Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY Do Whatever He Tells You! – (John 2:5) SATURDAY, March 7 4PM Josephine Kowaliski MONDAY, March 9 8:30 AM Fred & Dorothy Guli-L 12 Noon Frank D. Riello THURSDAY, March 12 8:30AM John Venturella 12 Noon Lydia Seguinot SUNDAY, March 8 7:30 AM Special Intention 10:00 AM Dec. Members of the Abbate Family 12:30 PM Robert Burke 5:00PM Edward Russell TUESDAY, March 10 8:30 AM Jeremy Kosnac 12 Noon Emma "Millie" Fragrasso FRIDAY, March 13 8:30AM John Garbowski 12 Noon SUNDAY, continued St. Nicholas Chapel 9:30 For the People of Our Parish 10:30 Patsy, Angela, Luca & Angie Forte WEDNESDAY, March 11 8:30 AM Eleanor Torkelson 12 Noon Cornelio Medina SATURDAY, March 14 8:30AM Leanna Senzino MASSES NEXT SUNDAY Your prayers are requested for all who are sick in our parish and community, especially: Grace Agaloos, Rosemarie Amato, Peter March 15 Priest Argento, Kathleen Bassill, Karen Bertuzzi, Vin4:00 PM Msgr. Belford cent Borzumato, Nicholas Crispiano, Nicholas Saturday Ciricirillo, Kevin Dunne, Patricia Dunne, Joanie Edwards, 7:30 am Fr. Riello Augustine Ferrer, Mark & Arlene Fileccia, Thomas Fontaino, Sunday Jason Greco, Josephine Greco, Vincent Hicks, JoJo Ianniello, 10:00 am Fr. Kallattil Aubrey Paige Ibrahim, Caitlin Kaht, Robert Kellett, Margaret King, Joseph DeNora, Donnalyn Lawton, Catherine Leone, Frank 12:30 pm Fr. Kallattil Leone, Edward Lewis, Genevieve Lewis, Joseph Lomangino, Emma Jane Mannix, Michael McKeon, Janet Massa, Judy 5:00 pm Fr. Riello Morand, Bill McMillen, Helen Nadeau, James P. Noone, Jr., Rich9:30 am Msgr. Belford ard Palladino, Ryan Pizzaro, Vincent Poledore, Sal Prestigiacomo, St. Nicholas Catherine Raleigh, Edwin Rodriguez, Alex Valenti, Margaret 10:30 am Msgr. Belford White, John Wysocki MONDAY NIGHT NOVENA 7:30 IN CHURCH Join Deacon Phil Maroon every Monday evening in the Church at 7:30 pm for this devotion, which includes the Miraculous Medal Novena, prayers to Our Lady, homily, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Pray for Our Parishioners in the Military SPC Michael Mazzarella, U.S. Army, Fort Bliss, TX -2 Private Daniel A. Hughes, U.S. Army, Ft. Jackson, S.C. Last Weeks Collection $16,157! Thanks to all who remember our parish’s financial needs. March 8, 2015 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Teresa Church, This week we have been dealing with water damage in two bathrooms on the main floor of the older school building. Water or ice penetrated the roof last Saturday and caused ceilings to come down. We had an excellent response from the insurance people at the Archdiocese, who immediately arranged for a safety and environmental examination. School was closed on Monday for removal of the debris, and more work is going on this weekend. Parents were kept informed, and all codes and safety standards have been followed. The necessary roof repairs will happen as quickly as weather permits. The auditorium at Monsignor Farrell High School was packed on Thursday evening February 26 by adults and young people demonstrating their urgent desire to see the New York State Assembly and Senate pass a very useful bill called THE EDUCATION INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT. This legislation will provide a state tax credit for any person or business that makes a donation to public schools or private scholarships. This tax credit can be claimed on personal tax returns. Everyone wins and financial support for schools would increase. This was promised by Governor Cuomo in meetings with our bishops last year. We were frustrated by political roadblocks erected by opponents, notably Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver. Our own Assemblyman Michael Cusick has been the driving force behind this legislation, and deserves much appreciation for getting it to this stage. In fact, it was said on Thursday that all Staten Island legislators are in favor of passing this bill. Despite our high hopes for passage this year, many valuable, fair, and justified bills die before becoming law. On Thursday, Senator Andrew Lanza explained very well that Governor Cuomo has complicated passage by adding other elements to this widely supported legislation. So please pay attention to this issue during March, keep the Governor and our legislators aware of your urgent desire, and let