SAINT BERNADETTE CHURCH 5930 S. Abbott Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127 716.649-3090 Ministerial & Support Staff Pastor:…...Fr. Paul D. Seil TWITTER: @BuffaloPadre Parochial Vicar Fr. Seán Paul Fleming Deacons: …Ed Howard, Steve Schumer Pastoral Minister: Sr. Rosemary Riggie Director of Faith Formation: Sharon Urbaniak Youth Minister.…... Patrick Murphy Parish Business Manager…Patrick Haefner Maintenance….Dave Clarkson Advocate for People w/Special needs: Heidi Mack Trustees: Robert J. McDonnell, and Jennifer DePalma Pastoral Council Leader: Tony LaMarca Mercy Sisters in Residence: 716- 202-1478 Religious Ed: 716-648-1720 PARISH OFFICE: 716 649-3090 LENTEN PENANCE MONDAY March 23: 4-8pm WEDNESDAY March 25: 12 –1pm Communal Penance: THURSDAY March 26: 7pm Just 1 Hour Just 1 Time During LENT. WEEKLY REPORT Goal: $500,000 Received so far: For the Our $297,886.50 59.7% Drive ends August 31, 2015 3rd Annual Spring Gala MASS SCHEDULE Sat. 5PM , Sun. 7:30, 9 ,11 & 6:30PM Mon-Fri - 7:00 & 11:30 AM. Saturday Morning: 9AM Confessions Saturday: 4-4:45PM Big Meeting Night APR Wednesday, March 4 7 PM in the Church All Are Welcome!! WEST VIRGINIA MISSION TRIP Anyone interested in being part of the Mission Trip to Appalachia this year from June 7-13, please call Sister Rosemary at 649-3090 ext. 109. ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY Please pray for the Sick, especially... MASS INTENTIONS Dianne Mellenger, Fred Scherbarth, Lester Tourville, Sean Joseph Hanley, Jr., Ronald Picciano, Eileen O’Neil, Nicole Poppenberg, Robert Kersten, Richard VanOver, James Germain, John Aldrich, Andrea Bence, Ed Billman, Margaret Birt, Peter Brady, Mike DeBellis, Jonah DeLang, Patrick & Nancy Egan, Diane Erickson, Trisha Hartmayer, Kim Holmes, Cole Huson, Sallie & Kirk Janowiak, Alexis Kaz, Bob Lindenfeld, Audrey Livingston, Christopher LoJacano, Beverly Marcy, John Millen, Jacob Murphy, Paul Pietrzak, Tyler Rohauer, Geri Rosiek, Tammy Ross, Jim Schleuter, Tim Sliwinski, Mary Stanton, Candice Tortorice, Christian Tremblay, Joan Violanti, Joseph Warnes, Ella Wintringer. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 5:00 Paul & Katherine Hulday by Family SUNDAY, MARCH 1 - SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:30PM For the Parishioners of St. Bernadette by Fr. Paul John Capozzi by Ann & Family John & Phyllis Lindenfeld by Bob & Jean Lindenfeld Life Teen Mass James Rodgers by Matt Bierl MONDAY, MARCH 2 Please pray for all the recently deceased, especially Rose Trask, Dr. Francis Cain, Richard Sheehan, Sylvia Brannan. 7:00 Joseph Niepozeski (Ann) by Estate 11:30 Leah Bingeman by Marie Savage Please pray for our military and their families. TUESDAY, MARCH 3 - ST. KATHARINE DREXEL 7:00 11:30 FR. MERRICK SCHOLARSHIP! Int. of Roaldi Family by Rosemary & Les Knott Leonard Kavanaugh (Birth) by Wife The Father Merrick Bednar “Conviction of the Heart” 2015 Scholarship for $1,500 will be awarded on Sunday, June 7th at the 11 AM Mass. Deadline: Sunday, May 3rd. Applications available on our website at WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 - ST. CASIMIR 7:00 11:30 Fr. Richard Nurgent (Birth) by Past St. Bernadette School Children Danny Grzybowski (Ann) by Diane Grzybowski READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAR. 1, 2015 THURSDAY, MARCH 5 7:00 11:30 Joseph Repec by Bob & Patti Rucker Theresa Gern by M/M Larry Marsiello Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: FRIDAY, MARCH 6 7:00 11:30 William Roth by Pat & Sue Haefner For the Children’s Program at Villa Maria College by Dave Clarkson SATURDAY, MARCH 7 - STS. PERPETUA AND FELICITY 9:00 5:00 Saturday: Next Sunday: Walter Kunz (Birth) by Family John Jankowiak, Sr. by Pam & Ed Reilly & Family Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/ Mk 9:2-10 Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:2225/Jn 2:13-25 SUNDAY, MARCH 8 - THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:30 PM Carter Salem, Sr. by The Salem Family For All Girl Scouts Mary McLaughlin by Mark & Barbara Ward Life Teen Mass