Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY Do Whatever He Tells You! – (John 2:5) SATURDAY, October 25 4PM Mary Caterina MONDAY, October 27 8:30 AM Henry Herman 12Noon Loraine Polisano THURSDAY, October 30 8:30AM John Sillaro 12Noon Mildred Liozzi SUNDAY, October 26 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00PM Martha Glynn Samiec Grace & Joseph Cedar Joseph McCarthy For the People of our Parish TUESDAY, October 28 8:30 AM William Koenig 12 Noon Robert Burke FRIDAY, October 31 8:30AM Josephine Secchio, living 12 Noon Rev. Daniel Cassiero SUNDAY, continued St. Nicholas Chapel 9:30 George Chicolo 10:30 Michael Brennan WEDNESDAY, October 29 8:30AM Dr. Kerr, living 12 Noon Mary Caterina SATURDAY, November 1 8:30AM Rev. Thomas F. Holland, SJ 12Noon Special Intention MASSES NEXT SUNDAY Your prayers are requested for all who are sick in our parish and community, especially: Grace Agaloos, Rosemarie Amato, Peter November 2 Priest Argento, Kathleen Bassill, Karen Bertuzzi, Vin4:00 PM Father Kallattil cent Borzumato, Barbara Cammalleri, Nicholas Saturday Crispano, Kevin Dunne, Patricia Dunne, Augustine Ferrer, Mark 7:30 am Monsignor Belford & Arlene Fileccia, Thomas Fontaino, Jason Greco, Josephine Sunday Greco, Vincent Hicks, JoJo Ianniello, Aubrey Paige Ibrahim, Caitlin 10:00 am Father Riello Kaht, Eileen Kearney, Robert Kellett, Margaret King, Joseph DeNora, Donnalyn Lawton, Catherine Leone, Frank Leone, Edward 12:30 pm Father Riello Lewis, Genevieve Lewis, Joseph Lomangino, Emma Jane Mannix, Michael McKeon, Janet Massa, Judy Morand, Bill McMillen, 5:00 pm Monsignor Belford Helen Nadeau, James P. Noone, Jr., Ryan Pizzaro, Vincent Poledore, Sal Prestigiacomo, Catherine Raleigh, Edwin Rodriguez, St. Nicholas 9:30 am Father Kallattil Alex Valenti, Margaret White, John Wysocki Members of the Legion of Mary are willing to visit the sick at home. For additional information please contact Marie Razza at 718-442-5421. MONDAY NIGHT NOVENA 7:30 IN CHURCH Join Deacon Phil Maroon every Monday evening in the Church at 7:30 pm for this devotion, which includes the Miraculous Medal Novena, prayers to Our Lady, homily, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Pray for Our Parishioners in the Military SPC Michael Mazzarella, U.S. Army, Fort Bliss, TX -2 Private Daniel A. Hughes, U.S. Army, Ft. Jackson, S.C. 10:30 am Father Kallattil Last Week's Collection $10,919 We need your support and thank you for giving it so generously October 26, 2014 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Teresa Church, We begin our very important PARISH MISSION today! Welcome to our guest Preacher, Father Hugh Burns, O.P. We hope that many many people will benefit from his Masses and Mission Talks. For the schedule of times and topics, see the schedule printed within, or see the mailing sent to our registered parishioners. Come at 7PM Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday for the Mission Talks, and 12 Noon Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for the Mission Masses. On September 14, Pope Francis gave a beautiful homily at a Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, in which he celebrated the marriages of twenty couples from the Diocese of Rome. These brides and grooms ranged in age from 25 to 58. These couples included some who were living together already, and some who had children. I thought you might like to know what Pope Francis told all these newly-weds and their families, including his advice about arguing! We might also glimpse what he wants us to become as a family of faith that welcomes everyone to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pope Francis preached with reference to that day’s reading from the Old Testament Book of Numbers, chapter 21: Today’s first reading speaks to us of the people’s journey through the desert. We can imagine them as they walked, led by Moses. They were families: fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, grandparents, men and women of all ages, accompanied by many children and the elderly who struggled to make the journey. This people reminds us of the Church as she makes her way across the desert of the contemporary world, reminds us of the People of God composed, for the most part, of families. This makes us think of our families, walking along the paths of life with all our day-to-day experiences. It is impossible to quantify the strength and depth of humanity contained in a family: mutual help, educational support, relationships developing as family members mature, the sharing of joys and difficulties. Families are the first place in which we are formed as persons and, at the same time, the “bricks” for the building up of society. Let us return to the biblical story. At a certain point, “the people became impatient on the way” (Num 21:4). They are tired, water supplies are low and all they have for food is manna, which, although plentiful and sent by God, seems far too meagre in a time of crisis. And so they complain and protest against God and against Moses: “Why did you make us leave?...” (cf. Num. 21:5). They are tempted to turn back and abandon the journey. Here our thoughts turn to married couples who “become impatient on the way”, the way of conjugal and family life. The hardship of the journey causes them to experience interior weariness; they lose the flavor of matrimony and they cease to draw water from