The PTFA at St. Mary Magdalen’s have set the Magical Christmas Evening date for Thursday 4th. December. We are keen for it to remain a school and church event. Please make a note of the date - more detail nearer the time. St. Teresa’s PTFA Ladies Evening. Thursday 13th. November in School : 7.00 pm. - 9.00 We do have in store : Mulled Wine, mince pies and stalls that include : Owl and Heartflower - all kinds of Christmas trinkets and other wonderful work. Chocamor - Hand made chocolates. Sparkly wine glasses. Wine charms. I’m dreaming of a frozen Christmas - all things frozen and Disney. Tropic make up. Pedicures and foot massage - treat yourself to a treatment. Suzi Hair and Beauty - treat yourself to a treatment. Phoenix Cards. And many more lovely unique stalls - all raising funds for the School. We have checked with all the vendors and they have advised that they will take cash, some will take cheques and some will take Paypal It would be great if you could join us. Tickets from School Office at £2.50. (includes a drink and mince pie) Ladies Association. Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. If you would like to fill a shoe box with Christmas Goodies, now is the time to collect items to fill it. Suggestions : Toiletries, Stationery, Comb, Needle / Thread and round edged scissors, bag of sweets, Small Toy scarf, gloves. The boxes will be sent to 3rd. World Countries for children & senior citizens, so please select carefully. Please wrap the box in Christmas paper, wrapping the lid separate and then attach with an elastic band (do not seal) lastly label the box. All boxes to be left at the back of Church by 11th. November. Next Social Event. Tuesday 11th. November commencing at 7.30pm. (please note we are back to our original time of 7.30pm.) “Customs and Cultures of Malaysia”. by Chandra Law. This being the 2nd. part of Chandra’s talk following her amusing and very popular first talk in 2011. Gathered Voices Choir practice in St. Teresa’s Parish Centre on Monday mornings 09.15 - 11.45am. Would you like to join this friendly group? No auditions and you don’t have to be able to read music - although it helps! All voices are welcome but we would really appreciate Tenor and Bass singers - female as well as male. Tea / coffee and biscuits provided when we have a break and a chat! Hoping to see you. Contact Kath : 01772 933014 or 07843 563234 . Dorothy : 742151 or 07713310845 St. Teresa’s & St. Mary Magdalen Fr. Austin Griffin. 34 Queensway, Penwortham. PR1 0DS Tel : 01772 743337 email : Office Hours : Tues. & Thurs. 09.30 to 12.30pm. Sec : Mrs Barbara Martin : 742922. email : website : Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. 9th. November 2014 Liturgy. St.Teresa’s. Gerard Wilson.(A) (Vigil Mass) Those who died in the World Wars & other conflicts. People of the Parish. Mon. 10th. St. Leo the Great, Pope. 09.15 Kathryn Colbert.(A) & Esther Waddington.(A) Tues. 11th. St. Martin of Tours. 09.15 Abbie Rose Hargreaves. B/Day Mem. Wed. 12th. St. Josaphat, B.M. 09.15 Special Intention.(D) 7.30pm. Mass for Dec. Brothers of Council 468. (K.S.C.) Thurs. 13th. 09.15 Elaine Ann Hood.(A) Frid. 14th. 09.15 Mary Shenton.(LD) Rosary after Mass Sat. 15th. 10.00 The Word & Holy Communion. (Vigil Mass) 6.00pm. Harold Best.(A) & Marian Eastham.(A) Sat. Sun. 8th. 9th. 6.00pm. 09.15 5.00pm. St Mary Magdalen’s. Sat. 8th. 5.00pm. Sun. 9th. 08.30 Mon. 10th. 7.00pm. Tues. 11th. 09.30 Thurs. 13th. 10.00 Fr. Cotter.(A) & Jack Brereton.(A) (Vigil Mass) Latin Mass : The Holy Souls. Novena to Our Lady & Holy Communion. The Word & Holy Communion. Intentions of the Lerning Fam. Anniversaries. Fr. Trevor Cotter, Jack Brererton, Robert Roscoe, Harold Best, Kathryn Colbert, Marian Eastham, Esther Wassington, Elaine Ann Hood, Johanna Hodgkinson, Jane Anderton. Our Prayers for those unwell Christopher Yates, Julie Mather, Derek Kavanagh, Andrew Sharples, Daniel Davis, Veronica Unsworth, George Howorth (8 yr old), Bert Andrew, Eddie Rose, Mark Slater, Vivienne Allan, Elizabeth Pearson, John Collins, Marie Wilson, Terry Breen. Provisional Mass Intentions for next Sunday. St. Teresa’s: 09.15 : Frank Hartley. R.I.P. & Wedding Anniv. Tom & Carol, Frank & Annette. 