Queen of the Apostles A Catholic Community Reina de los Apostoles Comunidad Catolica de Belmont Pastoral Staff PASTOR Father Frank Cancro qoapastor@aol.com Emergency #: 704-825-9907 DEACON 503 North Main Street Belmont, NC 28012 Phone: 704-825-9600 • Fax: 704-825-1413 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm and 1:30 pm-4:30 pm Website: QueenoftheApostles.org Rev. Mr. Chip Wilson QoADeacon@gmail.com 704-820-4162 MUSIC & LITURGY Chrissy Glisson qoamusic@aol.com Office: 704-825-9600 ext. 28 October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTORAL ASSOCIATE S. Bernadette McNamara, R.S.M. qoapa1@gmail.com 704-825-9600 ext. 27 FAITH FORMATION Debbie Seeger qoaformation@aol.com 704-825-9600 ext. 26 Jayme Cannon Faith Formation Assistant jaymeqoaformation@gmail.com Father Christopher Adult Formation frchristopherosb@icloud.com CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) Cam Tracy camilla.k.tracy@gmail.com 704-853-0654 HISPANIC MINISTRY COORDINATOR Padre JoséJuya jjajuya@yahoo.com 704-860-3826 PARISH SECRETARY Mary Jo Stiles QueenofApostles@aol.com 704-825-9600 BUSINESS MANAGER Susan Colone qoafinance@aol.com 704-825-9600 ext. 25 MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR Roger Duncan qoamaintenance@aol.com 704-825-9600 ext. 22 PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON Scott Phillips sphillips3006@yahoo.com 704-461-8326 Weekday Eucharist Weekend Eucharist Reconciliation: Holy Day Celebrations: Misa en Español: Monday and Wednesday: 9:00 am Tuesday and Friday: 12:15 pm Saturday: 5:00 pm, 7:00 p.m. (en Español)) Sunday: 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 am Saturday: 4:00 pm, and by appointment 12:15pm and 7:15 pm Todos los Sabados a 7:00 PM Baptism: This important sign of initiation is celebrated in the community at any one of the weekend Masses. Parents must complete the preparation program (offered every other month). Please contact the church office at least two months prior to your anticipated date for Baptism. Marriage: This sacrament provides an opportunity for a couple to stand as a sign of God’s love in the community. To this end, a period of preparation is important and necessary. Contact the church office at least six months prior to your proposed marriage date to begin this process. Anointing of the Sick: If you are preparing for surgery or hospitalization, this sacrament can be celebrated with you on any weekend at the church. In an emergency, contact the church so we can pray with you at home or in the hospital. Mission Statement With the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first disciple of Jesus Christ, as our example and patron, the mission of Queen of the Apostles Catholic Church is to proclaim and share the Gospel entrusted to us. We celebrate our oneness with the Risen Christ, with each other and the entire Church, through the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. We accept the direction given us by the Second Vatican Council. We are committed to this mission by our worship, education, fellowship, and outreach to the needy. Our Weekly Tithe: Collections 10-12-2014: $13,299.98 Thank you for your support of the parish! Last week, because of your generosity in the offertory, we were able to send a tithe of $665.00 to Family Promise. This week we will use our tithe for House of Mercy housing and caring for homeless with HIV and AIDS. FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR THIS WEEKEND WERE DONATED BY: Masses This Week Terry Ausband IN LOVING MEMORY OF: David Minnick & Mary Harmon Liturgical Ministers: Saturday, October 25, 2014—5:00pm Readers: Sue Bess, Elizabeth Atterberry EMCs: Joe & Loretta Bell, Nelda Malinowski, Sharon Smith, Deacon Chip Wilson Ministers of Hospitality: Karen Aiken, Bob Atterberry, Boyd Bess Altar Servers: Emma Messer, Matthew Vasko Sunday, October 26, 2014—8:00am Mass Readers: Rita Paluszak, Sarah Carrick EMCs: Blaise Aziague, Renee Hinson, Deacon Chip Wilson Ministers of Hospitality: Kathy Hodge, Bill McMasters, Kimber Walters Altar Servers: Claire & Claudia Paluszak Sunday, October 26, 2014—9:45am Mass Readers: Lucille Ebreo, Richard Swakla EMCs: Roger Duncan, Linda Huffsmith, Jeanne & Stuart LaFrancis, Kathy Lindgren, Deborah Trynor, Rebecca Vondra Ministers of Hospitality: Jonathan Kane, Pete Kinzer, Kathy Shine, Joe Shirley Altar Servers: Cathy Pullen, Jackie Rielley, Natalie Sparks Children’s Liturgy: Michelle Curnow Sunday, October 26, 2014—11:30am Mass Readers: Lisa Hogan, Jim Dobies EMCs: Jan Kauer, Karen & Mike Riemer, Sally Stone, Bethsy SanMillan, Donna