OLM ACADEMY UPCOMING EVENTS OLMA Tricky Tray Luncheon & Children’s Fashion Show will be held on Sun 3/8 at The Hanover Manor in East Hanover. Tickets are $55pp and includes lunch, one sheet of tickets and bonus chance for Door Prizes. Doors open at 12 Noon. For tickets or more info contact Lisa Caruso at 973-202-1786. UPCOMING EVENTS AT OLM Caring & Sharing’s annual “St. Joseph & St. Patrick Bake Sale” will be held the weekend of 3/16. A special cake made by Lisa will be raffled off. RELIGIOUS FORMATION There will be a RF Session on Tues 2/24. For more info please call: 973-887-077 or email the RF Office olmreligedwhip@aol.com As part of their preparation for First Eucharist, the following children and their families will present the gifts at the following liturgies: Feb 21st 5:30 Raelyn Furey ST. PATRICK’S 5K M orris County HS is hosting it’s 4th annual “Crusader Challenge St. Patrick’s Day 5K” on Sat 3/14 on the grounds of MCHS in Denville. Procceds benefit the MC Scholarship and Athletic funds as well as Denville Public Assistance Fund. CAREGIVER CAFE The United Way Caregivers Coalition warmly invites you to the next gathering of our Caregiver Café on Tues 3/3 from 6-7:15PM at the VNANNJ in Morristown. The Café will be a cozy evening, a time and place for caregivers to gather, unwind and connect with one another. A light dinner will be served. Complimentary home care may be arranged for Café participants through a licensed home care agency. Please let us know if you will be able to join us by 2/26 so that we can get a number of attendees in advance. For more info, contact Stephanie Howland at 973-993-1160 x139 or email: Stephanie.Howland@UnitedWayNNJ.org LENTEN PROGRAM If you would like to join our new special Lenten Program for Adults and Teens, it’s not too late! Our program, called “Breaking Open the Word”. provides a deeper understanding of the “Word of God” that we hear each Sunday of Lent. Each week, the readings for the following Sunday are discussed, to provide a better understanding of the background, biblical context and meaning of each reading as it applies to our own lives. How often do you find the Readings and the Gospel difficult to understand? During this Lenten Season, the readings lead us up to Holy Week and the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Understanding the readings helps us to become more deeply involved in the spirit of the season. This weekly one hour program will be presented by Frank Miles on Wednesday evenings of Lent at 7PM in the Parish Ctr. Please join us for a lively and informative program. If you are interested in signing up, please contact Lisa in the Ministry Office 973-8870767 or email at: olmlitminwhip@aol.com LENT 2015 AT OLM PARISH FAMILY Lent is a time when we stop and assess how we’re doing in our walk with God. Lent helps us identify spiritual areas in which we can grow and sinful areas that we need to avoid. To repent, put simply, means to turn away from sin and turn toward God. It also begins our preparation for Holy Week, the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus, without whom we have no life here and no chance at eternal life in Heaven. It’s a great opportunity for us to get better. We need to remember that God forgives. He loves. And He gives us, as sinners, a second chance! Please try to join us for one or all of our Lenten programs. Lenten Fish Fry - Good Friday 4/3 4-7:30 PM. Join our parish family for fish, fellowship and faith. Stations of the Cross - Fridays of Lent (3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 and Good Friday 4/3) 7PM in the Chapel Welcome Home to Healing - a Diocesan-wide program to invite all Catholics to experience the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confessions will be held every Monday during Lent 2/23, 3/17, 3/2, 3/9 & 3/16 from 7-8:30PM in every Catholic Church in the Paterson Diocese. Ours will be held in the Chapel Parish Lenten Penance Service - Monday 3/23 7PM Church. CRS Rice Bowls - an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Christ while bringing a light of hope to our brothers and sisters in need. Rice Bowls can be found at the doors of the Church and need to be returned by Holy Week. OLM SPRING CALENDAR RAFFLE Our Calendar Raffle begins next Sun 3/1 after the 9:30AM Mass .Remember, there are 92 chances to win, plus you can become a multiple winner too! Just drop your tickets into the collection basket during Mass or send them to the Rectory (please mark the envelope “Calendar Raffle”) Remember, YOU MUST BE IN IT TO WIN IT! HOLY HEALTH NEWS If you are a grandparent, you’ll want to make sure you are up to date on all your vaccinations to help keep the grandchildren healthy, keep you healthy and keep you from spreading illness to them. FLU get this vaccination once yearly. Protect against the latest strains. TETANUS, WHOOPING COUGH (peertussis) and DIPHTHERIA (Ddap) - These infectious diseases can be especially troublesome for infants and older adults. After your initial shot, further boosters for adults include one Tdap shot then tetanus and diphtheria (Td) boosters every 10 years. CHICKENPOX (varicella) If you’ve never had chickenpox or been vaccinated against the disease, you need 2 doses. SHINGLES (zoster) One dose is approved for age 50 and older, even if you have had the painful rash before. It is possible for a baby who hasn’t yet been vaccinated against chickenpox (usually at 12 months of age) to get the virus from exposure to an open shingles rash. PNEUMOCOCCAL DISEASE Pneumoccocal vaccines (including the new Prevnar) are recommended for adults age 65 and older. If you’ve not been vaccinated or been vaccinated in the past, check with your physician to see if you are a candidate for the pneumonia vaccine. Many of these vaccines are offered free of charge at the Health Department at our local municipality. Many are offered at your physician’s office or at your local pharmacy. Keep our grandchildren free from contagious diseases and preserve our good health too! Thursday 2/26/15 WPHS Musical 7PM Friday 2/27/15 Stations of the Cross 7PM in Chapel Saturday 2/28/15 Sunday WPHS Musical 2PM/8PM 3/01/15 Second Sunday of Lent Coffee And... OLM Calendar Raffle Begins CYO Games WPHS Musical 8PM For everything there is a Reason and a Time for Every Purpose under Heaven ...A Time to Heal... Pray for the sick Heidi Huston, Margaret McDonough, Isabella Schilare, William Dixon, Natasha Orehek, Susan Nicoll, Raven Dill, Joe Casarrubea, Giuseppa Casarrbea, Pat Fusco, Anne Y., Connor Davey, Addie Cinquino, Connie Delio, Rita Tironi, Marian Marfan, Angela Cassano, Elizabeth Logan, Bob Bark, Daniel Matakitis, Dominic Guida, Florence Albanese, Carol, Giovanna Cinquino, John Jaczyinski, Jacqueline Gorman, Shane Hakes, Larry C., Mike McLaughlin, Bill Van Hall, Ralph LeFevere, Madeline Guido, Pat Conforti, Agnes Ryan, Sean Downey, Robert DelPurgatorio, Charles Realmonte, Linda Ann Celeste, Roger, Andy Reyes, John Strumolo Sr., John Stolfi, Gil Longo, Joyce Ann Michaelson, Shirley Smiecinski, Stephen Donnelly, Jon Albanesius, Michael, Mark Herkert, Emma Carothers, Lucille Cocca, Cara Couglin, Colton Ford Petronaci, Patrick J. Asay, Jr., Joseph Mascia James Giannetti, William Bulman, Kevin Mulligan, Bob Roberts, Russell Cassella, Michael Smith, Randy Olsen, Marylou Perrini, Michelle White, Kip Dangler, Luis Ripa, Angela, Fr. Pat Rice, James Rutkowski, Felisa Manlapig, Larry Alfano, Gary Y, Chris Surrago, Richard Virgil, Allen Lebo, June Surrano, Fr. Charlie Parr, Patsy Manna, Lisa Compas, Ronnie Noll, Lorraine Azzinnaro, Bob Bartholomew, Neal Spickert-Fulton, Eleanor Shenuski, Paul Comerford, Generoso Giesullo, Angel Lamontagne, Geraldine Fleming, Assunta Less, Aladar Brokes, Jackie Olsen,Anita & Armando Geroldi, Angelo LaRusso Antoinette Gleave and Wagner Estivalletti ...A Time to Die... Pray for the dead Please pray for those buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery and for those who have died especially Rita Dambach and Dorothy Steiger ...A Time for Peace... Pray for peace and our enemies in our world, in our homeland, and in our Church ST. PATRICK’S DAY DANCE The K of C’s 38th annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance, will be held on Sat 3/14 at the American Legion Hall from 7PM - 12AM. There will be corn beef, cabbage, potatoes, ziti, salad and dessert. Dinner will be served family style. There will be dancing, door prizes and a 50/50. Tickets are $45pp. For more info, please call Mark Kearney at 973-884-1955 or email kremm4@aol.com Space is limited. No tickets will be sold at the door LITURGY CORNER Lent is a time of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. There are many ways to pray. There’s nothing tricky about prayer. It’s simply tuning in to God’s presence -and God is always present. Not simply alongside us, but within us at the deepest part of who we are. We never have to get God’s attention. We have God’s total attention. Always. Everywhere. We never have to make an appointment with God. We’re “first on the list.” Our appointment is always “right now”. When we call God, we never get voicemail. It’s always direct. To draw near to God, we don’t have to travel anywhere. God does all the traveling. We don’t have to figure out the right words to get started. God is already speaking to us. All we have to do is turn off the “mute” button. The reason why we pray is to become more who we are. We’re made in the image and likeness of God. When we pray, we become more and more like God. Try it. Use words if you wish. But you can also just sit quietly with God. It’s a fine way to spend a few minutes. Have a blessed week! Lisa FAITH AT HOME Children love the idea of a new start - think of “doovers” at recess time. As adults, most of us have grown to believe that do-overs don’t exist after all. “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it” is more of the adult motto. But Jesus is all about the do-over: the second (and third and forth) chance, the opportunity to forgive seventy times seven. Lent is a fitting time to remind ourselves and our children of Jesus’ belief in the “do-over”. Make the commitment to go to the sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent. Get a good soul-washing and walk out with an opportunity for a do-over. Enjoy your week! Lisa WPHS ANNUAL MUSICAL This year WPHS’s annual musical will be “25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”. Shows will be on Thurs 2/26 at 7PM; Fri 2/27 8PM; Sat 2/28 2PM & 8PM. Tickets will be available for purchase Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-6PM in the theater lobby beginning 2/3. Prices are $15 pp or $10 students (with valid ID) CARING & SHARING VALENTINE RAFFLE Thank you to everyone who participated in our Valentine Raffle.With your generous donations we were able to raise $687! Congratulations to the winners - Scalloppini Gift Certificate - Theresa Wiederman; II Cappriccio - Joe & Nancy Pisauro and H2Ocean - Lillian D’Ambola. Thank you to all who helped after the masses selling tickets and a special thank you to Linda Larkin for obtaining the certificates from the participating restaurants. Just a reminder that this is the Wednesday for our Morris View Bakers. Baked goods may be dropped off before 9AM (there will be a plastic bin for you to put your item in itat the Rectory Door) or from 9AM - 12PM, please just bring in your donation and place on the sofa. Thank you for all that you do to help Caring & Sharing! Sunday 2/22/15 Monday First Sunday of Lent Religious Formation 9th Grade Retreat Loaves & Fishes Blood Pressures CYO Games Rite of Election Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner 2/23/15 Welcome Home to Healing 7-8:30PM in OLM Chapel FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Tuesday 2/24/15 Wednesday Religious Formation Morris