Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Founded: 2006 Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, Noon & 6PM Pastor Rev. Paul C. Brandt Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert A. Pesarchick Weekend Assistant Rev. Raymond W. Smart Permanent Deacons Deacon Louis F. Hoelzle Deacon David M. Kubczak Deacon Thomas G. Phillips, Jr. Daily Masses Monday 8:00 AM (Eucharistic Prayer Service) Tuesday 7:00 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM Thursday 8:00 AM Friday 9:00 AM Holy Days Vigil 7:00 PM 6:30 AM, Noon & 7:00 PM Mailing Address 256 Swamp Pike • Schwenksville, PA 19473 Residence 284 Swamp Pike, Schwenksville, PA 19473 Church and Parish Office 256 Swamp Pike • Schwenksville, PA 19473 Office Phone: 610-287-2525 • Fax: 610-287-7565 Business Manager Tammy Brock Confession Saturday 4-4:30 PM and in the parish office by appointment Adoration Wednesday all day after the 8:00 AM Mass concluding with Holy Hour 7:00 - 7:30 PM (Rosary, Evening Prayer, Benediction) Office Manager Maureen Mochwart Director of Parish Services Shawn Marie Brown Baptism Every Week during any Mass or at 1:30 PM Youth Minister/Music Director John Seitz Office of Religious Education Deborah Rorabaugh 610-287-2500 School 256 Swamp Pike, Schwenksville, PA 19473 Principal Jane Merritt Phone: 610-287-2500 Fax: 610-287-2543 Child Care Jackie Stiles Phone: 610-287-2500 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish Mission Statement The Roman Catholic Family of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish recognizes the importance of following in the footsteps of our patroness in sharing our time, talent and treasure. Through ordinary and simple actions, we strive to teach and spread the Catholic faith, leading all to know God in a personal and loving way. In the celebration of the Eucharist, the parish community receives energy to care for the needs of all people through acts of kindness and love. 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parishioners, Our first reading today from the Book of Leviticus and our Gospel reading from the Gospel of Mark, gives us an understanding of how Jesus fulfills the ancient Law. The law in Leviticus says that the leper needs to be separated from the community; Jesus cures the leper and reestablishes them back into the community. Jesus’ message is one of reconciliation, charity and reestablishing human dignity. Let us be faithful in proclaiming Jesus’ message in our words and our actions. Fr. Brandt February 14 - 15, 2015 Betty Reilly, Cheryl Sacks, Rita Rollman, Eleanor Carey, Jeff Neitz, Anita Kubczak, Lucille Christie, Sue Davey, Steven Edling, Mary Ann Kehl, William Cassidy, Kerri March, Michael Prestia, Brian Lavergne, George Cioci, Daniel DeOrzio, Walter & Ruth Long, Joseph Compton, Jane Centrella, Joe Wausnock, Eileen Fowler, Rev. Peter Thornberg, Megan Kephart, Jill Frain, Terrence Goff, Nicholas Maiale, Msgr. John Galyo, Concetta Auer, Charlene Ianni, Clara Casciano, Bryan Kaplan, Helen Xibos, Eileen Fowler, John Gallo, Madeline Paris, Molly & Gary Dietz, Elizabeth Jean Koury, Betty Vespaziani, John Lorenz, Lynda Jones, Aaron Gulla, Regina McQuaid, Leo MacEntee III, Zachary Sinnk, Colleen McQuaid, Larry Scaver, John Clark, Matthew Salvo, Russell Oister, Jr., Bill German, Joanne Gallagher, Bob Geisel, Jean Mariano, Pearl Minnich, Donna Buckley, Kimberly Petaccio, Cindy Butler, Ashley Margetich, Christopher Riley, J. Vitus Hammerle, Aceline Galloway, Debbie Dickerson, Abby Dawson, Helen Yocum, Monica Mastricolo, Jerry Hoff, John Hoffman, Janie Hartman, Polly Neeser, Kathleen Beaudoin, Frank Hosack, Jack Bono, Roselle Casey, Armando Mastrocolo, Sabrina Palermo, Raymond Keeler, James Gennaro, Mary Wheatley, Michael John Reimer, Mrs. Ann Gabor, Sara Bozzini, Crystal Everly, Angie Danaker, Zack Lofton, Thomas Tegler, Carl Barron, Maddie Mauer, Debbie Guy, Peg Nesmith, Ryan Welder, Alexander Piermani II, Domenic Bono, Nancy Paschal, James Vesey, Steven Conrad, Sharon Bieber, Teresa Busarak, Damone Hopkins, Jim Olshefski, Sr., Karen Murray, Lynn Jackson, Rosie Lang, Donald DiFilippo, Anthony Petaccio, Jr., Concetta Bozzini, Ciejay Bond, Emil Washko, Bob Roetz, William Taylor, Aidan Lorch, Roman Grudzien, Bobby Wolf, Kathy