Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth Information: Bulletin submissions: 1531 Grafton St. Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 (902) 429-9800 #201, 65 Green St. Yarmouth NS B5A 1Z6 (902) 742-7163 The current format of the bulletin will cease with the January 25, 2015 edition. The immediate effect of this change on the parishes will provide the opportunity for each parish to develop its own communication instrument, less dependent on the Archdiocese and more in keeping with its own needs. The Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth has existed for three years, yet the creation of this union has had little practical impact on our ways of communicating within the Archdiocese. With these new communications methods we hope to better reflect our unity and diversity. Further information on this change will be shared in the coming weeks and months. As we end our liturgical year on this Feast of Christ the King may we open up space in our minds, and more importantly in our hearts, for God to make all things new! men with intellectual disabilities to live with him in the small town of Trosly-Breuil, north of Paris, France. Worldwide, there are now 146 L’ARCHE communities in 35 countries, spanning the globe—from Trosly to Toronto, from Edinburgh to Erie, from Cairo to Canberra, from Buenos Aires to Bangalore, and beyond. In Canada, L’ARCHE communities have been established in 29 cities and towns across the country, with new projects currently under development in Fredericton, NB, and in St. John’s, NL. Together, these communities operate hundreds of homes and programs that make a difference in the lives of thousands of people with intellectual disabilities, their families, and supporters. For more information contact: John O’Donnell, Senior Marketing & Public Relations Advisor, L’ARCHE Canada, (902) 664-7536, ANNIVERSARY MASSES WITH ARCHBISHOP MANCINI Come celebrate Mass with Archbishop Mancini, at Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica, Saturday, November 29, 12:15 pm for Archbishop Mancini’s 7th Anniversary of Installation, and Monday, December 8, 12:15pm for the 3rd anniversary of the Archdiocese of HalifaxYarmouth. EVENTS & MEETINGS Ottawa, ON, Nov 6. Members and supporters of L’ARCHE from across Canada will gather to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of L’ARCHE, the worldwide network of homes and programs centred around people with intellectual disabilities. L’ARCHE was founded in 1964 when Jean Vanier, son of former Governor General Georges P. Vanier, invited two May 1-3, 2015. Weekend of Grace for Women - The 9th annual Weekend of Grace for Women, with keynote speaker Dr. Mary Healy, will be held May 1, 2 and 3 at the Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax. Dr. Healy was recently appointed as a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, a group of biblical scholars who serve as consultants to the pope on biblical matters. She speaks nationally and internationally on topics related to Scripture, the theology of the body, and the spiritual life. Attendance through pre-registration only and registration is now open. Early-bird registration of $155 before December 31, 2014. Visit for more information. GOOD FOOD GOOD STUFF Nov 26, 7:00pm. Saint Paul Parish, 199 Windmill Rd, Dartmouth will hold their monthly “Loonie-Toonie Music & Social Night” in the parish hall. Come out and enjoy great musical entertainment by The Sham-Rocks and the I-Chicks, and some light refreshments. Admission is $2.00, and $1.00 for coffee/tea, (including free refills) or baked treats. Everyone is welcome! Nov 28. St. Joseph CWL Annual Auction will take place at St. Joseph Parish Center, Kentville. Doors open at 6:00pm with auction beginning at 7:00pm. Pre-Auction bidding 12:30pm-3:00pm. CHRIST THE KING NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Vol. 49, No. 44 ARCHDIOCESE of HALIFAX-YARMOUTH The Son of Man wills it on the throne of his glory, and he will separate people one from another. Matthew 25:31-46 PASTORAL LETTER 2014: LORD, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? QUO VADIS DOMINE? Formation Our vision and mission of a transformed Church requires significant effort. We must consider Christ’s call to each of us, and work together to develop personal and communal formation opportunities for becoming missionary disciples of Christ to our world. Such ongoing formation in discipleship will help us grow as followers of Christ. Formation and support for leadership was one of the most important themes raised in our 2014 Assembly. Leadership is not primarily about exercising power – it is also “leadership” when each person does what is uniquely that person’s role to do. We are all called to collaborative leadership and co-responsibility. We must not only make disciples, but also transform a disciple into becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ. In this fashion, we are formed to better engage in the leadership needs of our communities and to take responsibility for our community. This means identifying our community leaders, as well as recognizing and activating the gifts of every member of the Body of Christ. Those called