Snyder, Eleanor Williams Ministers of Hospitality: Erika & Billy McHenry, Nasser Miranda, Patricia Rodriguez Altar Servers: Janette Blandford, Elijah Green, Dezi Kauer Children’s Liturgy: Jenn Hardin 5:00pm 7:00pm Saturday, October 18, 2014 For the People Misa en Español 8:00am 9:45am 11:30am Sunday, October 19, 2014 Mass Rita Marie Shaver + Mass 9:00am 7:15pm Monday, October 20, 2014 Mass Recitation of the Rosary Tuesday, October 21, 2014 12:15pm Mass 9:00am Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Communion Service Thursday, October 23, 2014 No Services Friday, October 24, 2014 12:15pm Communion Service THERE IS NO CHILDREN’S LITURGY THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Other Ministries: Traffic Ministry—October 26, 2014 9:45am—Ryan Kranzler, Walt Hinson 11:30am—Charlie Boyd, Bill Bridgeman Coffee & Donuts—October 26, 2014 8:00am—Theresa Eze, Elizabeth & Jerry Hunnicutt, Kimber Walters 9:45am—Taylor Family 11:30am—Mary Johnson Art & Environment: Oct. 19: Nancy O’Brien/Alfreda Tanski, Kathy Lindgren Oct. 26: Jan Kauer, Karen Irvine From the Pastor’s Desk... I am writing this on Monday afternoon, October 13. We have just completed a very successful BBQ Supper, selling 711 meals (at a profit of five dollars per meal). I am overwhelmed by the success of this event and so grateful to Gary, and all those who volunteered their time for set up, service and clean up and all those who helped organize this event. I also want to mention our Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts who were invaluable in making the delivery of meals in bad weather last Saturday such a smooth reality. Thank you to all. And, if that were not enough, I have just returned to the office from the beginning of our first annual Queen's Classic Golf Tournament at Pine Island Country Club. 19 foursomes are currently playing to make this another successful fund raising opportunity for the parish. I am grateful to the committee that organized and did all the foot work to gain sponsorships and otherwise fund this first, great event. In the bulletin you will see the names of all our sponsors and I hope, if you are able, you will support them if you have a need for their services. I also want to thank the Hay Clinic and Dr. Jerry Gardner for its overall sponsorship of the tournament. Your generosity to us is a blessing! These two very successful fund raisers will assist our building program, especially as we prepare to provide furnishings and other necessary elements to our overall plan. Welcome the opportunity this weekend to do some early Christmas shopping and purchase olive wood products from Christian families in Bethlehem. To do so is to also support the livelihood of Palestinian Christians who, in the current conflicts in the Holy Land, continue to find their employment and the security of their family life severely compromised. Ministry Moments: Food Baskets Christmas dinner can be a special time for families to gather, and yet, some families struggle with this tradition we might take for granted. Due to the generous donations of turkeys, hams, canned food, potatoes, sugar, flour, and baked goods, our parish has been able to assist families in the local community with boxes of foods. BI-LO is also a strong supporter in this endeavor. Names are provided by the BCO, SOCKS, and parishioners who are aware of families in need. Each year, over 100 boxes of food are given away. If you know of a family in need, or would like to help in other ways, please contact Heather Hart at 704-842-4059. I also have to thank our "tech team" who have taped, edited and shaped the DVD presentations we will use for our small group meetings beginning this next week. Father Chris and I have developed the materials and this will give me a chance to reach a larger number of parish members to reflect on Advent themes (yes, before Advent -- so you will be ready to develop them further when I preach on these themes during the Advent season!). I hope you will consider joining a small group. Check the flyer in the bulletin and mark your calendars for "My People: A Purpose, A Sponsored by the Homebound Ministers of Queen of the Apostles Church Promise, A Treasure and A Heritage." Quilt Raffle A beautiful queen size quilt, crafted by women of the homebound ministry will be raffled on Sunday December 7 at the Christmas Cantata. Tickets will be available following the masses on the weekends of November 1-2, November 15-16, and December 6-7. - Father Frank Tickets are $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00. Proceeds to benefit