 5PY (01738 622241) Youth Office (01738 635074) Fr Bogdan Palka SDS 16 Melville Street Perth PH1 5PY (01738 564182) Deacon: Len Moir 5th Sunday Ordinary Time Year B 8th February 2015 THE ONLY HOPE “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle; they come to an end without hope. Remember that my life is like the wind; I shall not see happiness again.” —Job 7:6-7 J ob was both rich and secure in that he had diversified investments. However, in three unrelated catastrophes, Job’s financial empire crashed in one day (Jb 1:14ff). Job’s bankruptcy was not the worst thing that happened to him that day. In another unrelated incident, Job’s ten children were killed when the house in which they were gathered collapsed (Jb 1:2, 18-19). Later, Job contracted an extremely painful illness “with severe boils from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head” (Jb 2:7). Job had reason to say: “Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery?” (Jb 7:1) He considered life to be hopeless, joyless “months of misery” (Jb 7:3ff). Job’s life was not that unusual. Although few people have had so much hit them so fast, multiple tragedies are the rule of life and not the exception. Look at the billions of sick, dying, aborted, persecuted, oppressed, divorced, bereaved, exiled, starving, lonely, and rejected people. Job’s assessment of life is true, but it is not the whole truth. In Jesus, and only in Jesus, there is hope. Jesus loves us infinitely, forgives us our sins, saves us, heals the sick, frees us from demons, raises the dead, For this Sunday’s liturgy Responsorial Psalm Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. Welcome to all our visitors Teas after the 11am Mass on Sunday and 10am Mass on Tuesdays Priests for Scotland A LIFE WORTH LIVING works together everything for the good (Rm 8:28), and takes us to be with Him forever in heaven. Jesus is our only Hope, and the only Hope we need. Whether or not people know Jesus, “everybody is looking” for Gospel Acclamation I am the light of the World, says the Lord, anyone who follows me will have the light of life. Diocese of Dunkeld - Scottish Charity No. SC001810 Him (Mk 1:37) because everyone has to have hope and Jesus is our only Hope. Therefore, “should anyone ask you the reason for this hope of yours, be ever ready to reply” (1 Pt 3:15). Parish Shop Open after all Sunday Masses stock includes Sunday Missals, greetings cards, rosaries and much more @StJohnRCPerth Prayers Please pray for the repose of the souls of Thomas Hughes, Cissie Houston, Madge McFadden, Dorothy Faint, Jane Ward and Poala Delpippo and the souls of all the faithful departed. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. NIEDZIELNA REFLEKSJA NAD SŁOWEM BOŻYM ... Chcac doznac pelni szczescia, trzeba je dzielic z kims drugim. (Mark Twain) Chrzescijanin pouczony przez Ewangelie widzi zycie takim, jakim ono jest: “rajem”, a jednoczesnie i “dolina lez”, wiencem splecionym z roz i cierni. Zycie jest słońcem i ciemnością, poludniem i polnoca, radością i lzami, zdrowiem i choroba, czasem szczescia i cierpienia… Dzisiejsze czytanie z ksiegi sprawiedliwego Hioba podkresla wlasnie te bolesna strone zycia. Czlowiek jest skapo wynagradzanym najemnym robotnikiem. Prowadzi zycie niewolnicze, nędzne, bez radości i odpoczynku. Dni i lata sa wypelnione bieda i cierpieniem. Zycie jest jedynie „podmuchem wiatru”, ktory szybko przemija. Tak mowi Hiob. Ewangelia opowiada, ze Jezus był nieustannie oblegany przez chorych: “Gdy slonce zaszlo, przynosili do Niego wszystkich Zapraszamy do Spowiedzi i regularnego uczestnictwa we Mszy sw. W każdą niedzielę Spowiedz sw. od godz. 2:15pm. Zapraszamy do regularnej spowiedzi św. i do pelnego uczestnictwa w niedzielnej Mszy św. o godz 3:00pm. Nowosc W dalszym ciagu zapraszam doroslych mezczyzn do otwarcia sekcji ministranckiej przy naszej parafii na polska Msze sw. Proszę wszystkich zainteresowanych - ojcow rodzin, nie zonatych, starszych lub młodszych kto tylko ma dobra wole i ochote zaangażowania się w liturgie do zgłaszania się do Ks. Bogdana. Tel: 01738 564182 chorych i opętanych; cale miasto było zebrane u dzrwi” (Mk 1, 31n). Ci biedacy z marginesu społeczeństwa i zycia, bezradni i odepchnieci, cisnęli się do Chrystusa, a On żeby im pomoc czynil cuda i uzdrawial ich. To jednak nie było celem Jego zycia. Jezus nie był, ani nie chciał być dyplomowanym lekarzem ani znachorem – samoukiem, chociaż czynil cuda. On był i jest przede wszystkim lekarzem ludzkich dusz. On przyszedł glosic królestwo Boze, aby człowieka wyleczyc z najciezszej chronicznej choroby – grzechu. Inne sprawy załatwiał “przy okazji”, ale nie były one dla Niego pierwsze i najważniejsze. Jezus przyszedł, żeby wywołać trudna, swieta rewolucje, która nikogo nie zabije ani niczego nie zburzy, oprocz zla w sercu człowieka i grzechu na swiecie. W tym wielkim i nigdy nie kończącym się dziele musimy wszyscy pomagac Chrystusowi. “Biada mi gdybym njie glosil Ewangelii” (1Kor 9,16). Kosciol i wszyscy w Kosciele sa zobowiązani na wszelkie możliwe sposoby glosic Ewangelie i pracowac nad wyzwoleniem od największej choroby, od zla w naszym sercu. Drugim obowiązkiem jest pomagac biednemu i cierpiacemu człowiekowi, ułatwiać i upiększać jego zycie, bo “cokolwiek uczyniliście jednemu z tych moich najmniejszych mnie to uczyniliście.” Kontynuujmy zatem to dzielo Chrystusa w naszym codziennym zyciu pamiętając ze: “Chcac doznac pelni szczescia, trzeba je dzielic z kims drugim.” (Mark Twain) ‘White Flower’ Wielki Post Wielki Post w tym roku rozpoczynamy 18 lutego i jak to zawsze bywa zaczynamy świętowaniem Srody Popielcowej. Polska Msza sw. będzie w tym dniu o godz. 7pm na która już teraz serdecznie zapraszam. Zapraszam tez do uczestnictwa w Nabozenstwach Drogi Krzyzowej które będą odprawiane w każdy piątek o godz. 7pm. W ramach naszego przygotowania do Swiat Wielkiej Nocy będziemy tez bezpośrednio po Mszach niedzielnych śpiewać Gorzkie Zale i w ramach tego nabożeństwa wysłuchamy rozważań pasyjnych. W cza- W niedziele 15 Lutego Abortion Recovery&Care będzie przeprowadzona Helpline), zapewniając w naszej parafii akcja telefon zaufania dla osob “White Flower”, która cierpiacych wskutek ma na celu wsparcie du- dokonanych aborcji. chowe i materialne dla SPUC dziala również a Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz parlamencie szkockim Ochrony Dzieci Nien- i brytyjskim, które zaarodzonych (ang. SPUC). jmuja się obecnie kwestJest to organizacja wspol- iami legalizacji eutanazji. pracujaca z Kosciolem Ta szeroka działalność katolickim, nastawiona wymaga także zaplecza na edukowanie i promow- finansowego, dlatego w anie wartości zycia, od naszej parafii będzie zbi- Zaproszenia Schola dzieci i chór jego początków, az do erana specjalna kolekta zapraszają nowych konca, a w szczegolnosci po wszystkich Mszach członków do wspólzycia dzieci nienarodzo- sw., również po Mszy sw. nego chwalenia Pana nych. W Szkocji organi- polskiej w niedziele 15 Boga. Spotkania scholi zacja ta dziala na wielu Lutego. Dziękujemy za płaszczyznach, ponadto wsparcie duchowe i finan- dziecięcej odbywaja sie prowadzi program “Edu- sowe tej jakze szczytej i we srody o godz. 5:00 cation4life”, organizując potrzebnej akcji by nasze PM, a próby chóru we lekcje na temat kwesti zycie mialo wartość prio- czwartki o godz. 7:00 początku i konca zycia, rytetowa i nikt nie mogl PM. W przypadku scholi ubogacając w ten sposób nim manipulowac. Bog dziecięcej proszę kontakp r o g r a m n a u c z a n i a zaplac!!! (Wiecej na ten towac się z Pania Magda w szkockich szkolach. temat można przeczytac 07821 826556, a przyOrganizacja prowadzi na gazetce polskiej z tylu padku Choru Pana Leszka 01738 564153. także usługę ARCH (ang. kościoła). Parish website: Discover us @StJohnRCPerth sie wielkiego postu Msze sw. będą już bez kazania. Przypominam i zachęcam do