to the specific ministries of service within our Christian community – our priests, deacons, catechists, and others – must also be supported with the on-going formation they need and the necessary tools and supports for their ministry. Empowering disciples for service is essential for the growth of our local Church, and must be built into our planning in an intentional way. Importantly, we need to provide formation for those directly involved in sacramental preparation, especially parents, as well as those receiving the sacraments. How do we ensure that those seeking sacraments are properly formed and disposed to receive them? There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach for training Catechists but some standards and guidelines are useful and necessary. We also need some skills to determine someone’s suitability for the sacraments. If we intend the sacraments to be personal encounters with Christ we must present and treat them as such, rather than as mere rites of passage. To read the complete Pastoral Letter and Pastoral Planning tools please visit: plan. CHANGES IN DIOCESAN COMMUNICATIONS “It is the Risen Christ who tells us, with a power that fills us with confidence and unshakable hope: ‘Behold, I make all things new’ (Rev 5.21)” (EG#288) Pope Francis concludes the Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) with the above words. He invites us to trust and have faith in the power of the Risen Christ. That power will not only transform us but help us to transform our world. If the Spirit of God is to make things new, we must discern what must change, what to retain and what to let go. At the launching of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter this past October, the elements of a pastoral plan were presented. The plan asks parishes to assess their current reality in the light of the mission that Christ calls us to and to prayerfully consider what should be reformed and what we must let go to follow him. The archdiocesan offices must also at this time review our services and determine how best to serve the needs of our parishes. We are on this journey of transformation together! One area that we are planning to change is the area of archdiocesan communications. This new approach will include: a weekly electronic information service, offering more relevant and timely information shared on a more frequent basis a monthly journal, providing a means to deepen our faith understanding and support the catechetical and formational needs of our people St. Agnes & St. John The Baptist St. Agnes Parish—6903 Mumford Rd, Halifax N.S. B3L 2H4 Phone: 902-454-8200 fax: 902-455-3831 Website: email: Weekday Masses: Wed. & Fri . 12:10 pm Tue & Thu 8:00am Saturday: 4:00pm (anticipated) Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am Confessions: Saturdays 3pm – 3:30pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays 912 Pastor: Fr. Paul Morris Email: Assistant Priest: Fr. Larry Pitcher 902-471-5458 Email: Pastoral Associate: Annie Kulczycki email : Religious Ed. Dir: Tanya Thomson Direct ph # (454-8281) or Office Administrator: Marlene Turpin Parish Office Hours: 7:00am – 3:00pm Pastoral Council Chair: Valerie Bobyk Email: Finance Council Chair: Andrew Miller Music Coordinator: Gregory Doyle 902-488-0794 St Agnes Church has a designated Scent Free area on the front right hand side of the church by the tabernacle in the first 6 rows. Signage is visible. St. John the Baptist—26 Purcell’s Cove Road, Halifax N.S. B3N 1R4 Phone: 902-477-3110 fax: 902-455-3831 Website: Weekday Mass: Wed 7pm , - Mon, Tue ,Thu at 9am Saturday: 4:00pm (anticipated) Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00am Confessions: Sat 3– 3:45pm & by appointment Religious Education Tish Sachetti Financial—Susan Hann (477-3362) Email; Pastoral Council Chair: Brett Woodbury - 477-9358 Email: Finance Council Chair: Al Driscoll - 477-3318 Email: Marriages: by appointment only. 1 year notice must be given. Please contact the office. Baptisms: Take place on the last Sunday of every month. Please Contact the office. RCIA: Please contact Fr. Paul Morris 454-8200. 23rd November 2014 Religious Education News: Saint Agnes Advent Wreath Making & Potluck – Sunday Nov. 23rd 4:00pm – 6:00pm in the Auditorium. Everyone is invited to bring a favourite dish to share and build an Advent Wreath to take home. It doesn’t matter what you bring to share, that’s the beauty of a Potluck, however please refrain from recipes using nuts of any kind. There’s still lots of room and supplies so please feel free to drop in to share in faith, fun and food ! We’ll begin Wreath building at 4:00pm, planning to eat at 5:00pm. Come to us Emmanuel The Advent Show is running here at Saint Agnes Thursday Nov. 27th to Sunday November 30th at 7:30pm each night (doors open at 6:50pm). Tickets can be purchased online via TicketPro, through our Parish Office or by contacting Tanya Thomson. The show supports our poor and less fortunate brothers and sisters through the outreach programs of ARK, St. Mary’s Basilica Daily Bread and Grace Street Mission. The Advent Show is an experience not be missed! For more information kindly visit the website Annual Adult New Year’s