the new church building fund. Lastly, let me remind you of the Monday evening Rosary each Monday in October at 7:15 PM. We are praying for peace in our hearts, our community and in our world. Join us if you can in the church for the remainder of the month! Be blessed this week. Saturday, October 25, 2014 This Week 12:00-4:00pm—Women’s Fall Retreat (Family Life Center, Church) 6:00-10:00pm—Hispanic Social (FLC) Sunday, October 19, 2014 Saints and Special Observances OLIVE WOOD SALES AFTER MASSES 9:45am & 11:30am Masses—KidZone (Nursery) 9:30-10:45am—Faith Formation (Sacred Heart Campus) 9:30-10:30am—Bible Study (Library 10:00-11:00am—RCIA (Ed Building) 5:00-6:00pm—Teen Bible Study (FLC) 6:00-8:00pm—HS Youth Ministry (FLC) Sunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday Monday: St. Paul of the Cross Wednesday: Blessed John Paul II Thursday: St. John of Capistrano Friday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, October 20, 2014 11:00am-12:00pm—Quilt Raffle Committee (Conference Room) 6:15-7:30pm—Girl Scouts/Brownies (Ed Bldg: Rooms A & C) 7:00-8:00pm—Cub Scouts (Ed Bldg: Room D/E) 7:15pm—Rosary Recitation (Church) Tuesday, October 21, 2014 9:00am—Staff Prayer (Church) 2:00-3:00pm—Tuesday’s Word (Conference Room) 7:00-9:00pm—Quilt Raffle Committee (Conference Room) Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:30-11:30am—Weekend BackPack Ministry (Nursery) 1:30-3:00pm—Small Faith Group (Conference Room) 5:00-8:00pm—First Reconciliation Workshop (Family Life Center) 5:45-7:00pm—DinoMite Soccer (Grounds) 6:00-6:30pm-Children’s Choir (Church) 6:30-7:15pm—Youth Choir (Church) 7:15-8:00pm—9:45am Choir (Church) 7:30-9:30pm—12 Step Program (Education Building: Room A) 8:15-9:00pm—11:30am Choir (Church) Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:00-9:00pm—Spanish Choir Practice (Church) 7:30-9:00pm—Just for Ladies (FLC) 7:30-9:00pm—Boy Scouts (Ed Bldg) Friday, October 24, 2014 7:00-8:30pm—Small Faith Group (Conference Room) 7:00-9:00pm—AA Meeting (Ed Bldg) Readings for the Week Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:12, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Please pray for... Those in Nursing Homes: Patrick Bragg (Meadow Wood Nursing Center, Gastonia) Sick and Homebound: Ducky Huffstetler, Rosann Louy, William Reeves, Jo Ann Rick, Harrell Rick, Barbara Williams e-Give Make a safe, secure donation to QOA by going to our website and clicking the e-Give link on the home page below the Google translator tab. Stewardship Giving of our time involves being with God in prayer and worship and volunteering our time in the church and community activities that help others. Leave a Legacy Where there’s a will, there’s a way to help our parish through a bequest gift as part of your estate. For more information visit www.charlottediocese.org/giving and follow the link to Planned Giving. Women’s Afternoon of Retreat with Sister Mary Hugh Saturday, October 25 Part 2—”Where Two or Three are Gathered in My Name” Join with other ladies of the parish for a salad luncheon and afternoon of reflection from 12:00noon to 4:00pm in the MAK Family Life Center. Please bring your favorite toppings for salad. Contact Linda Gibbons at ljgibbons@carolina.rr.com with questions or for additional information. Baptismal Preparation Baptism is celebrated at weekend Masses at anytime of the year except the Lenten season. Parents wishing to present a child (under six years of age) for Baptism must complete an Evening of Preparation here in the parish. These are offered six times a year. During pregnancy or after the birth of a child are appropriate times to attend. The next scheduled Prep Session is on Tuesday, December 16 beginning at 7:00pm in the church. Please call the church office to make a reservation to attend this upcoming program. If Sponsors (Godparents) are also here in the area, we invite them to attend as well. Community Happenings: October Food Collection It is again time to collect food for our Christmas baskets that will be distributed during December to area needy families. Heather Hart will again chair this ministry and has asked for the following items: cereal, oatmeal, spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, peanut butter and jelly. Please bring your donations to the altar the weekend of October 25-26. Once the Angel Tree goes up in November, you will have another opportunity to make monetary donations for the purchased items for these baskets. Please contact Heather at 704-8424059 with questions or to volunteer with this ministry. Celebrate! Queen of the Apostles