Sunday, November 23, 2014 – 10:00AM Thanksgiving Sunday

Sunday, November 23, 2014 – 10:00AM
Thanksgiving Sunday
We are delighted to have you worship with us this morning. Please introduce yourself to our
Pastor and Deacons; they will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Following the
Worship Service, please join us for refreshment and fellowship in the (downstairs) Henry Rust
Room. We welcome you to our faith community and pray that you will experience a warm
welcome through the love of Christ at the Stratham Community Church, UCC.
Prelude and Lighting of Worship Candles
'For the Beauty of the Earth' (by Wagner)
"Lord of All to Thee We Raise. This Our Hymn of Grateful Praise"
Invitation to Worship
* Hymn
"Come, Ye Thankful People, Come"
Pilgrim Hymnal (red) #461
* Prayer of Invocation (in unison)
All: Gracious God be near to us as we remember the gifts
You offer to us…for the beauty and wonder of creation;
for our daily bread, homes and loved ones who sustain us.
We thank You for minds that think and find understand
beyond our own experiences. We thank You for comforts
and challenges that remind us always that we are Your
people. Help us, always, to offer joyful thanksgiving to you,
as Jesus Your Son taught us to do and to pray. Our Father..
* The Lord’s Prayer (using ‘debts’)
* Passing the Peace of Christ
Leader: The Peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
(Please offer one another the peace of Christ.)
* Gloria Patri
Pilgrim Hymnal (red) #513
All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Thankful Dollars
Announcements of Congregational Life
'With Heart and Hands' (by Rutter)
(please join us in singing: Pilgrim Hymnal #29 verse 1)
Children's Message
Christine VanDerslice
"Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory"
Rise and shine And give God the glory, glory
Rise and shine And give God the glory, glory
Rise and shine And give God the glory, glory
Children of the Lord
(Children may leave for Sunday School at this time.)
Introduction to Scripture
Reading of Holy Scripture
Luke 17:11-19
"Why Thanksgiving? My Top Ten List"
Rev. Diane Mix
* Hymn
"For the Fruit of All Creation"
(please find this hymn towards the back of your bulletin)
Prayer Concerns ("Lord, hear our prayer")
Time for Silent Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
*Offering Prayer
'Thank You' (by Johnny Cash)
* Hymn
"Great is Thy Faithfulness"
New Century Hymnal (black) #423
* Congregational Commissioning and Benediction
All: Brothers and sisters, may we leave this place of worship
with Christ’s Spirit in our hearts. May we encourage the
fainthearted; help the weak; practice patience with all;
seek to do good; rejoice always; pray without ceasing and
give thanks in all circumstances. For this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus for us.
(I Thess. 5:16-18 adapted)
* Benediction
* Choral Response
* Postlude
'How Then Shall I Live'
Please remain in your pew until the Light of Christ is carried out of the
sanctuary by our Acolytes. Thank you.
* - All those who are able are invited to stand.
Please join us for Coffee and Conversation
immediately following the Worship Service
held in the Henry Rust Room directly below the Sanctuary
hosted today by Cindy Dominguez and Carol Gulla
Altar flowers are given this morning
by the Spiller family
in loving memory of Michelle's mother
The Cornucopia on the altar is given to the Glory of
God. The fresh fruits and vegetables will be taken to the
St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry to be included in
Thanksgiving meal boxes for hungry families.
Participating in today’s service:
Joan Gough and Marny Keith
Thank you to Sandee Murray for leading the bells and all those
that volunteered their time to 'ring' for us this morning.
We hold in our prayers:
The Uganda Kid's Choir as they continue to bring joy in their travels
Those who live with chronic pain
The rise of evil violence in the Middle East
Is your family looking for a way to make Thanksgiving Day even more
meaningful? Christ Church (Episcopal, 43 Pine Street Exeter) is serving Thanksgiving Dinner for the hungry/alone between noon and 2 pm.
Call their church office 772-3332 to sign up to serve, or to make a donation.
Are You Thinking About Becoming a Full Member of Our Church?
Please let us know if you are able to attend ONE of the following 90
minute conversations with Rev. Diane and a few Deacons to find out
more about what “membership” means in our church and about our denomination, the United Church of Christ. Child Care will be provided if
requested. November 30, December 7 or December 14, from 11:30-1
pm in the first floor Conference Room.
Meetings/Events/Activities in our Church Building This Week:
Today, November 23rd - Sunday Worship - 10:00am
Monday, November 24th - Journey Song Rehearsal - 7:00pm
- Sanctuary
Tuesday, November 25th – AA Meeting – 6:30pm - Rust Room
Tuesday, November 25th – Diaconate meeting – 7:00pm
- Conference Room
Wednesday, Nov. 26th – AA Meeting – 6:30pm - Rust Room
Thursday, Nov. 20th - Exeter Garden Club meeting - 9:00am-Noon
- Henry Rust Room
Thursday, Nov. 27th - Choir Rehearsal - 7:00pm - Sanctuary
Thursday, Nov. 27th - Recovered Couples Anony. meeting - 7:00pm
- Conference Room
Sunday, November 30th - First Sunday in Advent Worship
- We will light the Candle of Hope - 10:00am
Next Sunday is the beginning of Advent
What is Advent? A brief refresher for all:
The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming”. The
Advent season lasts for four Sundays leading up to Christmas. At that time, the new
Christian year begins with the twelve-day celebration of Christmastide, which lasts
from Christmas Eve until Epiphany on January 6. Advent symbolizes the present
situation of the church in these “last days” as God’s people wait for the return of
Christ in glory to consummate his eternal kingdom. The church is in a similar situation to Israel at the end of the Old Testament: in exile, waiting and hoping in prayerful expectation for the coming of the Messiah.
For all 4 Sundays in Advent,
please come to Sunday Worship
15 minutes early to sing carols!!
First Sunday in Advent is November 30th
Children's Christmas pageant will be
performed & Bright Gifts will be received
during Worship on December 21st
Christmas Eve Services (Dec. 24th)
will be held at:
5:00pm—Lessons, carols & Praise Dance
8:00pm—Lessons, carols & candlelight
11:00pm—Lessons, carols, candlelight
& communion
'For The Fruit of All Creation' (c) Words: Fred Pratt Green; 1970 Hope Publishing Co.
Used by permission using OneLicense #A-720581. All rights reserved.
Nursery Care (Birth - 2 years old) is available in Room 204.
Sunday School
Children (preschool- 5th Grade) are invited to leave
for Sunday School after the Children's Message for Room 201.
The Women's Guild sponsors this annual Fair that is lots of
fun for the whole family. You can do some Christmas
shopping - there will be greenery, White Elephants, Silent
Auction, jewelry, and delicious baked goods!
White Elephants for Holly Fair
Please send in White Elephant donations on Friday Dec. 5th 9:00am6:00pm or call Joan (772-3568) to drop off your items at her house.
6 Emery Lane – P.O. Box 143 - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885
(603) 772-3389 -
Ministers - The Congregation
Pastor – The Rev. Diane E. Mix -
Minister of Pastoral Counseling - The Rev. Allan Lurvey, Th.D.
Minister of Music - Cheryl Stromski -
Director of Christian Education – Christine VanDerslice -
Church Office – Jolynn Wilson -