Diana Houseknecht by The Couzen’s Family Now enrolling for the 2015 school year For information please call 716-649-3360 ext 123 During Lent... Monday’s 12 Noon & Friday’s 7PM 2 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 1, 2015 Our Church - Hope For All Seasons Thank You for your generosity to the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal. Jim and Kathleen Chwojdak are serving as this year’s chair-couple for the drive. This is not an easy task — raising this money. It is interesting, though, that as the City of Buffalo goes through a Renaissance and billions of (tax) dollars are spent on all kinds of projects and tax breaks which financially enrich long-time developers, raising $11 million for people in need is a struggle. CATHOLIC CHARITIES DON’T MISS THESE!! I don’t think our parish total is the most important thing. The most important thing is that each person looks at what they may be able to do to assist this charity. In other words, I would rather have 100 people giving $5 each than 5 people giving $100 each. THANK YOU for participating! Weidner’s Chicken BBQ at The parish is continuing to strengthen its financial footing in the post-school age of St. Bernadette’s. But finances aren’t everything; there’s still a lot of work to be done to draw the parish closer in community and relationship with Christ and one another. Thanks to Emily Hazlett— who heads our Finance Council— and all who serve in this capacity. PM. Once again you can enjoy this delicious meal with all the trimming catered by BW’s. Also includes tea, coffee & dessert! Tickets cost $11 presale. Kid’s Meal $4.00 (pizza/ mac & cheese). Take-outs available. St. Bernadette’s on Sunday, March 15 from 12-5PM. Cost is $10. Pick up only. Dinner includes, BBQ Chicken, tossed salad, buttered spuds, roll & butter. Tickets will be sold after all Masses and in the rectory office. Holy Name Fish Fry, Friday, March 20th from 4-7 …We’re all in this together. The URGENT NEEDS APPEAL ends in August of this year. We are slowly closing in on the $300,000 mark. Our goal is $500,000. This money will be used solely for repairs of the roof, Parking Lot and any other Capital Expenditures to keep the “plant” going. There have been many years of “deferred” maintenance and repairs which have left us with some real problems with some of our buildings—for example, the front of the convent up near the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes is very compromised with little mortar holding the bricks in place. This will be attended to in the spring. ALL OF THIS MONEY STAYS IN THE PARISH. February 22, 2015 Sunday Collection… $16,785.00 1336 Envelopes mailed; 522 used 33 Electronic transfers THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO’VE RESPONDED TO THE URGENT NEEDS APPEAL THROUGH August 31, 2015. Please support Scrip and our Fundraisers for the strength of the Parish. SR. PRISCILLA’S SCRIPTURE GROUP We have a great maintenance crew and Dave Clarkson, our Maintenance Chief, has saved us many thousands of dollars with his experience and talent. Sr. Priscilla has recovered from her recent surgery and is able to start up the Scripture Group again beginning this Tuesday, March 3rd at 9:30 AM in the convent. See you at Mass! Peace, CAN YOU HELP? St Bernadette Newsletter Deadline is March 16 3 There is a need for more Eucharistic Ministers to serve at Mass and to go out to the sick. Personal comments of current ministers have noted that they feel humbled to be giving Communion to others, given one’s own iniquities; however, the feeling is like no other. If you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister, choose ONE of the following training days that will be held at Christ the King Seminary from 9:30-2PM: Sat. March 14, May 2 or June 13. For more details, call the church office or Linda at 667-9536. ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY The Uprising 5 Our Spring Retreat is coming up this weekend (March 6-8)! If you could, at some point this week, take a moment to pray for all the teens that are going to be joining us this weekend. That would be a tremendous help! And if you could keep us in your thoughts and prayers during the actual weekend, that’d be pretty great too! Please join us for our annual St. Joseph’s Table on Thursday, March 19th from 6-8PM in the parish gym. This is a meatless meal with no charge, although free-will offerings are encouraged and will be given to the Little Portion Friary. We invite you to bring your favorite traditional dish. All food needs to be brought to the gum by 5:30PM. Please bring hot food hot. If you would like to volunteer, please call Mary Lu at 9415428 or Tony at 648-7921. It’s hard to believe that we are in that Lenten season again. Our tradition of Living Stations of the Cross are just around the bend. So make sure to mark your calendars. We’ll be presenting on Friday, March 27 at Nativity at 7PM, and Sunday, March 29 here at St. Bernadette’s, right after our Life Teen Mass. OPEN DOORS MINISTRY What is the treatment available for people who suspect they have Angelman Syndrome? While there is not a cure for it, research is focusing on targeting specific genes for treatment. For now, treatment focuses on managing the medical and developmental issues. A team of healthcare professionals will likely work with you to manage your child’s condition. The best place to start is with your family health care provider who will refer you to others if necessary. Depending upon your child’s signs and symptoms, treatment may include anti-seizure medication, physical therapy, communication therapy or behavior therapy. ( SHARING GOD’S GOODNESS WITH CHILDREN Help the family who fled their homeland consumed by civil war and violence before beginning a new life in Buffalo. Jackie Bemeriki arrived in the United States from Rwanda in 1999 in pursuit of independence and opportunity. Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Assistance Program assisted her with food, housing, clothes and documents, and she now runs her own child care center to help other refugee families. Give to the Catholic Charities 2015 Appeal and join us to “find good within” for these and the tens of thousands of others who benefit from Catholic Charities’ 70 programs and services. Remember the lives you are touching with your contribution. Find Good Within. Share God’s Goodness. Find out more at or call 7160218-1400. FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS March 7th is First Saturday. The rosary and prayers of reparation to our Lady will be held in the chapel after the 9 AM Mass. All are invited. The Deacon’s Corner I asked a monk, “what do you do there in the monastery?” He answered, “we fall down and then we get back up again.” EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thank you to all who signed up to do an hour or more of Adoration during the Lenten season. Your offering is a big help to our Ministry. Sheets will still be available outside the chapel if you have the opportunity to do an hour. Of course, you are always welcome to stop in the chapel for a few minutes. In that place, you will find ‘rest for your souls.’ God bless you. We are 10 days into Lent. That’s about how long it takes to break at least one of the commitments we’ve made for our Lenten sacrifice. When this happens, we have two choices, let it go and try again next Lent, or get back up and try again tomorrow. Remember the nails we were given at church on Ash Wednesday? Carrying these nails should remind us that Jesus carried his cross for us. He fell down too, three times. He got back up again each time he fell. What better example do we need? To all those who gave blood at our Blood Drive last Sunday. We did quite well (don’t have the numbers yet). And thanks to our MASH team for helping with the set up of the room. Peace and Blessings, Deacon Steve Schumer 4 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY MINISTRY SCHEDULES LOOK AT THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES SATURDAY, MARCH 7 - 5:00 P.M. MONDAY, MARCH 2 Stations of the Cross, after the 11:30 a.m. Mass Faith Formation, 3:45 p.m., School Cenacle