loves to celebrate important occasions during the year...such as First Reconciliation...First Eucharist...Confirmation.. Super Saturday...Easter Vigil...Christmas Cantata. The Parish Life Commission needs volunteers to help host these receptions. We need people to help plan, decorate, serve, cook, etc. to make these special events happen. Please consider volunteering...and for more information to join us for an “entertaining” ministry, please contact Clare Charzewski at 704824-7198, charzewski@aol.com, or Kathy Lindgren at 973-214-5306 or lindgrenkathleen@gmail.com. Angel Tree Last year our parish served 88 children with two angels per child. We are here to assist our church and community, so please contact Sandy Endicott at 704-813-2813 if you have a need or know someone who does no later than November 28. The Angel Tree will be available in the church Narthex beginning the weekend before Thanksgiving so you may choose your angel before you may be traveling for the holiday. Wrapped angels should be returned to the tree with the angel tag firmly attached by Sunday, December 7. Late angels can be delivered by 12:30pm on Sunday, December 14. Volunteers are needed to help carry the gifts into storage and sort them following the 9:45 and 11:30 masses on December 7. Delivery help on Monday, December 8 is also needed. Help is also needed for the same functions with the late gifts on December 14-15. Knights of Columbus Wine & Beer Tasting at Grape & Barley Monday, October 27 at 7:00pm The Knights would like to invite parish members to join them at their social meeting at Grape & Barley Wine Shop in Gastonia. Owner Mark McManus, a QoA parishioner, will present an assortment of unique wines and micro brewed beers for our tasting and enjoyment. Grape & Barley is located at 1933 Hoffman Road, Suite 4, Gastonia. Red Cross Blood Drive October 22, 2:30-7:00pm First Presbyterian of Belmont Sign up at the Red Cross website for a time to donate. Treasures from Our Tradition All Christians in both East and West embraced the care of the sick as essential to church life. In the West, the importance of the visit of the priest is stressed, while in the East, the sick person is brought to the church for a full Liturgy of the Word. Some, such as the Armenians, even call it the “Ritual of the Lamp,” since the oil is poured out of the lamp by which the Word is read. This may be why Eastern Christians sometimes anoint the sick with this oil, since the trip to church might kill them. Our tradition in the West also unfolded in monasteries, where it was possible for infirm monks to be attended with a full and beautifully consoling liturgy. In 950 the monks of St. Alban’s Abbey in Mainz produced a ceremonial book that was instantly a pastoral hit everywhere. There were two lengthy rituals for the sick, one an extended vigil, and the other a liturgy of anointing that included Communion under both species. While this ritual was a house formula for monks, it is easy to see how monks who had the care of parishes desired to serve their parishioners in a similar way. The first form included the chanting of penitential psalms, and the second form required a confession beforehand. Both forms included a laying on of hands, which everyone understood as being an essential part of penance. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Faith Formation: High School Youth Ministry No Classes October 26 There will be no Faith Formation classes next weekend, Sunday, October 26. Classes will resume on Sunday, November 2. Faith Formation Program Needs Two Traffic Volunteers The Sunday morning Faith Formation program is in need of two adults to help secure the parking lots adjacent to the building in which classes are held. Volunteers will need to be present from 9:00-11:00am on the mornings which classes operate. If you can help with this important need, please contact Debbie at 704-825-9600 ext 26 or email qoaformation@aol.com. First Reconciliation Preparation Second Session The second meeting for parents and children in the sacrament program for First Reconciliation is scheduled for Wednesday, October 22 from 5:008:00pm in the Family Life Center. Pizza will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Trunk or Treat!! Save the Date—Sunday, October 26 from 2:00 to 5:00pm on Church Grounds Join in this fun southern tradition as trick or treaters collect goodies as they travel from decorated car trunk to car trunk! Decorate your trunk and bring treats to pass out to the children in the rear church parking lot. Hot dogs and pop corn will be Pleas join us for