the well of the Sacrament. Daily life becomes burdensome, and often, even “nauseating”… We think also of spouses who succumb to the dangerous temptation of discouragement, infidelity, weakness, abandonment… To them too, God the Father gives his Son Jesus, not to condemn them, but to save them: if they entrust themselves to him, he will bring them healing by the merciful love which pours forth from the Cross, with the strength of his grace that renews and sets married couples and families once again on the right path. The love of Christ, which has blessed and sanctified the union of husband and wife, is able to sustain their love and to renew it when, humanly speaking, it becomes lost, wounded or worn out. The love of Christ can restore to spouses the joy of journeying together. This is what marriage is all about: man and woman walking together, wherein the husband helps his wife to become ever more a woman, and wherein the woman has the task of helping her husband to become ever more a man. This is the task that you both share. “I love you, and for this love I help you to become ever more a woman”; “I love you, and for this love I help you to become ever more a man”. Here we see the reciprocity of differences. The path is not always a smooth one, free of disagreements, otherwise it would not be human. It is a demanding journey, at times difficult, and at times turbulent, but such is life! Within this theology which the word of God offers us concerning the people on a journey, I would like to give you some advice. It is normal for husband and wife to argue: it’s normal. It always happens. But my advice is this: never let the day end without having first made peace. Never! A small gesture is sufficient. Thus the journey may continue. Marriage is a symbol of life, real life: it is not “fiction”! It is the Sacrament of the love of Christ and the Church, a love which finds its proof and guarantee in the Cross. My desire for you is that you have a good journey, a fruitful one, growing in love. I wish you happiness. There will be crosses! But the Lord is always there to help us move forward. May the Lord bless you! Faithfully yours in the Christ who loves us all, Msgr. William Belford -3 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY October 26, 2014 MAKE THE MISSION THIS WEEK! OUR PARISH MISSION SCHEDULE IS... Sunday 7:00pm DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY. If you call yourself a Christian and are not happy, something is wrong. Being “holy” does not mean being somber and serious. The opposite is true. Having Jesus for a friend is the secret to Christian optimism, light-heartedness, and joy. Monday 12 Noon Mass WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? From childhood we all know the experience of fear. Some of these fears follow us into adulthood. Sometimes we become paralyzed by irrational phobias. Jesus reminds us that we are not alone. Monday 7:00pm SEE IT BIG, KEEP IT SIMPLE. Despite an abundance of material blessings, our society is shot through with disappointment and dissatisfaction. The Gospel demands simplicity of lifestyle, and promises happiness. Tuesday 12 Noon Mass COOL OFF, COPE WITH ANGER. Anger is a disease of the soul. Resentment can over-power us. Anger cripples us with bitterness, cynicism, and negativity. It gives us a bad attitude. Let go and let live! Tuesday 7:00pm BROUGHT NEAR: BELONGING TO THE CHURCH. The Church is a family – sometimes a dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless. Jesus has given us this identity, in spite of our differences and failings. There are no strangers; we are children of God and brothers and sisters to each other. The Church is a home for us; it should be a safe place in the midst of a hostile world. Wednesday 12 Noon Mass LIGHTEN UP WITH A CHRISTIAN SENSE OF HUMOR! We need a Christian sense of humor. Humans are the only beings that can laugh. Humor is God’s gift sown deep into our nature to help us live with life’s absurdities. We begin by laughing at ourselves. Wednesday 7:00pm BLESSED AMONG WOMEN: MARY,TENDER AND TOUGH. Mary is no fragile statue, but a real woman who was given the most monumental task in history: to be the Mother of God, the Mother of our Redeemer and of our redemption. Her example of joyful trust and endurance shows us how to hang on. ALL SAINTS DAY—THIS SATURDAY, NOV. 1 Every year on November 1, Catholic people celebrate the successful lives of all the people - both famous and obscure, but especially people known only to their friends and families – who are now living with God in heaven. We call this celebration ALL SAINTS DAY. Most years it is a holyday of obligation, when we should come to Mass to celebrate together. But when it falls on a Saturday, the obligation is removed. Nevertheless, we invite everyone who wants to come to be with us for either of two Masses on that feastday. On Saturday November 1, we will offer holyday Masses at 8:30 and at 12 Noon. Confessions will be available as usual from 12 to 1, and the 4pm Mass as usual will be for our Sunday obligation. ALL SOULS DAY - NEXT SUNDAY, NOV. 2 On November 2 every year, we remember to pray for all the souls who are in purgatory, being purified on their sins while awaiting their entrance into the kingdom of heaven. A traditional way for us to remember our loved ones who have died is to pray for them at this time of the year – and to pay