Semetti, Sharon Geisel, Margie Loeper, Kenna Faust Cavenish, Marie Strizziere, Cathy Casey, Tracy Garay, Charlie Daniels, Ethel Mulvihill, Stephanie Mongiello, Carrie Prout, James McGonagle, Audrey Joyner, Clara Basile and the sick and suffering of the parish. Do others notice if you are absent? Do they miss your warmth, your presence? We should radiate the presence of Christ by our compassion. Do we fulfill this responsibility to be God’s love and compassion in the world, in the community, in our family? Let us be His presence to others. Mother Teresa FULFILLING OUR VISION FROM A LEGACY OF FAITH: PHASE II As of February 8th the following campaign totals are: Total Pledged: $5,563,196.00 Total Money Collected to Date: $4,302,228.80 The Capital Campaign Committee is looking for positive, energetic parishioners interested in becoming involved in and helping meet the needs of our growing parish community. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the campaign office at SUNDAY COLLECTION (January 2015) (January 2014) HOLY HOUR/BENEDICTION On Ash Wednesday, we will not have Holy Hour. Please join us every Wednesday night, at 7:00 PM in our Chapel for the Rosary, Evening Prayer and Benediction. Come before Jesus’s present in the Holy Eucharist and experience the grace of God and Christ's love for us. Please consider this one of your Lenten spiritual practices. $86,260.00 $65,109.00 REDISCOVER CATHOLICISM BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP We will begin a discussion group on the book titled, "Rediscover Catholicism" by author Matthew Kelly on Thursday's during Lent, beginning on February 19th, at 7:00 PM in the Education Center. This book was given out as a gift to each family on Christmas Day. In preparation for our first meeting, you are asked to read pages 5-58 and come to share your thoughts and insights with the group. Consider making this one of your Lenten spiritual practices and join Deacon Dave, and other parishioners as we explore this spiritual guide to living with passion and purpose. THE FRANCIS EFFECT Starting on February 8th, Salt and Light Television's documentary, The Francis Effect will air at various times throughout our diocese on the ABC Television network and its affiliates over the next six weeks. This award winning program, which coincides with the second anniversary of the historic transition in the papacy of 2013, takes a critical and in-depth look at how the Catholic Church is rapidly changing under the leadership and vision of Pope Francis. For more information, or to purchase the DVD you can visit the Salt and Light website at PROJECT OUTREACH All volunteers please be at the food distribution center at 4th Street and Washington Avenue at 9:30 AM on Thursday, February 19th. …….135 1 SATURDAY 5:00 PM 02/14/15 Martin Bowe SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 02/15/15 Parishioners Edmund Suzenski, Jr. Robert Lecher Francesco Califano Charles Fisher MONDAY 8:00 AM 02/16/15 Eucharistic Service TUESDAY 7:00 PM 02/17/15 Sandy Krasley WEDNESDAY 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM 02/18/15 – Ash Wednesday Diane Leonhardt Joseph Nash Prayer Service Michael Gade THURSDAY 8:00 AM 02/19/15 Tom Lynch FRIDAY 9:00 AM 02/20/15 James Malloy SATURDAY 5:00 PM 02/21/15 Richard Leeson SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 02/22/15 Parishioners Sandy Krasley Deceased Members of the Iannozzi & Marcucci Families Francesco Califano Maureen Maguire 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 March 3 March 4 BAPTISM Arrangements are to be made two months prior to the date you would like to have the Baptism. All new parents must attend a Pre-Jordan class before the Baptism of their child. To schedule, please call Shawn Marie Brown at (610) 287-2525 ext. 100. ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES Sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation must be at least sixteen years of age and have received Confirmation and are actively practicing their Catholic faith. Those that are married must be validly married in the Catholic Church. Please call Shawn Marie Brown, (610) 2872525 ext. 100 at least two months in advance. PRE-JORDAN CLASS The next Pre-Jordan Class will be held on Tuesday, March 3rd at 7:30 PM in our Chapel. All new parents are reminded that you must attend a Pre-Jordan Class before the Baptism of your baby. Please call the Parish Office to register. CHURCH REGULATIONS REGARDING FASTING & ABSTINENCE All persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light. All the faithful are encouraged to participate in Mass and to receive the Most Holy Eucharist, to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance, to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Operation Rice Bowl. MASS/CONFESSIONS DURING LENT Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 PM on Tuesdays, followed by Confessions from 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM. Confessions are also Saturday from 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM. Presentation for Parents - Confirmation Kings Men Meeting Sacrament of Initiation Course Rediscover Catholicism Discussion Group Lenten Dinner Parent/Child Practice - First Reconciliation S.H.O.P. – Women’s Bible Study Kings Men Meeting Market Day Orders Due BTC Seniors Meeting Market Day Order Pick up STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross during Lent will be held on Thursday at 1:45 PM and Fridays at 7:00 PM in the Church. Deacon Dave will lead Station on February 20th. ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE Wednesday, February 18th 6:30 AM – Mass 9:00 AM – Mass 12:00 PM – Prayer Service 7:00 PM – Mass BTC SENIORS The BTC Seniors will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 11:45 AM at the Education Center. All Seniors are welcome. 2 BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA SCHOOL NEWS Educating Faith Filled Learners for the 21st Century BLOCS applications are available for tuition assistance. online P.R.E.P. (CCD) NEWS Email: Learning about God through fun and educational activities at NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION - Please call the Religious Education Office to register a new student. Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is currently open. Students transferring to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta P.R.E.P. will need to bring a progress report from their previous P.R.E.P./private school. Golden Ticket Raffle - Because of the success of last year's event, we wanted to run this raffle once again. The proceeds will help finish off the balance owed on the new playground and also help with technology upgrades we are trying to implement for the parish & school. Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Office until March 20th. Only 300 tickets will be sold. If we sell over 140 tickets then 5 winners will be chosen, otherwise, the raffle will be a 50/50 with one winner chosen. This special raffle ticket price is $100. You may purchase it by yourself or gather a group of friends together. After the 5:00 PM Mass on February 21st, Fr. Brandt will draw one lucky winner for an Early Bird prize. Thank you in advance for your support! Registration – Registration for the 2015-2016 P.R.E.P. year will begin in March. Please continue to check the bulletin and P.R.E.P. website for more information. P.R.E.P. Tuition – the final payment was due on February 1st. First Reconciliation News – The parent/child practice for First Reconciliation will be held on Saturday, February 21st from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM in the Church. SAVE THE DATES Wednesday, March 4th 7:00 PM – ATTENTION Ladies! Come out to the first meeting of the newly forming women’s group (Name to be determined)! Learn about what this group will be doing and be the first to hear about the “future BTC Mary Garden”. Must be 21 years old. Watch the bulletin for details! Substitute Teachers Needed - Are you wondering how to put your Time, Talent and Treasure to use in the parish? Are you a retired teacher with time on your hands and want some extra income? Is full-time too much right now with a young family, but with notice you can make plans to put in a few hours here and there? Please consider putting your talents to work as a substitute for our school on an as-needed basis. If interested and for more information please email or call (610) 287-2500. Thursday, March 12th 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM – BTC Women’s Retreat – “I AM WOMAN HEAR ME…” Our last retreat was attended by over 100 women. Don’t miss out – space is limited. Watch the bulletin for details! DECISION POINT CALENDAR Decision Point, will meet on the following dates: February 23rd, 24th & 28th Retreat March 9th, 10th, 23rd & 24th April 12th Confirmation Sunday, March 15th after each morning Mass – come and learn about the future “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Mary Garden”. Many hands will be needed for this new project – men and women, young and old! Please stop by the gym in the Education Center after Mass for a short presentation and enjoy coffee and scones! A presentation for parents of current sixth grade students will be held on Tuesday, February 17th at 7:30 PM in the Education Center. If you would like to volunteer for any of these dates please contact Penny Battisto at or (484) 366-4566. A retreat for Confirmandi (can invite Sponsor) will take place on Saturday, February 28th from 12 Noon 4:30 PM in the Education Center, then Mass at 5:00 PM. PALM “Used” or “old” Palm will be collected beginning this weekend. A container will be provided in the Narthex of the Church. Palm will be collected until Sunday, February 22nd. SEEDS SEEDS is a program that brings the Sunday Gospel to preschool children (ages 3 to 5 but not yet in Kindergarten). The SEEDS program is every Sunday during the school year at the 10:30 AM Mass. ……….135 3 BTC SUMMER CAMPS Full Day Camp - Registration forms are available on the BTC website for the Full Day Summer Camp program for graduates of kindergarten thru age 12. Please contact Jackie at (610) 287-2500 ext. 3 for further information. FRIDAY LENTEN DINNER Take a break from cooking and let BTC and Capt’n Chucky’s provide a Friday Lenten Dinner for you! The Festival Committee is hosting a Lenten Dinner on Friday, February 20th on a pre-order basis for eat-in at the Education Center or take-out. Dinner options include many delicious seafood selections, pasta, and kid’s meals. Pre-paid orders are due Sunday, February 15th. Order online at or place your order form in the box in the Chapel Vestibule. A Gluten-free crab cake dinner is available. Hope to see you there! Day Camps - BTC Day Camp registration forms are available on the BTC website. We are having the following Day Camps at the Education Center: cheerleading, baseball, softball basketball and Camp Invention. CAMP INVENTION Camp Invention® returns to BTC Education Center on July 6th – July 10th from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Camp Invention will be presented by local teachers for girls and boys entering grades 1-6. Camp Director: Elaine Loughnane. For more information, call 800-968-4332 or go to CYO NEWS Softball Registration – To register for Softball (7th and 8th Grade) go to the Parish website and click CYO. The registration fee is $100. All students enrolled in Blessed Teresa Parish School grades 7th-8th and P.R.E.P. levels 78 are eligible to participate. If you have any questions please contact Athletic Director, John DiBricida at (610) 405-6721. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Everest – VBS will take place from July 13th - July 17th for children who are graduates of Kindergarten to 4th grade and also preschoolers ages 4 and 5. Registration is limited to 80 campers. To register, download a form from the BTC Child Care website (click on summer camps), include a $60.00 registration fee and return to the Child Care Office. The deadline for registration is April 24th. After April 24th t-shirt quantities and sizes will be limited. Registrations will be accepted after all Masses on March 15th at the table outside of the Church. Adult station leaders are needed. If interested in being part of this wonderful adventure, please call or email the Office of Religious Education. CO-ED GOLF REGISTRATION - Golf Registration is limited to 12 participants. To register for golf (6th, 7th and 8th grade) go to the Parish website and click CYO. The registration fee is $125. All students enrolled in Blessed Teresa Parish School grades 6th, 7th & 8th and P.R.E.P. levels 6, 7 & 8 are eligible to participate. No prior playing experience is required. If you have any questions please contact