Saint Timothy Catholic Church A.D. October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Human Needs Committee Meeting Small Faith Groups Beginning Details on Other Side Adult Faith Formation Get your coffee and stay in the commons for these interesting and insightful presentations from 10:45-11:30 on Sunday mornings. Next weekend, Fr. Jonathan will help us explore the fascinating "theology of the body." On October 26, Arn Manella will introduce some of our most heroic Catholic military chaplains. Altar Servers Needed Do you have a calling to be an altar server? We are encouraging youth ages 9-17 to attend an introduction to altar serving to be held following the 9:30am Mass on October 19. If interested please speak to Arn Manella or Charlie MacDonald following any Sunday Mass. From Our Bishops [On Monday Bishop Francis DiLorenzo of the Diocese of Richmond and Bishop Paul Loverde of the Diocese of Arlington issued the following through the V irginia Catholic Conference.] Weekly Parish Bulletin With deep disappointment, we learned today that the U.S. Supreme Court has denied review of lower-court decisions that struck down Virginia's law prohibiting same-sex marriage and similar laws in four other states. Because of the Supreme Court's denial, marriages between couples of the same sex have begun today in Virginia. This occurrence reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the intrinsic nature of marriage and represents an injustice to over a million Virginia voters, whose decision was to enshrine the understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman into our state's constitution. Marriage has been affirmed by countless generations because it uniquely benefits the common good by recognizing the union of two equal but complementary individuals - that is, a man and a woman - who, by their life-giving union, may create a family. Marriage not only benefits the man and woman who enter it, but also best serves children because of the particular contributions that mothers and fathers bring to family life. Therefore, Virginia's constitution rightly recognized the unique contributions marriage makes to children and to the common good. As Bishops, we will continue to affirm the truth about marriage, the lifelong union of one man and one woman, as well as its essential importance to the common good. As pastors, teachers, and faith leaders, we can do nothing less. It is our fervent hope that the Supreme Court will reconsider this fundamental issue in the future. Religious Education Our Religious Education program is now in its second month of exciting exploration of God's truth and beauty. Parents are asked to ensure that all children and youth ages 4 to 18 are enrolled and actively participating. Registration is still available for our classes which meet Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am. Please contact Anne Glancy through the parish office or stop by St. Jude Hall next Sunday. All Souls Day Altar As November approaches, we look forward to again erecting our "Altar of the Dead" near the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please bring photos of deceased loved ones to place on the altar until the beginning of Advent. Additionally, please write any names of deceased individuals who you would like remembered at Mass this month, in our parish Book of the Dead. Youth Group Service Project Our Youth Group is excited about participating in the Diocesan Day of Service on November 8 by playing bingo with our neighbors at Carrington Place. They also hope to build a raised garden box for the residents there. They need some help from parishioners with carpentry experience to build it. To find out more, please contact Mary Lynn Krusz at 4436973. Bible Study The group will meet for lunch at Hobbs Hole, on Wednesday, October 15, after Lauds. Come join us! Finances September 2014 Operating Income: $51,227.20 Operating Expenses: $41,962.44 Restricted Income: $7,267.87 Restricted Expenses: $7,864.63 Our next special collection will be offered on October 18 and 19 for World Mission Sunday. A.D. October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekly Parish Bulletin Mass Intentions Tuesday, October 14, 9am +James Neville Wednesday, October 15, 12N Lauds Thursday, October 16, 9am +Sadie Kathyrn Fowler Friday, October 17, 9am +Ann Peterson Saturday, October 18, 5pm Pro pópulo Sunday, October 