us use the power of prayer to help our cause. Tax credits are already given for less important reasons; this could be a significant help for students and teachers, and for funding our schools. Speaking of support for Catholic schools, we really do need to find new sources of funding beyond tuition and parish collections. Therefore I want to invite you to consider coming to the INAUGURAL GALA OF THE STATEN ISLAND CATHOLIC SCHOOL REGION. This is the first major fundraiser sponsored by the Regional School Board of Staten Island, on which I now serve. Our goal is to attract a lot of people and donations that can help defray the costs of our schools. The Gala is on Thursday, April 16 [right after tax day] at the Hilton Garden Inn. We are very pleased that His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be coming and will be our Honoree, and Bishop John O’Hara will be a speaker. For tickets and information, please contact Diana Gatto at 718 667 5350 or If you have a business or contact that could take a table or put an ad in the journal, the Catholic Schools of the Staten Island Region are a great cause to support, and this will be a night for pleasant company for everyone who attends. But … before you go to the Hilton Inn on April 16, come to Conran Hall on Saturday March 21. Honoring Saint Patrick (whose feastday is well-known on March 17) and Saint Joseph (who is celebrated on March 19) we’ll have a parish party on Saturday March 21. Corned beef and pasta are both on the menu! Make your reservation this week; details on p. 6. Mrs. Ginevra Porcelli will address a more serious matter this Thursday at the 12:30 and 7:30 Lenten Lectures in our church. From her experience as a substance abuse specialist, our parishioner will talk about the trends and dangers of drug abuse in our own neighborhoods and families on Staten Island. Come to learn, and to pray, about a plague on us. Finally, let me close with a reminder that our Lenten efforts to pray more fervently, to perform acts of self-denial and sacrifice for others, have more than just an earthly dimension. Lent takes the long view and focuses us on what is at stake. Therefore I was struck by some words of wisdom written on a tombstone in an English cemetery: Remember man, as you walk by / As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, soon you will be / Prepare yourself and follow me. To which someone taped a sensible reply: To follow you I'll not consent / Until I know which way you went. Faithfully yours in Christ, Msgr. William Belford -3 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY March 8, 2015 PETITION FOR THIRD WEEK OF LENT That we may listen more often to the Word of God, pay attention to its demands on our daily practices, and be comforted by its promises for eternal life, let us pray to the Lord... PARISH LECTURES FOR LENT 2015 In Saint Teresa Church, twice each day, at 12:30pm (after Noon Mass) and 7:30pm Just an Hour / Everyone is Welcome "The Lenten time of penance has come, the time to atone for our sins and to seek our salvation." Thursday March 12 DRUG USE ON STATEN ISLAND: TRENDS AND DANGERS Mrs. Ginevra Porcelli is a substance abuse specialist who sees the destructive effects of drug and alcohol abuse in our community, and offers us experience, insights, advice Thursday March 26 JESUS IN THE GOSPEL OF MARK Msgr. William Belford will take us on a tour of this earliest, most dramatic of the Gospels, helping us to see how the many healings by Jesus stirred up faith in his message YOUR PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES AT OUR CHURCH THIS SEASON Daily Mass Mon-Fri - 8:30 and Noon Saturday Mass 8:30 / 4:00 for Sunday Baby Bin Sunday March 15 Donations will be accepted at each Mass Thank you for your generosity Novena and Benediction Monday 7:30pm Stations of the Cross and Benediction Fridays 7:30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Saturday - 12 to 1 Reconciliation Monday Monday March 30 - 4pm to 8pm Announced Mass intentions for both Sunday and weekdays can be arranged in person on weekdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm or by calling the rectory at 718-442-5412. The offering for an announced Mass is $15. All announced Mass Intentions for Sunday and weekdays are printed in the weekly parish bulletin. -4 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, MASS