HOLY FAMILY Next Sunday Lk 19:28-40 DULUTH Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Is 50:4-7 Phil 2:6-11 Lk 22:14—23:56 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday mornings 8:30am to 9:00am “Love Letter In The Sand” Several years ago there was a popular ballad entitled: “Love Letters In The Sand.” Part of the lyrics went like this: “On a day like today we passed the time away Writing love letters in the sand. Now my poor heart just aches With every wave that breaks over love letters in the sand.” The title of that song describes the Gospel reading for today. A woman was declared guilty of immorality and sentenced to death by stoning. Jesus simply started writing in the dust and then said the one without sin may throw the first stone. No one threw a stone; everyone left. We don’t know what Jesus wrote but certainly something honest that caught the accusers’ attention. Each realized they were also guilty of sin. Out of love, Jesus pointed out that we’re all sinners. We don’t respect a doctor that discovers something wrong but doesn't want to worry us so he/she tells us we’re fine. We need to know the truth so we can correct the problem. The great Physician, Jesus, understood that necessity. He didn’t hide the truth even though we may not like to hear it. He was honest and wasn’t afraid to point out our shortcomings. He also was willing to forgive us if we repented and admitted our sins. Secondly, I believe that He wrote something hopeful. Our Lord was always truthful with people and yet He didn’t send people away discouraged about themselves. He said to the woman, “your accusers left and not one threw a stone or condemned you. Neither do I. Go and avoid sinning.” He didn’t threaten her but gave her a vote of confidence. She had been humiliated; He told her that she could rise above that kind of living. He probably talked to her softly and understandingly but He also challenged her. He told her she could start over and live up to her best self, not down to her worst self. The woman left with hope in her heart. Here was a man who gave her a vision of a better life. She could rise from the gutter and find a better life style. All people need to receive a challenge and need to be shown that they also are loved by God and can lead a better life and be happy. With Christ in our life, the future is bright with hope. The popular song “Love letters in the sand” ends on a note of sadness. Today’s reading ends with gladness. There is no condemnation only a promise of a brand new happy life. God bless & love you, Father Terry Remember your parish Church in your will. Weekend: March 14, 2010 Adult: 2,264.50 Plate: 264.25 Youth: 5.00 Total: $2,533.75 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: This Week: Easter Flowers, Pledge/Debt Reduction Next Week: Lenten Sacrificial Weekday Masses Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 8a 8a St Toribio de Mogrovejo 8a 8a ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 8a Ministry Schedules Mar 22 - Mar 26 No Morning Mass †Liz Lukovsky †Julia Maniak †Richard Jurek †Pat Marlenga Mar 26, 27 & 28 Fri 7p STATIONS OF THE CROSS LECT Diane Hoffman SERV Brianna Eales, Elizabeth Bergh Sat 5p THE LORD’S DAY †JANIS O’NEILL LECT Chuck Gehlen, Joanne Connor, Donna DeToffol EUCH Mary Palusky USH Frank Busker, Tony Budisalovich, Myron Connor, Dave DeToffol Sun 8a THE LORD’S DAY †JOHN CASKEY LECT Jake Walczynski, Don Cich, John Walczynski EUCH Ann, Bud Stenstrom SERV Andrew McDonell, Josh Walczynski USH Fred Pass, Greg, Kathy Donovan Sun 10a THE LORD’S DAY ALL PARISHIONERS LECT Bruce Lobermeier, Pat Perfetti, Suzanne Reijo, Desi Taylor EUCH Kyle Limoseth, Brad Hoder SERV Brianna Eales, Ashlie DeYoung, Elizabeth Bergh USH Bob Kray, David Makowsky, Don Martens GREET Maddy Larson, Lori Bloomer Fifth Week of Lent – The Woman Caught in Adultery The Lenten call to repentance is matched by the overwhelming compassion and forgiveness of God. The story of the woman caught in adultery shows us that Jesus does not want to condemn us, but rather to place us on the path to new life. Our prayer, fasting, learning, and giving with Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl opens paths to new life for our brothers and sisters in need. Please note: the Operation Rice Bowl banks and envelopes are in the narthex. The material explains the needs of the persons we will be helping. The banks and envelopes will be collected along with food, for those who need help right here in our own neighborhood, on Holy Thursday (4/1) at the 7pm Mass. Thank you for your generosity in last week’s Collection for the Church in Latin America! Your generosity has made a difference by funding pastoral programs that will nurture the faith and strengthen the Church. Thank you for keeping faith with the Church in Latin America. To see where your donation is making a difference, visit www.usccb.org/nationalcollections WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS We extend visiting, or welcome to registration. signing up. a warm welcome to those of you who are are looking to join our parish. Please feel sign