19, 9:30am +Rosalyn Degon Sunday, October 19, 12N +Abelardo Hernandez Small Faith Groups Beginning The parish is now prepared to offer an important tool to grow in holiness. Small groups will gather to consider the process of spiritual growth as outlined by some of our greatest saints including Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, and Bernard of Clairvaux. The weekly meetings will take your schedule into account. If interested, contact Fr. Jonathan. Kermés Our Hispanic community is organizing a kermés, a food sale that combines a festive meal with a fundraiser, for 1:30pm on Sunday, November 2, in honor of All Souls Day, in St. Jude Hall. Bring your appetite and a few dollars! All proceeds go to support our capital improvements, including the renovation and expansion of St. Jude Hall. To find out about making something to contribute, contact Gonzalo Ramirez at 313-5119. Human Needs Committee The Human Needs Committee will be meeting Saturday, October 18 at 6:00pm in the Commons. This committee does vital work here in our community. Please consider donating your time to help out those less fortunate. 20th Annual Coat, Sweater, and Blanket Drive Please bring new or gently used items to St. Jude Hall until Sunday, October 19. New blankets and baby clothes, for children up to two years of age, are much needed. These items will be donated to the Tappahannock Community Center for distribution. Saturday: Reconciliation at 4:15pm, Mass at 5:00pm Sunday: Reconciliation at 8:45am, Mass at 9:30am, Mass in Spanish at noon 413 Saint Timothy Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560 phone: 804-443-2760 fax: 804-443-2022 email: Visit for helpful links, information on the sacraments, and much more! Fr. Jonathan Goertz, Pastor ( Mrs. Anne Glancy, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Joanie Copen, Business Manager/Bookkeeper “Like” us on Facebook for photos and updates! St. Callistus I, pope and martyr St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr Twenty-Ninth Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday Upcoming Events Community Dinner (Monday, October 13, 5:00pm, St. Jude Hall) Finance Council (Tuesday, October 14, 6:00pm, Conference Room) Parish Council (Tuesday, October 14, 7:00pm, Conference Room) Bible Study (Wednesday, October 15, 10:30am, Commons) Rosary (Wednesday, October 15, 7:00pm, Church) Knights of Columbus (Wednesday, October 15, 7:30pm, St. Jude Hall) Night Owl Adoration (Wednesday, October 15, 9:30pm, Church) Alcoholics Anonymous (Thursday, October 16, 8:00pm, St. Jude Hall) Human Needs Committee Meeting (Saturday, October 18, 6:00pm, Commons) Adult Faith Formation (Sunday, October 19, 10:45am, Commons) Alcoholics Anonymous (Thursday, October 23, 8:00pm, St. Jude Hall) Prayer List For those serving our country: Lt. Patrick Howlett, USAF; Sgt. Charles R. Mauldin, USMC; PFC Paul Largett, US Army; Ensign Jordan Gates, US Navy; Major Rod Dwyer, USA, PFC W. Daniel Clarke, ANG. For healing and good health: Vergie McKenzie, Rachel Porter, Lois Nelms, Beatrice Howard, Victoria Rizzi, Kenna Click, Shirley Fortune-Smith, Stephen Fortune, Gary Withnell, Virginia Holbrooks, Miles Page, Kenneth Bryan, Clayton Faust, Bud and Anne Mauldin, Ron Haggerty, Kim Onitas, Victoria Cutwright, Chuck Burns, Frances Strife, Larry Miller, Eric Thompson, John Walter, Donna and Tonya Thompson, Kevin Bonhaus, Hattie Thornton, George Egmond, Cedell Brooks, Betty Pullman, Wendy Payne, Ron Hinson, Christopher Manella, Diane Miller, Charles Piscopo, Mary Gottko, Donsey P. Harvey, Granville H. Rogers, Sister Catherine Lillis, Barbara Severin, Jack Klein, Leeds Corbin, Mary Sydnor, Christina Zottoli, Lucy Rogers, Patricia Brenzovich, Yosselyn Cruz, Kenneth Strife, Yiduk Kim, Raymond Greenwood, Rita Devine, Gregory Woodfin, Sr., Gregory Woodfin, Jr., Anna Snedden, Douglas Sanger, Jean Hachey, Cindy Graves, Christin Hannah, Jimmy Whitaker, Ginny Flaherty, Sally Reville, Deborah Livingston, Ken Pollack, Linda Morris, Sue Ball, Grayson Kirby, Alison Ryan, Dorothy Sponder, Lourdes Longyear, Lucille (Jolly) Lyons, Dylann Selig, Anne Sanger, Hal and Pat Severin, Sheryl Sears, Kristin Via, Martha Caulkins, Julio Marinero Camacho, Anna Coffey, Andy Caron, Rita Noble, Tim Lyons, Allen Glazbrook, George Goertz, Evelyn Nawrocki, Brenda Frank, Wesley Berry.
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