our new Teen Bible Study this Sunday, October 19 from 5:00-6:00pm in the MAK Family Life Center. High School Youth Ministry will meet on Sunday, October 19 in the MAK Family Life Center to work on our Saints presentations. Please contact Janet Blaylock for more information at 704-473-0418 or qoayouthministry@gmail.com! provided as well as games and a movie. Prizes for the best decorated car trunk, costume and best carved pumpkin (please bring your already carved pumpkin with you from home!) will be awarded. Join in the fun as we continue to build community here at Queen of the Apostles! Middle School Youth Ministry Bonfire, hot dogs and marshmallows this weekend!! Sunday, October 19 from 6:00-8:00pm. We will be going to Horseplay in Gastonia. A PERMISSION SLIP IS REQUIRED and can be found on the web site under the Youth tab. There is also a charge of $5 per person for this event. Special Note: If you are carpooling from church, please meet at the Ed Building by 5:30 pm and we will return to the church by 8:30pm. We need parents to help with transportation so please let us know if you can help. If you live closer to Horseplay, meet at the farm by 6:00pm. Come dressed for the weather. Contact Christine at tlctine@hotmail.com if can volunteer or have questions. Youth Basketball Please email qoayouthbasketball@gmail.com by October 26 if you child is interested in participating on a team in the Stowe YMCA League. These are fundamental learning leagues for age groups 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11. Practices will begin in November. The season is December through February with games on Friday nights or Saturday mornings. Fees ($50 YMCA members; $75 nonmembers) cover uniforms, trophies, practice facilities and referee fees for games. Adult volunteers are also needed. Please provide child’s full name, parent’s name, child’s date of birth and phone number. KIDZONE: Our KIDZONE MINISTRY is now open for the families of our parish! This is a faith based ministry offered for the youngest members of our church ages 6 months –3 years of age during the 9:45am and 11:30am masses each Sunday. It is a time for young children to grow in their faith and relationship with God. KIDZONE is located in the newly refurbished nursery in the MAK Family Life Center. Just look for the KIDZONE check-in station in the MAK Family Life Center to participate. KIDZONE is being supervised by Angela Shirley. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call Debbie at 704-825-9600 or email qoaformation@aol.com. adultfaithformation Small Faith Groups A great study has been planned for all! And, it is now DVDbased! The title of the study is "My People" and it is written by Father Frank and Father Chris. This will be a four week study beginning the week of October 19. Dates and times are available in the bulletin insert this week to see which group you may want to participate with. Please contact Debbie if you have any questions at qoaformation@aol.com or 704-825-9600, ext. 26. Adult Faith Formation Web Site Please be sure to check out our Adult Faith Formation web site. It’s a great source to find available programs here at the parish and resources that encourage and promote ongoing faith formation. We’ve change the web site address to make it easier to access; it’s now www.qofaadultformation.com. Just for Ladies Ladies of all ages, please join us for our next gathering on Thursday, October 23 at 7:30pm! Join us as we venture into a new understanding of the Scriptures. We will be studying The Gospel of Luke by William Anderson, DMin, PhD. Whether you have done studies in the past or if this is your first time, this guided study will be a time of blessing and fellowship as we encourage each other, and find hope through God’s Word. Come as you are! Bring a friend! Light refreshments will be served! Program will take place in the MAK Family Life Center. Please call 704-825-9600, ext. 26 or email qoaformation@aol.com with any questions. Just for Men Men of the parish age 45 and older are invited to reflect on God’s Word, pray and spend time together. We meet for an hour on the first Monday of each month in the Conference Room. Our next gathering is Monday, November 3 at 7:00pm. For more information, call Roger Duncan at 412-289-9147 or Deacon Chip at 704-488-5822 orqoadeacon@gmail.com. Tuesday’s Word This adult Bible Study will continue on Tuesday, October 21 from 2:00-3:00pm in the Conference Room. Please bring your Bible and join us! Coffee and cookies are served! Sunday Morning Bible Study with Sister Mary Hugh: Please join us as