up as new parishioners, or update your You may call the office for information about Thank you FREE ministry to traveling Catholics. For nationwide Mass times and 2 locations: Call Mass Times at (1-410-676-6000) or www.Masstimes.org FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT March 21, 2010 Religious Education News From Desi March 21 to March 28 Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Confirmation Session #6 @ 1:00pm Prayer Group 7:00pm Usher Practice 7:00pm Lector Practice 7:00pm Living Stations 7:00pm Adult Choir Practice 7:00pm Confessions 4:00pm Parish Breakfast 9am-noon Confirmation Students ~ Confirmation Session #6 Sun., March 21 from 1-3:45pm Wednesday, March 24 All K-12 students will attend LIVING STATIONS presented by our youth group at 7:00pm in the Church. Arrive early to sign in for attendance St. John's Church in Woodland will be showing the movie "Passion of the Christ" on Wednesday, March 24th at 6:00pm. The movie will be paused at certain points so that Fr. Rich can draw our attention to often missed details. Because this movie is rated "R", it is recommended that children please not attend. Question? Call the parish office 724-6332. Youth Group ~ Living Stations Wednesday, March 24 at 7pm World Youth Day Pilgrims brought in 1820 pounds of recycled glossy paper last week. The glossy paper collection will continue through May of next year. We are amazed at the incredible support from our parishioners! We thank everyone for their continued support. The EASTER TRIDUUM is the most important celebration of our faith. Therefore we need time to renew and refresh our commitment to the liturgy. Therefore the following sessions are scheduled: Ushers for Holy Week: We will meet Monday, March 22 at 7pm in the Social Hall. Lectors assigned to do the Passion on Palm Sunday & Good Friday: will meet on Tuesday, March 23 at 7pm in the Church. A Spiritual Journey to Poland Time is running out to sign up! Join Fr. Tony Wroblewski for 12 days in Poland, September 20 to October 1, 2010. Includes visits to Lublin, Krakow, Warsaw, Swiety Krzyz, Divine Mercy, Zakopane, Czestochowa & more! Only $2799 (cash price) from MSP Airport, including Air, Hotel, Motor Coach and 2 meals a day! Space is limited. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit www.GoCatholicTravel.com/Wroblewski or simply contact Fr. Wroble wski at (218)-822-4040 or e-mail him at fr.tony@lakescatholic.org We are having an Breakfast Pizza Sunday, March 28th from 9am-12noon $6.00 ~ Adults $4.00 ~ Kids St Mary Star of the Sea EASTER HAM BINGO Sunday, March 21 at 2pm Sloppy Joe / Hot Dog lunch starting at 12:30 PARISH PICTURE DIRECTORY It has been 5 years since we did our last directory. We are planning to have another, with photography dates in April & May. Sign up this weekend. If you would like to help call the office and one of the committee will talk with you. St Anthony FISH DINNER Friday’s in Lent, March 26 & April 2 from 4:30-7pm Adults $9.00, 12 & under $5.00, preschoolers Free St Raphael’s FISH SUPPER Friday, March 26 from 5-7pm Adults $8, Children $4 SINGLE ADULT GAME NIGHT FOR AGES 25–45 Join other Catholic singles for a board game night at St. Benedict’s Church on Tuesday 3/23/10 @ 7pm.. Bring your favorite game to play and your best conversation. Coffee and cookies will be provided. Cost will be $2 per person to help cover costs. Bring a friend if you would like - the more the merrier. St John’s FISH SUPPER Friday, March 26 from 4:30-7pm Adults $7.50, Children $5.50 Knights of Columbus FISH FRY at St Benedict Church Friday, March 26 from 4:30-7pm Adults $7.50, Child (under 13) $5.50 Take-outs available On Good Friday, April 2, there will be a two hour solemn-prayer vigil for the end of abortion in front of the abortion center in Duluth, 32 E 1st St. Each quarter-hour a different pastor will come to lead in a devotional on the meaning of Christ’s atonement and to pray regarding the 600-700 abortions committed in Duluth each year. Please come for as long as your schedule permits to pray or to carry a six foot cross. The cross is to remind us that Jesus died to offer life. John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Call Jim Tuttle at 393-4954 for more information. Sponsored by Pro-life Ministries of Duluth. Sister Marie Therese Poliquin, OSB of St. Scholastica Monastery will be an advocate through her prayers and sufferings for Holy Family Parish during 2009-2010 Norton Park United Methodist Church HAM DINNER Sunday, March 28 from 12 noon-2:30pm Adults $9, ages 3-10 $4, 2 & under Free St Margaret Mary Sunday, March 28 PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH from 10am-12:30pm Adults $6, children $3, 5 & under Free EASTER HAM GAMES PARTY at 6pm, doors open at 5pm 20 Ham games plus cash games, 4 boards/$4, cash games .25¢ board St Rose SPRING CHICKEN DINNER & BAKE SALE Sunday, April 11 from 1-4pm Adults $8.50, children $4.50, tots 5 & under Free 3 We extend our sympathy to the family & friends of Dorothy Lister, mother of Cindy Lobermeier. May she rest in peace.
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