St John the Baptist's, Perth SUNDAY MASS in St JOHN’S 6.30pm (Saturday Vigil) & on Sunday 9am, 11am, 6.30pm WEEKDAYS Monday-Saturday at 10am, Tuesday 7pm MSZA ŚW. PO POLSKU Niedziela 3pm Pojednania 14.30pm RECONCILIATION in St John’s Saturday 5-6pm Priests: Rev. Dr.Tom Shields PhB STL PhD VE, St John’s Presbytery, 20 Melville Street, Perth, PH1 5PY (01738 622241) Youth Office (01738 635074) Fr Kazimierz Kubat SDS and Fr Bogdan Palka SDS 16 Melville Street Perth PH1 5PY (01738 564182) Deacon: Len Moir The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9th November 2014 INSPECT YOUR CHURCH’S FOUNDATION “Everyone, however, must be careful how he builds. No one can lay a foundation other than the one that has been laid, namely Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 esus began the of churches. Church with twelve apostles (see Mt In the western part 16:18). By the power of the world, we have of the Holy Spirit, these many great church buildapostles and other dis- ings. Yet we have the ciples of Christ formed breakdown of Christian other small Christian community. Under these communities (see Acts conditions, our beauti2:42). These communi- ful church buildings can ties were united with present problems, as is the Lord and the other the case with any strucChristian communities ture whose foundation through the bishops of is eroding. This does their regions. After al- not mean that we should most three hundred years neglect or destroy our of living in small com- church buildings. Howmunities and meeting in ever, we had better rehomes, the Church was pent, give our lives to called by the Holy Spirit Jesus, and let the Holy to build a church build- Spirit build Christian ing (i.e. St. John Lat- community among us. eran). Thus, a network Our church buildings of deep, developed small will manifest our downChristian communities is fall spiritually unless we Rescript: In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant my permission to publish One Bread, One Body covering the period from the historical and spir- have a new Pentecost of October 1, 2014 through November 30, 2014. itual foundation and in- Christian community. †Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 24, 2014. spiration for the building Come, Holy Spirit! J For this Sunday’s liturgy Responsorial Psalm The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells. Teas after the 11am Mass on Sunday and 10am Mass on Tuesdays Priests for Scotland A LIFE WORTH LIVING Flower collection Prayers at today’s Masses Thank you Gospel Acclamation We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you; because by your cross you have redeemed the world. Diocese of Dunkeld - Scottish Charity No. SC001810 Welcome to all our visitors for your generosity @StJohnRCPerth Please pray for the repose of the souls of Cecilia Hamilton, Anna Bell, Anne Welsh, Manus Ward, Michael Campbell, Susan King and Catherine Cooke and the souls of all the faithful departed. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen Collections Many thanks for your generosity. The income was Offertory £1,715.64; Papers £28.97; Votives £86.91; Shop £3.75; SCIAF £2 and Mission Appeal £1,627.19. Exposition Exposition continues on Mondays after 10am Mass until Benediction at 6.30pm. We desperately need people to watch with the Blessed Sacrament! At the moment if anyone has to be on holiday or falls ill, then there is no one to take their place. Often people are in the church on their own or have to sit an hour because they have to fill in for others. This is far from ideal. If we want exposition we have to support it. Please hand your name to one of the priests if you are willing to take on a slot. House visiting Please put your name down on the list at the back of the church if you wish a visit from the clergy over the next couple of months. Month of the Holy Souls The month of November is the month of the Holy Souls. Throughout November Mass will be celebrated every day for the repose of the souls of those whose names appear on the November lists. Any other Masses for anniversaries etc. will be celebrated as normal and announced when desired but as we have three priests we are able to guarantee that Mass will be celebrated every day of November for the Holy Souls. Lists and envelopes are available, please hand them back as soon as possible. Any donations in the envelopes go towards the celebrating of these Masses for the upkeep of the clergy. Many thanks for your generosity