Ministries Little Blessings Nursery

October 12, 2014
Little Blessings Nursery
Ages 0-3 - Sunday 10AM
Our “Little Blessings” nursery is here to serve you with trained staff. It is our prayer
that all children served in our nursery will experience the love of God through us as
well as providing a safe and happy environment for them.
Ages 3-5 - Sunday 10AM
LifeKids is a fun, interactive, worship experience for your toddler. The kids will be
safe and happy as they learn truths from Gods Word.
Grades K–5th - Sunday 10AM
At New Life, kids MATTER! We want to partner with you in leading our kids to
becoming more like Jesus. ShineKids is a time and a place where kids can
connect with each other and their God in a way that works for kids! ShineKids
Destiny Youth Ministries
Grades 6th - 12th
Wednesday at 6:30PM
In this crucial, developmental time in students lives, we want them to experience
and know how much God loves them! Our purpose is to give students opportunities
to get to KNOW who God is, to GROW in their relationship with Him, and then
SHOW Him to the world. KNOW. GROW. SHOW.
Family Night
All Ages - Meets during school year
Wednesday 6:30-7:30PM - Meal 5:30PM
Wednesday night family ministries is a night for families to grow together! We serve
a free meal then break into several different areas of ministry for all age groups.
Everyone is invited!
LifeGoups - Meets every other Sunday 6pm • September 28 - December 7
Lifegroups are small groups of friends, doing life together, with the common goal of
helping people find and follow Jesus. Lifegroups meet together to study, encourage
and challenge one another. Connect with a’s better with friends!
1120 N Harrison, Pierre, SD 57501
605-224-1592 |
Office Hours: 8 am - 5 pm Mon - Thurs
We are so excited you and your family chose to join us today! New Life
is made up of families and individuals, doing life together, and striving to
look more like Jesus to our community. We aren’t perfect, and we don’t
expect you to be either. We are all just on a journey, to follow Jesus,
and learn to love like Him. We invite you to join the journey! Road trips
are so much better with friends!”
Let’s Live, really Live!
Joe and Tonya Henson
Lead Pastor
New Life News
October Blitz!
Help the kids reach their October goal of $600.
If they reach this goal, November 9th will be
Pajama Sunday! Not only will they get to come to church in their PJ’s but
Pastor Joe will PREACH in his PJ’s too! So help the kids out this month!
Adults, you can give during the in-service Blitz next Sunday when the kids
will be collecting coins from the congregation and trying for the “heaviest”
bucket, so remember to bring your coins! You can also give at the display
in the lobby, or mark BGMC and place it in the regular offering. Kids can fill
their buddy barrel and bring it any Sunday during October. Also, a reminder
to bring your pop cans for recycling. All BGMC giving goes to helping
missionaries do their work!
If you are visiting New Life, we invite you to fill out the card
inserted in the holders on the backs of the pews and return
it to the table in the foyer to receive a free welcome gift.
This Week
●10AM - Worship Service
● Staffed Nursery - Infant through Age 3
 ShineKids K-5th Gr. (upstairs) ● LifeKids Ages 3-5
 6:00pm - LifeGroups
 7:00pm - DivorceCare Support Group
● Columbus/Native American Day - daycare and church offices closed
● 9am-5pm - Ladies Projects Day - FH
● 6:00pm - Ladies Bible Study - Beth Moore Esther
● 6:30pm - Soaking Prayer
● 7:00pm - Ron’s Men’s Bible Study - meeting at CBC
● 5:30-6:15pm - Meal
● 6:30-7:30pm - Family Night - All Ages
● 6:30-7:30pm - Destiny Student Ministries
● 6:00-9:00pm - Worship Practice (Sanctuary reserved)
● 7:00pm - DivorceCare
● 6:30am - Men’s Prayer w/coffee & rolls (church)
● October 26 - All church Fall Harvest Party
● November 21-23 - SD YOUTH Convention - Sioux Falls
The iBelong Membership class has finished and iGrow begins!
Anyone can jump in at this point! We invite you to grow deeper in
your relationship with God by discovering more about who Jesus
is and how you can follow Him. Enjoy four exciting sessions in the
context of a relational group experience. iGrow sessions cover: facts about
spiritual maturity, how to spend time with God and study your Bible; how to
pray, and the importance of tithing and community. Join us Wednesdays at
Ladies Projects Day
Monday, October 13 • 9am - 5pm • Fellowship Hall
Bring your own project (craft, sewing, beading etc.) to work on or take a class
from Myrna on how to make the bags taken to Nicaragua in July. Contact
Myrna today to get the supply list for the bags. You will also need to bring
your own sewing machine. Indian Taco’s will be available to purchase for
lunch. RSVP to Myrna is necessary if you will be attending.
Reminder: Pastor Joe & Tonya’s LifeGroup will NOT meet tonight.
New Life News
You Are Invited!
All Church Harvest Party and Hayride
Sunday, October 26 - 6pm at
Ron & Karon Young’s home.
Hotdogs will be provided.
Please bring side dish or dessert & lawn chairs.
Outside activity, please dress warm!
Jason Gray, Unspoken, and Lindsay McCaul will be performing in Pierre on
Sunday, Nov. 9th, at Riggs Auditorium at 6:30pm. Tickets can be purchased for
$12 in advance at Prairie Pages or via, or for $15 at the door.
KSLT is also seeking volunteers to help with all the various aspects of a production such as this, including set up and tear down, merchandise sales, security, and
ticket sales. Anyone interested in helping should contact Barrie Sargent via phone
at 222-9910 (text or voice, leave a message if there’s no answer), or via email at A list of areas to help & signup sheet is also available in the
church office. Volunteers need not purchase tickets.
Seasoned Seniors (adults 50+)
New Life has an active group of senior adults. Everyone ages 50+ are
welcome to get connected with this group of Seasoned Seniors. Join them
for a noon potluck lunch in the Fellowship Hall following the morning service on
Sunday, November 2 and Sunday, December 14 for a time of fun, fellowship
and great food. If you would like more information please contact Pastor John
and Jalaine Fette or the church office.
To stay informed of Seasoned Senior activities, please complete the bottom
portion and place in the offering or return it to the church office. Thank you.
Seasoned Seniors Ministry
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________
Email: ________________________________________________________