of Life, 7 p.m., Chapel Edge, 7 p.m., Gym, Café, C-Rm., Library, Community Rm. Altar Servers: Euch. Min. Lectors: Music: TUESDAY, MARCH 3 D. Janak, N. McMillan D. & D. Garfoot, M. Bueme, T. Holtz, J. Smolinski R. Lynch, J. Benenati Lisa SUNDAY, MARCH 8 - 7:30 A.M. Scripture Study, 9:30 a.m., Convent Basketball, 6-9 p.m., Gym Children’s 1st Reconciliation, 7 p.m., Church Girl Scouts, 7-8 p.m., Art Rm. GriefShare, 7 p.m., Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Altar Servers: Euch. Min. Lectors: Music: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 R. Duffy M. Savage, R. Kersten, C. Rebmann, D. Roliczek J. Murrett Gary SUNDAY, MARCH 8 - 9:00 A.M. Souper Lenten Lunch, 12 Noon, Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Music Lesson, 4 p.m., Music Rm., Church Rosary for Peace, 7 p.m., Chapel Big Meeting Night, 7 p.m., Church Girl Scouts, 7-8 p.m., Art Rm. Men’s Basketball, 8-10 p.m., Gym Altar Servers: Euch. Min.: Lectors: Music: THURSDAY, MARCH 5 G. Krawiec, T. O’Leary, M. Szczepanski, A. Cook J. Rykowski, N. Grasso, T. Cromwell, H. & F. Davis, L. Wilson A. Rebelo, L. Gollwitzer Gary SUNDAY, MARCH 8 - 11:00 A.M. Music Lesson, 2:30-6 p.m., Music Rm. Faith Formation, Gr. 7, 8, 9, & 10 Confirmation, 7 p.m., School, Gym, Community Rm. Lenten Study, 7 p.m., Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Holy Name, 7 p.m., Cafeteria Witness, 7:15 p.m., Church Altar Servers: Euch. Min.: Lectors: Music: FRIDAY, MARCH 6 T. Moses, A. Kersten, F. & A. Schostick K. Tremblay, L. & B. Schooley, L. & P. Rozniak, C. Pechulis, J. Pinto, A. Lahood S. French, M. Krawiec Witness PLEASE GET A REPLACEMENT IF YOU CANNOT SERVE Stations of the Cross, 7 p.m., Church Basketball, 6-9 p.m., Gym THOMAS MERTON - 100 YEARS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 “It is necessary that at the beginning of this fast, the Lord should show Himself to us in His mercy. The purpose of Lent is not only expiation, to satisfy the divine justice, but above all a preparation to rejoice in His love. And this preparation consists in receiving the gift of His mercy—a gift which we receive in so far as we open our hearts to it, casting out what cannot remain in the same room with mercy.” Confessions: 4 p.m. Faith Formation, 9 a.m., School First Saturday Devotions, 9:30 a.m., Chapel Children’s Choir, 10:30 a.m., Church SUNDAY, MARCH 8 - THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Mass Times: 7:30, 9, & 11 a.m. Holy Name Coffee, 10 a.m. Family Faith Sunday, 11 a.m. Mass followed by session/ lunch, whole facility Babysitting, 11 a.m. Mass, Msgr. Nugent Conf. . Rm. Life Teen Mass, 6:30 p.m.,@ St. Bernadette’s Life Teen Mtg., 7:35 p.m., Community Rm., Gym PRAISE & WORSHIP CONCERT On Friday, March 27 at 7:30 PM, the Society of Our Lady of Divine Mercy will be having a Praise and Worship Concert at St. Bernadette’s called, “Proclaim God’s Marvelous Deeds” to benefit the bus pilgrimage 2015 to the Divine Mercy Shrine in MA for St. Faustina Day, October 4, 5, & 6. All music performed will be sacred and on the theme of Divine Mercy. There will be a free-will offering. Sign up sheets will be available for those who are interested in joining us on the pilgrimage. For more info., call Donna at 627-4187. SCRIP Cards are also available in the Rectory Office You can help support our parish with every purchase of SCRIP!! 5 6 Script.Group, 9:30am,convent Baptism Class, 7pm, FCCR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Women’s Choir, 7pm,church Stations of the Cross, 12 noon FaithFormation,3:45pm, school Individual Confessions,4-8pm Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel Edge,7pm,gym,café, C-rm, library, CR Mar. 30 Stations of the Cross, 12 noon Cenacle of Life, 7 pm, chapel Babysitting, 11am Mass, NR Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Life Teen Mtg., 7:35 pm, CR, gym Mar. 29 - Palm Sunday Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Life Teen Living Stations of the Cross @ St. Bernadette’s, 7:30 pm Parishioners Serving Parishioners James R. Loomis, Jr. Mar. 24 Mar. 23 Mar. 22 - 5th Sunday