in the past. Eucharistic ministers There will be a meeting with Fr Tom on Tuesday, 11th November at 7.30pm, in the Hall, after evening Mass. Justice & Peace Just Faith Launch Workshops and Speakers at inspiring and interactive day to help shape work of the Just Faith programme in Dunkeld on Saturday, 29th November 10.30am2.30pm. Lunch provided. RSVP for catering purposes to ecoakley@ RCIA meeting Mass for the Sick Mass for the Sick will be celebrated next Saturday, 15th November, at 10am. Mass will be offered for the deceased members of the St Vincent de Paul and for those parishioners who have died during the last year. Tea will be served in the hall after the Mass. RCIA continues on Italian Thursdays at 7pm in the Association presbytery. All those who The next monthly wish to enquire about be- meeting of the Italian coming a Catholic are Association will take most welcome place in the Church Hall on Saturday 22ND NOThanks to VEMBER - at 1pm followed by Holy Mass ‘our’ Joan Over a period of fifty in Italian at 2pm in the years Joan Sweeney has Church. organised and run charity Dunkeld News bingos in St John’s and Copies of Bishop Robalso in her own home. son’s latest newsletter are An amazing amount of available in the church money has been raised post - and online at www. for various charities. However, Monday 3rd November was Joan’s Flower Fund final charity bingo, so We would like to have we would like to thank a special collection toJoan for her tremendous day, Sunday 9th Novemachievements over the ber, to help defray the past 5 decades, not only cost of church flowers. for the monetary side, This is a constant finanbut in bringing people cial outgoing and our together in Christian love major festivals of Christand fellowship. Wishing mas and Easter incur her a long, happy and considerable expense. So healthy retirement, the please be generous and parishioners and friends dig deep to adorn your of St John’s. church. Thank you! Children’s Liturgy “…our faith demands of us a certain sparingness in use [of temporal possessions], and the Church is obliged to live and administer its own goods in such a way that the gospel is proclaimed to the poor. If instead the Church appears to be among the rich and the powerful of this world its credibility is diminished” Justice in the World, 47 The Children’s Liturgy will continue at the 9am Mass this Sunday. Foodbank The new opening hours of the foodbank are For Donations 9.30am to 11am - Mondays to Fridays For Food Parcels 2pm to 4pm - Mondays to Fridays. Papers A range of magazines and newspapers is available in the porch. These are a help to our faith and keep us all informed. If the price is too much then please feel free to make a donation towards their cost. Parish Shop Christmas cards, calendars, diaries and Advent calendars in stock Compostela reunion On Saturday 22nd November in St John’s Hall at 7.30pm the pilgrims of Santiago 2014 are all invited to a reunion. Children/young people should arrange to be collected at 9pm – adults can stay a little longer! Please let us know if you are coming by phoning and leaving a message on the parish answering machine 622241 Dust Angels We are looking for volunteers to join the ‘elite’ band of Dust Angels. We clean the church on Friday mornings after the 10am Mass. We shall work a rota system, which, if enough people come forward, would entail being on duty once a month or less. Please leave names with Esther or Maria in the sacristy. Lunch Club The Monday Lunch Club will continue this week, at 12noon, in the Church Hall. Parish Library Borrow from our extensive range ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN HOSPITAL? DO YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO IS IN HOSPITAL? Name_________________________ Hospital ___________________Ward _____ Please complete/ tear off and return with your collection - or hand to Fr Tom after Mass Parish website: Discover us @StJohnRCPerth NIEDZIELNA REFLEKSJA NAD SŁOWEM BOŻYM ... Rocznica poświęcenia Bazyliki Laterańskiej – Święto W roku 313 cesarz Konstantyn Wielki wydał słynny Edykt Mediolański, na mocy, którego religia chrześcijańska odzyskała prawa do swobodnego i publicznego kultu. Znajdujący się w Rzymie, na tym samym miejscu, co dzisiaj, pałac rodziny Lateranów (stąd nazwa wzgórza i Bazyliki św. Jana na Lateranie), który cesarz podarował papieżowi św. Sylwestrowi I (314-335) i nakazał wybudować obok pałacu okazałą świątynię pod wezwaniem Jezusa Chrystusa Najświętszego