Athletic Director, John DiBricida at (610) 405-6721. Baseball Registration - To register for Baseball (JV 5th and 6th grade) (Varsity 7th and 8th grade) go to Parish website and click CYO. The registration fee is $100. All students enrolled in Blessed Teresa Parish School grades 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th and P.R.E.P. Levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 are eligible to participate. If you have any questions please contact Athletic Director, John DiBricida at (610) 405-6721. PRESCHOOL PEAK Our Vacation Bible School has a program for children who are four or five (must be potty trained), but have not graduated from Kindergarten. We need a minimum of twelve children in order to offer this program this year. The registration information and dates are the same as above. Track and Field Registration - To register for Track and Field (Kindergarten - 8th grade) go to the Parish website and click CYO. The registration fee for grades 4th - 8th is $75. The registration fee for grades K -3rd is $50. All students enrolled in Blessed Teresa Parish School grades K - 8th and P.R.E.P. levels K - 8th are eligible to participate. If you have any questions please contact Coach Lisa Cagliola at Registration is open until March 2nd. MARKET DAY PLEASE NOTE: Due to corporate changes at Market Day, ONLY online payment by credit card will be accepted no checks or cash at the time of pickup will be accepted. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you would like to place an order, please go to by 11:00 PM Wednesday, February 25th. Pickup for the Market Day orders will be held on Wednesday, March 4th from 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM in the Education Center hallway. If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline Delaney at (610) 842-2193. S.H.O.P. Women’s Bible Study Program - Our next meeting is Sunday, February 22nd at 7:00 PM in the Library of the Education Center. ….135 4 For information regarding membership in the Knights of Columbus - Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Council #15456, please contact Ed McKeon, Membership Director, at (484) 932-8788. Also, you can view our website at: God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! The Knights of Columbus will be conducting a membership recruitment drive February 28th - March 1st following all the Masses. If you would like information about joining the Knights, please see one of our members at the back of Church. Additionally, the Knights would like to invite all interested recruits to attend a meet and greet in the modular classroom following the Thursday, March 5th regular business meeting starting at 8:00 PM – food and drinks will be provided. Any questions can be directed to the Membership Director, Ed McKeon, at GIRL SCOUT NEWS Girl Scout Sunday is March 8th. Calling all troops to attend the 12:00 Noon Mass as a group. Please contact Denise Stek about attending at (610) 850-2476 or Please RSVP by March 3rd. CATECHETICAL CERTIFICATION Catechetical Courses – Spring 2015 The Catechetical Institute provides courses for certification to Catechists and Catholic School teachers. These courses are also open to anyone looking to grow in the faith. This spring, two of the courses will be offered and meet once a week for four weeks at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish. The schedule is as follows: YOUNG PARENTS' GROUP Prayer List for Expectant Families - Are you expecting a baby or adopting? We would love to include your name on our special prayer list! Please email Danielle Ko Gaspar at to be kept in prayer in a special way by your fellow parishioners! Sacrament of Initiation – February 12th, 19th, 26th and March 5th (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM). Sacrament of Healing – March 19th, 26th, April 9th, and 16th (7:00 PM - 9:30 PM). To register:!catecheticalinstitute Playgroup - Upcoming in-home playgroups will meet on Tuesday, February 24th at 10:00 AM, Friday, March 13th at 10:00 AM, and Friday, March 27th at 10:00 AM. This is a fun, casual playtime open to new families at any time! For directions and to RSVP contact Danielle at (610) 287-7514 or The cost for each course is $50.00. Any questions, please call the Religious Education Office at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta at (610) 287-2500, ext. 2. Please pray for: Capt. Shannon Revit, Lcdr. Steven Lawrence, Sr. Airman Brian Yerger, Lcpl. Tyler Thomas A. Collier, Lance Cpl. Thomas M. Labosky, Mark R. Rumler, Charles Brown, & Staff Sgt. Robert Troemel, who are serving abroad, and also keep their families in your prayers. 