of Lent Parish NeighborsBaskets, 8-10am,school Individual Confessions,12-1pm Music Lesson, 4pm, music rm,ch Boy Scouts,6-8pm,café,gym,CR Stewardship Mtg,6:30 pm, NR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Women’s Choir, 7pm, church Rosary for Peace, 7pm, chapel Men’s Basketball, 8-10pm,gym Mar. 25 Rosary for Peace, 7pm, chapel BoyScouts,6-8pm, café,CR,gym Girl Scouts, 7-8pm, art rm. Men’s Basketball, 8-10pm,gym Souper Lenten Lunch,12noon,CR Music Lesson, 4pm, music rm,ch Mar. 18 Souper Lenten Lunch,12noon,CR Boy Scouts, 6-8pm,café,gym,CR Music Lesson, 4pm, music rm,ch Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Rosary for Peace, 7 pm, chapel Men’s Basketball,8-10pm,gym Mar. 11 Souper Lenten Lunch,12noon,CR Music Lesson, 4pm, music rm.,ch Big Meeting Night, 7 pm, church Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Rosary for Peace, 7 pm, chapel Men’s Basketball,8-10pm,gym Mar. 4 Wednesday Music Lessons,2:30-6 pm, MR Lenten Penance Service, 7pm Faith Form Gr.7,8,9 & 10 Confirmation, 7pm,sch,gym,CR Lenten Study, 7pm, NR Witness, 7:15 pm Mar. 26 Music Lessons, 2:30-6pm, MR St. Joseph’s Table,6pm, gym Girl Scouts,6-8pm, art rm. Lenten Study, 7pm, NR Witness, 7:15 pm, church Welcome Night, 7:30 pm, CR Mar. 19 Music Lesson,2:30-6pm, MR Faith Form Gr.7,8,9 & 10 Confirmation, 7pm,sch,gym,CR Lenten Study, 7pm, NR Witness, 7:15 pm, church Mar. 12 Music Lesson,2:30-6pm, MR Faith Form Gr.7,8,9 & 10 Confirmation, 7pm,sch,gym,CR Holy Name, 7pm, café Lenten Study, 7pm, NR Mar. 5 Thursday Faith Formation, 9am,school Children’sChoir,10:30am, Church Family Movie Night, 6 pm, gym Mar. 28 Faith Formation, 9am, school Mar. 21 Faith Formation, 9am, school Mar. 14 Faith Formation, 9am, school 1st Saturday Devotions, 9:30am, chapel Children’s Choir,10:30 am, music room Mar. 7 Saturday 649-5050 207 Main Street, Hamburg No Early Childhood 3/27-4/6 Stations of the Cross, 7 pm Concert, 7:30 pm, church Mar. 27 Staff Meeting, 2 pm, NR Fish Fry, 4-7 pm, gym Event, 5-8 pm, CR Stations of the Cross, 7 pm Mar. 20 Stations of the Cross, 7 pm Mar. 13 Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Stations of the Cross, 7 pm Family Owned and Operated for 4 Generations “Meeting your family’s needs in all aspects of funeral service.” FUNERAL HOMES Friday Mar. 6 Loomis, Offers & Loomis, Inc. Script.Group,9:30am,convent Baptism Class, 7pm, FCCR Monica’s Moms, 7 pm Women’s Choir, 7pm,church Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm. Mar. 31 Script.Group,9:30am,convent GriefShare, 7pm, NR Girl Scouts, 7-8pm, art rm. Stations of the Cross, 12 noon Faith Form, 3:45pm, school Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel Edge,7pm,gym,café ,C rm,library, CR Mar. 17 Mar. 16 Chicken BBQ, 12-5 pm Babysitting, 11 am, NR Parish Council Coffee, 12 noon Baptisms, 12:30 pm Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Life Teen Mtg., 7:35pm, CR, gym Script.Group,9:30am,convent Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Little Flowers, 6:30pm,CR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Prayer Shawl Mtg,7pm,NR Mar. 10 Mar. 15 - 4th Sunday of Lent Mar. 9 Mar. 8 - 3rd Sunday of Lent Script. Group,9;30pm,convent Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym GriefShare, 7pm, NR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Mar. 3 Stations of the Cross, 12 noon Faith Formation,3:45pm,school Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel Stations of the Cross, 12 noon Faith Formation,3:45pm,school Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel Edge,7pm,gym,café ,C rm,library, CR Tuesday Holy Name Coffee, 10 am Faith Family Sunday, 11am Mass followed by session/lunch,whole facility Babysitting, 11 am, NR Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Life Teen Mtg, 7:35 pm, CR, gym Mar. 2 Babysitting, 11am, NR Baptisms, 12:30 pm Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Life Teen Mtg.,7:35 pm, CR, gym Monday Mar. 1 - 2nd Sunday of Lent Sunday MARCH 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 1, 2015
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