St. Ann Catholic Church Mission Statement: “Through prayer and the re-awakening of the living Gospel in ourselves and others, St. Ann Parish celebrates the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist to become a Church Alive. Our rural parish includes a university, prisons, a hospital and long term care facilities. Through our call to active service ministries in the local community and a mission in Guatemala, we manifest our faith.” 232 E. High Street Waynesburg, PA 15370 St. Ann (724) 627-7568 St. Thomas (724) 377-2588 Vol. XXIV, Issue 11 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday - 6:00 pm Sunday - 8:30 am RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 5:30 pm And by appointment GRADE & MIDDLE SCHOOL CCD: Sundays 9:30 to 11:00 am BAPTISMS: The first of the Christian Initiation Sacraments and a joyful occasion for the whole parish. Please call the office to schedule the required Baptismal Preparation Session. MARRIAGES: To be scheduled at least 6 months in advance prior to the ceremony date (after consultation with pastor) RCIA: A program to familiarize adults with the Catholic faith in preparation for acceptance into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, usually at the Easter Vigil Mass. PARISH STAFF: Rev. J. Francis Frazer, Pastor Dr. James M. Sheil, Deacon - 724-998-1105 ( Renee Bosco, Organist Marita Hunchuck, DRE - Ext. 18 Samantha McLaughlin, Preschool - Ext. 15 Marci Snee, Office Manager - 627-7568 Ext 20 OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Please remember St. Ann’s when writing or changing your will. Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. — John 3:17 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43 -54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:116 Wednesday:Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:4053 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:79; Jn 12:20-33 Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:811; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] Monday: ST. ANN CHURCH PAGE 2 WEEKLY OFFERTORY REPORT ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH OPPORTUNITIES AND EVENTS March 15 9:30 am 10:30 am March 16 7:00 pm March 18 7:00 pm 7:30 pm March 19 7:00 pm LAST SUNDAY'S COLLECTION: PARISH SHARE REPORT: ASSESSMENT for 2014 PLEDGES: The Gospel of Luke (Bell Room) CCD Parent Meeting (Social Hall) Knights of Columbus 4th degree (Carmichaels) The Gospel of Luke (Bell Room) The Light Is On For You Nullity Presentation PSP Total for 2014 LENTEN NULLITY PRESENTATION The Tribunal Office of the Diocese of Pittsburgh will give a 45 minute presentation on the marriage nullity process on Thursday, March 19th, at 7:00 pm at St. Ann Parish, by Very Rev. Thomas W. Kunz. The purpose of the talk is to provide information about the marriage nullity process and help those wanting to begin the process to do so by receiving the initial paperwork. The talks are directed toward those who have a desire for adult education regarding this often misunderstood subject. People involved in RCIA, as teachers or directors may have a special interest in attending this talk. The cost is free. Registration is not required but to plan for chairs and refreshments please let us know that you are coming at or call 412-456-3033. COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICES Communal Penance Services will begin at 7:00 pm with a number of priests from the Deanery present to hear individual confessions that take place during the Reconciliation services. ● • • • • Thursday, March 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . ……….St. Ann, Waynesburg Friday, March 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……...St. Ignatius, Bobtown Monday, March 30 . . . …... . . . . . . ……... St. Hugh, Carmichaels Tuesday, March 31. . . . .. . . . . …………..St. Marcellus, Jefferson Wednesday, April 1 ……. . . St. Oliver, Plunkett, Fredericktown $ 29,378.00 $ 29,330.00 $ 56,041.00 Total Pledges thus far: 40 Families ● This Wednesday throughout the diocese “The Light is on For You.” Confession will be available Wednesday evening in parishes throughout the diocese. Since I have two parishes, the time will be 6-7 pm at St. Marcellus and 7:30-9 pm at St. Ann. I hope all will take advantage of the opportunity or plan on attending one of our upcoming communal penance services listed in this bulletin. Confession is a great spiritual preparation for celebrating Holy Week. June 5 to June 12 we will be having a mission trip to Guatemala. Anyone from either St. Ann or St. Thomas parish who is interested in making the trip is encouraged to contact Lynne Goroncy (724-852-1741) as soon as possible. The cost of the trip is estimated at $1,000.00 and all adults (18 & over) are invited to accompany us. Minors may attend only if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Adults must be compliant with the Diocesan Safe Environment policy. Marci Snee has further details on that if needed. Finally, a reminder that our Holy Week schedule is in this bulletin including Holy Saturday blessing of Easter Baskets. We are publishing it early for your planning purposes as some changes are necessary due to my assignment as pastor of both parishes and the rules for the timing of the Easter Vigil. $ 2,542.00 ● ● ● ● ● LENTEN REGULATIONS FOR CATHOLICS Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. The obligation of abstinence (refraining from eating meat) begins at the age of 14. The law of fasting (limiting oneself to one full meal and two lighter meals) obligates all between the ages of 18-59. No one should consider this obligation lightly. Those individuals who have a medical condition in which fasting may be considered harmful are not obligated to fast, but should perform some other act of penance or charity. Pastors and parents are to see to it that minors, though not bound by law of fast and abstinence, are educated in the authentic sense of penance and encouraged to do acts of penance or charity. All members of the Christian Faithful are encouraged to do acts of penance and charity during the Lenten season beyond what is prescribed by the Law. As a general rule, a request for a dispensation from the obligation of abstinence on Fridays of Lent will not be considered unless some serious reason is present. The attendance of social events, banquets, wedding rehearsals or receptions are not considered sufficient reason to request a dispensation. “IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE MY LAST CONFESSION” This Lenten season, Catholic churches in the Diocese of Pittsburgh will have their doors open and lights on, on Wednesday, March 18th. If you have been reluctant to come to the sacrament, have been away for some time or just found it difficult to get to a Saturday confession time, this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with Christ and His Church. “The Light is On for You,” especially if you haven’t been to confession in a while. Visit and read “A short Guide to Confession.” if you don’t remember how to make a good Confession. “The Light is on for you!” The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be available at St. Marcellus from 6:00 until 7:00 pm And at St. Ann from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. 2015 MISSION TRIP The Mission Group of St. Ann will be making their annual trip to Patzun, Guatemala early June. The trip cost is approximately $1,000.00. If you are interested or have any questions about the trip please contact Lynne Goroncy 724-852-1741 or Marci at the Parish Office. ST. ANN CHURCH PAGE 3 PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY LENT DONATION FOR SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army is in need of peanut butter & jelly as they give great quantities to people in urgent need of food. This is a great way to give back to our community during Lent. The Women’s Guild have placed boxes at the church entrances for the entire 40 days of Lent for you to contribute if you can. Thank you in advance for helping with this great project. Also, keep in mind that the guild will also be having their spring Garage Sale this year. Be thinking of things you can contribute. SECOND COLLECTIONS During Lent, second collections will be taken every weekend. This collects your “sacrifices” and supports our charitable donations. The generous donations will be split into four charities: The St. Ann Charity Fund, Catholic Charities, Waynesburg’s Crisis Pregnancy Center, and Operation Rice Bowl. Thank you for your continued generosity! 40 DAYS FOR LIFE PRAYER VIGIL From February 18th through March 29th, the Body of Christ throughout Pittsburgh will once again join together in prayer, fasting, and a peaceful prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood, where 2,366 pre-born babies were aborted last year. This will be the 10th time that we have stormed the gates of Hell with our prayerful witness on the sidewalk. Are we getting tired yet? Does it seem like we’ve “been there, done that”? So…when do we give up? We don’t. Pray with us in front of Planned Parenthood this Lent. Monday, March 23rd, 11am to 3pm. To be God's hands and feet. To be God's light. To witness to the truth. To defend God's least. For more information, or to sign up, contact Marci Snee in the parish office. Ride sharing will be organized for both dates if needed. FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE Remember Lord, and welcome into your kingdom those who have died and have gone before us marked with a sign of faith, especially Larry Patterson, son-inlaw of John Koval, who passed away on Monday, March 9th, 2015. Please pray for the consolation of his family and all those who grieve for him. *PASSION PLAY CANCELLED* Unfortunately, there were a minimal number of participants able to commit to this year's play, such that it's production and performance would not be feasible. As a result, the 2015 Passion Play has been cancelled. PRAYER REQUESTS FOR SERVICEMEN & WOMEN We ask for your prayers for these service personnel and their families: Lt. Col. Brian D. Novogradac (Air Force, Kuwait); Major Luke Vitolo (Air Force, Little Rock); Cpt. John Vitolo (Air Force in Omaha). FIRST RECONCILIATION We congratulate those who make their First Reconciliation during Lent this year: Joei Barchiesi Makenzie Barchiesi Dominic Benamati Joseph Kirsch JJ Martinez Ava Matiyasic Grant McClure Claire Milinovich Chloe Mitchell Fabian Ruvalcaba Dalton Taylor Derek Turcheck Alex VanSickle Please keep these children, their parents, and catechists in your prayers as they continue their preparation for First Communion, which will be celebrated at Saint Ann's on May 2nd. ELYSIAN FIELDS LAMB The Mission Group will be offering for sale Elysian Fields Farm Seasoned Butterflied Legs of Lamb for your Easter Meal. Sign-up