Eve Dance is on to ring in 2015! Dance will be from 9:00pm – 1:00am (Doors open at 8:00pm).Tickets are $25.00 each and this gets you an evening of great music, food, prizes and a free drink from the cash bar. Patrons must be 19 years of age and over. Tickets can be purchased from the Parish Office or Tanya Thomson. Get your tickets soon and let me know if you want to reserve a table for your group ARK Sunday Suppers for the homeless – We are scheduled to provide a warm meal Sunday DEC.7th for our underprivileged and hungry brothers and sisters. We require 16 Shepherd’s Pie casseroles. If you are able to donate a casserole please let Tanya know - 902454-8281 or Casseroles may be dropped off Dec.7th at St. Agnes church at 3:30pm and Tanya will transport them or you may take them directly to the Sunday Suppers for 4:00pm. We are so blessed to have food where many walk in hunger, thank you for being Christ-like and feeding His sheep. Steeped Tea Steubenville Fundraiser a Success!! Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser by purchasing or donating. Your support is always so overwhelming, we are so blessed! Are you thinking about becoming Catholic? Do you know anyone who is considering becoming a Catholic? If you have any questions please contact Fr. Paul at or 454-8200. Christ the King Friday, December 5, 7pm St Agnes will welcome Rachel MacLean once again to their stage in the Msgr Leo Day Auditorium. Rachel is from the Annapolis Valley and has been penning songs for 25 years; her sound is extraordinary taking her inspiration from life, her beautiful maritime home and her own spiritual journey. Treat yourself and a loved one as you kick off Advent and prepare for Christmas. Tickets are $15 and available through the office. Rachel's newest Christmas CD will be available for purchase - light fare will be served and wine, beer, water and pop will be available at our cash bar. Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 12-2pm. ** Free Admission** St Agnes Parish will be having a St Nicholas Fair in the Msgr. Leo Day Auditorium. There is fun for everyone... games and prizes, knitted items, bake table, and much more!! Get your picture taken with St Nicholas or become part of the Nativity. Just stop by to have lunch at our wonderful café, good food at reasonable prices. We are looking forward to seeing you there at our first St Nicholas Fair. St John the Baptist Catholic Women’s League will be collecting pledges this weekend for their “Walk for Life” in support of Quality of Life issues. St. John The Baptist -The season of Advent is fast approaching and so now is the time to prepare ourselves for this Holy Season. Starting on the 26th of November we will begin Lectio Devina, a process of looking at the upcoming gospels for Advent. These sessions will be led by Fr. Larry and will be held on the Wednesdays after the 7pm mass. The dates are November 26th and December 3rd, 10th, and 17th. All those interested in breaking open the scriptures in preparation for the great season of Christmas are welcomed to join him in the parish center starting on the 26th. Monday, November 24th, 7pm-9pm SJB has booked the Chebucto Big Band Symphony for a great time. Tickets $10.00 ea or $15 at the door. Tickets are available from Bruce Marriott at 902 -233-7154 following all masses or from Sheila Broussard at 477 1496 Our 4th Annual Women Walking with Christ Weekend Experience was awesome!! Many Thanks to the team, Dianne West, Liz Hendsbee, Anne Boudreau, Jill Cumby, Shirley Carson and Karen Howard… for their generosity and dedication Thanks to our God Squad who served the ladies this weekend… Greg Doyle, Tony Howard, Harold Murphy and Mel Neily. We also thank Greg Doyle & John Fitzgerald for their wonderful soup & chili. Thank you** Thank you ** Thank you !! All Souls St. Agnes & St. John the Baptist Upcoming Events. Sunday November 23 SA—Advent Wreath Making pot luck –Leo Day Auditorium 4-6pm Monday November 24 SJB—Big Band Era Dance—Parish Hall 7pm Tuesday November 25 SJB—Alpha 5:30pm SA—Meditation—Campbell Centre 1:30pm Wednesday November 26 SA-Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10—12pm SA— RCIA -7pm Mom’s Morning Out—Leo Day Auditorium 10:30am Thursday November 27 SA— Meditation—Campbell Centre 1:30pm SA—Prayer Shawl —Campbell Centre 2:30pm SA—Advent Show 7pm Friday November 28 Sa—Sacrament of the Sick 12:10pm SA—Advent Show 7pm Saturday November 29 SA—Advent Show 7pm Sunday November 30 SA—Advent Show 7pm PLEASE NOTE: Our Knitting Ladies will be at the Scotia Square mall on Dec 5th selling their items as they have done in previous years. Coffee and Conversation: Prepare the Way of the Lord: Journey through Advent 2014 (Year B) We will begin this Sunday. This weekly program is prayer based on the Sunday Readings. Sessions begin at 9:30AM - 10:10am the Leo Day Auditorium. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and come and share with your peers as your children share with theirs. No Children?? Please feel free to join in the sessions too! St John the Baptist —2015 Donation Envelopes are out in the foyer of the church. Please take a moment and pick yours up
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