View Bakers Pharmacy Brown Bag Hanover Twp Rec Ctr. GOD’S GIFT FOR GIVING February 15th Last Year Ash Wednesday SUNDAY, February 22nd - First Sunday of Lent 7:30 A.M. Mike & Richard Mead Walter H. Beyer (5th Ann) Robert, Steven & Patty Thompson 9:30 A.M. People of the Parish 11:00 A.M. Ted Sieka Jean Hunter MONDAY, February 23rd - St. Polycarp 9:00 A.M. People of the Parish TUESDAY, February 24th9:00 A.M. Helen Vnencak (18th Ann) WEDNESDAY, February 25th 9:00 A.M. Frank Sibilia (31st Ann) THURSDAY, February 26th9:00 A.M. Rita Dambach FRIDAY, February 27th 9:00 A.M. John O’Reilly SATURDAY, February 28th9:00 A.M. Louis Turano (32nd Ann) Amabile Varetoni (45th Ann) SATURDAY, February 28th - Vigil Second Sunday of Lent 5:30 P.M. Margaret Welschko Ted Sieka Larry Alfano SUNDAY, March 1st - Second Sunday of Lent 7:30 A.M. Mary C. Riley (23rd Ann) Deceased Members of the Guerin Family 9:30 A.M. People of the Parish 11:00 A.M. Larry Alfano Ted Sieka Thomas Farrell 40 DAYS FOR LIFE 40 Days for Life is Prayer and Fasting, a Peaceful Vigil and Community Outreach. Take part with Morris County Right To Life at Planned Parenthood, 196 Speedwell Ave in Morristown from 8AM -8PM seven days a week from 2/18 - 3/29 (Palm Sunday). We invite pro-lifers as individuals or groups to participate. Bring signs to hold (except graphic type) or will supply as needed. Please register through 40 Days For Life website, call 973-933 -2800 or email info@morriscountryrighttolife.org 2/25/15 $ 5, 731. 27 $ 5, 913. 00 $ 1, 793. 00 Reform and Believe...Piri Thomas wrote a book called ‘Down These Mean Streets’. It describes his conversion from being a convict, a drug addict, and an attempted killer to becoming an exemplary Christian. One night Piri was lying on his cell bunk in prison. Suddenly it occurred to him what a mess he’d made of his life. He felt an overwhelming desire to pray. But he was sharing the cell with another prisoner called “the thin kid”. So he waited. After he thought “the thin kid” was asleep, he climbed out of his bunk, knelt down on the cold concrete, and prayed. He said: “I told God what was in my heart...I talked to him plain...no big words...I talked to him of my wants and lacks, of my hopes and disappointments...I felt like I could even cry...something I hadn’t been able to do for years.” After Piri finished his prayer, a small voice said, “Amen.” It was “the thin kid”. There we were, “ Piri said, “he lying down, head on bended elbows, and I still on my knees. No one spoke for a long while. Then the kid whispered, “I believe in Dios also.”’ The two young men talked a long time. Then Piri climbed back into his bunk. “Good night, Chico,” he said. “I’m thinking that God is always with us - it’s just that we aren’t with him.” Reform and Believe... Love and Prayers Fr. Sean THANK YOU To All OLM Parishioners - The Elizabeth Ann Seton Council #6904 Knights of Columbus would like to thank you for your very, very generous support of our Roses for Life Drive that was held at ND Church on 1/18-19 and on 1/2526 at OLM Church. Even though we had terrible weather those two weekends, we still raised $1800! $900 will go to Birth Right of Dover and $900 will go to Birth Haven of Newton so they may continue with their good work of saving young mothers and their babies. May God Bless you all for all your prayers and donations. Your very generous donations will go a long way to ensuring that a young mother and her baby will have a chance at a better life. Thank you again and God Bless. Yours in Christ, Elizabeth Ann Seton Council, Knights of Columbus LENTEN MISSION All are welcome to join St Ann Church’s Lenten Mission which will be taken from the title of Pope Francis’s book “Joy of the Gospel”. They will be held on 3 consecutive Tuesdays at 7PM. The first one will be held on 2/24 Sr. Theresa Kelly, FMA will speak on “Joy in the Journey”. For more info call 973-884-1986
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