Zbawiciela, potem św. Jana Chrzciciela i św. Jana Ewangelisty. Stała się ona pierwszą katedrą biskupa Rzymu, a przylegający do niej pałac – siedzibą papieży. Jej poświęcenia dokonał Matka i Głowa wszystkich ten sam papież św. Sylwester I 9 listopada 324 r. Od XII wieku 9 listopada obchodzi się Święto Rocznicy poświęcenia Bazyliki Laterańskiej. kościołów Miasta i Świata W odróżnieniu od trzech pozostałych, tzw. wielkich bazylik rzymskich, przysługuje jej tytuł arcybazyliki, ponieważ każdy nowo wybrany biskup Kurs Rzymu – papież udaje się do niej w uroczystej procesji, aby dokonać przedmałżeński uroczystego ingresu do swojej tytularnej katedry. Obok wejścia do baDla tych, którzy chcą zyliki znajduje się łaciński napis, który najlepiej oddaje znaczenie i rolę zawrzeć Sakrament tego miejsca: Mater et Caput omnium Ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis (Matka Małżeństwa: na sześć Grupa miesięcy przed planowai Głowa wszystkich kościołów Miasta i Świata). młodzieżowa adres strony internetowej z kazaniami: Przygotowanie Zapraszamy Adoracja do Spowiedzi Najświętszego do Bierzmowania Bierzmowanie w tutei regularnego Sakramentu jszej parafii odbędzie W każdy poniedziałek się we środę 26 listouczstnictwa we zapraszamy na Adorację pada o godzinie 19:00. Mszy św. Najśw. Sakramentu po W każdą niedzielę od 14:30 czyli pół godziny przed Mszą świętą jeden z księży jest dostępny w konfesjonale. Zapraszamy do regularnej Spowiedzi św. i do uczestnictwa w niedzielnej Mszy św. o godz 15:00. Bądź dobrym wzorem i przykładem dla swoich dzieci ... Dodatkowa Msza Święta w ciągu tygodnia Od 7 listopada wprowadziliśmy dodatkową, regularną Mszę świętą w każdy piątek wieczorem o godzinie 18:30. Zapraszamy szczególnie tych, którzy przez cały tydzień, nawet w niedziele pracują i nie mają czasu na Mszę. Po Mszy konferencja o Eucharystii Mszy św. o godz. 10. Potrzebujemy więcej chętnych do regularnej Adoracji. Godzina między 10:30 a 18:30 spędzona przed Najświętszym Sakramentem na pewno nie jest czasem straconym. Wieczność będzie polegała na USTAWICZNEJ ADORACJI BOGA. Warto już teraz do wieczności się przygotowywać. Proszę zgłosić księdzu swoje nazwisko, jeśli chcesz podjąć taką służbę modlitewną. RCIA Od czwartku 6 listopada kontynuujemy o godz 19:00 spotkania grupy RCIA. Stanowią ją ci, którzy pragną zostać włączeni do Kościoła Katolickiego w Wigilię Paschalną. Zapraszamy chętnych. Rodziców dzieci ze szkół niekatolickich zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie w kościele w poniedziałek 17 listopada o godzinie 19:30. Lektorzy, kantorzy, ministranci, szafarze Mamy już grupę muzyczną, mamy też już lektorów i kantorów. Czekamy nadal na chętnych do pomocy w udzielaniu Komunii Świętej. Zebranie dla Nadzwyczajnych Szafarzy Komunii Świętej i kandydatów we wtorek 11 listopada o godz. 19:30 (po wieczornej Mszy św) w holu parafialnym. nym ślubem należy się zgłosić do tutejszego biura parafialnego. Proponujemy także jako pomoc dwie tury kursu przedmałżeńskiego: pierwsza w okresie Adwentu, niedziele: 30 listopada, 7 i 14 grudnia po niedzielnej Mszy świętej. i druga w okresie Wielkiego Postu w niedziele: 1, 8 i 15 marca po niedzielnej Mszy świętej. Zainteresowanych prosimy o kontakt z Ks. Kazimierzem 0 792 742 3855 Listopad – modlitwa za zmarłych W miesiącu listopadzie codziennie jedna Msza święta będzie odprawiana za poleconych zmarłych. Jest teraz 3 księży i jeden z nich będzie codziennie taką Mszę św. odprawiał. Karteczki na wypominki i koperty są jeszcze dostępne przy wejściu do k-ła. Wypełnione proszę je przekazać jednemu z księży. Grupa młodzieżowa 3GY spotka się w każdą środę o godz. 18:00 w holu parafialnym. Zapraszamy młodzież szkół średnich. DUST ANGELS – sprzątające Anioły Poszukujemy chętnych do ekskluzywnej i elitarnej grupy parafialnej “Dust Angels”. Odkurzamy i sprzątamy nasz kościół w każdy piątek po Mszy o g. 10. Sprzątanie odbywa się na zasadzie rotacji i jeśli będziemy mieć odpowiednią ilość chętnych to dyżur może wypaść nie częściej niż raz na miesiąc. Prosimy o kontakt w zakrystii z Esther lub Marią. Rady Parafialnej Naszymi reprezentantami do Rady Parafialnej zostali wybrani: Violetta Malon (07877 368489) i Michał Brożyna (07706 098935). Prosimy ich kontaktować w sprawach dotyczących polskiego duszpasterstwa. Prisoners Week 2014 Once again it is almost that time of year when we turn in our thoughts and prayers to those held in custody throughout the Scottish Prison Service, their families and friends as well as