Moses may have led the Hebrew people out of Egypt, but Miriam led the people in song and dance in thanksgiving of their deliverance. Can you imagine the joy and laughter? Today, listen for music and laughter as the children in the Sunday School learn about this story of joy and celebration. “Kid”sert Board of Trustees meet Tuesday, October 28, 7:00 p.m. ††††††† Committee Chairs and Board members will meet November 12 for 2015 budget discussions. The Board of Directors of Camp Menesetung is currently in search of a Director who can work full-time from May until the end of August as well as some part-time work during the off-season to prepare for the camping season. This work would include program development, promotion, hiring and training summer staff, management of the site, staff and summer programming. Salary is dependent on qualifications and previous experience. All inquiries and resumes should be directed to the Board Chair, Barbara Knox, or 519-523-4290. Potential candidates are asked to submit a resume and cover letter no later than October 31. Camp Bimini, United Church Camp near Stratford is accepting applications for our Program Team. Individual applications to be accepted. Applications must include a cover letter highlighting your most influential leadership experience, a description of your strengths and interests, a detailed description of your camp experiences and your goals as a Camp Bimini Program Team member) and a resume (including a description of your experience working with youth and children (especially your camp experience), leadership roles you have held or are currently in, and leadership training experiences). Two individuals will be hired. Application deadline Sunday, November 23rd, 2014. Only those contacted will be interviewed. Please send applications to: Kathy Poirier, chair of Camp Bimini Personnel Committee Complete job description is available at UNITED CHURCH ACTIVITIES EXETER UNITED CHURCH COMING UP THIS WEEK... October 26 - November 2, 2014 Office Hours Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-12 noon & 1:00pm-3:00pm Interim Minister: Rev. Harry Disher Designated Lay Minister: June Hawtin SUNDAY 26th 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00am 10:30am 5:30pm 8:00pm Sanctuary Singers practice Adult Bible Study Music Prelude with Peter and friends Worship Service with Peter Snell and Sunday School Beef Dinner/Silent Auction- Rec Centre Entertainment with Ted Schinbeiner + A.A. and ALNON - PRI/Kitchen MONDAY 1-2:30pm Anne and Students - Sanctuary TUESDAY 1:30pm U.C.W. Executive - Parlour 28th 2:30-8:00pm Katherine and students - Sanctuary 4-9:00pm H-P Presbytery - Thamesview U.C. 7:00pm Trustees - Parlour WEDNESDAY 1:30pm “Painting the Stars” Study - Parlour 29th 3:30pm Christmas play rehearsal - Sanctuary 4:30-8:00pm Supervised Visit AP - Kindergarten 7:00pm “Painting the Stars” Study - Parlour 7:30pm Ministry and Personal - THURSDAY 11:00am Private Counselling - Parlour 30th 12:30-2:30pm A.A. - S.S 2:30-7:30pm Katherine and students - Sanc. 5-6:00pm NIA Dance - Primary Room 7:00pm Friendship Group - Christian Reform C. FRIDAY 31st 4:00-5:30pm Halloween Party - Primary/Kitchen 8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous - Primary SATURDAY 9:30am Play Rehearsal - Sanctuary 1st 1:00 pm Women’s A.A. - Parlour SUNDAY 2nd 9:00 am Sanctuary Singers practice - Parlour 9:30 am Adult Bible Study - S.S. 10:30am Worship Service with Rev. Harry and Sunday School 11:45pm S.S. Hot Dog lunch with veggies Proceeds to Christmas Bureau - Primary 8:00pm A.A. and ALNON - PRI/Kitchen Income to Sept.13, 2014 $ 134,942.78 Expenses to Sept. 13, 2014 $ 138,932.48 Mission and Service to date $20,333 Chancel Renovation/Restoration $11,072.01 October 26, 2014 A warm WELCOME and thank you for coming. May all who worship here find in the music, song and word, that which encourages, comforts and brings new life. If you are a visitor, please fill in the Welcome Card found in your pew so we may have a record of our time together and please place it on the offering plate. Offering envelopes are also available in the pews for your convenience. With your name and address on these envelopes a receipt will be sent to you for your generous donation. Thank you to greeters this morning: Ruth and Rev. Paul Ross at the James St. main doors and Shirley Kirk at the North Andrew Street Door. Nursery care, supervised by Darlene Lightfoot, is provided every Sunday morning downstairs in the Nursery. November Courtesy Car Driver: Deb Campbell 519-235-1609 Please volunteer Call for wheelchair accessible van 519-235-0208 “Painting the Stars” Our Outreach and Christian Development Teams invite you to participate in a seven-session exploration and sharing group on the theme of “evolutionary Christianity”. Each session will last about one and a half hours. The communion of science and faith will be looked at through readings, video presentations, and guided group discussion. Sessions are planned for Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Dates are: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 19; and December 3 and 10. If you are interested in participating, please let Rev. Disher know in person. Monday, November 3, 7:00 p.m. U.C.W. meet Speakers: Rick and Jennifer Branderhorst Topic: “Children of Promise” Building Orphanages in Haiti. All Welcome. Country Christmas Bazaar Save and Drop off your jewelry, scarfs and purse donations at the office for sale at the bazaar. Needed: Christmas tins and trays (for cookies) Please bring to the church before November 4. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Centralia United Church Annual TURKEY SUPPER, Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 4:45 until 6:30 pm. Adults $16. youth 6-12 $7. Preschoolers- free. Tickets available from Larry Skinner 519.229.6304 or Dave Elliott 519.228.6638 Take-Outs available, but must be ordered by Oct 29. "The Board of Directors of Camp Menesetung is currently in search of a Director who can work full-time from May until the end of August as well as some part-time work during the offseason to prepare for the camping season. This work would include program development, promotion, hiring and training summer staff, management of the site, staff and summer programming. Salary range is $12,000 - $18,000 dependent on qualifications and previous experience. All inquiries and resumes should be directed to the Board Chair, Barbara Knox, or 519-523-4290. Potential candidates are asked to submit a resume and cover letter no later than October 31." Camp Bimini would like to introduce a Christmas gift idea. It’s the gift of camp for a child. A flyer with many more details is attached and we want to invite you to be a part of this. Think about it, pass it on…it really does just take a spark…In 2014, we were able to help dozens of families. We hope to be able to offer that support again. With our thanks. Please see Andrew St. bulletin board for more details. VISTA - Income October 19 - $ 99.30 Entertainment with Ted Schinbein and Friends Adults $20.00 Ages 7-12 $10.00 SILENT AUCTION INCLUDES: A bushel of veggies g a cheese basket ♦ London Knight Hockey tickets g a large electric griddle ♦ a decorated Christmas tree g a Cape Breton pottery bowl ♦ Christmas plates and mugs g board games ♦ a handcrafted bird feeder stand g Tuckey maple syrup ♦ Porcelain Doll “Heather” g Porcelain Bride Doll ♦ Special edition prints by Michael Dumas “Beluga Whales” Year to date $ 3,405.25 Transferred to General Fund $ 2,500.00 Last Date to order for guaranteed Christmas Delivery is Dec. 7, 2014. The last order for the year will go in December 14. Regular orders will resume Jan. 4, 2015! There are some new companies involved so check the new order forms in the Andrew St. entrance.Corporate requests are always welcome. Check with friends and relatives and businesses you frequent. If they give employees gifts at Christmas, why not get them through the Church. Some of the money raised does go to community outreach.
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