02/04/15 02/05/15 02/06/15 02/07/15 02/08/15 02/09/15 02/10/15 …….135 5 CELEBRITY #663 #000 #434 #995 #832 #207 #970 CALENDARS Timothy & April Busch Not Sold Not Sold Not Sold Not Sold Michael & Regina Fabrizio Not Sold 156 W. Ridge Pk. Limerick, PA 19468 CATTERMOLEKLOTZBACH 484-498-4000 Funeral Home 610-948-7330 SPRING FORD COUNTRY CLUB We Welcome We Weellcome A All ll Non-Member Catered Events 600 Washington St., Royersford, PA Damian M. Petaccio, F.D., Supervisor William E. Harner, IV, F.D. Joshua T. Klotzbach, F.D. 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Dolan, Esquire AƩorney & Counselor at Law Join us for Sunday Brunch Adults $12.95 ~ Children (5-10) $8.95 4 and under FREE Offices in Po stown and Reading Personal Injury, Divorce, Wills, Probate, Disability At your request, 10% of my fees will be paid to BTC Capital Campaign Weddings • Rehearsal Dinners • Christenings • Luncheons 10% OFF Lunch or Dinner to all Blessed Teresa Parishioners w/coupon 594 W. Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA (484) 938-7082 610-906-3147 IN NEED OF ELECTRICAL WORK??? Electrician, Fully Registered & Insured, Pa. Lic# 081853 FREE ESTIMATES • ADDING LIGHTS & OUTLETS CEILING FANS • OUTDOOR LIGHTING • SERVICE UPGRADES GENERATOR INSTALLATIONS • POOL & HOT TUB WIRING Discounts for Parishioners of Blessed Teresa Call John @ 610-454-8206 local parishioner or E-Mail: We do detailing! Mon-Sat 8am-5pm Sunday 9am-3pm 838 N. Lewis Rd. 610-495-1730 Montco Tutor The Leading Vascular Center of Excellence in the Delaware Valley Tired leg(s) or foot wounds that won’t heal? Leg pain preventing you from getting around? Or keeping you awake at night? Think Peripheral Vascular Institute of Philadelphia first and get back on your feet! Dr. James McGuckin Michele Ribick 484-680-8372 Weddings • Baby & Bridal Showers • Christenings • Funeral Luncheons • Retirements • Golf Outings Parties of 40 to 200 guests • Located just five minutes from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta in Limerick G CANNON ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS 484-653-5800 Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes 430 W. Main St. Trappe, Pa 19426 484-902-8030 Next to Trappe Tavern Peripheral Vascular Institute 4220 Market Street. 2nd Floor Phila., PA 19104 215-240-6007 • La Massaria at Bella Vista Golf Course • 2901 Fagleysville Rd., Gilbertsville, PA 19525 610-705-1855 x229 • • 285 Bethlehem Pike Colmar, Pa 18955 267-477-1445 Rt. 309 & Advance Ln. You've enjoyed our famous "Smith Island" crab cakes with your church fundraiser ~ now enjoy them year round at our 2 retail locations Wild Caught Steamed Shrimp • 5 Types of Crab Cakes Party Trays & Appetizers • Homemade Soups Lobster Tails & King Crab Legs Sides, Salads & Desserts Take & Bake • Made Fresh Daily • Restaurant Quality 135 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (back) UPS Joseph Corropolese Bakery & Deli 610-495-8332 29 Kugler Rd. (Foxridge Shopping Center) Limerick, PA 19468 M-F 7am-7pm; Sat. 8am-6pm; Sun 8am-4pm SCOTT PUPEK P PUPEK LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICE ARISHIONER 610-585-6481 LIMERICK FREE ESTIMATES AND FULLY INSURED Make the Right Connection! Certified Wilson Reading Instructor PA State Certified K-6 Teacher FUNERAL PLANNING PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING SERVICES Cremation Costs Monuments Traditional Funeral Costs NAME Deron J. Haines 484-213-7065 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Professional • Affordable Licensed & Insured H.I.C. Reg. #PA 034865 Accepts ALL Major Credit Cards 15% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Mail to: HOUCK & GOFUS FUNERAL HOME, INC 955 N Charlotte St., Pottstown, PA. 19464 Russell J. Gofus, Supv. 610-323-8220 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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