powstrzymania się od potraw miesnych w każdy piątek Wielkiego Postu a szczególnie w Srode popielcowa i Wielki Piątek. W te dwa dni w roku obowiazuje nas post zarówno jakościowy jak i ilościowy. W nabozenstwa Drogi Krzyzowej będą zaangażowane dzieci ze scholi parafialnej, chor dorosłych, „Domowy Kosciol” i Fr. Bogdan. Po każdej drodze krzyzowej wystawienie Najswietszego Sakramentu i adoracja do godz. 9pm. Parish Library Borrow from our extensive range Collections Many thanks for your generosity; last week’s income was Offertory £1,567.90, Papers £17.91, Votives £65.40, SCIAF £7 and Hall Rent £90. Brownies Pancakes St John’s Brownies are holding a coffee and pancakes morning on Saturday 14th February from 10.30am until 12.30 pm. Come along and enjoy pancakes with cream and jam to celebrate ValenLunch Club tines day. Raffle and cake Our Lunch Club con- and candy stall. Cost £1 tinues on Mondays at 12 for adults and 50p for noon - all welcome. children. Bishop’s Newsletter Bulletin notices Faith Sharing Please note that the Copies of the Dunkeld deadline bulletin notices News are available at to be with Fr Tom is the back of the church, 12noon on Thursday. please help yourself. The very heartening number of 40 parishioners, and others, has signed up for the Faith Sharing House Groups. Out of that number, we have created eight outreach groups, of which six meet in people’s homes, one meets in a Care Home and a group of teachers meeting in St John’s Academy. Adoration and Benediction Each group plans to have six one hour meetings during six weeks of Lent. Faith Sharing will be the object of these discussions as we try to draw on our own experiences, to support each other and to strengthen our faith. Please note that Benediction is back to its normal time, 6.30pm, ton Mondays until March 30th inclusive (Monday of Holy Week) when we shall take a break for the Easter Holidays. Perhaps we could rededicate ourselves to worship of the Most Holy Eucharist. At times there seems only to be one person in the church for long periods of time, especially around the lunch hour when one might have thought that an invaluable opportunity for people to nip in for half an hour or so to spend some time with the Blessed Sacrament. RCIA meeting Parish Pastoral Council There will be a brief PPC meeting on Tuesday 10th February at 7.30 pm – a fuller meeting will be arranged for later in the year. Hall hire There will be a meeting for all groups who wish to hire the Hall at any time during the year, on Tuesday, 24th February at 7.30pm to discuss further letting. At the end we will evaluate the effort with a view to repeating the process hopefully in Advent and in Lent next year. There may be parishioners who wish to experience Faith Sharing more frequently than that. For more detail please look at other faith sharing notices at the back of the church. Deacon Len Gift Aid These will be ready for distribution within the next few weeks. They may not have the same number on the envelopes that you had in the past but your name will be on the box of envelopes allocated to you. Carnevale RCIA meeting on Thursday this week at At 7pm, for 7.30pm, on 7pm, and continues each Tuesday 17th February, Shrove Tuesday (Martedi week until Easter. Grasso) - the Italian Association are holding a a Masked Ball in St John’s Church Hall. Tickets £10 - three course meal (bring Italian Classes your own bottle) and muClasses for those wish- sic by maestro Roberto ing to learn or improve Enzo - contact 622661 to their Italian - Saturdays book or add your name to at 4.15pm, in St John’s the list at the back of the Church Hall. church. White Mass The White Mass for Catholic Health Care Workers and others engaged in pastoral care of the sick will be celebrated in St Andrew’s Metropolitan Cathedral, Glasgow on Sunday, 15th February at 12 noon with refreshments in the Eyre Hall after Mass. SPUC Collection There will be a