attention to the reality of our own mortality. Some people like to write the names of their loved ones on an ALL SOULS DAY envelope which they can hand in so that it will be placed on our altar. Announced Mass intentions for both Sunday and weekdays can be arranged in person on weekdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm or by calling the rectory at 718-442-5412. The offering for an announced Mass is $15. All announced Mass Intentions for Sunday and weekdays are printed in the weekly parish bulletin. -4 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY The 50/50 winner for the month of May was Mr. & Mrs. William Schweibinz who received a check for $265. Congratulations and thanks to her and everyone who participates in the 50/50 drawing. Envelopes for the next Parish 50/50 drawing can be found in your monthly envelope packet or at the entrances to both the Church and the Chapel. DONATION: $5.00 minimum per envelope. 50% TO THE WINNER + 50% TO THE PARISH! Winners will be notified by telephone. In order to be notified that you won, please write clearly your name and phone number, and then be ready for the best call of your day! THIS MONTH, IT COULD BE YOU! -5 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY How to Receive Emails from Cardinal Dolan and News about our Parish Activities We are starting a great new way for parishioners to receive parish and organizational news as well as messages from Cardinal Dolan. The name of our new communications tool is: FLOCKNOTES. Of course, it is free, and you can add or remove your name at any time. One reason for this new offering is that our Cardinal, and pastors like me, want to communicate directly with people in our parishes and schools, and we can do so swiftly and easily by emails and texts. FLOCKNOTES is starting soon because we expect that Cardinal Dolan will be making important announcements about the future of parishes. It is better for us to hear directly from him when he does. To receive FLOCKNOTES, the best way is to send an email to our parish address: Mention FLOCKNOTES in your heading or message. Or write or call. Why is this project called FLOCKNOTES? This is a meaningful religious name, because we remember that Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd. Those who follow him are members of his flock. And the bishops and pastors he chooses must continue the work of caring for God's people, in ways both old and new. NEXT SUNDAY ANNUAL CHINESE AUCTION PANCAKE BREAKFAST CONRAN HALL Congratulations and Thanks to Our Step Up Committee Hundreds of people came and everyone enjoyed last Sunday's PARISH PICNIC organized and sponsored by the members of our parish's Step Up Committee. Special thanks to all these leaders: Antonio Antonacci, Maria Bianchi,David Clark, Tami DiCostanzo, Jimmy Gofas, Tom Granello, Brian Lyons, Jim Lyons, Tim O’Brien, Lisa Rametta, Joe Territo, and John Tuohy. TODAY in Conran Hall 1:00pm-6:00pm A Pumpkin Prayer Dear God, As I carve my pumpkin, help me say this prayer: Open my mind so I can learn about You; (Cut the top of the pumpkin) Take away all my sin and forgive me for the wrong things I do; (Clean out the inside) Open my eyes so Your Love I will see; (Cut eyes shaped like hearts) I'm sorry for turning up my nose to all You've given me; (Cut a nose in the shape of the cross) Open my ears so Your Word I will hear; (Cut ears shaped like the Bible) Open my mouth so I can tell others You're near; (Cut mouth in the shape of a fish) Let Your Light shine in all I say and do! Amen. (Place a candle and light) The 50/50 winner for the month of September was Mr. & Mrs. Joe Granello who received a check for $275.Congratulations and thanks to her and everyone who participates in the 50/50 drawing. Envelopes for the next Parish 50/50 drawing can be found in your monthly envelope packet or at the entrances to both the Church and the Chapel. DONATION: $5.00 minimum per envelope. 50% TO THE WINNER + 50% TO THE PARISH! Winners will be notified by telephone. In order to be notified that you won, please write clearly your name and phone number, and then be ready for the best call of your day! THIS MONTH, IT COULD BE YOU! -6 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY GIVENIK.COM—BENEFIT ST. TERESA’S SCHOOL St Teresa has partnered partnered with with to to raise raise money moneyfor forour ourschool schooland andoffer offergreat Broadway Broadway and Off-Broadway and Off-Broadway theater theater tickets tickets at disat counted prices discounted prices to our to our family family and and friends. friends. To see To available see available shows shows and purchase and purchase tickets, tickets, visit the visit website the website and select and St. select Teresa St. School School Teresa a.your charity. as your charity. Then browse Then browse throughthrough the list of theavailable list of available shows and shows select andthe select onethe you'd onelike you'd to see. like to They see.offer Theya offer variety a variety of shows of such assuch shows Newsies, as Newsies, Cinderella Cinderella and Mamma and Mamma Mia and Miasell andindividual sell individual and group and group tickets tickets including including premium premium seats.seats. TheyThey will donate will donate 5% of 5%the of ticket the ticket salessales backback to St. toTeresa St. Teresa School. School. -7 -8
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