5.00pm. People of the Parish. St. Mary Magdalen’s : 08.30. Latin : To be decided. 10.45 : Liam Turner. R.I.P. Remembrance Weekend. The normal Sunday Mass at St. Mary Magdalen’s this weekend has been anticipated and celebrated on Saturday 8th. November at 5.00pm. At the 09.15 Mass at St. Teresa’s the Uniformed groups will be on parade. Following Mass refreshments are available in the Parish Centre. Then the procession to the War Memorial begins at 10.30 for the service there at 10.45 am. All are welcome to join. Sacramental Programme. Year 4 children and parents - our next gathering will be next weekend, 15th. / 16th. November. Mass followed by the session - at 6.00 pm. Saturday or Sunday 09.15 am. or 10.45 am. at St. Mary Magdalen’s. Sunday Mass time : At St. Mary Magdalen’s will revert to 10.30 as from 30th. November, First Sunday of Advent. Liturgical Year. This weekend the 5.00 pm. Mass at St. Mary Magdalen’s and the 09.15 am. Mass at St. Teresa’s will be for the War Dead. The other Masses this weekend will be “The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica” which replaces the Sunday of Year A. Next weekend, 15th. / 16th. we celebrate the 33rd. Sunday of Year A, and then on 22nd. / 23rd. November we have the Feast of Christ the King. Cemetery Prayers : Sunday 16th. November at Hill Road at 3.00pm. All welcome. Advent Service : Penwortham Churches Together : At St. Teresa’s Church on Sunday 30th. November. Please make a note in your diary. S.V.P. meeting Monday in St. Teresa’s Church Room. K.S.C. Mass for deceased Brothers of Council 468 on Wednesday 12th. November at 7.30 pm. , before the Council meeting. All welcome. Be Still and Know Prayer Group. Next meeting on 13th. November at 8.00 pm. in St. Teresa’s Meeting Room. Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confession at St. Wilfrid’s Preston : Weekdays 11.50 am to 12.10 pm. and 5.15 to 5.30pm. And on Saturday from 11.00 am. to 12 noon, from 2.30 pm. to 3.30 pm and from 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm. School Governors. The Training Evening - a joint governor training on Wednesday 12th. November in St. Teresa’s school, being delivered by the Archdiocese : “How to develop the distinctive nature of a Catholic School and the challenges facing Catholic Education in the future”. Governors from both our schools and St. Oswald’s Longton have been invited to attend, The sandwich buffet before hand is from 5.30 pm. with a prompt start at 6.15 pm. The session will be two hours. Certificate evening at All Hallows on this Thursday, 13th. November. All Hallows Christmas Party : The list is now open in the Church foyers. Places for 35 people only from our two parishes. You will need to put your name on the list immediately to secure a place. S.V.P. Christmas Party. The Christmas Party for the elderly & housebound takes place at St. Teresa’s Parish Centre on Sunday 14th. December from 1.00 pm. to approx. 3.00 pm. It’s not too early to put your name on the list. Contact any member of the S.V.P. or Tim : 743403 or John 740090 or Terry 748049 indicating whether or not you require transport. St. Teresa’s Christmas Fayre 30th. November. Commencing at 1.00pm. Can you help in any way to make this event a big success? We are appealing for items for the stalls. We are looking for the following : Bottles for Tombola, Raffle Prizes, New items for Pick a Bag game (unwanted Gifts), Toiletries, Toys and Games - must be in good condition, Paper back books (as new), Handicrafts -anything you can make, knitting, sewing etc., Home made produce - jams pickles etc., Empty Pringle tubs Cakes to be brought on the day. NO BRIC - A - BRAC unless brand new.
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