retiral collection for Society for the Protection of Unborn Children next Sunday at all Masses. Beginning Experience The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or bereavement. The weekend will take place from 20 – 22 March, 2015 at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. For further details contact: Ros on 0131 669 0003 or e-mail: Youth Group 3GY continues on Wednesdays at 6pm. All welcome. The group is currently making preparations for its annual Peacemaker Awards. Later this term they will join with other youth from around the diocese at Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee (6pm, 8th March) and the groups next excursion will be to Go-Karting at Cambuskland. More details at Diocesan Events Celebrating the Year of Mark the Evangelist in the Lectionary and the Liturgy There are a number of events being held in the diocesan centre. Please take note and see what interests you. Most are free and if there are problems of fees etc. please feel free to approach Fr Tom. Please note the ‘Afternoon for Life’ on Saturday 28th February. ASH WEDNESAY 18th February Services and Masses 9am Mass Kilgraston 10am Mass St John’s St John Ogilvie Two evenings on Lectionary and Liturgy will take place in the McAuley Room of the Diocesan Centre, Lawside Road, Dundee on Thursdays 5th and 12th February for 7-9pm. These may be of interest to readers, cantors, leaders of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word and whose involved in RCIA or catechetics, musicians and those who choose the liturgical music. Dunkeld Diocesan 2015 Pilgrimage to Lourdes 10 – 17th July 2015 Any Sick or Disabled Pilgrims interested in going should contact Mrs. C. Van Der Boon 01382 281 5292 for further information This year marks the four hundredth anniversary of the Martyrdom of St John Ogilvie and there will be a Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, at 7pm. A special parish celebration of the Feast Day could take place on the Feast day itself at the 7pm Mass on Tuesday 10th March Synod on Family Life 2pm service St John’s Academy for teachers 6pm Mass in English St John’s 7pm Mass in Polish St John’s The full Lenten programme will be available next week. Bishop Robson has asked us to repond a questionnaire seeking views about the Church’s support for marriage and family life. Two documents are now available on the diocesan website: 1. RELATIO is for reading and study to inform our thoughts. 2. 40 questions is the full text of the Vatican’s questions. Responding electronically through the website is a simple exercise, with clear instructions. The questions are fewer and more straightforward and will take less time to answer. www.dunkelddiocese. SCIAF materials will be available from Ash Wednesday onward. Preparing to receive the Sacraments Would all those parents of children at non denominational schools due to celebrate their First Reconciliation this year please be in touch with Fr Tom soon. We shall have a session at the beginning of March to make sure everyone is covering the material provided. If you have not yet received the material from Fr Tom, please do so a.s.a.p. World Day of Prayer for the Sick World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Stephen Robson for World Day of Prayer for the Sick on Wednesday, 11th February, at 7pm, in the Church of Immaculate Conception, Lochee, Dundee to which everyone is welcome. Transport has been arranged for those wishing to attend - leaving St John’s at 6pm. Please call 01738 622661 to book. ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN HOSPITAL? DO YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO IS IN HOSPITAL? Name_________________________ Hospital ___________________Ward _____ Please complete/ tear off and return with your collection - or hand to Fr Tom after Mass Parish website: Discover us @StJohnRCPerth
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