prison staff, Chaplaincy teams and all others who are involved in the Criminal Justice System. Prisoners Week is an initiative of the Churches held in the third week of November. The theme for this year is ‘Behind the Mask’ and offers an opportunity to see others - and perhaps also ourselves - differently. Setting aside labels, categories, fronts and masks, there’s a chance to see people as people. Perhaps such things are a part of the journey towards safer communities and more fulfilled lives Prisoners Week 2015 runs from 17-24 November when there will be a number of events in prisons and communities across Scotland. A new web site www. is being populated with information, resources and contact details of organisations that offer support and advice. You are warmly invited to the Ecumenical Prisoners Week National Launch Service which will take place in Dunblane Cathedral, FK15 0AQ, on Monday 17th November at 6.30pm. The address will be given by the Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, Convener of the Church & Society Council of the Church of Scotland. The Service will last approximately 45 minutes, followed by a similar period for refreshments. You are aslo invited to the Prisoners Week Ecumenical Service which takes place on Thursday 20 November at 7pm, in St Mary’s Kinnoull. The guest preacher will be The Rt. Rev. Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld. There will be an opportunity to meet the local team, worship together and bring to God our Father the needs of HMP Perth in prayer. HOLY SOULS They are waiting for our petitions Silent and calm, Their lips no prayer can utter No suppliant psalm. We have made them all too weary, With long delay, For the souls in their still agony Good Christian pray. Requiescant in Pace, Requiescant in Pace For the souls thou holdest dearest Let prayers arise, The voice of love is mighty And will pierce the skies; Waste not in selfish weeping One precious day, But speeding thy love to heaven Good Christian pray. Requiescant in Pace, Requiescant in Pace Priest and Deacons O ur new priests and deacon have had a chance to settle in over the last couple of months and Fr Tom, Fr Kas, Fr Bogdan and Deacon Len, in consultation with some others who are involved in the pastoral work of the parish, have decided on how the work is to be shared in the parish. Fr Tom, as par- ill parishioners and ish priest, will be look after Kilgraston responsible for the (though Masses will administration of the be shared). He will parish and the sup- share the Masses at port and monitoring the weekend with of all ministries in Frs. Kas and Bogthe parish. dan, and routinely be Fr available on WednesSpecifically Tom will continue to days and Thursdays minster to PRI and celebrating the 10am Murray Royal Hos- Mass and funerals pitals, be ‘on call’ for etc. on those days. At emergencies for most the moment, he will of the week, look af- look after Primary ter a few seriously 6 and Primary 7 in St John’s. All of this will also enable him to fulfil his diocesan obligations. Fr Kas will share the Masses with the other priests and together with Fr Bogdan be responsible for the day to day parish concerns on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, tend to the Polish community and look after the adult faith formation, particularly RCIA and oversee marriage and baptismal preparation. Fr Kaz will take particular care of Friday evening Mass offering from time to Parish website: time some catechesis and help Fr Colin with St John’s Academy, Senior School. Fr Bogdan will share the Masses and parish work as above, look after the liturgy for the Polish Mass, and with Deacon Len and the pastoral care team coordinate the day to day ministry to the housebound and sick in the parish. He will also look after the bulk of the primary part of St John’s Academy and liaise with the teachers on some of the sacramental preparation. Deacon Len will assist the priests of the parish in all of the above, preach at some of the Masses and assist with baptisms, weddings and funerals. He will coordinate with Fr Bogdan and the pastoral care team especially on the ministry to the sick and will help set up a group for the bereaved. This means that on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, it would normally be better to try the Salvatorian House 16 Melville Street or phone them on 564182 for contact with a priest. Discover us @StJohnRCPerth
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