NEWS IN THE PEWS Welcome Scottish Barn Dance Including Ploughmans and Pudding Saturday 15th November 2014 7pm for 7.30pm—11pm Chailey Village Hall Dress Code: Something tartan. Flat shoes. Bring your own wine and glass, soft drinks provided. Raffle SUNDAY 2nd November 2014 Liturgical Year A The fourth Sunday before Advent PRIEST IN CHARGE .. Revd John Miller-Maskell Today’s Readings 8am 1Thessalonians 2: 9-13 Matthew 24: 1-14 Proceeds to St Peter’s Church re-ordering fund Tickets available from: Margaret Smith 01892 663527 Teresa Wenban 01825 722586 St Peter’s Parish Office 01825 722286 to St Peter’s Church, Chailey Page 1186 of your pew bible Page 993 of your pew bible 10am tbc £10 CLOTHES RAIL: This is available in the chapel every Sunday. Please feel free to browse the contents. If you wish to purchase anything, all at reasonable prices, please speak to Teresa. No more contributions please as we are full at the moment. Thank you Please note that during the work programme there will be no access to the church Monday to Friday with the exception of choir practice on Friday evenings. Today’s Hymns 1st Hymn 2nd Hymn 3rd Hymn 4th Hymn Thank you to Philip Sear our organist today, 77 437 590 162 Blest are the pure in heart Make me a channel of your peace Seek ye first the Kingdom of God Father I place into your hands NEXT WEEK’S SERVICES (9th November 2014) 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP 10.50am Remembrance service starting at the war memorial HEALING SERVICE: John is holding a healing service on Sunday 23rd NOVEMBER at St Peter’s, at 7pm. Everyone is welcome, we all need healing of some kind. LADIES PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays at 10am. 4th November..Olga Jeffs, 21 Newick Drive 11th November..Joy Partridge.. Millridge, Lower Station Road 18th November..Janet Barnes..Ty Gwyn, Lower Station Road 25th November..Margaret Smith..Ferndale, North Chailey 2nd December..Monica Todd..36 High Hurst Close, Newick 9th December..Teresa Wenban..Greenway Cottage, Piltdown 16th December..Brenda Martin..Northfields, North Chailey We will then take a two week break and begin again on 6th January For more information call Teresa on 01825 722586 All ladies are welcome. If you would like the prayer group to pray for someone or something, please write your request on a fish (a name will do) and tie it to the net at the back of the Church. It will be collected and prayed for on a Tuesday and then be laid on the altar on Sunday. We believe that God hears our every prayer and answers them. CHILDRENS SOCIETY BOXES it's time for the annual opening of the charity boxes Please can you bring them to church. Thanks Chris Jones Contact Information John Miller-Maskell 01825 722286 Parish office Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am –2pm - 01825 722286 Parish Administrator:- Teresa Wenban Parish Email Churchwardens:Peter Martin 01825 722680 or Teresa Wenban 01825 722586 Organist and music director: Situation vacant. WEBSITE: There is a lot of information on our website, which we have recently updated. It can be found on Our safeguarding recruiter (child protection officer) is Margaret Smith. She can be contacted on 07716 109883 In your prayers this week please remember those who are ill especially Amy Luddington, Stephen & Julie, Troy, Paula Fanthorpe, Helen Tuppen, Eileen Palmer and Joyce Goodwin, We pray too for the recently departed and for all those whose anniversaries fall at this time, may they rest in peace and rise in glory. CHRISTINGLE BOXES: These are available at the back of the church. Please take one and fill it with as much money as you can and return by 14th December when we will hold our Christingle service. All money collected goes to the Children’s Society. Chailey Free Church are offering Christmas lunch to anyone who is going to be on their own Christmas Day. If you or anyone you know are in that position, do contact them on 01273 890114 or 01444 471600 Chailey Bonfire Senior Citizens Party – Saturday Dec 6th Chailey Village Hall To book your place contact Jane Stent 01273 400632 or 12.30 – 5pm. PETE’S PANTRY will be on Sunday 7th December. This will be a Christmas special and we ask everyone if they can contribute something, food, sweets, produce, crafts, or gifts to make this a bumper one. Delightful handmade children’s (and grown ups!) Christmas cards, selling prior to Pete’s Pantry, £2 each. Speak to Teresa if you would like to buy any.
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