FOR THE DEAF TODAY Today and every second Sunday of the month at 2:30pm, our parish welcomes people for a Mass in sign language. There are deaf people who gather to see one another and to enjoy a special Mass celebrated by Msgr. Patrick McCahill, Director the Deaf Apostolate of the Archdiocese. Monsignor comes to our church each month. If you want to attend, or know someone who would like to come, please feel welcome, and spread the word. The Catholic Charities Help Line provides accurate and timely information to people seeking help for any type of human service need. Bilingual staff will assess the caller's need, provide information about assistance that is available, and refer the caller to those services. Our trained, knowledgeable staff can provide information about services provided through Catholic Charities agencies, Catholic parishes, and other human services organizations and public benefit programs. If they don't know the answer to your questions they will research it and get back to you. In this day and age of automated voice messages and endless menu options, the Catholic Charities Help Line allows you simply to speak with a live human being who will actively respond to your needs in order to provide the help you seek. If you need help in finding the services you need please call the Catholic Charities Help line at: 888-744-7900. Building Bridges Interfaith Seder Thursday, March 19, 7PM St. Teresa Conran Hall All Are Welcome For further details and to purchase tickets please call 718-816-1998 Catholics follow rules for Fast and for Abstinence during Lent. Fasting means eating less than usual; abstinence means not eating any meat. People of all ages can do more, but those who are 18 to 59 years old are obliged to eat only one full meal, and two smaller ones as needed, on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday. And on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays until Easter, everyone from 14 to death should give up eating meat. These two sacrifices related to food – fasting and abstaining - are signs of doing penance for sins and being aware of more important things than what we eat. Bereavement Support Group If you or someone you know has suffered a loss and would like to experience the comfort and support that this group offers please contact Deacon Novella Lawrence at 347-581-1082. The 50/50 winner for the month of February was Mr. William Hamill who generously donated his prize of $225 back to the parish. Congratulations and thanks to him and everyone who participates in the 50/50 drawing. Envelopes for the next Parish 50/50 drawing can be found in your monthly envelope packet or at the entrances to both the Church and the Chapel. DONATION: $5.00 minimum per envelope. 50% TO THE WINNER + 50% TO THE PARISH! Winners will be notified by telephone. In order to be notified that you won, please write clearly your name and phone number, and then be ready for the best call of your day! THIS MONTH, -IT5 COULD BE YOU! Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY -6 Church of Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and St. Nicholas Chapel Staten Island, NY GIVENIK.COM—BENEFIT ST. TERESA’S SCHOOL St Teresa has partnered partnered with with to to raise raise money moneyfor forour ourschool schooland andoffer offergreat Broadway Broadway and Off-Broadway and Off-Broadway theater theater tickets tickets at disat counted prices discounted prices to our to our family family and and friends. friends. To see To available see available shows shows and purchase and purchase tickets, tickets, visit the visit website the website and select and St. select Teresa St. School School Teresa a.your charity. as your charity. Then browse Then browse throughthrough the list of theavailable list of available shows and shows select andthe select onethe you'd onelike you'd to see. like to They see.offer Theya offer variety a variety of shows of such assuch shows Newsies, as Newsies, Cinderella Cinderella and Mamma and Mamma Mia and Miasell andindividual sell individual and group and group tickets tickets including including premium premium seats.seats. TheyThey will donate will donate 5% of 5%the of ticket the ticket salessales backback to St. toTeresa St. Teresa School. School. -7 -8
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