we study The Gospel of Mark! All are welcome! It runs from 9:30-10:25 in Mercedes Hall, room 108 (the place where we hold our Faith Formation Classes). Please bring your bibles and join us! Coffee and donuts are served! MOMS Group The next meeting for our Ministry of Mothers Sharing will be Tuesday morning, October 28 from 9:00am-11:00am. Meetings will take place twice a month. The meeting is for Moms with children of all ages. It will be a time for fellowship and study for spiritual growth. If you have an interest in attending, please email Marianne at marianne@gcube.com. Nursery is provided for this meeting time. Smart phone users link to our Adult Faith Formation web site here. Spiritual Direction forms provided on the shelf beneath the board—no personal Are you trying to discern what God notices or résumés. Please copy is doing in your life, what he is the information from the board if calling you to be, where he is you are making use of it and leave leading you? Or perhaps you simply the posted slips so that others may want to be more aware of God’s also take advantage of the presence in your life and deepen opportunities. your relationship with him. Spiritual direction is the thing for you. Spiritual direction is not counseling. Adorers are Needed at Belmont Abbey College It is listening to another, making space to observe and hear the Holy Adoration Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Coordinators Spirit. For more information call will arrange an hour that is Bethsy San-Millan at convenient for you. Please call 704-914-5668. Margaret at 704-827-8921. us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love.” To learn more about Spiritual Direction and/or obtain services, please contact Rose Castillo at 704-718-2876 or RosePac2400@gmail.com Queen of the Apostles Online Prayer Ministry Coordinator Doris Spivey accepts prayer requests Monday through Friday each week from 9:00am5:00pm. Emergency requests are accepted anytime and on weekends. Please e-mail Doris at mamad73@mailbug.com. If you Friends Helping Friends would like to join the prayer Registered parishioners are invited Spiritual Direction ministry and do not have access to “Spiritual direction encourages the a computer but have VOICE MAIL, to post requests for services needed or services they are able to exploration of a closer relationship please contact the church office. provide on the bulletin board in the with God. In the midst of our busy You will be called with the daily lives and at the deepest level, all of prayer requests. breezeway. Please use only the Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Scott Phillips sphillips3006@yahoo.com 704-461-8326 Vice Chairperson: Matt Gibbons mattgibbons71@gmail.com Secretary: Michelle Curnow michelle.curnow@yahoo.com 704-829-5090 Pastor: Fr. Frank Cancro qoapastor@aol.com Clare Charzewski charzewski@aol.com 704-824-7198 Mark Ebreo mebreo@carolina.rr.com 704-395-0250 John Fout cayocostais@hotmail.com 704-516-5575 Jerry Gardner jerrygardner8533@gmail.com 704-864-2508 Debra Pavicic debrapavicic@gmail.com 980-522-4072 Scott Spanbauer spanbauer@gmail.com 704-394-3951 Bill Starr bill@wfstarr.com 704-691-1734 Ellen Wentz lnelle222@aol.com 704-491-9528 Finance Council Chairperson: Charlie Boyd cboyd98841@aol.com 704-825-4669 Welcome Stewardship Chairperson: Colleen Sutton csutton@scana.com 973-214-5306 Community Ministries: Tricia Vasil pavasil@carolina.rr.com 704-648-7878 Liturgy and Worship: Steve White sfw1in7@aol.com 704-824-5761 Organizations Art & Environment: Jan Kauer jank@earthlink.net 704-281-8010 704-825-4669 Buildings and Facilities: Marilyn Whitney Marilyn.whitney@hotmail.com Evangelization & Communications: Mark Colone 704-469-2989 lindgrenkathleen@gmail.com Commissions 704-281-8010 nasserjmiranda@gmail.com 704-824-7198 Kathy Lindgren Young at Heart: Cathy Boyd 704-830-4484 Nasser Miranda charzewski@aol.com 704-820-9484 Jan Kauer jank@earthlink.net Parish Life: Clare Charzewski mcolone@signaturesportsgroup.com 704-825-1966 Education & Formation: cboyd98841@aol.com Youth Ministry: Debbie Seeger qoaformation@aol.com 704-825-9600 ext. 26 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: Justin Rick JustinRick1986@yahoo.com 704-488-5540 Traffic Ministry: Walt Hinson walt_hinson@yahoo.com (704) 904-0743 Noticias de Nuestra Comunidad Hispana Recoleccion de Comida para el Mes de Octubre Es tiempo nuevamente de recoger comida para nuestras canastas de navidad que serán distribuidas a las familias necesitadas durante el mes de diciembre. Se necesitan los siguientes alimentos: cereal, espaguetis y salsa para espaguetis, mantequilla de maní, gelatinas. Una vez que el árbol de ángeles este lleno, usted tendrá la oportunidad de donar dinero en Noviembre para comprar más alimentos y disponerlos en las canastas. Por favor, si tiene preguntas puede llamar al 704-842-4053 con cualquier pregunta o si desea ser Voluntario(a) con este ministerio. Triki-Truck Reflexión Que todos los pueblos conozcan tu bondad. Todos estamos llamados a la salvación. Las palabras que dice el Señor, después de haber resucitado, las dice con autoridad. Porque no solo recibió la vida inmortal, sino que también fue constituido Rey y Señor del universo con un poder que no tiene límites, lo abarca todo y lo ejerce en el cielo y en la tierra. Este poder lo ha recibido de su Padre Dios. Todo ser humano alcanzará la salvación solo si lo reconoce como su Señor. Jesús estando en la posición plena de este poder universal, instituye la misión: Vayan, pues, y enseñen a todas las naciones. Siendo el Señor de todos los hombres, envía a los discípulos a todos los hombres. Aunque físicamente no lo verán ya más, El no los abandonará; al contrario, estará continuamente con ellos, con su Iglesia: Sepan que yo estaré con ustedes todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo. Yo estoy con ustedes, me quedo con ustedes, comparto su historia, les llenaré su vida con mi presencia. Cada acción de nuestra vida como cristianos siempre está protegida por el Espíritu Santo. Por eso Jesús nos invita a realizar una misión y es la de dar a conocer el Evangelio a todos los hombres, pero con fe, esperanza y amor. Esa misión comenzó el día de nuestro Bautismo, es decir el día de la vida de la Gracia. Quién es el verdadero discípulo de Jesús? Aquel que vive la vida de gracia y la transmite a los demás y además la defiende con su vida, con su testimonio y que no pone condiciones, sino más bien se deja llevar por las mociones del Espíritu Santo. Hermanos, atendamos la invitación que hoy Jesús nos hace, ser discípulos de Jesús, es decir llevar el mensaje a nuestros hermanos. No condicionemos nuestro trabajo en la Iglesia o el de la vida espiritual, más bien dediquemos más y más a esta misión, porque todas las acciones humanas aunque sean buenas, sino están fortalecidas por nuestro apostolado desde el Evangelio, pronto se acaban, es muy triste terminar nuestra vida sin cooperar con Jesús en llevar el mensaje de Dios a los hermanos, comenzando con nuestra propia familia. Que Dios los bendiga. P. José Antonio Juya V. Reserve la fecha…Domingo, Octubre 26 de 2:00 a 5:00pm en los terrenos de la iglesia. Disfrute de una de las más grandes tradiciones del sur del país, recoger dulces dispuestos en los carros decorados. Decore su carro o truck y traiga regalitos y dulces para los asistentes y todos los niños .Habrá perros calientes y palomitas de maíz para todos, también tendremos juegos y premios. Habrá regalo para el carro o truck mejor decorado, para el mejor disfraz y para la calabaza mejor realizada (por favor traiga la calabaza ya lista de su casa). Disfrute con nosotros y sigamos creciendo como comunidad aquí en Reina de los Apóstoles. Celebración del Día de la Hispanidad El Próximo sábado 1 de Noviembre tendremos nuestra celebración del Día de la Hispanidad después de la Santa Misa en español. Te invitamos a lucir los trajes típicos de tu país y a compartir un platillo tradicional de tu lugar de origen. Esperamos que toda nuestra comunidad hispana participe activamente en esta celebración que nos recuerda de dónde venimos y nos permite compartir con los demás miembros de nuestra comunidad nuestras costumbres y tradiciones. Si deseas colaborar trayendo un plato de comida, te puedes comunicar con la señora Alba Sepúlveda al número telefónico: 704-904-7988. Octubre 26 En esta fecha no habrá clase de Formación de Fe o Catecismo. Nos reencontramos nuevamente el domingo 2 de Noviembre. RELY ELECTRIC SENIORS Helping SENIORS ...a way to give and to receive® Providing In-Home Services Cooking, Shopping, Yard Work, Companionship, & More. Bob Puskas / Parishioner 25 years experience Residential & Commercial For more info call: 704-641-3718 Lynn Musolf www.seniorshelpingseniors.com 704-399-8391 Dinner: Monday thru Saturday PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Lunch: Monday thru Saturday 23 South Main Street - Belmont, NC 28012 PUSH TALK phone 704.825.9995 ........... Great Deals Online - Visit Our Website: www.oldstonesteakhouse.com Parishioners Enriching Souls & Educating Minds Since 1942 James P. 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