St Teresa's, Beaconsfield & St Dunstan's, Bourne End

St Teresa’s, Beaconsfield &
St Dunstan’s, Bourne End
Parish Priest:
Fr Francis Higgins
01494 673018
Permanent Deacon:
Rev Michael Phelan
01494 675259
Parish Secretary:
Suzannah Goode
01494 673018 or 01628 523934
e-mail: or
Parish Sister:
Sr Winifred McCahill
Parish Websites:
Parish Schools:
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Chalfont St Peter
St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Marlow
St Michael’s Catholic School, High Wycombe
01628 522956
Crib Offerings
There has been a tradition of making a small offering when
we come to pray at the crib. This year, the offerings from
both churches will be donated to Children’s Relief
Bethlehem, who support vulnerable children and families.
Please visit their website:
Children’s Christmas Eve Services
There will be a blessing of crib figures at the 4 pm
Crib Service at St Teresa’s, so please bring your crib figures
from home. Children are invited to come along dressed as
Nativity characters to both the Crib Service and the 6.30 pm
Nativity Mass at St Dunstan’s.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Preparation for our young people in Year 8+ will begin in the
New Year. Registration and medical consent forms are now
available from the back of both churches for completion and
return to either of the Parish Offices. The programme will
begin with a meeting of young people and their parents on
Friday, 9th January at 7.30 pm in St Teresa’s Parish Centre.
01753 887743
01628 472116
01494 535196
The following send greetings to their fellow parishioners
and have made donations to the Leonard Cheshire
Children’s Homes in Mongu and Kaoma, Zambia:
Fr Francis
Fr George McCann
Deacon Michael Phelan
Sister Winifred
Suzannah & family
Sarah & David Moroz & family
Maria & Mike Aldridge & family
Betty Bell-Smith
Hazel Button
Paula, Alexandra & Alastair Hay-Plumb
Ethena & Leslie Morant
Celine & David Pearson & family
Angela & Arnold Rees
Cecily & Mike Stythe
AnnaMaria & Adrian Williams & family
Jill Wilson & family
Liz & Peter Yeeles
Weddings in 2015
If you are planning to marry in St Teresa’s or St Dunstan’s
next year, you should have received a letter inviting you to a
meeting at the end of January to go through some of the
practical details. If you live in either of the parishes and are
planning to marry elsewhere, perhaps you could contact
A New Series of Landings Meetings...
Suzannah in the Parish Office to arrange the administrative ... is planned to begin in January and a few places are still
available. To find out a little more about this mission, some
prayer/information cards can be found in St Teresa’s narthex
Gifts for the Children in Mongu and Kaoma
(look for a picture of Pope Francis). If you feel this is a
Thank you to everyone who took a gift tag home with them
direction you may want to try, Maggie & Ian Johnson will be
and bought a gift for a young person in the Cheshire Homes in at Coffee & Company at St Teresa’s from 11 am on Tuesday,
Mongu and Kaoma. Please feel free to return the gift and
13th January for a completely informal chat. Otherwise call or
place it under the tree at any time over the Christmas season. e-mail them on 01753 482496 or
St Teresa’s Parish Lottery
in aid of Leonard Cheshire Children's Home Mongu, Zambia
The drawn numbers for December are 38, 66, 144 winning £5
each and 207 winning £25. Well done!
Congratulations to the owner of number 77 who wins our
Special Christmas Draw of £250!
If you would like to join the lottery for 2015 for just £15 a
number, please visit the parish website at and click on the 'Parish Lotto' icon for
details, or email or call 01494
Want to know more about your Catholic faith?
There's a great opportunity for a thorough
exploration of our faith beginning in the south of our
diocese in January. The 8 modules of the Catholic
Certificate in Religious Studies will be taught in Slough
over the next 15 months, each module taking just two
Saturdays. You can take all of the modules: Old
Testament, New Testament, Church, Christology,
Morality and Sacraments in 2015;
or just those in which you're
particularly interested; and can
choose whether or not you want
to write essays to get the
Certificate. Full details on the leaflet on the
noticeboard or from Warren
This Christmas…
Please get your family, friends and work
colleagues to save used stamps.
Festive stamps raise more money than regular UK
stamps but all are welcome, particularly foreign
and Channel Islands.
Please leave them in the collection boxes at the
back of both churches.
Proceeds from sale of used stamps helps to
support CAFOD’s work in developing countries.
Shakespeare for Charity
The Garden Players will be staging a new production of William
Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part1 from 17th – 20th June in aid
of Child Bereavement UK and SportsAble at Stubbings House,
Maidenhead. Auditions will take place at St Paul's Combined C
of E School in Wooburn Green on Thursday, 8th and Tuesday,
13th January, both commencing at 7.45pm. All are welcome.
For further information, please contact Steve McAdam on
07730 420664 or visit the Garden Players' website at
Fourth Sunday of Advent
5.30 pm (Sat) St Teresa’s
6 pm (Sat) St Teresa’s
8.45 am
St Teresa’s
10 am
11.30 am
St Dunstan’s
St Teresa’s
9.30 am
9.30 am
St Teresa’s
St Dunstan’s
8 pm
St Teresa’s
9.30 am
St Dunstan’s
12 noon
7-7.30 pm
St Teresa’s
St Teresa’s
4 pm
6.30 pm
9.15 pm
10 pm
The Nativity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
St Teresa’s
Children’s Crib Service
St Dunstan’s
Nativity Mass: Olive & Vernon Webb Int
St Teresa’s
Carol Service followed by
St Teresa’s
Christmas Vigil Mass:
Derek Greene RIP
9 am
Christmas Day
St Teresa’s
10.30 am
St Dunstan’s
11 am
St Teresa’s
Bank Holiday Friday
No Services
Money Matters
Last weekend’s collection at St Teresa’s
amounted to £1,904.03, including £950 in
standing orders.
Last Sunday’s collection at St Dunstan’s
amounted to £658.89, including £270 in
standing orders.
The collection at the Christmas Masses is
the traditional gift to our Parish Priest.
Many thanks.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Mass: Rogers, Culhane & Bennett Families
Mgr Charles Smith RIP
Harvey & Mildred Greene RIP
Mass: George Thurgood RIP
Linda O’Halloran RIP
Jim Murphy-O’Connor RIP
Mass: Jeff Clitheroe RIP
Mass: May & Tommy O’Neill RIP
Feast of the Holy Family
5.30 pm (Sat) St Teresa’s
6 pm (Sat) St Teresa’s
8.45 am
St Teresa’s
10 am
11.30 am
St Dunstan’s
St Teresa’s
Mass: Holy Souls
Mass: Bon Secours Sisters
followed by Confession (both churches)
Advent Reconciliation Service
Mass: Peg Marriner RIP
followed by Confession
Funeral Mass: Sheila O’Connor RIP
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Mass: Deceased Members of the
Cerasale Family
Mass: Nick Jefferies RIP &
Paddie Jefferies Int
Mass: William Berwick RIP
St Stephen
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Mass: John Hilary Duffy Int
John O’Sullivan RIP
Mass: Catherine Casey RIP
Janet McGarry RIP
John & Cathie Evitt RIP
Mass: People of the Parish
Mass: Margaret Connolly RIP