sheets will be available at the entrances of the Church beginning March 14th through March 22nd with distribution after Masses on Palm Sunday March 29th. You also will be able to place your order via email: The price is 7.99 per pound with the average weight being 4 pounds. Please remember that 100% of all proceeds will benefit the Children of Patzun. As always, our gracious thanks for your continued prayers and support. ST ANN EASTER EGG HUNT! There will be an Easter Egg hunt in the church yard for children 10 years old and under prior to the Easter Basket Blessing on Holy Saturday, April 4th. The egg hunt will start at 1:00 followed by the blessing of baskets at 1:30. To properly prepare, please email Marci at, by March 31st, your intent to attend and how many children will participate. In the event of rain, the egg hunt will take place inside. A SPECIAL THANK YOU FROM KIM STOLL It is hard to find words to express how thankful my family is for your expressions of love during this truly difficult time. I’d like to extend sincere appreciation for your many prayers, emails, calls and wishes. The support and encouragement you have shown me during these last few weeks are truly a blessing to my children and I. Perhaps you called, sent a card, prepared the delicious food for the luncheon, participated in the funeral Mass, or just got on your knees in prayer. Any thought in your mind, concerning us, was felt and touched us with hope and kindness. “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who believes in me will never die.” ~John 11:25 Diocesan Toll Free Number for Abuse Response—1-888-808-1235 My husband likes to photograph the beauty of creation. He has gotten very good at it, sometimes zooming in to focus on the details of individual flowers or butterflies, other times zooming out to capture the glory of a waterfall, a mountain lake, or the fiery clouds billowing from one of Hawaii’s volcanoes into a night sky full of stars. Several of his photos decorate my office walls. He’s justifiably proud of each. They’re the work of his artist’s eye and hand, so he signs them and takes care to frame them just right. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul calls us God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus—not because we were so amazing (we were, in fact, sinners), but because he loved us. John’s gospel echoes the sentiment: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” If a human being like my husband can take pleasure in and be justifiably proud of the work of his own hands, then how much more can God love his own handiwork? The answer, of course, is immeasurably more. God loved us enough to give us himself in Christ Jesus, who lay down his life for us though we had done nothing to deserve it. The photos my husband creates can’t thank him or give anything back to him, but it is in our power to thank our Creator, who filled us with life and redeemed us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Today, try to love someone else a little more out of sheer gratitude that God so loves you. MARY KATHARINE DEELEY WEEKLY LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS FOR ST. ANN THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Saturday, March 14 6:00 pm - REX STOLL by Marci Snee Sunday, March 15 8:30 am - MARY ANN DONAHUE by Stratus Construction, Bob & Kathleen Monday, March 16 NO MASS Tuesday, March 17 St. Patrick 7:30 am - SPECIAL INTENTION OF THE NGUYEN AND DINH FAMILIES by Toa & Phuong Rolling Meadows 10:00 am - REX STOLL by the Nursing Home Group Wednesday, March 18 St. Cyril 6:30 pm - NO MASS “THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU” RECONCILIATION Thursday, March 19 St. Joseph 7:30 am - KAY VUKMANIC by Bob & Lynn Hoover Friday, March 20 12:15 pm - DORIS PETTIT by Tom & Roberta Boyd THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Saturday, March 21 6:00 pm - FOR THE PEOPLE OF ST ANN PARISH Sunday, March 22 8:30 am - DORIS PETTIT by St. Ann’s Bible Study Group HOLY WEEK 8:00 pm 2:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm Easter Sunday 8:30 am 10:30 am Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday St. Ann St. Marcellus St. Thomas St. Ann St. Ann St. Marcellus Easter Egg Hunt, St. Ann, March 4th, 1:00 pm Easter Basket Blessing, St. Ann, March 4th, 1:30 MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. THOMAS & ST. MARCELLUS Monday & Wednesday 9:00 am - St. Thomas Saturday 4:00 pm - St. Thomas Sunday 10:30 am - St. Marcellus St. Ann Altar Servers for March 14/15 6:00 pm: Deacon Jim; R. Janco, A. Shumaker, K. Hardie (Eucharistic Ministers); J. Martinez, B. Brown (Lectors); D. Waligora (Cantor ); A. Sielski, R. Sielski, M. Warman (Youth Servers). 8:30 am: M. Davin (Adult Ser ver ); R. Phillips, M. Rohanna, S. Pettit, J. Milinovich (Euchar istic Minister s); R. MacDowell, E. Barchiesi (Lector s); K. Bogucki (Cantor ); D. Huffman, A. Revak, J. Revak (Youth Ser ver s). St. Ann Altar Servers for March 21/22 6:00 pm: Deacon Jim; M. Davin, E. Schifko, E. Wang (Eucharistic Ministers); B. Bocchini, K. Davin (Lectors); J. Goroncy (Cantor ); O. Sanvicente, O. Sanvicente, M. Desrosiers (Youth Ser ver s). 8:30 am: Deacon Jim; L. Pettit, J. Marisa, B. Zalar, B. Brown (Euchar istic Minister s); D. DuBois, R. MacDowell (Lectors); S. Karg (Cantor); A. Guess, N. Guess, K. Larkin (Youth Servers).
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