St. Ann Catholic Church Mission Statement: “Through prayer and the re-awakening of the living Gospel in ourselves and others, St. Ann Parish celebrates the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist to become a Church Alive. Our rural parish includes a university, prisons, a hospital and long term care facilities. Through our call to active service ministries in the local community and a mission in Guatemala, we manifest our faith.” 232 E. High Street Waynesburg, PA 15370 St. Ann (724) 627-7568 St. Thomas (724) 377-2588 Vol. XXIII, Issue 44 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday - 7:00 pm Sunday - 8:30 am RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 7:30 pm And by appointment GRADE & MIDDLE SCHOOL CCD: Sundays 9:30 to 11:00 am BAPTISMS: The first of the Christian Initiation Sacraments and a joyful occasion for the whole parish. Please call the office to schedule the required Baptismal Preparation Session. MARRIAGES: To be scheduled at least 6 months in advance prior to the ceremony date (after consultation with pastor) RCIA: A program to familiarize adults with the Catholic faith in preparation for acceptance into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, usually at the Easter Vigil Mass. PARISH STAFF: Rev. J. Francis Frazer, Pastor Dr. James M. Sheil, Deacon - 724-998-1105 ( Renee Bosco, Organist Marita Hunchuck, DRE - Ext. 18 Samantha McLaughlin, Preschool - Ext. 15 Marci Snee, Interim Off. Manager - 627-7568 Ext 20 OFFICE HOURS: To be announced. Please remember St. Ann’s when writing or changing your will. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) November 2, 2014 If we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him. — Romans 6:8 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 ST. ANN CHURCH PAGE 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH OPPORTUNITIES AND EVENTS Nov. 2 Nov. 9 9:30 am 9:30 am George Nelson Breakfast (Social Hall) Mission Group Breakfast (Social Hall) Good Neighbors’ Lunch: Monday, Thursday, & Saturday at 11:30 am Preschool: Monday, Wednesday & Friday during the school year November is the month when the Church especially prays for our deceased loved ones. I remind you of the Book of Remembrance at the church entrances that will be carried up in the offertory procession at weekend Masses and placed on the altar. All are encouraged to inscribe names of their deceased loved ones in it. Wednesday, this week, there will be no Mass at 6:30 pm due to a district meeting of priests, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers in our Vicariate. There will be a 9:00 am Mass at St. Thomas for anyone who wishes to attend daily Mass on Wednesday. As you know, we have been without a full time secretary for three months now. Marci (our former secretary) has been filling in for us. I am happy to announce that that she has decided to return to her position here at St. Ann on a full time basis as of November 24th. In the meantime, she will still be working in the evenings to keep things running smoothly. We are very happy to welcome Marci back in her former capacity as full time office manager/secretary. I know this will be welcome news to all in the parish. With Marci’s return we will again have regular daily office hours from 8:30am to 4:00 pm. MISSION GROUP BREAKFAST The Mission Group of Saint Ann will serve a pancake breakfast on November 9th, 2014 after the 8:30 am Mass. Bring your appetite for delicious food and try your luck at winning the Guatemalan Basket Raffle. Please see below for more information on the contents of the basket. MISSION GROUP TO RAFFLE BASKET OF ITEMS FROM GUATEMALA The Mission Group of Saint Ann is having a Guatemalan Basket Raffle to raise funds for the orphanage in Patzun. Some of the authentic and exciting pieces you will get are: 6 matching placemats and napkins; a clay nativity; wall cross; wooden flute; Guatemalan coffee; shoulder bag; cookbook and other unique items all inside a large hand woven basket made in Patzun. Tickets are $1.00 and can be purchased after mass on October 25th – 26th and November 1st- 2nd . The drawing will be held on November 9th, at the St. Ann breakfast being held by the Mission Group in the Social Hall. WEEKLY OFFERTORY REPORT LAST SUNDAY'S COLLECTION: PARISH SHARE REPORT: ASSESSMENT for 2014 PLEDGES: PSP Total for 2014 $ 2,335.00 $ 29,378.00 $ 29,330.00 $ 41,454.00 Total Pledges thus far: 40 Families FOURTH ANNUAL BENEFIT BREAKFAST FOR GEORGE NELSON THIS WEEKEND! George Nelson, a third degree Knight of our council and brother of Barry Nelson, attends Chip’s House, a part of Clelian Heights Center near Greensburg Pa. The breakfast is held to help him with tuition costs at that facility. While at Chip’s House, George and his fellow residents are able to earn a small paycheck at the workshop while living there during 9 months of the year in a dorm type setting. He is provided with spiritual encouragement and learns life skill activities based on his capabilities while interacting with his “crew” and the system of support from various agencies. Our parish’s generosity is greatly appreciated by the Nelson family as his limited assistance is barely sufficient to cover the costs involved. This is a great opportunity to enjoy another great breakfast here in the social hall. The breakfast will be THIS Sunday, November 2nd, after the 8:30 am Mass. It will include Buckwheat and Buttermilk Pancakes, sausage and drinks. Donations will be accepted. Thank you again for your generosity. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE We remember our beloved deceased family members and friends, during the month of November (Poor Souls). To honor those who have passed into God’s loving care, please enter their names in the “Book of Remembrance” located at our churches’ entrances. This book will be placed on the altar during the month of November. 2015 MASS INTENTIONS NOW SCHEDULING Mass Intention forms are now located at the church entrances for 2015. We also have many weekday Mass times still available till the end of 2014. Please fill out a form and drop it in the collection plate or mail it to the church office. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a message for Marci on the voice mail in the office. TRUE VOCATION The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people. —Leo Tolstoy ST. ANN CHURCH PAGE 3 From Death to New Life… Remember Lord, and welcome into your kingdom those who have died and have gone before us marked with a sign of faith, especially parishioners Jay (Regina) MacDowell and Jeannette A. Petraitis who both passed away on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 and Carol Marie Avolio Torri who passed away Wednesday, October 23rd, 2014. Please pray for the consolation of their families and all those who grieve for them. PRAYER FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Heavenly Father, I believe that in your wisdom and justice you willed to purify all persons who die without having attained the state that they need for all eternity, all who still need to expiate completely the sins committed here on earth. I also believe that you have mercifully arranged that this process of purification can be aided by the prayers of the living and especially the by Eucharist. Help me to pray for my brothers and sisters who have departed from this world. (Here mention the names of those you pray for.) May their time of purification be short, and may they be quickly guided into that holy light promised by our Lord to Abraham and his descendants. I offer You sacrifices and prayers of praise. Accept them for all the souls of the faithful departed and admit them all to the eternal joy of heaven. Amen. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION For those of Mexican heritage, November 2 means celebration of el Dia de Los Muertos, or “ the Day of the Dead.” One of the most important days of the year for many, they join All Saints and All Souls together, visiting the graves of babies and children on All Saints, since they are santitos (little saints) or angelitos (little angels). Flowers, their favorite toys, favorite music, and so on, are taken to them. The following day, people spend time—some of them all day—at the cemetery with their loved ones who have died. From the ancient customs of the Indians the families pray, talk with them, and take them their favorite food. It is a most solemn but joyful day. It is a day to celebrate Christ’s victory over death: “Death, where is your sting?” There is a mocking of death as people make skeletons, candy that represents death, and Pan de los Muertos (bread of the dead) and consume them in a kind of role reversal. One of the customs is to build an altarcito (little altar) where one places mementos and pictures of those who have died. There are also favorite foods, candles, statues or pictures of favorite saints, books, and Bibles. Some parishes have begun to build an altarcito where all parishioners can join in honoring the deceased. A remembrance book can be placed to write names in. The altarcito is traditionally left up for the month of November. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. “AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE” United in marriage and love. Nicholas Greco and Chelsi Jacalynn Wade St. Ann - October 11, 2014 Eternal God, you gave us your only Son to demonstrate your love. Grant that all who enter the union of marriage may reflect the beauty of your love and share it with others. Amen. Congratulations! CARE CORNER The following parishioners or friends are in need of our prayers and concerns for their illnesses or their disabilities: Tea Abbadini (Sproat); Sawyer Armstrong; Leah Burdick (Schifko); Garrett Clark (Wilson); Vicki Cline (Sielski); Darlene Cogar (Corfont); Vicki Conklin; Laura Czako & Baby girl (Sielski); Jack Davin; Judy Dean (Koval); Helen Dunham (Koval); Lucas Duringer (Hartner); Marilyn Eichenlaub; Elizabeth (Boskovich); Dolly Enoff-Ansell; Kathy & Lee Fascetti, Jr. (Hartner); Donna Gamble (Schifko); Kathi Rohanna Gaso (Sproat); Gary Graham (Seese); Gloria Gugliotta (Bogucki); David Hall (Nelson); Kathy Hollowood; Roger & Veronica Honsaker (Koval); Mae Jenkins (Wilson); Frank Keller (Lavigne); William Kengor (Shumaker); Nathan Kiger (Sielski); Ruth Lau (Hartner); George Lavigne (Lavigne); Anthony Mangiotto (Shumaker); Joan Marisa (Marisa); Jean Mocniak; Josh Nicholls (Jackovic); Cathy Polen (Seese); Kamie Poole (Shumaker); Paul Rhodes; Sissy Ricci; Frank Roth; Naomi Roupe (Rhodes); Olivier Sanvicente: Danny Scott (Plock); Deacon Jim Sheil; Julie Ann Spires Miller; PJ Staun (Koval); Nikki Stephenson (Winters); Tracey Stewart & Family (Koval); Deanna Strickland (Schifko); Scott Sucke (Nelson); Veronica Szorentini (Koval); Cathy Temple (Wilson); Jesse H. Temple (Wilson); Grace Turnbow (White); Fr. Dan Valentine (Bogucki); Velma “Carolyn” Virgili (Conrad); Dorothy Vitolo (Vitolo); John Walters (Kennel); Steve Watkins (Sheil); Jim White; Merle Williams (Hartner); Jonella Williamson (Berdine). Diocesan Toll Free Number for Abuse Response—1-888-808-1235 CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL: National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference You are invited to attend the 2014 National Leader s’ and Ministries’ Conference, November 7-9 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The theme for this year’s conference is: IGNITE: Charisms/Renewal/Unity. If you are: • • A Prayer Group Leader or on the core team of a prayer group Someone involved in a ministry such as music, healing, prophecy, conference teams • Someone who gives talks in Life in the Spirit Seminars, or facilitates a small group • • • A Diocesan Liaison • • A leader in a Covenant Community A leader in the Hispanic, Haitian, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Native American, Indian or ethnic Renewal Involved in parish or diocesan ministry or service Exercising any charisms and have par ticipated in a Life in the Spirit Seminar or equivalent • Someone seeking growth in the Spirit. You’re invited! If you are a Young Leader or potential Leader (35 or under) who are already serving as leaders in the Renewal or in a parish or other ministry, or are seeking to be "ignited" in your life, gifts, worship and ministry. You’re invited! If you are a seasoned veteran or just beginning to serve, we all need to renew our vision and receive the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. You’re invited! FOR MORE INFO VISIT: United States Catholic Bishops’ PRAYER FOR THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS “Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/ state/country, and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. We ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, one in equality and dignity, especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your kingdom. We pray for discernment, so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word, live your love, and keep in the ways of your truth as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” VOTE ON ELECTION DAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH! WEEKLY LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS FOR ST. ANN ALL SOULS’ DAY Saturday, November 1 All Saints 7:00 pm - LUCY LI & JOSEPH HAN by Francis Li & Elizabeth Wang Sunday, November 2 8:30 am - THE POSITIVE FUTURE OF ST ANN by Attilia Shumaker Monday, November 3 NO MASS Tuesday, November 4 7:30 am - JAY MACDOWELL by Marci Snee Golden Living 10:30 am - JANE MORRIS by Attilia Shumaker Wednesday, November 5 6:30 pm - NO MASS Thursday, November 6 7:30 am - FOR THE SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL WELFARE OF MARY STASH Friday, November 7 12:15 pm - DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE NGUYAN AND DINH FAMILIES by Their Families THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Saturday, November 8 7:00 pm - KATHY COLCOMBE by The Colcombe Family Sunday, November 9 8:30 am - DR ANTHONY AMES by Genevieve Ames MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. THOMAS & ST MARCELLUS Monday & Wednesday 9:00 am - St. Thomas Saturday 5:00 pm - St. Thomas Sunday 10:30 am - St. Marcellus St. Ann Altar Servers for Nov. 1/2 7:00 pm: L. Pettit (Adult Ser ver ); R. Janco, K. Hollowood, M. Desrosiers (Euchar istic Minister s); B. Bocchini, B. Nalitz (Lector s); K. Bogucki (Cantor ); M. Desrosiers, A. Sielski, R. Sielski (Youth Ser ver s). 8:30 am: Deacon Jim; J. Martinez, K. Hardie, S. Conrad, E. Schifko (Euchar istic Minister s); J. Goroncy (Lectors); J. Milinovich (Cantor); W. Bristor, D. Huffman, K. Larkin (Youth Ser ver s). St. Ann Altar Servers for Nov. 8/9 7:00 pm: Deacon Jim; J. McClure, A. Shumaker, E. Wang (Euchar istic Minister s); M. Albensi, A. Revak (Lectors); S. Karg (Cantor); M. Warman, W. Bristor, K. Larkin (Youth Ser ver s). 8:30 am: A. Trader (Adult Ser ver ), J. Trader, R. Davin, M. Sielski (Euchar istic Minister s); E. Barchiesi, K. Davin (Lector s); J. Goroncy (Cantor ); N. Guess and the Sanvicentes (Youth Ser ver s).
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